
The Village Chief

The Village Chief guided the trio of Spring-Autumn, Rainmist, and Shen to his residence. Thin, beaten asphalt roads connected the residences within the village. The cracks in the asphalt showed hints of growing grass which gave the village a vibe that was filled with life. This was a contrast to some houses they passed along the way that collapsed to the ground. Because they were constructed from a combination of iron rods and concrete, they could not be removed and cleaned up so easily.

The houses that were able to withstand the power of mother nature during the great change was surprisingly the older, wooden houses that were constructed from a "stacking" type of method. This "stacking" method of construction was common in the West Continent they were currently in. Even back in Listia, Rainmist's homeland, this method of construction was commonly used in older homes.

The reconstructed houses were built out of a deep green shade of bamboo, just like the wall that surrounded the village. While walking, it could be observed that bamboo was a common sight within the village. Approximately every other house would have bamboos planted in between, and these were not common, run of the mill bamboos. These were bamboos that have mutated from the great change, and thus, were stronger, durable, and versatile than before.

The overall combination of everything in the village made a sight similar to what one would think of as an elven village. It was worthy of being called a tourist spot before the great change.

The sun continued to set over the yonder and the red streaks that covered the sky faded away with the sun. The walk over to the chief's house was silent.

Despite missing an arm, the Village Chief's gait was steady. On the other hand, Shen's gait was slow and calculated. Each of his steps became more measured the longer they walked. It was as if his gait was the mirror to his thoughts.

The fact that fellow villagers were looking at Shen coldly probably did not help. He was not used to being treated in such a way.


One by one, the villagers lit up a torch outside their home, illuminating the entire village.

Seeing this, Spring-Autumn gave Rainmist a little nudge, "Aren't you glad we came out on an adventure now? We get to see cool stuff like this!"

Rainmist gave a curt nod. She was mesmerized by her surroundings while Spring-Autumn was mesmerized by her.

The orange-tinted glow from the torches added almost a touch of divine to Rainmist's figure.

Before long, they arrived at the chief's residence.

The chief's residence was a simple two-story wooden house. Compared to the newly built bamboo houses they passed by earlier, the chief's residence appeared very inconspicuous.

Before entering the house, the chief grabbed a match from his window and lit the torch outside his house on fire.

The door opened with a slow creak and they were seated to the living room's dining table. It was a small table that could only fit two people on each corner.

Without bothering about any formality, Spring-Autumn took a seat and prompted Rainmist to follow.

While Spring-Autumn and Rainmist sat down, the Village Chief looked around wearily and lit up another torch inside his house.

After making sure of whatever he needed to confirm, the Village Chief finally relaxed and said softly to Shen, "Take a seat. Look at your guests! You can be more like them, you know?"

Shen rubbed his bald head feeling warm inside. The comfort he felt when the Village Chief talked to him like he usually would was unlike any other.

With everyone seated, the Village Chief finally looked comfortable.

"Sorry for acting so serious earlier, welcome to my home. I have some beef jerky here so feel free to help yourself to some," The Village Chief nimbly brought a jar from under the table and opened it with the one arm he had remaining. When he was done with that, the chief finally took a seat.

When prompted with such an invitation, Spring-Autumn helped himself to the beef jerky in no time. The flavor was rich and fragrant. Spring-Autumn couldn't help but narrow his eyes when met with such delicacy.

"This is really good!" He praised.

The chief could only chuckle at this strange person Shen brought.

"Beside crafting bamboo, we're good at making stuff like these as well. I almost forgot to introduce myself haven't I, I'm the chief of this village, Hamman."

"Greetings, chief. I am Spring-Autumn and this is my companion, Rainmist."

Rainmist nodded and said with a smile, "Hello."

"Nice to meet you, Spring-Autumn and Rainmist," The Village Chief smiled warmly.

Just from this brief interaction, Spring-Autumn had with the chief, he could see the charisma he had. He was a man that was able to make anyone comfortable. If there was a word to describe him, it would be "warm". He reminded Spring-Autumn of a fireplace during winter. Warm and comforting.

With the introduction over, Shen finally opened his mouth. "Amitabha, Patron. This monk is glad to see you safe and sound. However, this monk is also conflicted. What happened to the other Patrons?"

"There you go again, speaking like a monk." The Village Chief laughed and rubbed Shen's shining bald head.

Shen's gaze did not falter and looked at the chief for an answer.

"It's complicated, child. People change. Sometimes voluntary, other times, not."

"This monk is seeking your wisdom." Shen bowed.

The chief looked around and sighed. "You guys aren't here to see me beat around the bush are you? Very well, follow me."

And so, the trio followed the chief.

Haven't had time to write over the weekends, here's a chapter!

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TentacleEthicscreators' thoughts
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