
Chapter 15 : F for Friends and F for Forgiveness.

Third person point of view

Luke put his phone aside and started his work. As he was checking through his mails, he sensed something was amiss. The feeling where you just get the feel that you forgot something or there is something that is not right, but still can't point out what went wrong where. He was trying to think if there was anything. He stopped and looked around and when he saw his phone, he realized it. It hit him hard. He didn't edit the part when he spoke to Ken. Only one thing came out his mouth.

" Shit ! How can I be so dumb ? " He checked that Leo had read the message. He banged his head on the table, but not too hard. He was done with his life. He could just dig a hole and bury himself in it. He threw his hands in the air and scoffed at how things turned out this way.

Leo saw that there was a voice message. He heard the conversation between them and was shocked that Luke was supporting him so much. But then, there was a small gap and then he could hear Luke and Ken's voices. He didn't know what to say, but something caught his attention. What was Ken speaking about ? He was asking if he needed some suggestion. What was it ? He wouldn't have thought so much generally. But when he heard how Luke scolded Ken, he was curious now. Leo sent a message.

Leo : Thank you for supporting me.

Luke was nervous to reply.

Luke : It's nothing.

Leo : Can I ask you something ?

Luke knew what he is going to ask him.

Luke : Sure. Ask.

Leo : What was Ken speaking about, when he said that you can call him if you want to ?

Luke didn't know what to say. That Ken is such a....he had no words.

Luke : That is about some project.

Leo was doubtful. He found it suspicious.

Leo : Really ? It doesn't look like it. If it was something like that, why were you so angry about it ?

Leo let his mind work. Does that make sense ? Or maybe he was not in a position to ask. He decided to let it go.

Shoot! Luke had no answer for it now. What should he do ? His brain was not working. It was buffering right now and he couldn't think of anything. He was grateful that Leo didn't call, but texted him. If he would have called it would be so embarrassing if he stuttered. And he would have got caught easily. Ken came in again as he had a few doubts regarding the file he just took. Luke looked at him with wide eyes. Ken was confused at the look. " What did I do this time ? " When Luke told him the things that happened, Ken burst out laughing.

" Why were you so dumb ? " " Look who is asking. If not because of you, I wouldn't be in this situation. What do I reply now ? " Ken thought for a second and asked to hand him the phone. " What will you say ? " " Just give it ". " No, tell me ". Ken took the phone on the table, before Luke can. " Give it here ". " Just wait ". Luke was about to get up, but Ken showed his hand to stop him. " Stop right there Luke ". Leo was waiting for a reply, but didn't get one. He thought Luke might be busy and suddenly caught up with something. So he put it aside. But then his phone dinged. He saw it immediately.

Luke : About bed sheets.

Leo was shocked to see the reply. He didn't know what it meant. Even if he tried understanding, he didn't want to.

Leo : What do you mean ?

Ken threw the phone to Luke and started walking away. Luke caught it and saw the reply Ken gave. He felt that he would faint out of anger. By the time he raised his head Ken was out of the door and it was open. " What the fuck Ken ? I am going to hunt you down. Wait right there ". Luke typed as fast as he could his hands allowed him to and Ken ran away as fast as his legs were capable of.

Luke : Sorry. Ken was messing with my phone. There is nothing like that. Forget it.

Leo : Fine.

Leo didn't know why, but he just shrugged and let it slide.

Luke ran out of his room. He didn't find Ken in his room. He went near the elevators to find him. The door was about to close but Luke put his leg and stopped it. Ken was shocked at it. " I am sorry, spare me please. Show mercy on your best friend ". Ken was on his knees begging. Luke pressed the button for the rooftop. He pulled Ken out by his neck. " You are playing with me huh ? " Luke put Ken in a head lock.

" Sorry, sorry, sorry" He was saying it nonstop. Luke let go of him and Ken coughed and sat down on the ground. " Mess with me again and I won't let you go ". " It is not like I am imagining things ". " Look at you, there you go again ". Luke shook his head. " Why ? You will not do it or you don't like it ? " " You ! One more word and I will push you from there ". " It is the truth though ". Luke gave him a glare and that shut Ken up. " I will not. Okay ? " Luke couldn't do anything anyway. He gave his hand for Ken to get up. They went back down. Friends are friends at the end anyway, so nothing will happen even if you mess around a lot. And best friends do it even more. Even then none of them can afford stay mad at each other for long.

They entered the elevator again. They brushed their dresses to get rid of any dust. " Are you fine ? " Luke asked looking at Ken. Ken scoffed. " Of course I am. Don't forget who I am ". Ken raised his head high making Luke shake his head. " Yeah, true. You are like a cockroach that doesn't die that easily ". Ken rolled his eyes. " Creatures of same breed become friends ". He put his hand around Luke's shoulder. When Luke turned to Ken, he wiggled his eyebrows. They laughed and walked out of the elevator.


I like Ken. He messes around but he is really good too. I play pranks on my friends and tease them too. They all put up with me too and do it back to me. Of course, you reap what you sow. I always feel a person is very lucky to have friends. They will be with you through thick and thin. And the memories are never forgettable. They will always be your partners in crime. Being a last bench student adds up to it. I miss having fun in class.

And wow Luke is just as forgetful as me.

And there is something I kept forgetting in the past few weeks. A warning for the swearing , cursing and scolding of Luke. For the strong language. *_*


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