
Pixie Dust (2)

Who knew for how long, the pixies fought, shrieked, cursed and some even cried.

Through all this, Li Ming had no idea about what the hell was going on with those fairies.

After trying for a long time, she finally

was able to calm down the pixies. But when Li Ming demanded an explanation, the pixies became completely silent. They had already spent their entire energy on fighting and arguing with each other.

Li Ming looked at the silent pixies and rubbed her forehead. She was really regretting her decision of letting the pixies stay with her.

She looked at the pixies and then asked, "Is any of you going to tell me why you all nearly gave little Bobble a heart attack?" Her voice was clearly stating her impatience.

After looking at each other and wasting another few but precious moments, Alvina finally cleared what was going on.

The book of Pixie Hollow was the most precious and important object of the pixies. It contained all the secrets of the Pixie Hollow.

"Then what's wrong if he brought the book with him? That book can solve most of our problems. According to me, Bobble did the best thing. Rather than reprimanding him, you all should thank him!" Li Ming said with a little touch of anger in her voice.

She was shocked to find that the pixies were angry because Bobble had stolen the book. Shouldn't they be thinking about their future which could be more easier to build if they had the book with them?

"You are not understanding!" Terra said while stomping her little feet on ground, like she was loosing her cool.

Li Ming raised her eyebrow at the little fairy and asked with a small but mocking smirk, "Can you please elaborate!"

"We're not angry at him because he stole...i-i mean took the book from the Pixie Hollow." Alvina said in a sad tone as she gave Bobble another hard stare.

Now, Li Ming was seriously confused. She was feeling like she had lost her ability to think properly ever since she came across these pixies in the morning.

"Then?" Li Ming looked at the pixies as she waited for them to finally clear about what exactly was happening.

"We are angry at him because he didn't tell us about his plan of stealing the book. We could have joined him! And now all of us are feeling left out of such a great adventure!" Clank said with a cute growl.

Li Ming nearly face palmed herself. She was shocked beyond words after listening to the most idiotic explanation that she could ever have assumed. She was not sure anymore what to say or do.

It was like Snowy was not enough to torture her and now she had a complete gang who were even at a higher stage in the league of stupidity than Snowy.

After finally calming herself down and making sure that she was not going to lose her temper the moment she opened her mouth, she said "Let me take a look at that book. Maybe I can find some important stuff about the Pixie Dust."

Looked like the word "Pixie Dust" brought back the fairies to earth. Their expressions changed suddenly and it was like they were never throwing curses at each other - or more like at Bobble.

Bobble took out the book and gave it to Li Ming. If she was not already too shocked then she would probably have died because of laughing.

The book was barely large enough to hold in her small palm. Shouldn't such kind of books were meant to be large, thick and centuries old?

But the book in her hand was completely opposite of that.

Li Ming slowly opened the book and a small pink light shone out from it.

But when Li Ming looked at the pages,  she couldn't find anything on them. They were completely bare and there was not even a single word written in the entire book.

Li Ming moved her hand above the book and murmured a spell softly. After a few seconds, the white and plain sheets changed and there were words on the pages this time.

Li Ming looked at the pages and turned through them. All this time, the little fairies were completely on edge. They had never seen the Pixie Book before - at least not from close.

After a few minutes, Li Ming finally found something. She took a deep breath and then started reading aloud  so that the others could also hear.

"Pixie Dust Trees are enchanted trees that can produce Pixie Dust. It comes from their hearts and they are essential to the existence of fairies. It's strength comes from the Blue Pixie Dust that isn't produced by it, Instead by the Blue Harvest Moon. Pixie Dust trees can be created by infusing it inside a regular tree and it will produce Pixie Dust as long the blue one is dropping inside."

Li Ming flipped to the next page and continued reading.

"Blue Pixie Dust is used to replenish the Pixie Dust Tree so that it will keep producing Pixie Dust. Without it, the tree will wither and the dust will cease to flow. Once every eight years, a Blue Harvest Moon rises in Pixie Hollow. When it's light shines through a Moonstone at 90 degree, the light is transmitted into blue pixie dust. The dust is then collected by Dust talent fairies who sprinkle most of it on the Pixie Dust tree. A portion of dust is collected and kept safe at the Pixie Dust Distribution Depot and thereafter twenty six grains of blue pixie dust are administered to the Pixie dust tree daily."

"Moonstone is a blue colored crystal stone which is used to produce Blue Pixie Dust. A moonstone observes light during the day and then it shines brightly at night for three or four hours....."

Li Ming flipped through a few more pages, but other than that short paragraph there was not a single more word was written about the Moonstone.

She looked at the pixies and then asked "How am I supposed to find the Moonstone without any specific information about it? And what on Earth is a Blue Harvest Moon ??"

Hello to all my lovely readers!

So, we are starting our journey to help the pixies. But do you think it's even possible to find a Moonstone and what about the Blue Harvest Moon??

I hope you will enjoy the chapter.

Don't hesitate to leave your thoughts in your comments.

See you on the other side!! :)

Nightsummer20creators' thoughts
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