
19: Marinette's Decision

Plagg arrives with Wayzz at Marinette's room with the urgency of talking to his master. But as soon as he saw Marinette from the window, quietly crying in bed, his heart melted. As much as he's extremely worried of Tikki's whereabouts, the poor girl must have felt awful blaming herself about Tikki. Talk about carrying the world's safety on her shoulders at fourteen.

"Marinette," called Plagg flying to her side.

"Plagg!" she exclaimed, relieved seeing the black kwami. Her eyes searched behind Plagg hoping she'd see her little friend, but only saw Wayzz tailing behind him.

"Did you find Tikki?" she said under her breath.

Wayzz hovers closer to her, eyes down, "I'm so sorry Marinette, but the moment I arrived at Plagg's, Tikki was not there. And so I brought Plagg here with me."

Her breathing shudders as she confirms to herself the severity of what she has done, "Tikki isn't the type to roam around for too long. Something really happened to her and it's all my fault." she covers her face as tears start to roll down her cheek.

"Marinette, it's not your fault," Plagg taps on her hand and the girl looks at him, "Chat Noir and you had an agreement to send both of your kwamis if there were any updates on the case we've been on. I should've been more careful and made A―CHAT stay home." he comforts.

"But what are we going to do??" she said eyes glistening in tears, "For all we know, Tikki might already be in Hawkmoth's hands! Plagg I have to change into Lady Noir with you and find her!"

(A/N: Heck yea she is!)

"Listen, you have to calm down." Plagg interrupts, "It's already dark out and there's no way for us to find her even with you transforming into Lady Noir. It'll just be more dangerous since we'll end up as a good target if ever Hawkmoth finds out. I bet Tikki will say the same thing. If she is in Hawkmoth's hands right now, what she'd want is for you to think straight and make a wise decision, Marinette."

Marinette glances to Wayzz and even he was smiling with a soft gaze trying to comfort her. Mari wipes her tears pulling the two closer to her, "Thanks you guys. You're right, I should try to calm down and think of a plan to find Tikki."

"Now that's the Ladybug I know!" cheered Plagg making Mari giggle.

"But where are we even gonna start looking for her? If she is in Hawkmoth's hands, how are we going to infiltrate a place we don't know?" said Wayzz.

Plagg and Mari looked at each other, then they grinned.

"Right now we have three heads and all night to plan about that." winked Marinette.

* * * * * * *

(22:00@ the Agreste Mansion)

Gabriel was terribly exhausted by today's events. He had to work on the line he was preparing for next month all morning and had to deal with Lila in the afternoon. He didn't even expect Ladybug's kwami to fly into his own mansion, but that just made things easier for him.

But now that one of his chess pieces are in place, Hawkmoth has one superhero down to think about.

"Sir," interrupted Natalie carrying her tablet on hand.

Gabriel looks up from his screen panel seeing his worried assistant.

"You've been awake for two days straight. It's already 10pm. You have to sleep, sir." she said.

Gabriel sighs massaging his temples acknowledging his eyes giving up.

"I guess I shall retire to my chamber soon." replied Gabriel turning off the screen of his panel, smiling at Natalie.

"I'm glad to hear that, sir." she smiled back opening the door for him.

Gabriel tiredly went to his room carefully stretching his back. He had a long day and it was high time for sleep. As soon as he hit the sheets, his consciousness instantly drifts away, he didn't even notice Nooroo watching him closely.

The only reason why Nooroo agreed to Tikki's plan was because of this. He knew Gabriel would be extra tired today and would be less concerned about his environment. However, Nooroo also knew that this is his only chance to do what he must do. As soon as Gabriel started snoring, Nooroo dashed to the door and headed for Adrien's room. The hallway was dark indicative of everybody's slumber. He was lucky enough that it's peak season for Gabriel's work right now, everybody was exhausted. He flies directly to Adrien's door, passing through the knob. The room was dark with only the lights from outside illuminating the living area. Nooroo looked around and saw Adrien fast asleep. He searched for Plagg and was nowhere to be found. Nooroo then notices a small piece of camembert with a note prepared at Adrien's desk. He flies over to it and realizes how much Adrien cared for Plagg even when his partner disappears on him.

"He's really the opposite of my master." Nooroo whispered, softly gazing on the note that said: I hope you've eaten. Wake me up.

Nooroo didn't have time to hang around any longer. He only has tonight to accomplish the task Tikki has given him. He carefully picks up the camembert and flies off to the open window of Adrien's room. The night was cold but Nooroo had never felt more warm and alive. Being stuck with Gabriel was his life, but it also meant he couldn't have a life. It's quite ironic for the butterfly miraculous being trapped underground. Unexpectedly, the time Nooroo decides to finally pick the other side, is to save his master's sanity from potentially destroying his own son.

* * * * *

"I already told you, using all the miraculous items to search for Tikki is a bad idea!" yelled Plagg arguing with Marinette.

"I already did it last time, how hard can it be this time?"

Plagg sighs massaging his temples, "Wayzz, back me up here."

"You see Marinette, even with your stamina and wits, last time is different from this time. It'll be riskier now not knowing what Hawkmoth could have up on his sleeves." Wayzz said, begging to change her mind.

Marinette understood the cost of her plan. She understood that if she uses all of them, Hawkmoth has a higher chance of getting all of them in one go. But what else can she do? It's either that or she completely loses Tikki. She covers her face slumping to the cushions.

"If only there was a clue..." she mumbles, "..anything please." almost crying.

Plagg and Wayzz looked at each other. It was a school night and she's already exhausted. Wayzz knew the weight of her responsibility as he was the one watching over Master Fu in the course of those years. Master Fu would often catch colds always trying to be alert for any attack and be stuck in bed for a couple of days when his body burns out. He didn't want Marinette to overexert herself and keel over the same way.

As the three fell silent with their thoughts running around in circles, Plagg's nose started to tingle. He cautiously looks around him and Wayzz was starting to freak out.

"What's wrong now, Plagg?" said Wayzz, alarmed of the kwami's concerned look.

"Camembert..." he mumbles frolicking around.

Wayzz face palms, "This is no time for a meal!"

"No, I really smell it! There's camembert!"

Marinette uncovers her face following Plagg's motion, "That's impossible, I don't bring cheese to my room." she said wiping the small tear from her eye.

"I know I smell camembert! This nose cannot be fooled!"

Marinette then hears a tapping sound from her window which was odd since it was almost the middle of the night. She shoves the curtain to the side and sees a floating camembert on the other side of the glass.

"Why is there a floating camembert outside my window?" she stutters. She's seen so many weird things happening in Paris that this doesn't even shock her anymore. It was merely a matter of questioning and wondering how scientifically possible it is for cheese to float on air.

Plagg looks at the window where Marinette was and gasped so hard yelling, "THAT'S THE CAMEMBERT I SMELL!"

"May I come in please?"

The three looked at each other as they try to comprehend what just happened.

"I'm not the only one who heard that right?" said Marinette, looking awfully weirded out.

Wayzz and Plagg shook their heads furiously.

"Then...the cheese did talk, right?"

Wayzz and Plagg nodded strongly.

"It's really difficult with this cheese in front of me." said the cheese, but Mari noticed a tiny paw at the side of the cheese so she immediately opened the window for a clearer view. She paused and stared for a while before she carefully grabbed the camembert revealing the small creature that was behind it.

"Hello, Marinette." he waved.

"Nooroo?!" exclaimed Plagg and Wayzz as their little friend floats in dashing towards them embracing them.

"Oh it's been so long my friends!" Nooroo cheered as he rejoiced.

Plagg and Wayzz pulls away, looking at him, completely shocked.

"Why are you here?! No, that's not the right question. How?!" Plagg gestures to him.

"Precisely old friend, aren't you with Hawkmoth?" Wayzz loses his composure.

Nooroo was just too happy seeing them that hearing them very concerned made him happier that he's only able to respond with giggles.

"Nooroo!" exclaimed Plagg, bringing him back to reality. Nooroo stared at his two fellow kwamis remembering what he was meant to do.

"Marinette!" he turns to her, making Mari jolt from her seat.

"Yes?" she blinked.

Nooroo flies to her, eyes straight into hers, "Tikki is with Hawkmoth." he said in a sad tone.

"WHAT?" Plagg and Wayzz exclaimed flying closer to him.

Marinette's expression stayed blank not knowing how to react. She had her suspicions but to think she was right made her relieved and scared at the same time.

"Why didn't you help her out?" Wayzz complains.

"I would have if I could." Nooroo looks down, apologetic.

Plagg pulls him, grabbing him by his shoulders, "What does that even mean?!"

Nooroo avoided his gaze, not responding, and Plagg was starting to get irritated.

"Huh." the black kwami scoffs, "I guess you're still on Hawkmoth's side after all." Plagg's eyes turn to disgust.

"Let him go Plagg." Marinette said softly. Plagg hesitated. He looks at Nooroo wanting to punch him, but he heeded to her instruction despite feeling disappointed.

Nooroo lands on Marinette's lap and kneeled very low. Marinette tried to stop him, but Nooroo insisted he must at least do this to compensate for all the troubles and pain his master has caused.

"I am very sorry, Marinette. Tikki was caught in a special glass my master has developed suited for catching kwamis. As we are able to pass through any material, the glass contains properties that trap the likes of us. Even if I wanted to help free Tikki, I wouldn't be able to do anything. Only my master can set her free. But for him to be able to do that, he must first use Tikki for his goal."

Marinette picks up Nooroo and lifts him closer to her face, "Use Tikki?"

Nooroo glances to Plagg and Wayzz as if asking for permission if he can tell her something about the miraculous. The two looked at each other worryingly and Mari noticed how uneasy the three looked at each other.

"Why are you guys looking like that?" she said.

Wayzz flies over to her hand, tapping Nooroo as he looked straight into Mari's eyes, "We have to tell you something."

Nooroo nodded, "And along with that.." he whispered, "I have a message from Tikki for you all."


Plagg: *picks up the cheese on Mari's bed* Say, Nooroo, what's with the camembert?

Nooroo: *pulls him away from Mari*

*whispering* I found it in Adrien's desk. He even left a note saying wake him up when you come home.

Plagg: *teary eyed* That kid...I'm really going to smother him with love when I come back!

Mari: *staring from afar* Plagg looks like he's about to cry.

Wayzz: *blank faced* Cheese wise, he wasn't any different a hundred years ago...and the years before that.

Mari: .....cheese wise?

I've read all your comments and I am so happy to see you're all enjoying this fanfic of mine. I never really planned on taking this seriously, but hearing your thoughts make my heart really full. THANK YOU! I may not be able to update immediately, but rest assured I am not dropping this.

I LOVE YOU ALL! I hope you keep supporting me~ Ciao~!

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