
Vacation day

"Same deal as last time?"

"Pretty much."

*Sigh* "What's it gonna be this time? An apocalypse? A dystonia? An underwater kingdom?"

"Actually, me and the other Gods have been talking lately and we've decided to give you a little vacation."


"Yeah, for your next reincarnation, you can choose where you want to go and a couple of wishes to go along with it."


'Took you fuckers long enough. 16 reincarnations and only now am I getting a vacation.'

"So where's my vacation gonna be?"

"Your choice." God shrugged.

"Wow, you guys are being real generous today aren't ya."

"Just hurry up and pick, I got my own shit to deal with."

Smiling at the annoyed look on God's face, the reincarnated soul took a minute to think about his decision.

'Hmm... My last life was pretty fun, definitely want to go to a world with magic... but on the other hand my 8th life showed me just how fun messing with advanced technology can be.'

While the soul thought about where he wanted to spend his new life, memories of his previous lives flooded his head. After dying on his homeworld in the past, he was given the opportunity by the gods to reincarnate and travel the multiverse while completing a couple of odd jobs for them. Of course there was a catch to all of this, whenever he reincarnated he'd lose the previous memories of his past lives and would basically be a new person. Of course he'd regain these memories again once he died and returned to the realm of the Gods.

In all of his lives he's played various roles, in one life he was a powerful cultivator that shook the world with his mere presence, in another he was an archmage that sealed a dimensional portal before otherworldly monsters could attack his realm, and in another he was a demon king that brought fear and terror to those around him... That last life was his favorite.

Of course there were some worlds where he couldn't become anything special. Like reincarnation number 12, he was born to an average middle class family on a planet called Earth, spent his time doing what normal earthlings did, got a job, got married, had kids then died. Not especially fun, but he had to admit that earthlings had found ways to entertain themselves that other realms lacked. One example of this was anime and manga. While the reincarnator enjoyed the woes of battle and the crushing of his enemies, since he couldn't really do that in this world, anime and manga become his own personal escapism paradise. And now that he had a chance at a vacation, he definitely wanted to go to one of those anime worlds that reincarnation number 12 always dreamed of.

"Okay, I've decided."


"You really want to spend your vacation there?" The God looked up with an unsure expression.


*Sigh* "Whatever, lets get this over with shall we. Your chosen world will be the Black Clover universe and you want to be born at the same time as some guy called Asta right?"

I nodded. From what I could remember from reincarnation #12, black clover was a really enjoyable series with an interesting world, power system and characters. Plus it had a society that revered the strong and talented, it was basically the best place to crush the arrogant! Ah, what I'd do to get my blood pumping like it did back in reincarnation #14... They were the days.

Seeing that I was agreeing, the God continued going down the list of my requests.

"You also want to be born in a different area away from this Hage village place and you want to have an Elven bloodline so that you will be loved by mana... Am I right so far?"


If I remember correctly, the elves had rather large mana pools in comparison to humans, being descended from one is sure to give me a few long term perks.

While I was lost in thought, God continued reading off the list while making a disappointed face.

*Sigh* "And for your chosen magic you've decided to store all the breath and sword styles from an anime called Demon Slayer into your grimoire just waiting for them to be unlocked?"

"Don't forget that I want to add magical effects onto the sword styles so they look as impressive as they do in the anime."

Rolling his eyes at me, God went back to reading the list.

"And for your last request, you've asked to have the appearance of some guy called Reinhard from Re:zero... I'm probably gonna regret asking this but, why do you want to look like him?"

I shrugged. "Black clover looks like its set in a European medieval time period, Reinhard's looks will let me blend in easily."

"Any other reason?"

"The man's plot armour incarnate and looks good no matter what he's doing... I also want to look good no matter what I'm doing."

"How superficial." The God muttered.

"Oh please." I retorted. "Humans are superficial as fuck. Try living in a world full of humans as an ugly person, the amount of hate and disdainful looks you get is unreal. Plus, this is supposed to be my vacation right? Isn't it up to on how I want to enjoy it?"

"Yeah yeah, Now that the request have been made and approved, I'm required to tell you that your memories will be wiped and you'll be starting all ove-

"I actually have another request." I interrupted.


"Don't look at me like that, its the last one, I promise."

*Sigh* "Speak."

"I want to keep my core memories."

"Core memories?"

"Yeah, y'know, the ones where I know I'm a reincarnator and shit. It'd also be nice if you could make it so that I grow up with a pretty similar personality to the one I currently have. It'd be really annoying if my personality up and changed and I lost the will to go fight strong people. It'd kinda make my vacation a waste."

God paused for a minute before looking up at me.

"You want to keep your original personality?"


The God then made a difficult face. "...Are you sure about that?"

'Why's he asking me like that?'

"Is there a problem with my personality?"

"...Its just... There's a reason we wiped your memories in particular compared to our other reincarnators..."

"Oh... I thought every reincarnator was treated the same."

"No." The God shook his head. "Most of them retain their memories when they reincarnate into a new world."

"Then why don't I?"

"Because your personality is problematic. If it wasn't for our ability to wipe your mind every time you reincarnate, we wouldn't have chosen you as one of our agents."

Feeling slightly annoyed, I did my best to smile.

"And what actions have I done to warrant such treatment?"

"You burnt an entire continent to the ground in your first life."

"We were at war." I refuted in a just voice.

"A war that you started."

"Oh fuck you, those humans deserved it!"

"For what!? If you didn't fuck the Queen and Princess in front of the king then none of this would have happened!"

"Its not my fault that someone spread a rumor that ingesting the seed of a dragonkin would grant eternal youth!"


"I WAS FUCKING HORNY! And I didn't think they'd take it seriously!"

"WELL THEY DID! Y'know what, I'm done with your shit, next time you reincarnate you'll be dealing with some other God."

"Dude you're killing my vibe."

"Fuck off!"

And with those gracious words, I was reincarnated into the Black Clover universe.

Writing this chapter was weird because I wanted the MC to be different to the ones I'd written in the past. And then like magic (nice pun right?) I made the MC a serial reincarnator with a whimsical personality.

And to make him even more different compared to my previous MC's, this one wasn't even born on earth. He only went to earth when he reincarnated there.

Aradacreators' thoughts
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