
Chapter 875 Heart in Pieces

"I'm afraid that what you want is not possible, Izuhara Kenjiro. My master wants you and your clan dead." Fujima Mamoru declared.

He did not care what wrong the Izuhara has done to offend his master. He was just a pawn in the game and so he would do exactly as he was told. Doing otherwise would be suicidal at best.

Demon Blade Mamoru was not stupid to separate himself from the thick thigh of his subjugator.

"Demon Gate Open." And so he started the game with his strongest card in hand.

"BANG!" An explosive aura pervaded in the scene as this epic change has brought a tilt in the balance. It did not need telling that blood would soon spill from these fertile lands.

"Stop your stupid hallucinations, Izuhara Kenjiro! Help us fend off the Demon Blade and we will have our chance of survival today!" Yamashiro Sozen convinced.

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