
Beautiful Roomie

At 8:01 p.m. on the dot, Liam stepped through the glass front doors of Catalyst Games' downtown headquarters. As a game developer for various sci-fi games, he worked a job that his younger, video game obsessed self would be proud of. 

For a job, he got to delve into wild and impossible worlds that people could only dream about. It was the perfect escape from reality. Yet, he still found himself looking forward to getting off of work.

He shifted his laptop bag up higher on his shoulder, ruffling the sleeve of his black, short sleeve button down as he took a step toward the parking lot. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice call out to him from somewhere in the surrounding darkness.

"Hey, roomie."

Liam turned his head, his heart immediately starting to race as his eyes fell on the one reason that made his reality far better than any video game world he could ever bring to life.

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