
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System

My Vampire System


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I just wish they didn't forget about him. He did so much for them... At least the vampires have to remember them and the cursed faction. PLEASE!!


Oh god please don't let it really be 1000 years have passed. If so I worry for everyone the vampire gang will be alright, but we don't know how long beast life spans are, also Sil is still very much human unless he got turned. Though there is another possibility but very hard to pull off which is the guy with the memory ability with Truedream having done a mass rewrite if he used an amplification crystal they may have been able to mass change everyone's memory. Good news is a vampire being around is a good sign, but all humans having been trained to use Qi to resist influence brings warning bells up. Either that or the Qi is implanted to control them. Hopefully Quinn can get some answers, the only good thing is that while Quinn is only at 1% he should still be quite powerful. Peter has Quinn's stats before the link broke you wouldn't find any vampire with stats as high as that and Quinn broke through the limit of his stats so shouldn't be any issues with his strength not being enough for a while.

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Pretty sure I can tell what happened. When Quinn defeated Graham, they reset the calandar to mark the occasion. And since it’s 1016, that means that it has been 1016 years since Quinn went into an eternal slumber. At least that’s my current theory.


So not trying to overstep here, but 4 chapters and we still dont have a single awnser of the date yet and all we have done with quinn is take 20 steps outside the Appartment. If the chapters were larger or if the pacing was better then we woulf be allowed to get invested in this new arks plot rather than just being dragged along again. 2nd idk how exactly the book will move forward but please lets not do a repeat of a traveler test, weve done this techically twice in the same book already. I get the situational irony, but come on we both know Quinn could go to any normal computer or coffee shop or hospital and get basic info and even beyond that whats going on with his shadow travel does no one have their shadown on? (Sorry im not trying to be rude or tell you how to write, youve done a great job with the book so fa…. sometimes the pacing is extreme irratating)


*me last chapter : flattering xD *me after this chapter :


Bruh this arc ending and start has me turned off of MVS like seriously, who tf wants to wake up to read chapter for more questions and no answers.


Maybe Quinn got isekai’d to a different world?


Turned vampires can use QI to so there's no reason vampires should be weaklings


more of the same smh ,Quinn gets powered up only to get powered down. The Other vampire leaders awoke from eternal sleep and are at 100% almost immediately, but Quinn is at 1% because ya know plot and stuff.


I don't know what exactly has happened since Quinn went into his eternal slumber, but if I was to hazard a guess I would say that it's been over a thousand years. I still don't get how the Girl has different coloured eyes if she's a Vampire, unless a few humans have got with Vampire over the years and gave birth to more Dhampir like children. Hopefully things will become a little clearer over the next few chapters, hopefully the rest of our Cursed Family are still around as well.


I’m excited about the new volume, but hope this sync won’t take quin 800 chapters to complete.


This entire situation reeks of bliss..... Logan Wouldn't have isekai'd Quinn without a way to check up on him. Logan would have programmed the Lobby Robot to Recognize Quinn. Idk how the years went backwards but if after the war they started over from year 1, then its been 1k years since the defeat of the dalki. Fkin bliss.... I know its her. I can feel it.


So has Quinn really traveled to the past if he did it has to be Logan that sent him and would explain why the chest peice is inactive, this time-line seems messed with maybe someone traveled back to change things so they sent Quinn back to undo the changes ?


kind of stupid though why would the vampires be weaklings right now don't tell me pure won and over 1000 years passed...


Seems the humans and vampires have found a way for their two species to commingle and exist somewhat peacefully.


this chapter left me


Sounds like they reset the calendar to AQ, much like After Christ. So…maybe 1016 years have passed?


So we're being brought over to the Dragon System book? Perhaps Quinn is dreaming still of the Dragons memories, an unranked traveler??? Yeah I'm as lost as all of you.


My my my how the turns have tabled. Nothing is making sense yet but I'm sure it will later. Another great chapter JKS.


So real question what’s up with the vampire girls eyes that doesn’t sound like vampire eyes at all and she was just complaining to the lady about not having support so why should people be worried to follow her very interesting tho this not knowing how long it’s been and where everyone is kinda hurts a little where is the fam lol


Did Pure win? It seems the Vampires are persecuted in this time. I hope Quinn finds everyone soon. I wonder what happened? Can't wait to find out!