

Ath3na was lying on the ground. Her ears were ringing. Black spots covered her vision. Her face felt like it had been punched again and again. Pain flared up her right arm while the other arm was just numb. 

In the back of her mind, Ath3na was reminded of just how immersive this game was. It was her one conscious thought besides the terrible pain shrieking across her brain.

"Ouch…" she gasped. 

"Ath3na!" she heard someone scream. 

She blinked the dots away. 

"Ouch…" Ath3na repeated. 

Her sight cleared long enough for her to notice the chunk of rock pinning her left arm down. Fire licked the ground around her. 

Ath3na sat up. 

"Ouch, ouch, ouch," she repeated again. 

In front of her, Ath3na noticed the crater she'd been blown away from. She saw a body lying there. It was Oh!siris, and the fact that his gamer-tag wasn't visible meant he was dead. 

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