
Ch.40 Dreams of blessings

I looked at Anyira all of the sudden a loud boom struck the land.

"It's here." Anyira looking at me standing up.

I stood up as well and snapped my sword appearing. I took it in hand ready to stop this madness once and for all. We got to the beast as fast as we could. I flapped upward toward the beast sword in both hands. I hit it hard so many times. Nothing happened.

"Myira!" Anyira yelled.

The beast swatted me away. I hit the ground hard and instantly went unconscious. The woman hollowed in pure light stood before me now.

"Myira you are not strong enough to defeat this beast yet. In order to cleave Aveegoh from the darkness you must have each of the cheifs bless the Sword of the Goddess. With the blessings of Light, Sky, and Darkness, you will be able to unlock the true power of the sword."

Suddenly I jolted awake to the sound of frantic knocking on my door. "Myria wake up! This is urgent!"

I sat up on the side of my bed, 4:26 PM.

"Myira!" Anyira yelled louder.

"Coming!" I said getting up and walking over to my door. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Come here!" she said pulling my arm.

I looked at the back door someone stood outside. Anyira opened the door and lead me outside. 'Zyan!' I thought to myself. What could be be doing here.

"Ah, Lady Myira." Zyan said bowing. This felt somehow familiar.

"You must be wondering why I am here." he spoke gently.

I nodded.

"It is simply because of a dream I had last night, about the blessing of the sword you wield." he said.

"So you had it too." I said looking at Zyan.

"Yes. Myira, you have my blessing. May I see the goddess sword." he said bowing again.

I snapped. The sword floated infront of me. Zyan looked at the sword and put his hands together and put his head down.

"Dear goddess bless this sword with your power once more, I give you the blessing of the sky." he said opening his eyes.

A blue light came off his eyes and the sword began to glow with the same light. Grabbed the sword, I felt a new power flow within me, I looked up at Zyan.

"Please use this sword with care Miyra, you will need the blessings of all of the cheifs to defeat that beast." he said as the blue light faded from his eyes.

"I will." I said nodding.

Zyan smiled.

"We leave now, Anyira." I said looking at her.

"Wait what? We can't leave what about Zack?" she asked.

"There's no time we must go now." I paused. "Zyan I know I shouldn't ask this of you but will you wait here for us to return?" I asked.

"Yes, I will." he answered.

"And if a human named Zack comes here, open the door and let him, fill him in on everything that is happening." I said nodding.

"As you wish, my lady." he said.

And with that we set out to the easier of the two islands, the island of Light...

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