
Chapter 393: Cyber Warfare?

"What messages did mother send?" Itsuki asked the woman who stood before him, gazing at him respectfully.

"She told me to convey her message that she wishes you luck and she hopes you're doing well. Oh, she also wanted you to know something important. She said, stay away from the matters of ladies. I don't know why she said that. Maybe she divined your destiny. I didn't ask her. It would be good to follow her advice, though," Freida replied as she smiled.

"Haha, I don't think it's her divination. She always says that to me. She's worried some lady might steal the affection of her precious son. Don't worry. I'll be careful. I'm always careful," Itsuki replied as he chuckled.

"That's all. I will take my leave now," Freida informed Itsuki before she started walking back towards the portal.


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