

"Everyone who is below must know that he is the biggest dark horse of the Olympic Games. He won the gold medal with the most gold content in the Olympic Games. He is known as the national team's biggest breakthrough in Olympic history! Zhang Guan, the first flying man! Below, please invite Zhang Guan and Wang Feng to sing "The Life in Full Bloom!"

The host's words were not finished yet. The cheers of tens of thousands of people in the field were already one after another, and the audience waiting to watch the live broadcast next to the TV was also excited. For the audience, they don't care which singer will appear next, they are looking forward to the debut of the Olympic champion. Zhang Guan is the most anticipated Olympic champion.

"Life in full bloom"? What song is this? Never heard of it!" Some senior fans immediately realized that this is a new song.

Subsequently, a floating frame appeared on the lower left of the TV. Song "The Life in Full Bloom", composition: Wang Feng, lyrics: Zhang Guan.

"It turned out to be Wang Feng's composition. Isn't this Wang Feng's new song? Isn't he a new album just released a few months ago? How come there is a new song so quickly." Some senior fans noticed this.

And some more experienced fans noticed another point.

"Writing by Zhang Guan? Duplicate name? Well, it must be a duplicate name, it cannot be Zhang Guan. He is an Olympic champion, how could he still make lyrics. But I haven't heard of any musician in the music circle called Zhang Guan, so probably a newcomer!"

At this moment, the singing sounded.

"I want life in full bloom,"

"It's like flying in the vast sky,"

"It's like walking through the wilderness,"

"It's like standing on top of the rainbow,"

"It's like walking through the bright galaxy!"

The scene has fallen into a tumult. The song "The Life in Full Bloom", both tunes and lyrics are too exciting, coupled with Wang Feng's superb performance, which instantly mobilized fans' emotions.

And in the background, other singers' eyes expressed their admiration.

"Good song, good tune, good words! Listening makes people feel bloody!"

"It's worthy of Wang Feng! This song is top-notch! If it is an ordinary artist, this song will be enough for a lifetime."

Everyone is a professional musician and can analyze a song from a professional perspective, and this "Life in Full Bloom" is so passionate and exuberant in Wang Feng's mouth, and its lyrics are so enthusiastic that people who listen are full of power. Many singers can even guess that this song will surely become a hit song in the future, and even get a place in the future music awards.


The next day, the song "The Life in Full Bloom" has become a hot search in major domestic search sites, but only the live version of yesterday's singing meeting can be searched. This kind of live version is not as good as the length of the special recording in terms of the clarity of the music or the performance of the singing, and it also contains the noise of the scene. What is more important is that Wang Feng also brought Zhang Guan's trailing leg, but even so, it is still big popular!

Of course, the live version also has something that is not in the record, that is the atmosphere of the scene. For many music fans, they spend money to listen to the concert to feel the atmosphere.

For those professional music producers, this song has a strong Wang Feng's unique style, so Wang Feng is also expected to be able to sing this song. A good song, a good lyrics, plus a good singer, it is a matter of course to achieve a good song, the industry generally believes that Wang Feng is a good composer, is a good singer, but the key is who wrote the lyrics of this song?

Zhang Guan, who has the same name as the Olympic champion, but no one thinks of this lyricist towards Zhang Guan. After all, it is a different field, so more people think that Zhang Guan of this composition is probably a newcomer in the music industry, and even started calling Wang Feng for verification.

But soon everyone knows that the Zhang Guan of this composition is the Olympic champion!

The Olympic champion turned out to be the author of "The Life in Full Bloom", which suddenly detonated the spotlight. The media likes this kind of strange things the most. Without hype, the song "Life in Full Bloom" completely entered the media. In the report, even people who did not like listening to music, after hearing the Olympic champion's lyrics, they all tried to find a way to listen to the song.

"The song "The Life in Full Bloom" is like Zhang Guan's description of his journey to win the championship. From an unknown ordinary athlete, he became the world's first flying man. This is life's bloom! He said in the lyrics that on the road to success, he fell on the road, again and again, lost his direction, again and again, felt confused again and again, and broke his dreams again and again, but he persisted, he kept the hard work, continuous progress, and finally blossoming! Through this song, I can feel Zhang Guan's lonely cry, the pursuit, and the expectation of dreams! I think it precisely because of this that Zhang Guan can become who he is today, just like the sports spirit of 'higher, faster and stronger', he is constantly surpassing himself! "

A well-known music critic published this report, instantly making Zhang Guan's image "tall" several times.

Of course, there are doubts about the praise. A few people questioned Zhang Guan. There must be a gunman behind them. They think that Zhang Guan is an athlete and his cultural level is certainly not high.

There are many popular people, these are just words. After all, as long as the Olympic gust has not been blown, the topic about the Olympics will not stop, and Olympic characters will always appear in everyone's eyes.

After the singing meeting, Zhang Guan did not get free, or it can be said that the entire Olympic delegation was not free, because the next is the summary and commendation meeting of the Athens Olympics. More importantly, several heads of state will participate in this summary and commendation meeting to meet the Olympic athletes.

Of course, Zhang Guan is the primary goal of receiving interviews, so Zhang Guan is preparing for this all morning until the start of the commendation meeting at three in the afternoon.

After concluding and commending the conference, a dinner was held in the banquet hall of the General Assembly Hall to entertain the Olympic champion and excellent coaches. Zhang Guan, therefore, enjoyed the authentic state banquet for the first time.

Next, the Olympic champion still has to live in the Temple of Heaven apartment, because two days later, the Olympic champion will take a plane to leave the capital and begin their journey to visit Hong Kong and Macau.


"This is the itinerary for visiting Hong Kong and Macao." Director Ma handed the itinerary to Zhang Guan. Before waiting for Zhang Guan to read it carefully, Director Ma went on to say: "At 7 pm on September 7, it will be at the stadium which will hold an Olympic gold medal elite show. The organization requires you to be able to perform a performance. It is best to sing a song. Well, this is a task that must be completed. "

"Sing again?" Zhang Guan said with a smile on his face.

Director Ma nodded: "The singing session of the same song a few days ago was very good. The response of the song that you and Wang Feng sang together was very good. Many media conducted special reports, and the masses also took a very good liking to it, even I like to listen to that song, and I have listened to it specifically. It is very positive and inspiring. This positive effect is what we hope to see. Therefore, the leadership hopes that you can show it at the Hong Kong Olympics. Sing the song and strive for positive results! "

"This time I sing alone?" Zhang Guan asked with a guilty conscience.

"Of course, you have to sing alone there. People from Hong Kong went to see your Olympic championship. Do we still have to find Wang Feng to go to Hong Kong with you?" Director Ma said.

"It's a little troublesome. The song" The Life in Full Bloom" was not so easy to sing. If there is no professional singer to accompany me, I can't sing it alone." Zhang Guan paused, then said: "And our compatriots in Hong Kong don't necessarily like "Life in full bloom", their rock music style is different from ours."

Director Ma nodded seriously: "The organization also took into account your difficulties, so I especially found a professor from the Central Conservatory of Music to give you one-on-one guidance. This is also the organization's reason for this visit to Hong Kong. The importance of doing things. I'll ask you for help. This professor at the Central Conservatory of Music is an amazing composer in the industry. If it's not possible, let him change the "Life in Full Bloom" to a better level, sing better, or change to Cantonese version?"

Zhang Guanmeng shook his head: "Don't! Just sing in Mandarin! I grew up in the north, I can't speak a Cantonese sentence. Isn't it a joke to sing Cantonese? By the way, who is this professor at the Central Academy of Music? "

"His surname is Zhou. I'll contact you as soon as there is a car," Director Ma replied casually.


At the beginning of September, it is time for major colleges to welcome new students. There are many people gathered in front of the Conservatory of Music. There are new students, new parents, and those seniors who hide the wolf tails.

Zhang Guan's car was stuck outside for a long time before entering the school. Only one day later, Zhang Guan once again saw Professor Zhou of the Conservatory of Music. Professor Zhou was the one he saw when he rehearsed with Wang Feng not long ago.

"Professor Zhou, to be honest, I don't want to sing "Life in full bloom." Zhang Guan said. Does Zhang Guan want to sing this song by himself? If you don't go up the treble, you can't go down the bass, what a joke!

"Why? I think this song is very good, and it seems the response is very good at the moment." Professor Zhou asked puzzled.

"This song is so difficult to sing, I can't sing it myself. And my compatriots in Hong Kong may not be able to accept this genre." Zhang Guan said.

Professor Zhou frowned, as an academic expert specializing in pop music, he naturally knew the history of Hong Kong pop music.

In the mid-1970s, Hong Kong pop music began to flourish, and then in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hong Kong pop music became the vane of Asian pop orchestras, such as the elder brother, the four kings, Beyond, and others. Popular throughout Asia. Although Hong Kong music is not as good as it was during its heyday, there are still many young and outstanding singers.

When it comes to genre, there is indeed a big gap between Hong Kong and the mainland. Whether it is the four old kings of the older generation, or the popular Twins, Ting Feng, etc., or the newly rising teacher Chen, it is not in the same style as the popular rock style of "The Life in Full Bloom." The very high-spirited tune may have a market among the elderly, but it is difficult to be accepted by the young people at that time. Although music knows no borders, it takes a process to accept a new kind of music.

"Or should I change the tune of The Life in Full Bloom?" Professor Zhou then shook his head and then said: "It's not easy to change, Wang Feng's music, the characteristics are too obvious. If it is changed, it will change the flavor It may not be possible to sing anymore. "

"I would like to change to another song!" Zhang Guan suggested.

"It's a good idea to change to another song." Professor Zhou began to think about the list of tracks in his mind, hoping to find a suitable song from it.

Zhang Guan also filtered the songs he was familiar with to see if he could copy one.

"It's nice and easy to sing. The theme must be bright enough and positive enough. It's best to be loved by Hong Kong people. It's troublesome!" Zhang Guan frowned suddenly, and he found a suitable song.

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