

Prue's eyes went wide before asking. "Where did you get all of this?"

I chuckled. "On my travels. Nym and I like to explore and we collected them as souvenirs. Now that we've decided to settle down and stay I figured it was time to sell off the extra non magical stuff. We found some magical things too but it was mostly to old to be of use or dark stuff we destroyed."

She nodded. "Let me make a few calls. I used to work at an auction house and while they've chosen to be a bit morally ambitious, they have a decent reputation or did when I worked there."

I thanked her saying. "Since you're willing to set up a meeting care to take me on as a personal and singular client to sell them my stuff? I don't know enough about it and I can promise a ten percent fee for all the stuff you sell for me. I've more treasures and I'll no doubt find more with time. From the amount of gold alone I'm sure it'll be enough to make us both wealthy."

She looked stunned and went to say. "I left that life for good reasons-"

I sighed. "Twenty five percent?"

Her eyes bugged out and a smile came to her lips before she shook my hand. "Deal!"

I chuckled. "Just think about what you want to take out and it'll come out on it's own. The stasis spell will wear off moments after it's out of the bag and try not to take out too much at once inside the house or it might actually squash the house. The Aztec temple was pretty big and that's in comparison to Aztec temples."

She nodded and I handed her a list of what all I knew to be in it. She took the list with a smile and we wrote up a contract she had printed out. She'd take twenty five percent of whatever the items were sold at and it was her responsibility to find a suitable auction house to sell them at.

I gave her my bank account information and what I knew of the history of the treasures, claiming them to be long buried all across the world. By the time we finished signing the contract, Piper and Leo had come down. Piper asked. "What's up?"

Prue told her. "Damien here has just signed a contract with me to sell off all the non magical stuff he's found in his travels. It's a lot from the looks of it including a mall mountain of gold and jewels."

Piper frowned. "I thought you didn't want to be apart of that life?"

She shook her head. "And I'm not. He's the only client and if this list is accurate it's enough to make us both rich. I'm talking private jet billionaire rich."

I shrugged and asked while playing clueless. "What's a private jet? Or a billionaire? Is it good?"

Leo frowned. "How backwards was it over there?"

I grimaced. "We had a train to take us to school but that's about it. The rest you would find in what you'd consider the fifteenth century at best. I haven't had time to learn all the muggle histories and contraptions yet. It took me a good deal of time to figure out how a bank account worked here as the goblins handled all our gold there."

Leo grimaced and I shrugged. "We have flying brooms and magic carpets though the last were banned because of the broom sellers. It's really a different way from what I've seen so far of this world."

Prue told me. "I'm that case billionaires are a good thing and private jets fly you to wherever you want to go in style."

I frowned. "But I can fly on my own and I can get there even faster if I flame travel."

She sighed and proceeded to explain what a private jet was to me. In the end I told her to do what she thought was right and not worry about selling fast as not to flood the market. She agreed and started making calls while Piper said. "We're going to my club, P3, would you like to go with us?"

I chuckled. "Thanks but no. Nym and Phoebe are there right now and I'd like to let them get to know each other better."

Piper sighed. "Ok, that's it. I gotta ask, is it a sex thing or what?"

I chuckled. "No, not that the sex with others involved isn't great, but no. It's like an attraction, a pull that draws me to her and Nym. Like the moon and the tides or the planets and stars. It's a part of nature for me, as for what Nym and Phoebe get out of it, you'll have to ask them. But for me it's like feeling all the world moving but you're standing still together and you know that if she just says the worlds, gravity will fall away and take the world with it."

Leo actually smiled at that before Prue who was listening asked. "And you can feel that for more than one person?"

I nodded. "It's rare, like one in billions rare but yes. I like to think that if the both stood at my sides like to magnets I'd be lifted up by the pull."

Piper scowled. "Wouldn't that just pull you apart?"

I chuckled. "You're never more alive than when you're on the edge of death. But then I think they'd just rebuild me stronger than before until I wasn't destroyed and like a planet around dual stars, I'd be illuminated by their gazes."

Leo sighed. "You sound older than me now."

I chuckled and held up my time turner. "Recognize this?"

He frowned and shook his head so I smiled. "It's a time turner. A flip will send you one hour into the past. One flip per hour. I used it while I was at school to study. There I learned from all my magical school had to offer. The price however was that it took those years from my future lifespan. A sort of way to balance the scales. I may not of aged like normal people or even matured like them but I did learn enough from books and this to know that life is to short for worries. I live on the edge and recognize kindred spirits."

I put the time turner away and he sighed. "Messing with time like that, it's one of the reasons the elders don't assign whitelighters to your people."

I shrugged. "I'm sure there are plenty of others. After all I'm responsible for the deaths of over a hundred evil witches and the fall of several dozen witch family lines as I'm sure you're aware."

Leo nodded. "That's just one of the many reason yeah."

I chuckled. "Then I'm not to keen on worrying about what the elders think. Those I had killed had their chance. Their racism and bigotry led to two separate wars that decimated the lines long before I ever showed up. They needed put down so that the last remaining good lines had a chance to blossom and grow. They started the war and I finished it. I then fed the dragons, lethifolds and other creatures I used their dead bodies. None of which I regret. In fact I haven't done a damn thing I regretted until I killed Cole."

Prue sighed. "Yeah, why is that? I mean, he was a demon."

I nodded. "He was, but Phoebe loved him. It doesn't matter what he was or even if he loved her back. What really matters is that she loved him and now he's gone. I regret it because killing him hurt her. Just like I'd regret killing Leo if I ever did because it would hurt you all. You are good people and hurting you all shouldn't be done, not ever."

Leo gaped like a fish before saying. "Thanks I guess. But why would you kill me?"

I shrugged. "Simple really. If you hurt Nym or any of the sisters I'd end you in a heartbeat. I'd feel bad about it and I might even apologize and let Piper end me if that's what she needs to grieve, but I'd do it none the less."

He gulped before saying. "Define hurt."

I snorted. "I'm not a petty man Leo. It would have to be something lethal or near enough to end you for. Otherwise I'd just kick your ass a bit."

Piper spoke up. "That reminds me, where's your wand? The book of shadows says wizards and witches over there need wands."

I chuckled. "That's true for them but I'm simply too powerful. My magic responds best to my wants, needs and instincts. When I started my second year of schooling my magic evolved and I snapped my wand to make sure it never held me back."

Prue held up a hand. "What's a Lethifold?"

I summoned Selene and a black scarf appeared on my neck. I held it up while Leo said. "Lethifolds are known as the living shrouds. They prefer to kill their victems in their sleep and wrap around them to consume them. They're vicious man eaters and some of the worst magical beasts out there to come across as there's no known way to kill them....."

Leo saw my scarf and stopped talking as I handed it to Prue. She asked. "What do I do with this?"

I smirked. "You pet her. That's Selene, a lethifold."

Prue stilled and I chuckled. "Don't freak out. She obey's my commands. So long as you don't insult her by calling her ugly or tame, all will be fine. Just pet her and let her do what she wants. Trust me, she's not a threat to you all while I'm here."

Prue felt Selene's silky feel and petted her a bit before Piper did so. Only Leo stayed away asking. "How were you able to control something like that? They're said to be unstoppable killers."

I shrugged. "I talked it out with her and she agreed to follow me. And they survive off killing and eating the living much like how humans eat cows and other animals. The only difference really is that they eat people too. They're just less picky and enjoy the thrill of the kill more. No less than some humans I'm sure. As for why I have them, they eat only animals unless like the war, there's an abundance of dead humans that need to disappear."

Piper stilled while she was petting it and Prue nearly dropped Selene. Piper asked. "Is it safe? I mean, won't it-"

I waved her off. "A bit of telepathy and she's as calm as you see her now. Just don't call her weak or talk bad about her. She can't understand human languages but she understands the intentions behind the words. As long as I'm here she won't do anything unless you insult her. Actually she'd even protect you if a demon showed up right now. Like a demon killing cloak of invincibility that eats demons."

I whistled and Selene, who was enjoying the attention, floated up and back over to me. Leo frowned. "You shouldn't rely on such dark creatures to do things like that though. You never know when they might night the hand that feeds them."

I shrugged. "True. Though I'd argue about the dark part. She's no more evil then a tiger or lion is. To her it's about food and survival. Though I agree about the fact that they can turn on you easily. I'd never willingly sleep near one even Selene, but then she knows that as well. Our relationship is built on mutual respect. She respects that I know a spell that can hurt her and my swords can kill her and thus obeys me and I respect that she needs to kill to survive so I feed her deer and bears. I also know that at any moment if I drop my guard she'd eat me in a heartbeat."

I rubbed the black silken scarf before putting it away. Piper looked around. "Where'd it go?"

I chuckled. "Relax. She's in a pocket dimension I made from runes and wards. It's like a preserve that's connected to me magically. All my beasts are there and there they live, breed and repopulate as humans haven driven them all to near extinction. As a matter of fact a lot of the beasts I have are nearly extinct. As a matter of fact I've the last giants alive except for one and two half giants, living on the preserve."

Leo's eyes went wide and Prue said. "So you're like a philanthropist? Trying to keep the beasts alive and from extinction."

I shrugged. "You could say that I guess. Magical beasts are apart of magic and if they die off magic as a whole weakens. Like if all witches and wizards die off magic would severely weaken until more humans discover it. I'm just trying to prevent the death of magic, so I raise magical creatures and keep them from going extinct."

Prue nodded. "That's a pretty noble cause. Do you need anything for the preserve?"

I shook my head. "Nope. It's all self sufficient and all the beasts and animals on it are under fertility spells. Selene, the lethifold you just petted has already given birth three times. The dragons and non demonic manticores are breeding just fine as well. So are the unicorns, phoenix's and many other creatures. The pocket dimension grows food itself as well as the regular animals like rabbits, bears and deer that are under the same breeding spell. I even have a pack of non demonic Cerberus's."

They looked to Leo who told them. "Non demonic three headed dogs that inspired the myths and evil gave birth to the demonic versions later."

I nodded. "Yep, that's pretty much how it goes for all magical beasts. They're innocent creatures until something evil sees them and tries to make them evil or make their own version of it."

Prue asked. "Can we see the unicorn?"

I nodded and held out a hand, summoning a unicorn foal. It appeared and went straight to the witches. "Unicorns are naturally picky by nature. They prefer to be around innocent females and witches in particular. It's a bit sexist if you ask me but then I'm neither so it's also a moot point."

Leo walked over and petted it barely getting a glance from it as Piper and Prue petted it. I waved a hand and sugar sticks and apples appeared in their hands. "Feed it, it likes apples and sweets."

They did so and after a while I whistle low and it came over to me where I put it back. "Sorry about that but young foals can't be away from the herd to long or they'll be rejected when they try to return."

Prue raised an eyebrow. "You've a herd of unicorns?"

I nodded. "Around fifty strong and growing. They started out as ten but with a bit of luck and a lot of breeding they're numbers are growing steadily."

Prue sighed. "Alright, well, I've managed to get an appointment for several auction houses to get their options on the Aztec gold and the alter. I just need a warehouse to store it in for them to send their authenticators. Oh and we'll need some sort of providence stating you didn't just steal if from someone."

I frowned. "I can take you to where I found it if that helps but unless -"

I thought for a second before pulling out a quill and doing a punch of different guidance and speed writting spells on it as well as a linking spell before handing it to her. "There. Just tell it what you need and think about the exact thing and it'll write it out. I've also linked it to your in-ter-net. It should make it all legal and by pass any need to make claims or whatever."

She took it before sighing. "I guess this is the best we can hope for. So I do need to know if the stuff is real or made by magic."

I shook my head. "It's not magical, although I've no idea if they made fake stuff way back then so you'll have to authenticate it as well. Beyond that we should be good. Oh and by the way, a quill like that can be used for a lot of bad things so I'd appreciate it if you be careful. From what I understand mortals tend to frown on creating fake ID's and backgrounds and for all intents and purposes the stuff it makes is very real."

Piper turned to me with shock. "Are you saying it can make fake IDs and family histories and it'll become real?"

I nodded. "It's linked to your net thingy so yeah. Everything it makes puts all the information needed wherever it needs to be. Like I said, be careful with it."

I left them there with that and headed to grab a quick bite at the local pizza place. After having a beer with my pizza, I headed home to find Nym and Phoebe talking magic and stuff in the living room. I waved before heading upstairs to bed to gets some rest.

It'd been a long existence and now I wasn't pressed for time any longer it felt good to rest and relax. A week and three dates for Nym later and Phoebe agreed to one with me. Unfortunately it was one to her sister Piper's class reunion that ended with me stabbing a demonic alchemist with my swords and them capturing a spirit the alchemist made and possessed Piper.

I'd forced it out and they captured it in an essence bottle. Luckily the alchemist blew up and that I'd heard the spirit use a revivification spell. One I'd not heard before. Now I could, with the powers I'd gained from the alchemist, revive the recently departed or kill them again if necessary.

Phoebe and I spent the rest of the evening talking about being psychic. I provided her with all the books and materials for divination learning and gave her a copy of my Occlumency and mind arts books suggesting she and her sisters learn them saying. "It'll protect your mind from mental assaults and as your powers are so influenced by emotions it'll help you control them better and perhaps expand them more."

She agreed and asked. "You haven't read my mind have you?"

I shook my head. "I'd never do it to someone I wished to be with. It's an invasion of privacy and something I don't use unless necessary as it feels to close to mind rape to me. I mean, a persons mind is their last safe refuge at the end of the day and to violate it is more than just cruel, it's wrong. The only time I read minds is when it's dangerous not to and even then I only read the surface thoughts unless they're really bad and strong enough to hide it."

After a while she asked to see my phoenix form and I showed her before changing back and saying. "It's a complicated it of magic but if you'd like I can help you learn how to do it and to find your inner animal."

She smiled. "I think I'd like that."

I chuckled and handed her another book, this time on Animagi. I told her. "Beware, it involves a lot of meditation and one potion that's quite difficult to make as it can only be perfected during a thunderstorm. Also you'll have to live with a mandrake leaf stuck to the roof of your mouth for a month. But the advantages can be far more than worth it depending on your inner animal."

Smiling she took the books home a bit later and like that our lessons began. Two weeks went by and only one almost incident. I was with Phoebe and Prue when they went after the ice cream man and I had to stop them saying. "Wait, he's a good guy!"

They turned to me and asked. "What? He's taking children!"

I shook my head. "He's taking demons that pose as children. The truck is a sort of demonic prison and the tune from it sounds like the devil's symphony. It's a tune that attracts younger demons to it and they get sucked in. The guy himself looks and feels mortal so I'd say he's probably just the driver and worker like a sort of demonic ghost buster or something. I'd suggest you check your book of shadows before you accidentally interfere in it."

My words brought reason and with Phoebe agreeing Prue had no choice but to go along with it and they looked it up. When my words rang true Prue apologized for doubting me and I brushed it off telling her I didn't mind.

Phoebe had made a little progress in the mind arts, building a small room in her mind but nothing further yet. She'd begun meditating when she wasn't doing college school work and doing her witch obligations or out on a date with me or Nym.

We'd both been courting her and slowly getting to know each other. When a warlock started killing witches and trying to trap a whitelighter a couple weeks after that, the sisters asked for my help in vanquishing him.

I let them borrow one of my swords and told them to be careful with it as one cut kills almost anything. They apparently took it to heaven or what passed for it in this world and stabbed the warlock with it up there after he'd killed a whitelighter to get it's ability to orb.

When they returned it Prue said. "Leo says the elders don't want us using that again. They said it was bad and that it was a double edged sword."

I chuckled. "They're not entirely wrong. If someone ever figured out how to wield it's real powers like I can they could control me through it like a puppet with no will of my own. In essence it was literally my life and free will in your hands when you asked for it."

Phoebe smacked my arm. "Why would you risk it then?"

I shrugged. "You asked for it and I'd deny you nothing. If I thought you meant me harm I'd not want to be with you and I wouldn't feel the way I do. If a silly sword is what you needed to keep yourself safe then I'd let you have it."

Phoebe looked at my eyes and saw I'd meant every word. I could do without the sword and the powers for my mates and I didn't need the sword to get stronger as it was just linked to my soul and forged with it, nothing more.

While it was true that with the right spell and the sword I'd be a puppet to whomever used it, I knew for a fact she didn't mean me any harm. She kissed me then and there and I gotta say for our first kiss it was pretty damn good.

It was a battle of tongues and passion as she showed me how grateful she was of my trust in her. Soon enough Prue broke us apart and I realized we weren't alone and worse yet I had Phoebe pinned up against the wall with her legs wrapped around my waist.

We'd lost ourselves to the moment and Damn did it feel good. Prue'd snorted saying. "Get a room!"

I pulled back and helped her down before apologizing. "Sorry, I got lost in the feeling."

Phoebe blushed a bit. "You weren't the only one. Wow you're a great kisser."

I chuckled. "Half of that was you and the rest was passion."

Piper laughed while fanning herself. "Any more passion like that and our house may catch fire."

I tilted my head. "Does it do that often? Catch fire I mean? Cause I know some warding runes I can mark into the baseboards to prevent fires from catching and while it won't stop curses fire pretty much anything else is fine."

My rapid shift in subject turned the moment into a curiosity. Prue asked. "What runes?"

I chuckled. "They're Nordic and a few Babylonian. Tell you what, I'll give you the books and you tell me what you want places where. Just remember it won't stop demons but barring them, the runes will do pretty much anything if placed properly with a practiced hand."

I waved a hand and a stack of rune books and their translations appeared on the table. It was a lot I admit so I told them. "Just look them over when you have time. I've already memorized them all so you can keep the books. Make a list of what you want in your free time and I'll add them then."

Prue spoke up. "Oh, that reminds me, the authenticators agreed with my assessment and the auction house wants to know how much you have and are willing to sell of the Aztec temple."

I shrugged. "Sell all of it, either together or separate. Just remember to get the best price. It's real and it's a piece of history so the buyers whomever they are will have to pay out the nose for it. Though from what I've learned from the internet and the prices of gold I doubt any one person has the money to buy it all."

She nodded. "That's what I'm thinking so I'm going to sell it in pieces except for the alter. That will be sold to a museum once my other contacts come through."

I nodded. "If it's that important just donate the alter. There's no need to worry about what a museum can pay."

She agreed and told me. "I'll set up the appointment for the first few dozen bricks. We don't want to water down the market to quickly."

I nodded. "That's fine with me just don't overwork yourself. It's just a bunch of gold after all."

She rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. I chuckled and Nym came in from the front door with Piper who'd answered it. When she saw Prue stick her tongue out she morphed into her younger self and did the same at me as well.

Phoebe smiled. "That's what you looked like when you were a kid? That's so cute!"

I chuckled. "Tell that to the teachers she morphed into to get away with things."

She snorted. "You're one time talk. You were the biggest prankster in our school so much so that the teachers dreaded each school year. They called you a chaos child."

I shrugged. "It's not my fault school was boring most of the time. If they didn't have a ghost teaching history that literally bores everyone to sleep I might've been less bored."

Nym told them about Binns before mentioning some of the things I'd done or had Peeves, a literal poltergeist that called me his friend, do. While they listened to stories of my mischief days, I snuck away with Phoebe and took her to my realm.

She looked around in amazement. "What is this place?"

I smiled. "It's the preserve. Where the magical beasts live. It's also a beautiful land of infinite wonders. Come on, I'll let you listen to the phoenix songs."

I took her to the Phoenix forest where they all lived. The Phoenix's sang to each other to communicate and damned if it wasn't beautiful. When I saw a tear fall to her cheek I wiped it away while she said. "It's beautiful."

I smiled. "You're beautiful."

She kissed me once more and it was on. Soon enough I showed her the other things I'd learned to do with my tongue that could drive her wild. There amongst the stars while the phoenix song rang in the background, I took her for the first time and to my surprise, I knotted inside her when I felt my release hit me.

Her mouth mad an O shape as I released inside her and she bucked and spasmed as her own release crashed over her. Her sheath clenched around me while she milked me for every drop, drawing more and more from me as she shuddered and her legs tightened around my waist.

When we lay panting and moaning in bliss she asked. "What was that, I mean, the last part."

I chuckled. "It's called a knot. Most canines do it and since I've spent most of my time shifting into a wolf or part wolf it seems I've taken on a characteristic of it or an aspect. When I became an Animagi my eyes turned green to symbolize my inner phoenix, now it seems turning to many times into a wolf has some unintended side effects."

She smiled. "Unintended but not unwanted. That was amazing. I can honestly say it was the best sex I've ever had."

I chuckled and rolled onto and into her once more. "Round two then."

She was a bit surprised. "Already?"

I nodded. "My magic is so potent that it keeps me always energized and ready. Add that to the instincts as a beast that I get from being an Animagi and I could go for days."

Thus began round two and my journey to prove a point. It wasn't until she was to exhausted to move that I cleaned us up and handed her a moon potion telling her what it is. She asked. "What, no kids or something?"

I chuckled. "I don't mind having kids and perhaps one day when we're married I'd be happy to have them with you but until then I'd rather not worry about it. Remember that was just our first time together. I'm hoping if I play my cards right we can have many more times just like that or better."

She smiled. "Good answer and thinking."

She took the potion and I carried her to a house I had built on the edge of the phoenix forest. When I brought her inside and laid her down she pulled me into her arms and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with her riding me at a slow but steady pace that had me bumping slowly against her deepest parts. When she shuddered and released her own love juices, I grabbed her thighs and thrust up, giving her a fast pace that had us both shouting as I once more knotted inside her.

When she collapsed on my chest, I murmured. "That was one hell of a way to wake up."

She snorted cutely. "I figured you might like that. So, do you have another potion?"

I chuckled. "It's a once a month thing. You only need one to last the full month and you won't feel cramps on your time of the month either."

She liked the sound of the and I didn't mind as she tried to slide off my length. I grunted. "Uh uh, you started this, it's only fair I end it."

Step hours later I was forced to stop as she'd gotten hungry and her hands and knees were taking a pounding even on the soft mattress. After cleaning up I brought us out of my realm right in the manor where we'd left.

Her stomach rumbled so she led me to the kitchen where Piper was cooking breakfast. Phoebe was wearing a set of pajama I'd made for her as I'd destroyed her regular clothes trying to get at her.

Piper was a bit shocked. "Oh, hello."

I smiled politely. "Hi, I was just saying goodbye to Phoebe so don't worry about me, I'll be gone in a second."

Phoebe offered. "You could stay for breakfast."

I chuckled. "Sorry love, I've got some aura cleansing magic to do and Nym will want to spend the night with you next."

She was a bit stunned but blushed all the same. I chuckled. "Relax, she's not been with a woman before either but she's looking forwards to trying at least. If you become uncomfortable she can call me and I'll ease the situation."

Piper snorted. "Gosh you're open about sex."

I nodded. "It's one of the things I prefer to discuss that way we each know what the other likes best."

I gave Phoebe a serious look saying. "If you can't do it just say so and she'll understand. We both want whatever makes you happy."

She bit her lip and I chuckled before kissing her. "I'll tell her to pick you up at seven then. You'll have our house to yourselves for the night to talk or do whatever your comfortable with as I've a bit of business and a lead to follow up on about a submarine of lost stolen antiquities from the nazis. Prue says she knows some people that will help return them to their owners."

I kissed her one last time and Piper swatted is apart saying. "Not in the kitchen when I realized our hands were up each other's shirts. "Sorry, I'll try to be more in control. I just get lost in the feelings you know."

She snorted. "I bet."

I chuckled and said my goodbyes before heading home. I talked with Nym and set up a sort of message parlor in the living room. When it was time, Prue came over and Nym went over to pick up phoebe for dinner before a nice relaxing evening.

I flame traveled to a boat I'd had prepared in the Atlantic with Prue by my side. I waved a hand saying allowed for her benefit. "Accio Nazi submarine."

Seconds then minutes passed as the magic drained out of me slowly until the disturbance in the water came into view as the submarine rose up. I set it in the docking place for the tow boat and locked it into place before setting the coarse for the New York ship yard she had her people arrange to meet us at.

Several hours later we arrived and to her surprise they pulled weapons on us. Sighing I waved a hand and they fell down stunned.

I hit them with confundus charms and an obliviation spell for erase their minds of the magic. "There now would you care to tie them up and call your friends to make sure it wasn't them? There's a dead body over there and the smell says it's them that did it recently. My guess is one of your friends was betrayed by their people because of how much the artifacts on the submarine are worth."

She made the calls and soon enough her friend, the local historian and entrepreneur who wanted to have the museums to get all the historical items and paintings back as well as return the rest to the family's it was originally stolen from, came with the police.

The cops arrested the idiots and asked for our statements as well as what we were doing with a submarine and I'd been honest about it and showed them the paperwork.

They backed off and when they left and it was just Prue and her friend, I began opening the submarine. I vanished the TNT trap and showed them the way in after popping it open with raw muscle. Not much had aged on the inside as it had been basically vacuum sealed.

When they saw the treasure horde and all the paintings I told them. "I can guarantee right now that they're legit. It was a pain in the ass and tiring to raise it from the ocean floor. If it helps though I'd like Prue to be on the team to do the authentication for the first few pieces at least."

He agreed and set it up to be video crammed and checked by her and the team he had planned for it. Sighing I told him. "I've contacted Frosthaven securities on your behalf and they're sending a team of armed guards to ensure whoever hired those people to steal it all won't be getting to it."

He shook my hand. "Thanks. I'll foot the bill myself if they can protect it. This is a big piece of history you're giving back to the people."

I shrugged. "Thank Prue, I'd have just left it there or sold it if not for her influence."

He nodded. "She has that effect on people."

Prue smiled. "Thank you Neal, now, we have an appointment in Malaysia so we should be going."

Neal raised an eyebrow. "What's in Malaysia?"

Prue smiled. "Damien here has a lead on the Flor de la Mar, a famous-"

Neal finished. "Portuguese carrack said to have 200 coffers filled with precious stones and supposedly one of the worlds largest treasure lost at sea. You found it?"

I shrugged. "I'll have to go check in person but my people think so and Prue here made a deal with the Malaysian government to allow us to find it and in exchange for it they'll pay us a third of what it's worth and allow Prue to take pictures of their country without restriction so long as they screen what she keeps."

He nodded. "Well, let me know how it turns out. If you can find it I can name myself as the finder like this one if you want."

I nodded. "Sounds good. Just don't turn on us and you'll get all the bragging rights you could ever want in your club."

He shook his head. "I've no interest in money. I've made more than I'll ever spend. I just want to see that it goes to a good place."

I smiled and before nodding fair well and leaving with Prue. She got us plain tickets and I made solid illusions of us on the flights before flame traveling to our second ship. Once more I raised a vessel from the deep before resting a bit and steering the ship to the coast slowly. By the time we arrived, our illusion selves were already there waiting and dissipated.

The authorities and politicians showed up to thank us as Prue called Neal so he could take the credit for the find. Soon enough the money had been transferred and Prue was taking pictures of Malaysia.

It wasn't anything graphic, just nature shots and occasionally people. After she had her camera checked, the current political leaders agreed to a group photo and she took it. We left with the assurances that we were welcome back any time.

We'd spent nearly a full three days hopping around and returned to San Francisco by flight. I slept most of the way as I'd exhausted even my supply of magic doing such feats of magic.

The money was used to pay off their college bills and the houses taxes as well as their club and to have a studio built for Prue's photography. Phoebe has all her school fees paid off and I got myself a 1977 Pontiac

Trans am se bandit edition.

Nym got a Porsche 911 Carrera S Manual and the rest of the money, over one billion, was donated to children's orphanages in mine and Nym's names. I'd done my research to ensure they were legit and in my efforts, exposed several orphanages that were being used as fronts and human trafficking to the feds anonymously.

She and phoebe were happy it seemed and far more comfortable with each other now. I didn't ask nor did I need to as they both smelled like each other to my keen senses. After we'd finished paying off everything and buying cars, that night I took them both together and used a bit of Greek sex magic to let each of us share each other's pleasure though not the feeling as that would be odd.

In the end it was enough to leave us all three panting and tangled together in a mess of fluids and perspiration by morning. Even I was nearly too tired to go on as the sex magic had drained me and I hadn't even been at a twentieth of my full strength when I'd done it.

Both women were barely conscious when I sighed. "This is what I wanted you to experience. Imagine every night like this and the days walking side by side seeing the world in all it's magical glory."

Phoebe smiled and bit my chest, making me look doing into her eyes. "I could get used to that. This three way thing has it's own merits as well."

I chuckled. "That it does. And don't think there won't be one on one times as well. It's never about exclusion but more about having more."

I moved a bit and Nym moaned as we were still connected at the hips while her face was between Phoebe's breasts. We fell asleep together like that, enjoying the togetherness.

The next week the charmed ones as they called themselves found an old friend of Prue's in trouble. He'd been recruited into a demon training academy. I was busy at the time absorbing the whitelighter and warlock powers and didn't finish until they asked for backup as they went into the demon academy.

I came and damned if I wasn't actually needed. It looked a bit cheesy as Piper froze them all but the guy they were trying to save and the leader. They cut a deal, I'd fight their best and if I won then we all left without challenge. If I lost though, we'd all loose our souls.

The demon agreed but stipulated. "No powers can be used in the ring, it stops them."

I shrugged. "Fine by me."

I got into the ring and three oiled up pro wrestler types came in. I waited until the bell rang and shifted into my partial wolf form, tearing them apart in seconds. They burst into flames as they died and I hopped out of the arena, grabbing the metal ball the head demon tried to throw at Piper.

It went into my hand and cut me up as I grunted and shifted back. I pulled it out, vanishing my blood as I healed the wound with a silent spell. "Stick to the deal demon. Try that again and I'll see if I can't just eat you."

He grunted and said. "Fine, take him."

I nodded and tossed the metal death ball back at him. "Here, you can have it back."

He screamed as it stuck into his neck, killing him as he burst into flames. I chuckled. "Oops. I didn't mean to throw it that hard."

The demons connected to him all died while the last one, Prue's friend who'd yet to make the full transition, lost his demonic abilities and reverted back to his human self. Phoebe smiled. "Nice going."

I shrugged. "Pure accident. I misjudged the strength in my arm after shifting back."

Piper smiled. "Whatever, lets go home."

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