

Life was certainly interesting, even now as I have Xander mixing a paste up to heal my injuries a bit better than the day before. He'd rather be doing anything else I'm sure but he's also in a cheerful mood all it's own from the bliss of a marriage going on schedule.

He had very little to actually do to prepare for it other than doing his groom duties and helping Anya pick things out. He was even humming a tune I recognized as one of the Dingoes songs. Chuckling I offered. "If you'd like I can get the Dingoes to play at the wedding. They owe me a favor or two so it'd be no problem."

His eyebrows shot up. "Really? That's great, thanks man!"

I chuckled and nodded. "Whatever, I'm sure you're in your own little bliss world right now so I'll tell you something a good friend told me the day I married Alice, you break her heart, I'll break your legs so you can't get away when she finishes you off."

He flinched a little before asking. "A friend said that to you?"

I nodded. "She was my foster sister Rosalie. She was as kind as a butterfly but with the heart of a dragon. She was truly a good person and the closest to a true family member I've truly ever had since my thirteenth birthday."

Xander gulped and I told him. "Just make sure it's what you want and follow you heart. If it works out it was meant to be. If it doesn't than at least you can say you tried your best. That's all a man can ever do in the end, give it his all."

He seemed to like that on better as he asked. "Another friend?"

I shook my head. "My coven leader and foster father. The only man I'd ever call father willingly. You know what my real father is but Carlisle, he was a different breed of gentleman altogether. He'd lived only three hundred years yet he was wiser than I who'd walked the earth for nine thousand. It was an odd dysfunctional family I'd never trade for another."

I smirked. "If you ever hurt her, you'll know it by the way you die. Even as immortal as I am I kept that one with me as it was more profound than the rest. It came from my brother of sorts and Rosalie's mate, Emmett. A gentle giant of sorts. He was found nearly dead as he'd tried to wrestle a bear to se who was tougher. A muscle head to be sure but he was kind a sweet to Rosalie and all females in general. No male I'd trust at my back more to defend me during a fight either."

Xander asked. "Did the rest of your family have any other threat slash sayings?"

I nodded. "We had many as we were a philosophical bunch. We lived amongst humans as we did not feed on them. Vegetarians the others called us, but in reality we fed on animals. I kept us strong but not as strong as the human drinkers. See in that reality a bite turned the victim unless you destroyed their body or drained them completely. We had venom in our veins and saliva that turned them."

I lowered the glamour and he winced and looked away. "Ah, geez, that's bad."

I nodded. "It is, but it isn't the worst thing I've experienced. I've been beaten and bludgeoned, burned and skinned alive and still none of it compared to what I felt when Buffy died. For a thousand years I was the amusement for a coven of vampires that had taken a liking to causing me pain. To dominate the beast as they called it, was a favorite passed time. And I can tell you right now I'd rather spend an eternity like that than feel the loss of another mate."

I looked at him as his grim expression of understanding took hold. I offered. "I'd like to give you a clear cut understanding if you'd let me."

He frowned and I told him. "I want to let you briefly experience my agony over those years, then I'm going to create an illusion in your mind. It'll help clear any doubt from your mind when you think of the wedding. You don't have to if you don't want to but you'll have clarity if you do."

After a brief moment of hesitation he nodded. "Alright."

I nodded. "Help me put the paste on my back and I'll see to helping you. Think of it like mortar or mudding drywall."

He was resolute as he helped me and once he was finished I dug my claws into his neck. I let him experience the lightest then the worst of it before pulling him out. He was a hard man after his army memories came back but even now he was in agony. I relieved him of the pain that belonged to the past.

When he was back on his feet after I released him from my claws I told him. "Remember, it's just a spell and while none of it is real, you'll understand what I mean by clarity once it's over."

I showed him a future where Anya was left at the altar and became a vengeance demon again. Where he continued to help us during fight after fight until a final random fake battle where Anya dies in front of him and he survives. He goes on to continue to fight the good fight becoming harder and harder.

Never again finding a real connection as he eventually dies in a battle that seems hopeless to win. When I pulled him out he lay there on the floor while I panted in pain. I'd used the magic healing me to do the illusion.

I told him finally as the healing spells kicked in again. "Now here comes the clarity. Which would you rather experience again? Because one is an illusion while the other is a fact I've lived."

He looked me dead in the eyes and without hesitation said. "Your memories. I don't think I could experience her death like that again and not go insane."

I chuckled. "Very well. Then you have your answer Mr.Harris. May you live in your marital bliss as long as it lasts, just never hesitate and you'll be fine I think."

He stood up weakly and I chuckled. "The memories and illusions will fade soon enough but the impressions they left behind will last so long as you value them."

I continued putting the paste on before putting the glamour back up again and heading over to where Dawn and Tara were. Willow was crying in the bathroom and Dawn looked like she blamed Tara or me.

Either way I told Tara. "I've made arrangements for a dorm room for you on campus. It's a single bit it's spacious. As for your stuff, I'll have moved take it over after your packed."

She smiled weakly and thanked me before asking me to look after her. I agreed knowing she meant Willow. I called the moving company Xander recommended and they showed up to help her pack and move stuff.

I sat in the living room with Dawn and watched cartoons for a while. Xander helped Tara wherever possible and once she was finished Willow shut herself in their room to cry.

I made Dawn and Xander supper and had him take up some food for Willow. After a while he came back down looking sad so I told him to take a plate to Anya. After he left Dawn and I watched a bit more tv before she headed to bed. I did up the dishes before laying on the couch and meditating.

I focused my energies towards healing as I let the glamour drop for the night. A few hours later I heard a gasp and opened my eyes as Dawn was there looking horrified at me. I put up the glamour before saying. "You should be a little quiet if you're sneaking out. As for pajamas I can only assume it's a new generation of weird habits."

That got her commenting. "I was getting a glass of water. What's with the living dead routine?"

I sighed. "It's my real appearance after the fight with the demon lord. Magic has it's costs and killing the demon had it's own. I wasn't lying when I said I was burnt alive. I'm healing and with time I'll look like I appear now."

She frowned. "Does it hurt?"

I shrugged. "Pain is relative to the perspective of the injured. I've had worse, physically I've been burnt alive before and even skinned alive. But pain wise the only thing I've experienced that's worse than this was waking from killing Glory to find Buffy dead. That was the worst experience of my life and I've actually died before."

She understood some of it at least. "I get that."

I shook my head. "Not completely you don't. A mate isn't like a mother or sister. They are someone you willingly give your heart and soul to. I hadn't even done all of that and she was gone. They say loosing a loved one is like loosing a limb, well, loosing a mate is like loosing everything, not just a limb but the heart and soul. Your world dims as their not there with you any more and just breathing becomes a chore as each breath you ask yourself if you stop, will you see them again?"

My words struck her harder than if I'd slapped her as I continued. "Even a barely connected as our bond was loosing her was like asking myself if I could experience every pain I've ever felt all at once, would it be but a single drop of what poured on my soul in that moment. If it wasn't for Faith and Alice I'm sure I'd have commutes suicide that moment I saw her laying there."

My grim words painted a ugly picture but one she could relate o at least. "So you're in love with my sister?"

I nodded. "Love is such a tame word for what I feel for her but yes, it's both as beautiful and as terrifying a description as any. I love Buffy and I'd die to protect her from harm."

I turned my full gaze to her. "Or spank her naughty sister for trying to sneak off to college campus where Tara is."

She stilled before crossing her arms. "Oh yeah, you don't look to be quite up to-"

I moved and was standing before her before she could blink. Her words died in her throat as I sighed. "Go to bed Dawnie, hate me and blame me all you'd like but Tara needs sleep before classes. You running off and getting abducted by some vampires or demons isn't something I'm up for dealing with right now either."

She turned and headed to the stairs as i told her. "Just remember, that same demon lord that burned me could just as easily have taken you if you'd had the talisman when you left the shop."

She stilled before continuing up the stairs at a much faster pace now. I sighed and limped back to the couch where I passed out afterwards. My body and mind were both physically exhausted now. I haven't felt this tired since I'd first come to this dimension.

I slept with impunity until my senses woke me up. Morning was upon me now so I reactivated my glamour and healing spells. Standing I headed to the kitchen and fixed breakfast for the two humans in the house.

I knocked on Dawns bedroom door, waking her up for breakfast and school. "Xander will be here in twenty minutes, get up and grab a shower. Breakfast will be ready by the time you get down here."

I limped to Willow's door and knocked but it just opened some. I saw her there sad and alone. Sighing I told her. "Breakfast will be ready soon if you're feeling up for it."

That's when Amy came out of her bathroom. "I'd like some. Do you have any cookies?"

I frowned. "We do. Who are you?"

Willow spoke up. "This is Amy, the rat, she's been turned back."

I nodded. "Cookies are in the usual place I think. Willow knows where. Come down and eat when you're ready."

I turned and left as I heard Amy tell Willow. "He's weakened and injured. Did you see what he looks like under that glamour?"

Willow's comment was lost on me as I heard Dawn's shower start and I tuned out my super hearing. I limped downstairs and finished up breakfast. When Dawn came downstairs I told her. "Regular pancakes and peanut butter and banana tortillas. The syrup is in the cabinet."

She smiled and got to eating while Willow and her new friend came down. I set their plates on the table. "Cookies and milk and eggs and bacon with biscuits."

Willow frowned. "How'd you know?"

I shrugged. "I can read aura's like Tara but more towards moods. My eyes also pick up heat signatures and the infrared spectrum. It's not a big deal but it helps on occasions."

They sat down and Amy asked. "Where'd you learn magic?"

I snorted. "I'm mostly self taught but for the finer aspects I met a friendly coven of witches that helped me take special steps. And I'd prefer you stop prying in my glamours like that. If you want to see my real body all you had to do was ask. It might ruin their breakfast so I'll wait till they're done and Dawn's gone."

She looked me over and I turned my back to her. Ten mixtures later Xander showed up and took Dawn to school and the extra food I'd packed with him. When they were gone I turned to face the two witches and dropped my glamour. Willow choked and looked horrified while Amy looked amused.

I sighed. "If you're going to attack I feel I should warn you the wards on this house will kill you in a very brutal fashion. If this is what you wanted to see by all means look to your hearts content."

She commented. "You're using massive amounts of power healing your wounds."

I nodded. "I am. Though I can defend myself easily enough and strip a witch like you of her magic's without a second thought."

I let my magic's bleed through and the air became suffocating in it. Both witches had crackles of dark power instinctively coming out of them in response. I smirked. "See, I'm not as weak as you've proclaimed and if I turn up the power-"

Amy started breathing heavy now while Willow frowned. "Stop!"

I released it and redirected the magic's back into healing myself. "Next time you proclaim someone weak I'd suggest you look deeper. I've plenty of power to spare and I won't be taken down by amateurs."

I put the glamour back up and turned to leave. "I'd suggest you see your friend out Willow. She's not the type of influence you need right now. She'll take you down a much darker path and that doesn't lead to Tara."

Willow spoke up. "I can decide that for myself thank you."

Shrugging I kept walking and headed to Buffy's room. There I passed out as the effort was simply to straining. Blood trickled down my nose as I fell into unconsciousness. The room sealed up tightly thanks to the preset wards Buffy had me set up to keep others from overheating us.

When I came to again she, Alice and Faith were just getting back from their trip. I sat up and put the glamour back on. I headed to the bathroom where I cleaned the dried blood off and headed downstairs to meet them.

Willow and Amy were out when Buffy got back. I saw Buffy's happy smile and both Alice and Faith's content smiles and nodded. "Had fun did you?"

She smiled wider and told me all they'd done. I chuckled at her enthusiasm and listened intently. When she finished she asked how things went and I told her. "It's been smooth here. Tara's moves out and Willow has fixed her rat friend Amy. They're out together right now. Xander took Dawn to school. It's been quiet really."

Alice snorted. "Told you he's never tell. He's trying to protect our delicate hearts."

I raised an eyebrow and Alice sighed. "We've been talking about how injured you really are. They need to know."

I growled but looked to the other two and seeing their hard looks I dropped the glamour and leaned against the porch post. "Bad isn't it? It's actually healing though so it'll be fine."

Faith whispered. "Damn."

Buffy was much more liberal with her words and went ranting at me. I sighed. "I can protect myself and heal, as for being worried, the houses are heavily warded and will protect me. Other than the magic shop which is just as safe, I don't really need to go anywhere unless it's an emergency. Then I won't mind the pain long enough to protect you all if necessary."

Buffy grimaced and I put the glamour back up. I sighed. "It'll be fine in a few months I promise."

Buffy cursed a few times before becoming worried. "How's the pain now?"

I shrugged. "Most of my magic is being used on constant healing spells. The rest goes to the glamour. But in a fight I can drop both and use my full power long enough to end it."

She frowned. "How is the pain though?"

I shrugged. "Pain is subjective Buffy. I've felt worse, so please stop asking."

Alice growled but didn't say anything out loud. Faith lit a joint and passed it to me. I smiled and took it saying. "This does help. Just keep it away from the kid."

She nodded. "That's the last of my supply."

I sighed. "I'll grow some more later."

Buffy didn't really mind as she liked the effects so long as Dawn wasn't anywhere near it. Alice was used to my drug abuse as I tripped daily usually. And Faith, well, she was my smoking buddy so long as I kept her away from the hard stuff and that I saved for special occasions.

I told them about my confrontation with Amy and my words to Willow but ended with. "I can't run her life for her. If she wants to hit rock bottom I'll let her just make sure Dawn doesn't hang out with her while she's doing so. It's not something a kid should see and with the way it's going it could end badly."

Buffy nodded. "I'll speak to Dawn tonight. She's visiting Tara after school today anyway."

I nodded and headed inside for the couch. They tried to make me as comfortable as possible before slipping off to do their own daily things. Buffy headed to school while Alice went to her art studio in the basement of our house.

Faith rolled a few joints with the plants I grew and lit up with me. We sat there getting backed till she ordered pizza and wings. The plumber was still in and out all day replacing all the pipes in the house. After a good long while we went back to our house and grabbed a shower.

Faith helped me with the ointment and once I was back to my glamoured self she looked sad. I sighed. "Cheer up love. In a few short months I'll be back to my ass kicking self. It won't be this way forever."

She nodded and joined me in the den where we got stoned and I held her while she slept it off. When she woke up Buffy came over and told us about her day. Other than Spikes usual cruel flirting that she ignored, it was a pretty cut and dry day.

She stayed with us for a while before going to look after Dawn. I cleaned up the smoke and smell in the air with some axe spray before grabbing a fresh shirt and heading to town. I had a warlock to visit and it was time I set him straight.

Faith, Alice and I arrived at the glamoured spot with relative ease as we felt the magic's coming off of it in waves. As we passed through the glamour the wards he had placed up activated. Alice took care of them with relative ease and a well placed blasting hex.

We arrived in the waiting area and found a few minor magic users sitting around. I growled as my eyes shifted. "Leave us!"

They fled as Rack, the warlock who owns the place came out. "Anything I can do for you friend?"

I stared him down as we engaged in a battle of wills. "You have someone here who shouldn't be. Return her to me and we leave in peace, if not you'll wish you were dead once I'm through with you."

I released my glamour and healing spells as my magic infused the air with my promise of pain and suffering. He smiled. "You have quite a lot of power my friend, ever consider a trip down the darker paths?"

My growl let him know I was done waiting. He sighed. "Take her and get out!"

Willow appeared between us on the floor tripping on dark magic's. Sighing I nodded and Faith and Alice picked her up. I turned to leave and Rack spoke. "Hellfire's a painful way to die my friend, but it's not the worst way to go. If you come back here-"

I turned and unleashed all of my power now as the air vibrates and crackled with green electricity. Power suffused my voice as I told him. "You'll do nothing, because you can do nothing! If I come back here there will be no more threats, I'll end you without another word!"

The walls glowed and cracked as his most powerful wards fell. He looked rightly pissed as I turned and left. Faith, Alice and Willow in their arms followed me. Once we were back to the car I leaned on it panting. "Get her home, I need a minute to catch my breathe and I'll be right behind you. I may need to use my magic on healing but I can move just the same as a creature of the night."

Faith and Alice shared a look before Faith told her. "Go, I'll make sure he gets home before doing a light patrol."

Alice nodded and left with Willow as I leaned on the building wall panting. She looked at me with concern. "How bad is it?"

I sighed. "I used up the majority of my magic in that show of force to destroy his inner wards. The rest is holding me up right now. I don't have enough to continue healing or even bother with the glamour."

She nodded slowly before helping me stand properly. "Why didn't you go with her?"

I sighed. "She needs to get Willow home now and Buffy will have questions. That plus Dawn is with her will mean some very worried questions as well. Besides, Willow doesn't need to be blamed for my stupidity on top of all she's going through. Let's head to the magic shop, it's only a few blocks away. I'll be able to replenish my magic there then we can head home."

She nodded and took my shoulder helping me walk there. When we arrived it was closed but I didn't need to go inside to use the ward's cleansing effects. I simply sat on the back stoop and channeled magic drawing it in through the wards like a funnel.

When I opened my eyes the glamour came back into place as I stood up. "Much better. The healing spells have kicked back on so I can run us home if you'd like."

She smiled and came into my arms as I lightly picked her up and did just that. We arrived at the house not long after Willow and Alice had gone in next door. I headed inside after setting her down and she followed to get her stakes and knives.

The next day Willow had her big blow out as she spun out of control. She'd taken Dawn to the movies but the first hour she was gone to long I went looking with everyone else. We found them near a crashed car with a demon trying to kill them.

I did something incredibly stupid and shifted, killing and eating the demon then and their. When I finished Willow was there barely standing and crackling with dark magic's. I shifted back and covered my burnt and deformed self with a glamour before telling her. "You summoned a feral demon in the throws of your magic high. You could've gotten Dawn killed! Hell, you could've been killed yourself!"

Buffy and Faith helped Dawn up while repaired my clothes and put them on. I limped over to them as we left. Willow tried to apologize but Dawn slapped her instead. I helped her passed Willow and to the car while Willow broke down. Alice drove us to the hospital while Buffy, Faith and Willow took the other car.

After Dawn was checked out and her broken arm reset under anesthesia we took her home and she rested. I was already in a great amount of pain but the magic kept that at bay as I went back out to hunt for Rack. His place was gone now and I couldn't even feel it in town anymore.

Seeing as he must've sensed me coming and hid I headed back home an rested as the pain hit me full force. Faith and Alice were out hunting now just to be on the safe side.

The next day Buffy came over to thank me for helping Willow and Dawn before heading out to get her hair cut. Apparently Spike had made a comment about them that gave her the heebie-jeebies. I offered to dust him but she declined saying she wanted to handle it herself.

Later that day I was woken up my a very odd sensation and looked down. Swing no one there I changed my eyes and saw her. "Buffy love, if you wanted to wake me up like that I'm sure you didn't have to be invisible."

She giggled before saying. "Aww I was having so much fun being invisible girl too."

She startled my hips and slid on me slowly. I enjoyed the sensation even if it accompanied the pain of her thighs squeezing my burnt legs. She started slow but towards the end we were both a bit frantic and concentrating on the pleasure.

When she slammed down the last time I felt both pain and pleasure as I released inside her invisible body. She shuddered at the sensations and leaned back as I kissed her between her breasts and trailed up to her neck.

I kept going to her ear lobe then jaw and lips. Her orgasm lasted that much longer as she felt the new sensations flooding the old. After I unknotted she shuddered one last time before sliding off of me and cleaning up her mess.

I didn't stop her as she insisted using her tongue. I cupped her face when she finished saying. "By the way, I like the haircut, it's more mature and has a sexy college girl look to it."

She thanked me with another enthusiastic blow job before doing a reverse cowgirl with Faith's new favorite thing. She shuddered as she impales herself using the extra lubrication from my last release to ease her rather tight hole down on me.

After a few experimental and slow rides up and down she found a rhythm we both enjoyed. She let out a throaty moan as we both came. This time hers followed mine as I began to knot again.

With the last shuddering pulse I pulled myself out as she slid off with an audible pop. We went a few more rounds before she noticed my legs were bleeding on the sides. I'd mostly ignored it but after she saw what our actions was doing to me she felt a bit bad.

Sighing I sealed them up with the ointment and some bandages before she mentioned going to find Faith to continue her naughty girl routine. I warned her as she left. "Take this seriously Buffy. Have your fun, but be careful. Whatever did this doesn't come without a price."

She sashayed our leaking the contents of our lovemaking a little as she left. Sighing I got up and cleaned it up before grabbing a shower and putting on the ointment. Towards the end Alice showed up and helped get my back. She asked about Buffy as she too had gotten a visit and was in need of a shower now.

I told her I'd seen her a little bit ago but she was headed Faith's way now. Alice grabbed a shower while I headed to the den. I heard about the events later as Willow had found the culprits and been captured.

Buffy had saved her and been turned back just in time. The trio had fled and left behind a few items but for the most part it seems they weren't coming back to that hideout. A week later Buffy joined the Doublemeat Palace as a worker. She wanted real life experience to add to her resume.

I'd stopped by with the girls to cheer her on. When I bought a burger it only took me one bite to tell what was wrong with it. I gave it to Faith who finished it while I told her. "It's vegetables. The meat and sauce is just vegetables with meat fat added to it."

Xander grumbled but Buffy seemed more cheerful now that she knew. I did mention the chicken patties were actually chicken. Disappointed I ordered a chocolate shake and added blood to it from a jar in the trunk of the car.

We hung out there fore a while till Xander and Anya had to leave. I gave Buffy a kiss while Faith fingered her on break before leaving. She was a bit satisfied and less stressed now so it was a better experience of her till later that evening when she came home.

She mentioned grease and smells so I had Alice do a quick spell on her clothes and uniform. When it was done I told her. "It should keep the smells and grease away. The hat will repel it away from your face and hair while the uniform does the rest."

She agreed and seemed happier after I took a healing potion and did a solidifying spell on my skin to last a few hours and help us both relieve some more stress. She was a lot more cheerful after she was sexually satisfied. I couldn't use them too often as the solidifying spell would eventually harden the skin permanently if used too much.

I sure as hell didn't want to look like that forever. With Willow in magic rehab as it were, Alice became the magic helper of the group. I simply couldn't spare the extra magic without pain and while I'm willing to suffer for a bit of one on one action or even two or three on one, I wasn't about to hurt myself over a locator spell or something benign like that.

The next day Buffy found a finger next to the meat grinder and asked me to check again. With a simple sniff I told her. "It's still vegetables. Though the human that belonged to was clearly killed here by a demon."

She frowned and I sniffed the air before looking at the old lady. I turned to Buffy and told her. "The old lady with a wig is the demon. It's a disguise. She must've killed and eaten the worker in the kitchen."

Buffy nodded. "I'll take care of it tonight."

I nodded. "I'll make sure Alice and Faith are here to help if need be. I've a feeling it's not as simple as overpowering the victims. Probably a venomous demon or a paralyzing one."

She nodded and I gave her a kiss before she headed back to working. I kept an eye on the demon for a while and decided it wouldn't act during the day. I headed back to the house and sent Faith and Alice to back her up. They stuck around till closing when Buffy came back in the demon was in the process of eating the manager.

He was long dead now so she, Faith and Alice killed it after using trays to block the paralyzing spray. That night they brought the dead demon to me and I snorted. "I'm not eating that thing. It wreaks and looks disgusting. Even I have my limits. I'm not my animal side after all."

I waved a hand and dropped the glamour long enough to feed the demon to the earth. When I finished I told them. "You two smell like greasy fries and vegetable burgers."

Faith and Alice frowned and sniffed themselves before looking at each other in disgust and heading upstairs for a shower. I told Buffy. "If you hurry you can join them, I'm sure they'll help you destress a bit."

She nodded with a smile. "I'm sure they would, but I'm in the mood for something a bit more thick."

I growled as she made her wants known. Back with the spell and potion again as I gave her what she craved repeatedly until she fell asleep messy and to tired to do anything about it. I cleaned us up before giving both girls the same treatment while it lasted. They were all sexed out by morning so I grabbed a shower and slept between them.

When I woke up Buffy had gone off to work but Faith was still in bed with me. Alice was busy on a new project, that being Anya and Xander's wedding. She was the ultimate wedding planner.

I sighed and held Faith while she moaned and woke up a little. She looked up at me with sleepy eyes and asked. "Is it morning already?"

I chuckled. "No love, it's two o'clock in the afternoon but if you're that tired go back to sleep. I'll meditate a bit before getting up so I can hold you if you want."

She sighed and closed her eyes again. While she slept I renewed my magic and cleaned my wounds before getting up carefully as not to wake her. I grabbed a fresh shower and some ointment before heading to Buffy's to meet Dawn as she got off school.

We sat and had a civil conversation about sharing Buffy's down time when she wasn't slaying or at work.

When she mentioned feeling abandoned I told her. "Life is about adjusting. People come and go as time goes foreword. Buffy isn't one of those people FYI. She would never willingly leave you, it just takes time for her to adjust. She went from being a college student, daughter, slayer and big sister to responsible adult, big sister and slayer. It will take her time to balance her life out again especially since in between that she died. That has an effect on the best of us."

She nodded glumly while I sighed. "If it helps any Faith, Alice and I will be around to hang out with and do things. Alice can take you shopping while Faith can take you to the bronze to hang out with. I'll of course be here when you need me and if you ever just need a girls night with your sister all you gotta do is ask. I'll move heaven and earth to make it happen because keeping you happy and not stealing things keeps Buffy happy."

She rolled her eyes but cheered up a bit more. "Fine, then tonight, I want to hang out with Buffy."

I nodded. "Very well. Once she's off work I'll make sure she spends her time with you. Just make sure to remember she and you have school in the morning. Faith, Alice and I will do patrolling. See, I'm a reasonable man."

She tossed a potato chip at me and I caught it in my mouth before gaging and spitting it out in the trash can. "Eww, vegetables."

She laughed and this began the chip war of 2002. It was a vicious and hard battle to which I and my dignity were the only casualties. When she went up stairs to get the Pringle's out of her hair I cleaned up and washed the horrible taste of deep fried potatoes out of my mouth.

Xander stopped by to see his plumber friend off after I paid for the rush job and to help me. I began drawing up plans with him that involved a lot of work for the company he works for. He was the middleman for it as I did the financial parts of buying up the houses around us.

Strangely enough the people I offered the money to, took it and sold fast before leaving town. I had to make sure it was all legal after the second house was bought. Then I planned to have Xander have his company start fencing in the houses I bought in one big area. It was basically every house to the left of the one we Alice, Faith and I lived in for the rest of the block.

When Xander asked what I wanted it all for I showed him the plans I'd drawn up. It was one huge compound with a fenced in back yard. Spell work would be woven into the very foundation as it's laid. I gave him the immediate time frame I wanted and gave him an estimate of seventeen million for the whole thing.

He nearly swallowed his own tongue when he asked what I was building it for. Sighing I told him. "The future. I've seen a glimpse and I know enough to know we'll need it. Now, here, here and here are all generator houses to power and run the whole thing should the city's power supply ever be cut off."

I continued to lay it out for him as best I could. Later that evening he left to go present his bosses with the contract I'd be willing to sign. It was generous even by California standards as I was willing to pay for all the overtime they wanted but that it had to be completed before the new school was done.

Since the same company was trying to score that contract as well it was an interesting prospect. While he dealt with that i consecrated all the land in the name of my mother and goddess, Gaia. I purified the hellmouth taint our of it over night with Tara's help.

With it cleaned and full of purified nature magic I didn't even need to use my own magic in the area. I could reach out and tap into the abundant energies here. Alice and Faith came back in the middle of the night not long after we finished to tell me about a dead girl and time skipping with demons.

Sighing I told them it was the trio. The only idiots that both deal with demons and time magic. I paid a visit to the police station where I told them I found the body in the woods and mentioned I'd met the girl as she was the girlfriend of Warren Meres, a kid I met during a college party with said girl.

I gave them his last known address and told them when and where I met them together and even gave a list of college kids I knew were there at the time. It was a twist but the truth enough for them. They found the body and even noted it'd been dead a few days after the autopsy.

I left the police station and met the girls at the house. They were a bit pissed at almost being framed but I calmed them down. The next day we called a group meeting and told them about last night. When I mentioned the girls name Buffy knew it instantly. I'd actually stayed out of all of it before but even now she was fuming.

I told them what I'd done at the station as I'd not mentioned any of them as witnesses at the party. I had to quiet Xander about the project we're working on but he did so easily enough as I was paying him double the going rate of a good foreman and he wasn't even that high on the ladder yet.

When the group split up after Anya mentioned the demons and what they did to humans minds I asked her how I'd go about summoning and communicating with one. She gave me the specifics and I grimaced as it requires using dark magic.

I flipped through the demon book she had on it as it was a new addition. After ordering the last thing I needed I flipped through the internet and ordered Buffy's birthday presents and had them express delivered.

With my shopping done I headed back to the house to make my next big plans. I needed to plan a trip Russia soon enough and healthy or not I needed to go myself to do what I needed done. Two days later everything was set and I spent the day helping with the party.

Alice through it with Willow at Buffy's house. I brought the presents I'd gotten her and Faith grabbed a special one to give her when they were alone. Buffy herself had gotten there fresh from a slay with a demon in a sword she was carrying.

I mentioned it to her and she frowned before breaking the sword in half across her knee. Shrugging I chuckled. "Well, that prevents it from getting out later. So, any particular present you want first?"

She leaned forwards and kissed me which I returned deeply before she back away for air saying. "Mmm that one."

I smiled and told her. "Then you'll love the special presents to be given later. But for now let's enjoy the merriment."

I handed her the first which she opened and saw a necklace with very unique carvings in it. "It's a sunlight amulet. Once a night it can be used to create a brilliant flash of sunlight that'll recharge as the day passes."

She smiled. "Hmm fashionable and deadly to vampires, I like it."

She gave me a few more kisses before I handed her the second one. She opened it and saw a black belt with a diamond buckle. She looked at me weirdly before I couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes it's a deadly artifact. Put it on then I'll instruct you how to use it."

She did and I walked behind her while telling Xander. "You might not want to stand so close."

He backed away and I reached around Buffy's waste. She leaned into my touch for a minute before I pulled away saying. "Tap the diamond twice and whip it off. Just don't let go of the diamond afterwards."

She did and a black sword formed from the belt. Chuckling I told her. "Each cut with this sword is cursed. For every cut ten more appear on the victim. And they never heal. A stab will be duplicated as well so be careful love. Just release the diamond and it turns back into a belt."

I turned to Dawn saying. "Do not try it on and play with it as it is a magical item of decent power. If you messed up it could kill a normal human very easily."

Buffy agreed saying. "I'll keep it in the weapons trunk. Now, as for your thank you present."

She turned and kissed me before we were interrupted by Spike knocking on the door. He and Clem was here for the party. With a sigh I turned to Buffy. Seeing her shrug I lowered the wards. "You get one night blonde. If I hear you flirt with her I'll pull you apart like taffy till there's nothing left."

He looked me over with a smirk. "From what I hear you're not exactly up to snuff nowadays."

I growled as I changed my hand and grabbed him by the throat. "Try me bleach boy. I'm sure Buffy could use another present, perhaps a talking head to use as a foot stool."

Buffy grabbed my arm lightly and looked in my eyes. Sighing I dropped him and told her. "I'll be upstairs."

I turned and headed for her room. I heard her tell Spike the next time he makes a snide remark about me she'd dust him. I could feel the seriousness in her voice as I walked. When I got to her room I sat down on her bed and shifted my hand back before wincing.

I grabbed the bandages from her bathroom cabinet and wrapped my hand slowly. When I finished she was there to look it over asking. "How bad is it?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing I can't handle. The partial shift just cracked the healing skin some. It'll heal up after a few hours."

She nodded before looking me in the eyes. I saw it there, in the glimmer and darkened irises, the same thing I'd felt in her voice earlier, the slayer. She looked me over with worry then touched carefully and then more aggressively.

I did a quick spell and took the potion I had in my pocket for tonight. Then I took her up against the bathroom door then and there. I felt her nail rake my back and her teeth bite my shoulder as she took me all the way with a passion and vigor usually reserved for the punishment play time.

I quickened my pace as she gripped the door handle and moaned into my shoulder. Our clothes weren't even off as we'd not paid them any heed. When my pace became savage she began riding me as a delicious pace and twisting her hips a little in an effort to take all of me in.

When we finished there was no grand fireworks or roaring as I'd bitten into her neck as well and grunted an animalistic mating sound as I released into her. She herself was making much the similar sounds while her nails dug into my back. Even with the spell and the potion I felt her nails puncture my skin as she she gyrated her hips in release.

After I pulled out I handed her a wash cloth and she cleaned herself up. I washed myself in the sink before telling her. "Next time we go for the shower or bed. I think we broke your door."

She looked over at me with hooded eyes that said they wanted more and my eyes shifted without my meaning them to in response. When she broke contact she looked at the broken door and the mushed piece of metal that had been her door handle. Even the wall behind the door was dented.

Still cleaning herself I zipped up before helping her out with a simple spell. It all came rushing out of her in a massive stream onto the washcloth. As more came out I did another spell and banished it all into the toilet.

She looked up at me and I sighed. "Sometimes the pains worth it love. Now let's get you downstairs and receiving your presents before I decide to abscond with you to the house next door where I keep you in bed till neither of us can walk."

She smiled. "That doesn't sound so bad."

I nodded. "But then your sister and all our friends will skin us both alive. Especially Alice whose waiting in your doorway to tell us as much."

"He's not wrong Buffy, come, we can continue that stuff later tonight. I called your boss and had you unscheduled for tomorrow as you really will be to sore to walk."

Buffy raised an eyebrow and I chuckled. "Love, I'm an animal when it comes to my mates. Even wounded I can still satisfy them on occasions like tonight."

Buffy had a hungry look in her eyes now but Alice finally came in and stood her up before slipping something in her panties as she pulled them up saying. "None of that now. Plenty of time for it later when you don't have guests."

The moment Alice zipped up Buffy's pants Buffy's eyes went wide. Alice kisses her before saying. "Shush. Just enjoy the party and my first private present."

I could hear the subtle hum of a vibrating toy though it wouldn't be perceptible to human ears so it's ok I guess. Alice took her hand and lead her downstairs.

I followed with an amused expression after flushing the toilet. When the rest of the group saw us I held up my bandaged hand. "Seems partial shifting has its downsides for me right now. Buffy bandaged it up for me."

Xander nodded and passed me a beer and I sighed enjoying the party somewhat. I danced a little, or I did until I had to stop anyway. everyone had given Buffy presents even Clem. He gave her a Siamese kitten that took one look at me and froze in terror. I recalled all of my aura and released some gentle peaceful vibes instead.

It calmed down and even let me pet it to Buffy and everyone else's amusement. It took a liking to Tara and she kept it for most of the night from their on out. Spike got Buffy a half drunk bottle of wine to which she set aside.

Faith got her a full-body pillow with my picture and scent on it. For some reason she liked it best out of the gifts she'd gotten so far. One sniff and they shared a knowing look that had me slightly weirded out. Faith had actually taken a lock of hair from me to add to the inner stuffing of it.

I didn't fully understand but I guessed it was a girl thing. Alice's gift was next as it was a portrait of the scoobies and Giles with weapons fighting against shadowed monsters but standing together as one.

All of them but Buffy's work friend understood it and all of us liked it except Spike who wasn't in it. He asked about that and Alice simply told him. "You're not a scoobie and you haven't exactly been all good have you?"

He snorted and pointed to me as I was depicted off to the side defending Buffy from right beside her. "He's not exactly the nicest guy there is either!"

Everyone looked to me and I shrugged. "What? He's got me there. I don't think I deserve-"

The person I least expected, Willow, spoke up. "Then you're wrong. You've been there even before Oz left helping us do good. You might not be entirely, well, nice, all the time but you are good and there's the difference."

I shrugged and Spike shut up at her words. He might poke fun at me because Buffy will stop me from dusting him but Willow has tapped into dark power and he knows it. He also knows she might accidentally do something if she gets emotional enough.

I continued to watch the gift giving until cake was passed around. Then when I'd decided to go outside I felt my legs stop working. Growling I told the room. "Someone's placed a barrier on the house. Just think of leaving and try to do so."

I turned to Willow who shook her head then Tara who did the same. Finally I turned to Alice who snorted. "Not a chance."

Sighing I asked Anya. "Are any of your wish type friends in town? There's not many things that can hold me and I'm thinking something this strong is backed by a powerful friend."

Anya frowned the called out. "Halfrek, Hallie get your butt out here!"

A vengeance demon appeared from smoke. "You rang?"

I snorted and told her. "Release us or I'll shatter your spell and your necklace."

She snorted. "An how do you intend to do that?"

I moved faster than most beings could see and took it from her. I stepped back and showed her it in my hands. "Break the spell or I will. Mortality is working out good for Anya, who knows, you might like it."

She panicked for a moment before saying. "Fine, give it back, the spell is broken, you can leave!"

I felt the spell break and tossed the amulet back to her. She huffed and disappeared in a puff of smoke. With her gone I sighed. "Who made the wish though?"

Dawn raised a shaky hand. I looked to her and sighed before heading out back. I lit a joint and took a hit before Faith joined me. Sighing I passed it to her before saying. "Perhaps it's almost time I headed out for a bit. I've some business in Russia I need to take care of. I'll be back in a month or so if everything goes well. If not it may be a little longer or shorter depending on how I'm leaving."

Faith frowned. "Need some backup?"

I shook my head. "No. If it turns to shit I've enough power to teleport myself back but any more than that and it could turn wonky."

She looked sad before pulling out the controls to the toy in Buffy's panties. I chuckled and flipped it on wave patterns before handing it back. She pulled out two more and I smiled. "Naughty naughty. Shall I play a symphony of lovely keys for you?"

She handed them over and told me. "I'm not saying which is which though."

With a smile I tinkered with the new toys for a while till both Buffy and Alice joined us out back. They had messy hair and a bit of a crazed look in their eyes when they saw I was the one playing key master. Faith was already leaning against me in the lawn chair slowly playing with herself.

They both looked irked so I told them. "Perhaps it's time I take you next door and treat you like you need."

Faith moaned and I chuckled. That was the last of us the party goers saw that night as I gave them what they were craving while breaking the living room and bedroom. Hell, the bathroom and kitchen faired no better that night.

The next morning I told them I needed to leave for a month or two to get the stuff I needed to reinforce the protection wards we had. After one last mind blowing night I barely made it to the airport the next day. I flew out to Sakha Of the republic of Russia.

Once I was there I felt the clean nature energy so freely in the atmosphere. Sighing I used it to do an invisibility spell and headed to Aikhal where one of the worlds largest diamond mines is located.

I went to the very center of the open mine and used a pulse of magic to send the humans elsewhere for the day. Then I dropped plant seeds and begun. All day I had the plants pulling diamond clusters out of the ground but still I didn't find what I really needed.

When the area around it was nearly empty of diamonds I dug deeper with the plants until finally I reached my limits as the heat killed the plants. Sighing I took a few hundred pounds of the largest diamonds before leaving several hundred tons sitting on the ground there.

I headed to the other seven major mines in Russia over the course of two weeks and did the same there. None had what I really needed so I traveled to India and Indonesia in succession. When I ran out of options I headed to Australia in the hopes that I'd find what I needed there.

With no luck after the first month I headed to Africa. I kept in touch with my mates of course as they filled me in on the things that came to pass. Riley had returned to Sunnydale two weeks in and a week later Xander and Anya were to be hitched.

I missed it but they actually managed to go through with it and got hitched. I did manage to get them the Dingoes to play as their band but even then my absence was felt still. Xander understood as it was for the protection of those we cared about anyway.

I sent them one last gift as a wedding present, a diamond the size of his head. It'd been the biggest I'd found so far and with it I sent instructions even Tara could follow to ward their new home. It requires little magic to actually ward something except for putting in the ward stones initially.

All it really took was skill in the subject and a steady hand. They took a trip to Maui for their honeymoon and promised to take pictures. That was a week ago as I was now in the jungles of Africa searching for the mines I needed. I'd avoided Africa for a reason.

It was the focal point of the slayer spell and even now I felt something drawing me here. I resisted as I was obstinate in my quest. Heading deeper into the jungle I ran sensed a few animals but none stayed near as they sensed me as well.

I found my next spot as I remembered it from my last dimension. There I dug deep with the power of my plants and pulled mountains of diamonds and raw gems out. Heck with all the pure nature energy here I managed to pull out several tons of raw ores as well by mistake.

I shifted through the gems and diamonds and took the majority into a special bag Giles had the Devon coven make up. It has a pocket dimension inside that can be accessed by anyone with a bag. The Devon coven has one, Giles has one and Alice has the last other than this one. Tons of raw uncut gems went in before I buried the rest as I didn't want the local warlords to kill for the rest.

I hadn't really found what I was looking for yet so I headed to the next location. The pocket dimension was useful as it had allowed Alice to keep me stocked on ointment salves and blood when need be and she could use the diamonds I didn't need for her own projects or even give them away.

It's not like we needed the money anyhow so when I heard she'd given Dawn a diamond necklace with her name in actual diamonds I wasn't surprised. She'd even gone so far as to start making her own jewelry.

Unfortunately the only down side to the pocket dimension is that it couldn't hold living things. As air was needed for that. I contemplated asking Alice to try to come through but in the end I couldn't risk her just to ease my loneliness.

Another two weeks passed and more gems followed but still no sign of what I needed. With the last of Africa's gem deposits already gone through I stilled my healing spells and used my magic's on a powerful world wide locator spell.

The results made me both happy and grim. I found two locations for the gems I'm searching for. One is in LA, clearly at Wolfram and Hart's HQ there. The other was in Australia deep in the out back and under miles of earth.

I settled on that one as I used the last of my magic's and the nature magic near me to teleport myself to the private jet. I gave the pilots the location I needed and laid down to get some rest and draw in more magic's to replenish my own.

I still felt the pull to go towards Kenya but even now I can tell it's not yet the time for that. I got a call about Buffy half way to Australia. She'd been attacked by a demon with hallucinogenic properties. Sighing I told them to tie her down and have Faith baby sit her till she could get the antidote.

Xander who'd just gotten back with Anya from their honeymoon agreed and relayed my message. I told him to take Alice with him to hunt it down and have Willow make an antidote with chemistry. With that taken care of I went into meditation for the rest of the trip.

I kept sending positive feelings over the thin fragile bond I'd formed with Buffy over all this time. It wasn't quite a mind connection yet but it helped I'm sure.

When I arrived in Australia I hurried now as I was in a rush. I used tons of power digging and breaking though the earth to find what I was seeking. When I managed to pull it up from close to the bottom of the earths mantle I was severely tired and magic deprived and I had a migraine with both a bleeding nose and ears.

Even this weakened and in pain I managed to put the green diamond chunk in the pocket dimension before walking back to the vehicle. I passed out for a few hours before waking and driving back to the jet. Once I boarded I told the pilot. "California, Sunnydale."

I sat down in the back and began using several diamonds as foci to draw in magic and using it to heal myself. I drew in more and more unendingly. Soon enough there was turbulence from the weather changes. I sent out a pulse that cleared it up while continuing.

I pulled in so much magic fueling it all into healing spells that the hellfire burns were forced back as it fought the healing process. By the time we were over the US, I was only scarred as even my hair had grown back.

It was a risky gamble as any slip would overload and flood me with magic's and I'd be no better than Willow in an instant. By the time the hellmouth's taint started to trickle in i was nearly fully healed except a wicked scar on my back where Buffy had dug into the hellfire burns and worsened it in that particular spot.

I stopped pulling in magic as I dispersed it all into the atmosphere. When we landed a rainstorm hit and lasted all the way till I was back at the house. With a thought I dispersed it and went inside to find Buffy was ok now. She'd managed to knock Faith unconscious and tie everyone up in the basement with the demon but before she could release it she killed it and left them like that for a while.

When she freed them she'd apologized saying. "I hallucinated my mother asking me to trust her saying this world was just a part of my psychosis."

They'd of course forgiven her by now as they were passing around pizza and drinks when I arrived. When I opened the door they all looked my way and I asked. "What? No hugs?"

Alice was the first one to me as she nearly tackled me. Xander spoke up. "Geez Alice, he's injured don't want to do more damage to him now do you?"

Alice shook her head. "He's not injured anymore see?"

She punched my chest and it let out a deep thud but I didn't budge. I chuckled. "Telling secrets love? I wanted it to be a surprise."

Faith was next as I'd barely got the last words out before she was on me like a horny monkey. I had to pry her off as our friends would frown on public sex and Buffy would be against Dawn seeing at least. But I did return her kiss with a passionate one of my own.

When she took the hint and hopped down she smacked my ass and I turned to Buffy who was there before me now. She looked me in the eyes and kissed me. I returned that kiss and left her breathless.

When she caught her breath she told me. "You were what broke the hallucinations. Every time they sad it was a false work of my imagination I saw you standing there looking at me with sadness. At first I wanted to stay because mom was alive there but I knew I'd be giving up too much if I did."

Sighing I told her honestly. "It wasn't exactly a hallucination. What the demons toxins really do is connect your mind with an alternate reality you. It's temporary and thready at best because of that. That's why it comes and goes. All I did was connect with you as you were experiencing the cross dimensional episodes."

She stilled before asking. "So somewhere out there-"

I nodded. "Is an alternate Buffy and Joyce who are dealing with a psychotic break."

The others heard that and all stilled as well. I sighed. "The fact is there are literally infinite alternate realities out there that very in degrees of difference."

I turned to Xander. "There's one where you left Anya at the alter, and vice versa."

I turned to Faith. "There's one where you killed the mayor's aid and went dark slayer. And one where it was Buffy that did so instead."

I looked at all my girls and said. "I'm positive there are many were I don't exist at all or died before meeting you. As all thing are possible so are all realities."

I turned to Anya." Just ask the ex-vengeance demon that could literally make them."

She shrugged. "He's right you know. It takes a lot of small choices or moments to come to where we are and where we'll eventually end up. Odds are this exact moment has played out a thousand times in a thousand different ways."

I nodded and sighed. "Though the big things are fewer and far between as changes go. For instance, Willow becoming a witch. It's a big moment as there are fewer realities where she doesn't after meeting Buffy. It's simply in her nature."

I waved a hand and grew an extra chair to sit down in. We got into theories of possible quantum entanglements. Almost everyone knew something on the subject except Dawn who was just excited about realities filled with kittens and puppies.

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