
Chapter 6: Hidden Clause

The next time the Gotham City Sirens showed up at his humble abode, Danny was actually expecting them. For once, he had invited the three women over.

To his surprise, Harley at least knocked before she came in (no breaking and entering necessary; he had left the door unlocked). He didn't even bother to fully turn and greet her, instead settling with holding up a ring with three separate keys on it. Harley excitedly squealed as she snatched it from him and held them up to the light so that they glinted and clanged together.

"Are these for us?" She asked rhetorically, clearly delighted that he had actually listened to their teasing. The other two peered over her shoulders to look at the gift.

"Well don't just stand there," Ivy prodded as she poked Harley in the side. "Hand them over."

Danny watched their interaction in mild amusement for several moments; by the time he interjected, each woman was in possession of their own apartment key. "Other than taking away any reason for you all to break my locks anymore… Selina, you've been requested by a young fangirl." He pretended to not notice her momentary shock that was quickly covered up by continuing to speak. "She's four and is recovering from some pretty severe burns. Her house burned down the other week," he elaborated.

"The poor thing," Selina murmured. There was a tinge of anxiousness in her voice that held an unverbalized fear: what can I do to help?

"Even though she's allergic, she loves cats," Danny added helpfully. "Like, love loves them."

Harley nudged her teasingly with her elbow. "Seems right up your alley, kitty." She was met with an unimpressed stare for the attempted pun, but merely shrugged and waltzed into the kitchen.

"You can do better," he called to her, smiling as innocently as possible towards Ivy and Selina as they turned their glares on him.

"Oh, hush," Catwoman sneered, although the action lacked any real malice. She glided over to the couch and sat down on it as far away from his as possible.

Danny snorted in derision. "Please; you still owe me for breaking into my apartment-"

Selina clicked her tongue. "Then that would make us even now."

"Uh-huh, you also used my shower and my towel. And my shampoo!"

The darker-haired woman sighed, clearly tired of his dramatics. "What, you expected me to use Ivy's 'all natural' mixtures? Sometimes a little bit of chemicals is good for you."

From the way Ivy rolled her eyes, it was clear that this argument was a usual occurrence in their trio. She remained standing by the kitchen door; Danny suspected it was to keep an eye on whatever Harley was doing. "Like I'm going to keep unnecessary toxins around her or my plants," the redhead muttered.

"Probably smart," Danny conceded. A comfortable silence settled between them, so Danny turned his attention back towards the television. He snickered under his breath as he heard Selina's complaints about him watching the news. To be honest, he had only started to watch it recently. Being involved in the affairs of the law's unfavorable meant that sooner or later, he would be caught in the crossfire- Flash showing up had been a lucky first run in. He knew it could get much worse.

Luckily, he knew that wouldn't happen with Selina.

She showed up- no, she waltzed into the long term ward at Gotham Children's like it was a runway. The bombshell had forgone her catsuit and instead was wearing leather pants and an oversized sweater that hung off one shoulder and read "crazy cat lady." With the hand that wasn't clutching the strap of an oversized Gucci purse, she lowered her large sunglasses to meet his carefully blank expression with an amused gaze.

"Something the matter?"

Danny rolled his eyes and beckoned her to follow him. "Stop making the nurses faint and come on."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about-" Selina stop talking and choked back a laugh as she looked around her and took in the awestruck faces on many of the staff and visitors in the waiting area. "Ah." She coyly blew a kiss to an older teenage boy sitting next to his mother, and Danny was positive all oxygen had stopped flowing to the kid's brain.

"Alright, we're going to see Ashley now before you give the hospital any more patients," he ordered, snatching her hand and leading her down the hall. He did not want to have to go on damage control before the visit even began. "Do I even want to know what you have in the bag?"

"If it didn't set off the metal detector, do you need to worry?"

"Yes," he deadpanned. Noticing that they were close to the little girl's room, he slowed their pace. "Okay, ground rules: no stealing, no intentionally intimidating nurses, no swearing, okay?"

Selina sighed in exasperation. "Fine. Can I go in now?" Danny gave a mock bow and knocked on the nearest door (not randomly, he had been told the number would be 209). Selina brushed by him with a kind smile and arms wide open. "Ashley, sweetie!"

A gasp could be heard even from his place outside of the room. "Ms. Cat-lady! You came!"

"How could I not come see a cat lover like you?" There was a pause, and Danny was sure that he heard a zipper un-zip. "I brought you something special!" Oh shit.


"A kitty!"

Well fuck.

"In my defense, it was a hairless kitten. You said she was allergic to them, so I found a hypoallergenic one."

"Not the point!"

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