

From the distance, a voice called out to him. A familiar voice, sweet to his ears and pulled him out of the sea he laid at the bottom of. It was dark down there. Dull, bland, numb. Painless. 

He sat there, a shiver running through him as he slowly lifted up from the ocean's floor. He didn't want to. It was warm down there, cold, hot? He didn't know. But he couldn't feel, that was the best part about it. There was nothing but him down there, his body pressed against the ocean flow that he couldn't even feel himself. 

Somehow there he was breathing. Somehow he was living. 

He wished he wasn't. 

Now as he rose to the surface, the aches that he couldn't feel started to claw at him. Tiny scratches, tiny whispers, tiny pinches that grew into throbbing. Tiny clawing that soon dug into his skin. 

He hated it. He wanted to sink back down to the ground. There there was nothing, there it was bland, there it was black. Numb. 

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