
Chapter 19 (Miss Lola)

"There has to be another way that is less dangerous!" Sydney said

"I might have an answer to that!" Zero said walking into the office. Everyone turned to look at him.

"How so?" Sydney asked.

"When I realized that Noelia has dark magic in her, I decided to go see my witch friend and ask if she knows anything about this," Zero said walking into the office and a beautiful girl with light pink hair followed behind her.

"Who is she?" Zora hissed glancing at the witch.

"The names Lola, and you're Zora I presume? Zero told me a lot about you, you're prettier in person," Lola said checking out Zora.

"Oh really, I wonder why he never mentioned he had a pretty witch friend?" Zora said checking her out. Lola smiled before turning to look at me.

"Come here!" Lola said.

"Me?" I mumbled.

"I'm looking right at you, dear," Lola said.

"Ok!" I said getting up from Ascelin lap, I walked around the desk and over to stand in front of her.

"Give me your hand," she said holding out her hand, "all I'm going to do is try to see what type of spell was used on you."

"Oh ok," I mumbled placing my hand in hers, she covered her other hand on top of mine.

"Breath and close your eyes," she said doing the same and I just followed suit, "this might hurt a little." She start chanting words in another language. I felt something, like a barrier, going around us and when I thought about opening my eyes images of my parents and childhood start running through my mind like a fast film. I couldn't keep up with the image, as quick as they appeared the faster they was gone. But one of the photos stood out to me, even though I only saw it for a second, it was my parents, me as a child, and a young boy. The boy wasn't Ascelin since the boy had red hair, so I wonder who that boy is...maybe I did have friends when I was a kid. The last thing I saw was my mother until I came back to reality.

"Noelia?" I look up to Lola, "you ok?"

"Yeah, did you find what you need?" I asked.

"Yup, thank you!" She said before quickly going over to Ascelin desk to grab a piece of paper and pencil, and start writing something down, "ok, oh and by the way, you're mother is a legend."

"Thank you!" I mumbled questionable because it seemed everyone knows more about my mother than I do.

"Anyways, I think I could break the spell but the spell I have to do will take a couple of hours to do."

"Why would it take you that long?" Jarmee said.

"Dark magic doesn't break easily, and beside if you go this way no one has to get hurt," Lola smirked looking at me, "all you have to do is go to sleep and I'll do the rest."

"Ascelin?" I mumbled moving to look at him.

"I don't have no problem with it, but Armelle is coming the day after tomorrow..."

"Oh, that crazy bitch!" Lola snarled rolling her eyes.

"Who's Armelle?" I asked.

"Someone that would love to feed on you," Lola said walking towards me, "plus you're definitely her type."

"Lola!" Zero said.

"Sorry," Lola said turning to Ascelin, "then we need to do this as soon as possible."

"But what about going to see my parents?"

"I just used that so you wouldn't be here when Armelle come," Ascelin said shrugging his shoulder.

"Ok!" I said rolling my eyes, lucky I didn't confirm anything with mom or dad.

"I can't do it tonight, I need to go get some things for the spell, we can do it tomorrow night."

"Fine, it's a plan," Ascelin said standing up and I smiled, "Jarmee, accompany Lola to retrieve these items. The rest of y'all, check the area and make sure that whoever this Kol guy is, he's men ain't around. Also check the town too."

"Yes, Lord," They all said.

"I'm assuming you're Jarmee," Lola said walking over to Jarmee, "you're a cute little vampire, you will definitely keep me company."

"Then let's go," Jarmee said, then everyone was gone, leaving only Ascelin and I.

"Do you think this will work?" I asked going over to him.

"Hopefully, I really don't want to hurt you," Ascelin said lifting me up into his arms.

"I just want to be able to defend myself against whoever is after me. I want to be by your side and not behind you defenseless," I said playing with his hair, "and speaking of defending me, you looked so sexy taking out those bad vampires."

"Oh really?" Ascelin smiled.


"Did Jarmee look sexy?" He asked and I scoffed before laughing.

"Matter of fact, he did; but everyone else did too. Have you ever looked at yourself? You and the rest of the creep squad is sexy as hell, so yes I find Jarmee sexy and I do like him, but we both know that we're just friends," I said.


"Whatever, you can be jealous all you want, I don't care," I said glancing down at him, "because you cannot tell me you don't have any girl's chase you. You lied to me when you said you haven't been with anyone."

"I did.."

"Who is this Armelle girl?" I asked getting all the answer I need when he put me down on his desk before walking away from me towards his window. This girl is something to him because when Lola was talking about her Ascelin tired not to show any emotion but his eyes gave it away. He had some type of relationship with this women, which could be worst for me because the jealous ones are the crazy ones.

"You told me that you never slept with anyone," I said.

"I...I just want to leave that in the past."

"What about Violet?" I asked.


"Why the hell you have to lie to me, like you're scared if you tell me the truth I'll run," I said going over to him, "I don't give a shit about whatever you did in the past, but don't lie to me."

"I'm not scared that you will run, Rose. I'm just scared that someone will hurt you because of me."

"Keeping things from me is worst. I have been honest with you..."

"Not quite," Ascelin said crossing his arms over his chest and I raised my eyebrow.


"We haven't talked about why you had to go to Vendor Academy in the first place."

"I thought you know what happened?" I asked getting defensive.

"Maybe I lied."

"It seems you love to do that,"

"Well it seems you love to be around Jarmee," Ascelin snapped back.

"Why you keep bringing up Jarmee!" I said turning away from him.

"Whoa, we're not done here..."

"Do vampires love to argue?"

"Yes, we argue a lot, that why we're the deadliest species," Ascelin said and I smiled.

"I don't want to argue with you! I'm going to bed." I said walking away from him.

"You still haven't answered my questions," Ascelin said grabbing my waist pulling me into him.

"You still haven't answered mine," I said turning around to look at him.

"Touché," Ascelin said kissing my lips. I kissed him back slowly wrapping my hands around his neck.

"Do you really want to know why Don send me to Vender Academy?" I whisper into his lips, "I killed a boy who was trying to rape me."

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