
chapter 17 part 2

"Thank you lans." I said as I took the Pokeball from lana and placed it back onto my belt, while I looked around at everyone. "Alright everyone, why don't we push the enemy back a bit, they're getting a little too comfortable with the idea that they're going to be able to capture us. Why don't we show them how bad of an idea that is!" I shouted to everyone.

Each of my Pokemon let out a shout of their own in response. I leaned around the side of the boulder and found that the enemies had started getting pretty close to where we were. 

I glanced over at Infernape. "Infernape, use Fireblast on the group in front of us. Greninja, Hydro pump on the group to the right. Sceptile use Leaf Storm, Vulpix, try and freeze the leaves in the Leaf storm for some added damage to them." I told them. 1

Each one of them followed the orders that had been given to them. Infernape's Fire Blast had burned a good chunk of the guards and knocked them out of the fight, but almost immediately as they fell, a larger group had taken their place. I looked around and saw that this was true for the right and left flank as well.

"Crap, so that's what lana meant when she said that." I thought to myself.

The amount of attacks being thrown at us doubled in an instant as our counterattack started, almost immidietly stopping it before it even really began. The spot we were holed up in began getting heavily bombarded by the enemy. I grabbed lana's hand and took cover with her as the barrage continued.

I leaned out around the boulder and watched as the enemy began advancing a lot faster than before. "Crap, we can't let them keep advancing." I muttered. Though as I looked around, I saw that no one could get out to launch an attack, for risk of being hammered by the barrage of attacks.

My mind started racing as I looked for a way out of this, that wouldn't result in one of us getting severely hurt or killed. My eyes darted to everyone present, checking to see how banged up they were.

Admist all the explosions and sounds, I felt a couple of vibrations through my right hand, which was pressed against the ground. "What the hell? That felt different." I muttured as I looked towards the ground. The ground rumbled a few more times, each one being a bit more intense than the last.

There was a loud explosion and a pillar of fire towards the right side of the room. It came from the second level that we had initially bypassed. The bombardment momentarily stopped, and silence settled across the battlefield. A loud roar pierced the silence that had settled over the battlefield, it was one I was very familiar with.

"What was that Ash?" lana looked over at me, a frightful expression present on her face as she spoke.

A grin spread across my face as I watched the smoke from the explosion and fire being disperesed by an orange figure shooting out from it. "No need to worry lans, it's just an old friend that I called in for some back up." I responded.

My grin only grew as I watched the orange dragon dive down towards the mass of guards that had been advancing towards us, and unleasing a storm of fire into the group. 

Shouts of panic and crys of pain could be heard as the guards disperesed and started retreating from the frontline of their advance.

"Atta boy Charizard, kick their asses." I thought to myself.

The orange dragon created a semicircle wall of fire to keep the enemy away from where my group was, before diving down behind the boulders and landing.

I pulled myself up as he landed and I walked over to him. I looked up at him and smiled softly. "Thanks for coming buddy, it wouldn't really be a power team without one of the biggest hitters I have." I said as I used my good arm to give Charizard a hug.

After a few seconds, a small yellow Pokemon appeared from behind Charizard and sprinted over to me. I kneeled down and smiled at the Pokemon. "Hey there Pikachu, thanks for getting Charizard here little buddy, I really appreciate it." I said as I rubbed his head.

I stood up after a few moments and looked around at each of my Pokemon, they all looked exhausted and beaten up. "Alright, it's time to rally them and really start our counterattack." I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath before I started speaking. "Alright everyone, the battle has been hard, and it seemed like we were getting no where, but we're at full power now, so how about we pay them back for what they've done to us and show them a fight that they'll never forget!" I said.

Charizard let out a loud roar which echoed through the room, and the others followed suit, letting out cries of their own.

I looked over at lana and smiled softly. "Hey lans, would you be alright directing things here on the ground, while Charizard and I give them hell from the sky?" I asked her.

lana looked at me, apprehension present in her eyes. "I-I don't know A-Ash, I don't t-think I can do that, I'm not experienced enough to do that." She replied in a nervous and frightened tone.

I took a couple of steps towards her and took hold of her hand, giving it a small squeeze as I looked at her. "It'll be ok lans, I know you can do it, and I'll keep you safe from the air, I promise." I responded to her.

lana's frightened expression didn't disappear as her eyes started darting around a bit, I knew what that look meant. I gently pulled her close to me and hugged her. "Easy there lans, don't worry ok? Charizard and I are going to take care of most of the enimies, so you won't have to really worry about anything." I told her.

lana took a deep breath after a few seconds and slowly calmed herself down. "A-alright Ash...I'll try my best." She responded.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead, before looking down at her and smiling. "Atta girl, now let's go and kick your moms ass." I said.

lana looked back up at me, a slight blush present on her face as she nodded.

I was about to turn away suddenly when I felt my head being pulled back towards her. I was about to ask what was up, when she suddenly leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. 1

My face exploded in a bright blush and steam practically poured out of my ears as I looked down at her in surprise. I stood there dumbfounded as lana blushed and let out a quiet giggle. "M-Make s-sure to be careful up there Ashy." She said.

I felt my heart skip two or three beats, as she said that. "Is this what dying from cuteness feels like?" I thought to myself as I momentarily clutched my chest. 1

I took a deep breath to try and compose myself. While I turned towards Charizard and grinned as I walked towards him. "So Charizard, are you ready to go and kick the crap out of the enemy?" I asked.

Charizard let out a grunt of approval as he leaned forward to let me get on his back. I looked down at Pikachu and smiled. "Hey buddy, I need you to stay here on the ground and protect lana okay?" I told him.

Pikachu nodded and ran over to lana and hopped onto her right shoulder. I looked around at all the others as I approached Charizard. "Alright everyone, while I'm in the air, lana is going to be taking command down on the ground. Make sure to keep her safe and to follow her orders the best you can." I told them.

Each one of my Pokemon nodded as I hopped onto Charizards back. lana rushed over to me and looked at me. "Ash, what about your shoulder?" She asked me.

"I'll be ok so long as we stay in the air and away from the enemies attacks." I responded.

lana nodded after a seconds. "Alright, be careful Ashy." She said.

"I will lans, don't worry." I answered.

I patted Charizards back as lana stepped back. "Alright buddy, let's get going." I said.

Charizard let out a roar and stood up. His wings started beating after a few moments, and only moments later he took to the sky. 

"Now the real battle begins." I thought to myself as Charizard ascended into the sky.

lana's POV-

I watched Ash's Charizard climb higher and higher into the air, before charging into battle, while I was still on the ground, my mind racing a mile a minute as I tried to figure out what to do first. I looked around at everyone, and found them looking back at me, waiting for me to lead them. 3

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself a bit, before I started giving out directions. "Um, Sceptile, I-Infernape, you two should be on the frontlines. Greninja, Vulpix, can you two cover our sides?" I glanced over at Pikachu. "Pikachu, can you to pick off the ones that end up getting too close?" I asked.

Each one of them looked a little hesitant, but let out their own confirmation after a few moments. Each of them started rearranging themselves into the new formation, before beginning to move forward towards the retreating enemy.

I glanced up towards the air one more time, watching as Ash and his Charizard started bombarding the enemy with streams of attacks from above.

"Please be careful up there Ash." I quietly muttered to myself, before I started moving with the group again.

Finally joining the battle alongside the others.

Ash's POV-

The excess heat from Charizards blasts rose up and into my face as I watched the regrouping guards disperse again. I patted the side of  Charizards neck and grinned a bit. "Good job buddy, keep it up, this battle will be over soon if we can keep them from regrouping." I told him.

Charizard let out a roar of approval, before letting out another blast of fire into the enemy ranks. We were boxing the smaller groups into different parts of the battlefield, to keep them from regrouping and counter-attacking.

I glanced back to where we had left lana's group, and saw them finally moving into the battle. They were tackling the group closest to them, with lana directing from the center of the group.

I watched them for a few more moments, before I returned my focus to the rest of the battlefield. "Alright then, let's make them pay." I muttered to myself.

An attack zoomed past Charizards right wing as I finished muttering to myself. Charizard banked to the left to avoid another attack that would of hit us. I looked down at the ground and watched as the smaller groups started attacking us, trying to knock us out of the sky.

"Crap. Alright Charizard, go ahead and start blasting them, we can't afford to get knocked out of the sky." I told him.

Charizard dove down and released a Fire Blast into the middle of the first group, causing them to scatter as they tried to avoid getting burned. I grinned to myself as Charizard did the same thing to the next group over.

Charizard blasted each group at least once before we climbed back up into the air. I was able to get a good look at the battlefield once we were high enough. lana's group had gained quite a bit of ground since she first started her advance. Some of the smaller groups had been able to regroup with the others, and were starting to amass themselves again.

lana couldn't see it, but I noticed the guards re-organizing and trying to surround lana's group on the ground. I patted Charizards neck to get his attention and pointed at the guards that were slowly surrounding her group.

"We gotta go and keep them from surrounding her."I said to Charizard.

Charizard started to make the dive when a blast of white light came zooming past his head. Charizard Lurched to the side in surprise, almost throwing me off in the process. my grip on the back of his neck tightened as I tried to keep myself from drooping a good 60-feet to my doom.

"Woah! Easy there buddy, don't throw me off, I don't feel like taking a dirt nap here!" I yelled in slight panic, before giving the side of Charizards neck a pat. "Where did that even come from?" I muttered to myself, before looking down in the direction that the beam of light had come from.

I had to squint my eyes to make out who it was, but the second beam of light that came zipping past my head pretty much confirmed it.

I grinned to myself and let out a little chuckle. "Looks like Lusamine is finally getting off her ass and fighting." I muttered to myself.

I looked down at Charizard and smiled. "Hey buddy, do you remember that battle that we had with Entei in the town of Greenfield?" I asked him.

Charizard let out a grunt as he nodded. "Good, because we're gonna need speed like that for this. We gotta take Lusamine out before things get worse here." I explained.

I could practically see Charizard's grin as he nodded in response. Before I could tell him what to do next, he dove down towards the far end of the room where Lusamine was with her Pokemon.

"Woah, Charizard, hold on buddy!" I yelled as he dove down at a rather surprising speed.

Once we were a bit closer, we started circling Lusamine and her Pokemon, almost like a vulture.

"Alright buddy, start laying down some fire ontop of them." I told him.

Charizard let out a roar and let out a blast of fire onto Lusamines group.

Before the flames could get anywhere close to her group, a plume of water came from the ground and met the fire. I only got a momentary look at which Pokemon shot the Hydro Pump, and I'm pretty sure is was a Milotic.

The two attacks met and caused and explosion of steam that obscured any line of sight that I had on Lusamine and her Pokemon.

"Get us out of this steam Charizard." I told him.

By the time I had said it, a blast of blue light zoomed past us. Charizard rolled to the right to avoid the blue light as it moved towards us.

"I really hope there's only one Pokemon that she has that can use Ice Beam." I muttered to myself.

I saw the steam dissapatting as Beams of Blue light shot up one after the other, three at a time in some cases.

"Why, Why do I invite disaster like this by saying that?!" I shouted as Charizard banked left and right to try and avoid the Ice Beams. 

We almost made it, we almost avoided all of them, but a fourth one blew through the chaos and right into Charizard's right wing.

"No, no, no, no." I started muttering to myself as we started falling out of the air and towards the ground.

"Oh this is gonna suck!" I yelled as the ground got closer and closer.

I braced myself as we crashed into the ground and slid. I was thrown off of Charizard's back and landed with a thud ten feet away.

I yelled in pain when I hit the ground, I knew I broke something, I could feel it, something wasn't where it was supposed to be.

I heard a haugty laugh and the clacking of heels as someone approached me while I laid on the ground. I looked up at the blonde figure as I laid there in pain, darkness on the edge of my vision, my breath ragged as I tried to keep myself from passing out.

"You must be the little idiot who thought he could play hero, how does the ground taste you little runt." She said as she gave me a swift kick to the side, right where I could feel that broken bone, causing me to yell in pain.

I coughed after a few seconds and a bit of blood came up and landed on the ground infront of my face. My eyes focused in on the blood splatter as I muttered to myself. "Well...that's not good."

My gaze slowly traveled to the blonde figure that stood above me. "You know what, Lusamine, screw you." I said to her, mustering as much venom in my voice as I could, while thinking to myself, trying to come up with a plan that would keep me and everyone else from getting seriously hurt, or even killed.

"How am I going to get us out of this one?" I thought to myself as I laid there.

Ash's POV-

I looked up at Lusamine as she looked down at me, I could see a glint of amusment and mockery in her eyes as she kicked me in my broken ribs again, making me cry out in pain. She was enjoying this, the pain, the battle, the harm she was bringing to others. She was enjoying all of it.

"Aww, look at the weak little trainer who thought he could do something and make a difference." She said with a snicker, while a grin was present on her face as she taunted me. "Now I hope you remember your place, and just sit there like the useless little bug that you are." She continued.

I coughed a little bit as I was trying to recover from the kick to my broken ribs. "You know, you talk a lot of shit for someone who has more hair than personality." I responded.

"Oh look at that, you've still got some spirit left in you." Lusamine responded as she kneeled down and grabbed a handful of my hair and lifted my head up. "Allow me to break what's left of that for you." She told me with a menacing tone.

I was about to ask how she was planning to do that, when an explosion rang out nearby. She let go of my hair as she stood up to see what the explosion was. I turned my gaze to follow where she was looking, to see the last group of guards that were nearby, get thrown into the air like a bunch of rag dolls, as another explosion rang out.

Smoke billowed up from where the explosion was, blocking my view of what was on the other side of the smoke. A few seconds later, a figure came through the smoke. It took me a few seconds to realize who exactly it was.

She walked through the smoke with a confident stride, and fire in her eyes,, one that brought a smile to my face, I could tell just how far she's come since we had first met back in the school yard.

I let out a weak chuckle as she came forward with my Pokemon in tow behind her. Each one of them run ragged from the intense fighting.

'I'm gonna have to treat them to a feast when we get through this, they've earned it.' I thought to myself as I layed there on the ground.

"About time you got here lana." I said with a weak laugh, one that let her know that I was happy to see her.

"Sorry about that Ashy, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for very long." She responded.

lanas POV-

My gaze drifted to Ash as his battered form was laid across the floor. I internally cringed, and looked at Lusamine and glared at her.

"Don't worry Ashy, I'll try and finish this as quickly as I can." I told him, before I let my eyes drift around the area, taking in everything and seeing what exactly I could use to turn the situation in my favor.

"Look at that, the unwanted child has come crawling back to me, I guess you couldn't make it our there like you originally thought." She said as she laughed and taunted me over and over again.

My thoughts drifted to the person standing across from me, the one who was supposed to be my mother, and was supposed to raise me. But instead knocked me down for most of my life. The sight of her alone made me start shaking, bringing back memories of the things that she'd done to me, the ways she tormented me throughout my life. All of it came flooding back to me, as I was face to face with the person who betrayed me and cast me aside.

My eyes drifted back to Ash as he was laid there on the ground, defensless and relying on me to finish this fight. I took a deep breath as I raised my head and met her eyes. 'Come on lana, you can't falter now, you've got this, Ash is counting on you.' I thought to myself as I started approaching her.

"Oh, you're approaching me?" She said in a mocking tone. 9

"I can't beat the crap out of you without getting closer to you." I responded to her.

lana's POV-

I made a short detour to Ash and kneeled down beside him, before taking his bruised hand and gently holding it in mine. Ash looked up at me and gave me a weak smile as he laid there bruised and battered on the ground. I could feel a lump form in my throat as I tried speaking.

"H-hey there Ash, h-how are you feeling right now?" I asked, unsure of what else to say at the moment.

Ash let out a weak chuckle before breaking into a coughing fit. "Eh..I got shot out of the sky, crash landed and probably broke the majority of bones in my body, and had to talk to that atrocious woman known as your mother. So, could be better. but hey, I'm alive, and the adrenaline is keeping the pain at bay, so I'll take that small victory for what it's worth." He replied, a glint of humor present in his eyes as he spoke.

I let out a small chuckle and gave his hand a small squeeze as I looked down at him. "Well I'm glad to see that your humor is intact at least." I said, as I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Just lay here and get some rest Ash, I've got the rest of the battle, so don't even worry about it." I continued.

I turned away and was about to get up when I felt Ash's grip on my hand tighten, preventing me from walking away and towards Lusamine. When I looked back towards Ash, I found him looking back up at me. "Be very careful, Lusamine isn't someone who's afraid to play dirty, regardless of who you are lana." He said to me. I could see the worry in his eyes as he spoke.

I heard a cough from behind me before I could reply to Ash, I turned around to see who made the coughing noise behind me, and saw Lusamine impatiently tapping her foot and glaring daggers at me as she spoke. "Are you two done with your little lovers re-union? I'd like to get on with my plans sometime this century." Lusamine said.

I let out a sigh and shook my head before I turned back to Ash and smiled at him. "I know, and I'll be very careful, don't worry Ashy." I replied as I gave his hand one last squeeze, before I let go and stood up to face Lusamine.

I stood across from the woman who I once considered my mother, and stared her down. Ash's Pokemon were standing by my side, while my own Vulpix was standing by my legs, close enough that I could feel it's soft yet cool fur against my ankle. I glanced over at Sceptile and Donphane and nodded over to Ash. "Please go and stay by his side, make sure nothing happens to him." I said to them, Donphane and Sceptile nodded and rushed over ot Ash's side, Leaving me with Infernape, Greninja, Vulpix and Pikachu. 

"I'm surprised you didn't just kill us when I went over to talk to Ash, Lusamine." I said as I started closing the distance between the two of us.

Lusamine laughed as her Pokemon took up a defensive stance infront of her. "Well I thought I'd grant this stupid yet brave boy, a final wish. letting him talk to this useless girl before I destroy her and erase her from existence." Lusamine replied to me. "It'll be even better than any battle he could ever lose. Seeing you getting erased while he can only helplessly watch." She continued as she laughed again.

I glanced back at Ash and took a deep breath as I felt the fire inside my heart grow in strength, as I chaneled the anger and frustration to fan that very fire in my heart. "You always have to get the last laugh in don't you Lusamine, well that's gonna stop today." I told her, while I glanced at the battered Pokemon around me and nodded to Infernape.

i saw a⚡come out of no were ash was smiling and said finally they are her who said lana my gym leader friends and my Scientist friends from all over the world and my strongest Pokémon from kalos garchomp they heard someone say garchomp maga evaluation and out came the strong pokemon

I thought about it for a moment, and nodded as I smiled back at him. "I would love to Ashy." I responded to him. ash said Lugia use freeze blast lusamine got frozen than he handcuffed her Then said you are under arrest for one count kidnapping 2 counts of child abuse and 1 count attempted kidnapping then took her out to officer Jenny and said she was under arrest one count kidnapping 2 counts of child abuse and 1 count attempted kidnapping and 3 counts attempted murder then it was over ash went up to his gym leader friends and Professor friends and said thank you for the help than said you can stay with me for 2 weeks because I wont you to be my best men at my wedding they said ok

2week later ash told her she was the new boss of him he then went through an ultra wormhole And tried to save the blinding one but he lost connection with her for at least an hour when she got connection back he said I need a lot more help otherwise UV black will stay UV black So she called all the kahunas and told them to send their z power through the ultra wormhole To help the ultra guardian ash Ketchum and all the kahuna said they would because they were friends of his so everyone sent their Z power than UV black become the blinding one again then he came back to Lana and got on 1 knee and said lana would you marry me And she said yes I will marry you

Lusamine escaped jail kidnapped lana ash called the Tokyo gray dragons and said I need your help I have a member of the blue dragon's and we need to kill her and save my girlfriend they fly to melemele Island and rode motorcycles to the market and asked if anyone knew were ash Ketchum one said yes I do and said at the pokemon school ash and the others heard the motorcycles coming down the rode and Ash jumped down to them and the others saw him shake hands with them and got on his motorcycle and left and they saved lana and killed Lusamine and Ash said thank you for the help and I well call you again if I need help again

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