
Chapter 6

A short time later, Markus, Luffy, and Zoro were on the small ship sailing away from the marine island. Things had progressed as expected with Coby joining the marines after having a fight with Luffy. Now they were just randomly wandering around. Markus was trying to remember where the next stop was. It had been a long time since he'd seen the beginning of One Piece so some of the details were very fuzzy. He knew the major plot points like meeting Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Nami before heading for the Grand Line. The fights with Buggy, that butler guy with the cat fetish, and Aarlong. But he couldn't quite remember the exact order. He was relatively sure the next stop was Buggy and recruiting Nami.

After thinking about it for a bit he just gave up and decided to just let things happen as he had been. More importantly, he'd completed his quest and become a pirate by officially joining Luffy's crew. The reward for the quest was something called and 'Item Token'. He retrieved it from his inventory by pretending to pull it out of his pocket. It was a little token, like a poker chip, with the image of a sword and gun crossed on it.


Weapon Token

Can be exchanged for any weapon available in the System Shop.


Markus smiled at the short, simple, and to the point description of the item. He stuck it back inside of his inventory and opened his system shop to take a look. He was surprised to see that there was a new option in the shop, a 'Sell' option. He mentally touched the sell button and sitting there on the screen was the sword he'd collected from the marines. It wasn't worth much, only 250 belly's, but seeing that the could sell items he picked up while traveling was a nice boon. He decided not to sell the sword from now and switched to the weapons tab to see what was for sale.

Each tab in the store only had twenty items for sale and none of the items were all that unique. They could all be found pretty easily in shops on islands. The only thing his shop seemed to offer was the convenience of being able to buy stuff anywhere he happened to be. Which was a pretty big thing considering he could end up stranded somewhere or in jail or all kinds of scenarios where he didn't have access to a store. As long as he had enough money he could survive just about anywhere.

That wasn't the point at the moment though. Right now he could get a free weapon and he planned to get it. He currently had a sword so he looked over the guns that were for sale. The swords for sale were comparable to the one he'd gotten from the marines so he ignored those and instead focused on the only other weapon that he had any proficiency with, guns. Guns weren't really heavily explored in the anime or manga. The main sniper of the series, Usopp, used a sling shot of all the stupid things. He looked through the listings for a bit and ended up picking a simple looking flintlock.

Though it was simple looking, it was weird compared to what would be expected of one in his original world. The flintlocks in One Piece were capable of firing more than one shot and being reloaded quickly and easily. They seemed like a combination between semi-automatic pistols and flintlocks. The one he picked didn't look all that different from the others but it could hold three shots and came with a hundred rounds of spare ammunition. There were a couple with more firepower but they didn't come with as much ammo. Money was still a concern so the included ammo had to be taken into consideration.

Once his purchase was made in exchange for the token, the pistol appeared inside of his inventory along with a box of bullets. He left them there for now. It would draw attention from Luffy and Zoro if he just suddenly pulled a pistol out of thin air.

The three of them chatted. Luffy and Zoro eventually got around to looking at Markus. Luffy, in his usual chipper tone, asked Markus, "You're a good fighter! The way you fought those marines was pretty impressive."

Zoro chimed in, "You even dodged an attack from behind without seeing it. How did you do that?"

Markus decided to play dumb for the moment, he would teach them about Haki as soon as they arrived at the Grand Line. They would need the Going Merry so they had some space to practice and the majority of the crew was on board. He wanted to teach most of them all at once instead of piecemeal. He also wasn't very good at his own Observation Haki yet either. With his decision made, Markus just shrugged his shoulders, "I've always been pretty good at dodging attacks. I was the best fighter in my village because I hardly got hit. My dream is to become the strongest man in the world, stronger than even Kaido."

Luffy and Zoro looked confused as they both asked, "Who's Kaido?"

"Kaido is one of the Yonko, the four pirate kings in the Grand Line. They say that Kaido is the strongest among them, supposedly he can't be killed. One day I want to be as powerful as he is and become unkillable. One day I want to fight and beat Kaido so I can be known as the strongest man in the world."

Hearing Markus's words lit an ambitious fire in the two listening to him. Markus looked at Luffy and grinned, "I don't want much Captain, but if we ever have the chance to fight Kaido I want to be the one to defeat him!"

Luffy just laughed and nodded, "The worlds strongest man! I like that!"

Markus grinned and then looked at Zoro, "Don't worry, I'm not great with the sword so you'll still become the worlds greatest swordsman!"

Zoro smirked at Markus but nodded. There might be some rivalry between him and Markus over physical strength but they would be competing in two separate fields. The three of them continued to chat for a while as the wind blew them randomly along their course. As the hours went by Luffy and Zoro seemed to lose energy before laying down on their backs and looking up at the sky. Luffy groaned, "I'm hungry."

Markus leaned back and looked up at the sky above him with a smile. The world of One Piece might be dangerous as hell but it was definitely a beautiful place. As they looked at the sky a bird could be seen flying across the sky. Luffy sat up, "Let's eat that bird!"

Before Markus or Zorro could argue, Luffy had already grabbed onto the mast and launched himself into the air with his Gomu Gomu Rocket. Markus and Zoro watched as Luffy flew through the air and immediately had his head captured by the bird's beak. Both Markus and Zoro shouted, "You idiot!"

The bird started to fly away with Luffy stuck in its beak. He couldn't get it to let go or he would fall into the ocean and drown. Markus and Zoro grabbed one oar each and started rowing as fast as they could to chase after Luffy. Markus couldn't help commenting, "So, this is our Captain eh?"

Zoro huffed but said nothing. As they rowed they could hear shouting coming from the direction they were heading. The two of them took a look and saw three men floating in the water shouting for help. Markus grinned to himself. Buggy was next for sure! He remembered these three clowns. Zoro beating them up and making them row was hilarious. Neither Zoro nor Markus slowed down as Zoro yelled, "If you want on, climb on yourself we're not stopping!"

The three members of Buggy's crew managed to climb on board the boat and immediately tried to take it over by threatening Markus and Zoro. All it earned them was a severe beating and being forced to do the rowing while Markus and Zoro relaxed. After learning who Zoro was the three minions of Buggy became very subservient. Zoro and the pirates conversed and they explained how they were tricked and robbed by a 'cute girl'. Markus knew it was Nami and it brought a smile to his face. Though she was ungodly greedy and would do just about anything for money, she was still one of his favorite characters. Something about her just made him want to protect her. He contemplated dating her for a bit. He did want to find someone special but he wasn't going to force the issue.

After a bit, the pirates were bragging about Buggy, their captain, and his invincible Devil Fruit. Their conversation died down but the threat of violence from either Markus or Zoro kept the three pirates in check and rowing with all their might. It wasn't too much longer before they arrived at an island with an empty village. Markus and Zoro looked around while Zoro commented on how empty the place was.

After learning it was Buggy's fault that the town was empty, Zoro and Markus decided to go pay buggy a visit and see if they could find some information about Luffy. Markus was pretty sure that Nami would have 'joined' Buggy's crew at this point. Markus couldn't help grinning, he was looking forward to the upcoming fight. He had a few plans for some changes to make life easier for him and the rest of the crew. As they moved in the direction of where Buggy was there was a huge explosion that destroyed a massive portion of the town. Markus grimaced at the sight. Buggy's special cannonballs were not something to mess around with!

Markus and Zoro took off together and made their way directly to where Buggy and his crew were located. As they arrived they saw an orange-haired girl, Nami, grabbing a lit fuse with her bare hands to put it out. A group of pirates were just behind her and about to attack. Both Zoro and Markus leaped behind her and stopped the pirates. Zoro used his sheaths while Markus used his fists. In an instant four of Buggy's crew were lying unconscious on the ground.


You have defeated one of Buggy's minions, +150 experience.

You have defeated one of Buggy's minions, +150 experience.


Markus and Zoro took out two each. After all, Markus couldn't have Zoro outperforming him and stealing all of the experience right? Luffy called out from where he was sitting inside of a cage and tied up, "Zoro! Markus!"

Nami looked back at the two men who saved her. Markus smiled at her and there was a moment of recognition. It wasn't the first time they'd seen each other. Markus offered a hand to Nami, "You alright?"

With Markus attending to Nami, Zoro turned to Luffy and started berating him, "Is this your idea of fun? First, you get caught by a bird and now you're locked in a cage! Stupid!"

Markus kneeled next to Nami and checked her hands while she stared at Zoro in shock, "P... pirate hunter Zoro?"

Markus grinned at Nami, "Yup. The idiot in the cage is our captain. Unfortunately."

As he talked to Nami, Buggy approached Zoro, "You're definitely Zoro, are you here for my head?"

Zoro barely acknowledged Buggy, "Not interested. I'm no longer a pirate hunter."

"Oh but I have some interest in you. If I kill you I will become even more famous!"

Zoro looked bored, "If you don't wanna die then just leave me alone."

Buggy's crew began to cheer and encourage him to kill Zoro. Zoro drew his swords and got ready as Buggy charged at him, "You better use your full skill if you don't want to die!"

The two clashed, Zoro's swords slicing Buggy into several pieces that collapsed to the ground. Nami and Luffy looked shocked at how 'weak' Buggy was. Markus frowned and Buggy's crew just started to chuckle darkly. Zoro turned his back on the 'dead' Buggy and made his way over to the cage containing Luffy, "Looks like it needs a key and these iron bars wont slice."

Buggy's crew started to laugh drawing weird looks from everyone but Markus. He watched closely and the moment he saw Buggy's dismembered hand suddenly float in the air and charge at Zorro. Markus moved at that moment. He dashed between Zoro and Buggy's hand. He made a grab at Buggy's hand to try and catch it but he missed. The knife in Buggy's hand pierced into his stomach, the long blade piercing completely through his body. Markus grunted in pain but didn't miss the chance to grab tightly onto Buggy's hand. He refused to let it go now that he had it in his grasp!

Fortunately for Markus the pain of getting stabbed was fleeting thanks to 'Life is but a Game' and 'Physical Resistance'. He was just fine despite being stabbed through the stomach. He'd only lost a little over forty hit points and he could recover that in about three minutes. All of this happened in a brief moment. Zoro, Luffy, and Nami looked horrified seeing the knife pieced completely through Markus. Buggy's crew laughed and Buggy looked annoyed, "Tch. Why did you have to get in the way?"

Aside from Markus and his crew, everyone else looked shocked as they watched Buggy pull himself together minus one hand, "I ate the Bara Bara no Mi! No matter how much you try to slice me up, you can't because I'm a splitting man!"

Buggy glared at Markus, "I might have missed you Roronoa Zoro, but I still got your friend! It looks deadly too." Buggy laughed at Markus's 'misfortune'.

Markus kept a tight grip on Buggy's hand and slowly pulled the knife out of his body, shocking everyone watching. His grin sent a shiver down the spines of some of Buggy's crew. There was no additional blood from his wound when he pulled out the knife. Only the bloodstain from the initial stabbing.

Luffy suddenly shouted, "Trying to attack from behind is dirty you big nose!"

Buggy's crew looked shocked and scared while Buggy himself looked furious, "What did you say?!"

Buggy launched his only remaining hand at Luffy while it held a dagger. Nami and Zoro were shocked when the dagger appeared to hit and stab Luffy. It only lasted a moment as Luffy literally bit the dagger in half and broke it. Luffy grinned victoriously, "I'm gunna beat you!"

Buggy laughed at Luffy, "Beat me?! You four are gunna die here!"

Luffy turned serious and looked at Zoro and Markus, "Zoro, take Markus and run."

Zoro looked back at Luffy, "But..."

Seeing the serious look on Luffy's face, Zoro grinned, "Alright."

Before he could object, Zorro had grabbed Markus and quickly dragged him away. Right after they passed the cannon loaded with the Buggy Ball, Zoro roughly tossed Markus to the ground and ducked under the barrel of the cannon. With a mighty heave, he flipped the cannon over and pointed the large bore at Buggy and his crew causing them to panic. Zoro turned to Nami and grinned, "Light it!"

Flustered, Nami only managed to say, "O-okay!"

As the fuse was lit Buggy and his crew panicked and ran away. It wasn't long before there was a deafening explosion as the cannon fired the devastating blast. Zoro dragged Markus over to the cage with Luffy inside of it. Honestly, Markus wasn't really injured, his passive meant that wounds didn't stick around for more than an instant. He could easily move about and run without trouble. However, the people around him had no idea about that and thought he was gravely injured. He was about to say something when Zoro grabbed and started to lift Luffy's cage. He turned to look at Nami, Who are you anyway?"

Nami awkwardly answered, "I'm a thief."

Luffy cut her off, "She's our navigator!"

Nami was immediately pissed off, "Are you an idiot?! If you've got time to spout nonsense then think of a way to get out of that cage!"

Zorro chuckled, "Nah, just stay in there captain." He turned to Nami, "And you, grab Markus!"

Markus was going to interject and say that he could move but that thought went away the moment Nami wrapped her supple arms around him and he felt two soft spots pressing against him. Well... he supposed he could let Nami take care of him for a bit... just a bit. Before the smoke from the cannon fire cleared, the four of them made their getaway. Zorro hauling Luffy's cage and Nami hauling the 'injured' Markus.

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