

Eloise's resolve was shaken, but she still stood firmly in front of the door.

Seeing her ready, the maid pushed it open, which was soon followed by a disgusting smell assaulting their nostrils. It was so repugnant that both women were forced to cover their noses.

When the light flowed into the previously dark room, Eloise couldn't help but gag. The scene in front of her was truly tragic…

There were the envoys, chained to the wall and lying in a pool of their blood and excrement.

Their bodies, if one could still call them that, were beyond recognition.

Lacerations, mutilations…

There was nothing they hadn't gone through… And the worst part of it all was that they were still alive, although barely...

Eloise could barely contain her anger.

Such cruelty, such violence…

Whoever did this had long-lost their humanity, now only torturing for pleasure.

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