
Rating Games 1

Today is first matches of Rating games so we all are going to watch it. Misla is also here to watch Sairaorg's match. As we were talking to each other a announcement heard to everyone

"First Game is Sairaorg Bael, Heir of Great king Family VS Seekvaira Agares, Heiress of Agares Family. "

" The Arena will be wide forest mountains with Sairaorg's base being on the North side and Seekvaira's Base on South side. Pawns will need to reach opposites base to promote. The game will end with one side giving up, completely defeated or the King being defeated. The Game will start in 30 minutes. "

After this Both Sairaorg and Seekvaira along with their peerage entered the battle arena through the magic circle.

Seekvaira started putting whatever plans she had in action as she directed her peerage to different positions. Sairaorg also started check the forest for his upcoming battle. Kuisha being his queen is also with him.

After 30 minutes passed and the match started, Sairaorg started moving to Seekvaira's base as Kuisha and his rooks and Knights followed behind him. Seekvaira's Knights attacked his Rooks as they started fighting but Sairaorg still is moving in forward direction with others.

After he reached near Seekvaira's Base with only Kuisha as others started fighting Seekvaira's strategic advances, Sairaorg said

Sairaorg :"Seekvaira let's fight now. "

Seekvaira :"I am not stupid to fight directly to strongest youth Devil. "

Saying this she used her Time manipulation as she slowed down time across both of them and Her queen started fighting with Sairaorg. Sairaorg still is powerfull even after time around him slowing making his opponents move becoming faster due to this in his eyes.

After this it was a good fight before Sairaorg used his eliminated Seekvaira using his Touki as he punched Seekvaira to eliminate her.

"Seekvaira Agares king has been eliminated, the winner is Sairoarg Bael. "

After this Seekvaira is taken to medical care to tend to her injuries along with her peerage. After Sairaorg came out he said to me.

Sairaorg :"Well Issei may we meet in next round. "

Issei :"Yes Sairarog. "

Misla :"Are you Okay my son? "

Sairaorg :"Yes mom, It's just few injuries. I will go to medical care now. "

Issei :"Kuisha, Are you okay? "

Kuisha :"Yes I am okay except for some minor injuries. "

After this they both also went to Medical care to check for any heavy injury. After They all come out along with Sairaorg said

Sairaorg :"It was a good match Seekvaira. "

Issei :"Yes Seekvaira, It was a nice match. "

Seekvaira :"Thank you, Issei. "

Issei :"Well Next is Sona and Rias match so let's watch together. "

Misla :"Well I also want to see what your girlfriends are capable of. "

Saying this we all took our seats. When Rias and Sona appeared with their Peerage, we all wished them luck. Venelana and Lady Sitri are also here as they are sitting with us instead of sitting with Zeoticus and Lord Sitri. After this announcor said

"Next Match is between Rias Gremory, Heiress of Gremory clan VS Sona Sitri, Heiress of Sitri Clan. "

"The Arena will be Wide Deserts. Rias Gremory's base will be at North side and Sona Sitri's base will be at South side. Rules will be same as before. The match will start in next 30 minutes. "

After this both their group entered battle arena through magic circle and started preparing for their match. As their Arena is Deserted so it will be going to be head on fight mostly.

After 30 Minutes Match start doing as Rias said

Rias :"Well Sona let's give it our best. "

Sona :" Yes, Rias. Let fight. "

After this they both started to fight as they flied in air using their wings. Rias started using her power of Destruction as she has find out many ways to use it like Sirzechs. Sona used her water magic to create water bullets.After this they both attacked to each other.

Asia is with Akeno as she don't know any attacks till now and is using her Twilight Healing to help others. Akeno is also fighting Momo and Saji at the same time. Tsubaki and Kiba are fighting using swords as their main weapon. Murayama, Katase, Kiryuu are also fighting with Reya and Tomoe While Tsubasa is fighting with Koneko. Koneko is also using her Neko form to fight unlike in anime.

After few minutes Akeno made Momo retire while still fighting Saji using her purple lightning bolts. she is not using her full power right now. Koneko is also using senjutsu to fight against Tsubasa. Kiryuu has also retired so Murayama, Katase are having hard time against Reya and Tomoe being new.

Kiba and Tsubaki are also fighting using nlthe new sword techniques they learned from me. Kiba is using his Sword of Betrayal(Balance Breaker) to fight against Tsubaki. But being a queen Tsubaki is giving him a hard time to fight.

As they were fighting a sudden Scream got everyone attention

??? :"ARAGGHHHH..... "

When Rias and her other team heard this Rias said

Rias :"Gasperrr.... *

Yes, that was Gasper, he was hiding somewhere waiting for Rias' order to act. As Rias said Gasper's name Sona said

Sona :"Rias, Did you really thought that I will forgot about Gasper who have that ability to stop time. "

Rias :"What happened to him? "

Sona :" Well he is now trapped in one of my traps I used to stop him and it will give me enough time to fight with you. "

Sona :"So you won't have any Trump card on you. "

Rias :" .... it means now it will be a combat of power so let's see who is going to win. "

Saying this They both again started using their powers I have also given them other affinities but due to not being trained more they are not using them so Rias is mainly using her power of Destruction while Sona is using her water magic Sitri clan is famous for.

After sometime Saji also got eliminated by Akeno. And Murayama and Katase also got eliminated by Reya Tomoe but Tomoe also got eliminated. Kiba and others are still fighting.

After sometime Rias used her ball of destruction to throw at Sona which was stopped by Sona's Water serpent. Then Sona used water to form Water Lances and attacked Rias with them. Rias defended by using her Power of destruction forming multiple shield in lances ways as they slowly disintegrated reached up to her.

After fighting for a long time Others are reaching their limit along with Sona and Rias so Sona said

Sona :"Let's end this, Rias. "

Rias :"Yes "

After this Rias put all of her remaining energy into forming her attack Extinguished star while Sona put all of her power to form a giant water serpent. After they both released their attacks Extinguished Star and water serpent clashed. As Rias attack overwhelms Sona's It moved to Sona And Eliminated her from the game

"Sona Sitri king has been eliminated, The Winner is Rias Gremory. "

After this the Remaining ones are also teleported back and Went to Medical care for treatment. After they all came back to us as Lady Sitri said

Lady Sitri :"Congratulations Rias on winning. Sona you were also good. "

Rias/Sona :"Thank you Lady Sitri/ Mom.

Venelana :"Yes Sona, Rias , It was good match to watch. "

Venelana :"Well you all were also good. "

All of them :"Thank you Lady Gremory. "

Griselda :"Yes I know that you were all powerfull but didn't consider you all will be this powerful. "

Gabriel :"Well Akeno you are very much powerful. Especially Asia's Healing was really good "

Akeno/Asia :"Thank you Gabriel. "

Shuri :"Yes My daughter you are really progressing. "

Kuroka :"My sister, you were also good Nya ~"

Koneko :"Thank you big sis. "

Issei :"Yes Kiba and Tsubaki, You both were also good at the sword techniques you learned."

Issei :"Tsubasa and Others were also good fighting."

"Thank you Issei "

Misla :"Yes You both were very good. I did expected that you will be strong but not this much. "

Le Fay :"Yes it was a good match and I think Kiba, Tsubaki, you can also compete with my Brother. "

Ophis :"Yes it was a good match. "

Hearing Ophis comment all of them became more happy because They knew Ophis only complimented those who are really good. After this we all sat together and waited for next match to start. Gasper was a bit sad for not being any help.

After sometime The Match Between Diodora and Zephyrdol started and as we expected, First Diodora was in the losing hand but after sometime he suddenly got a powerboost and defeated Zephyrdol. I think Khaos Brigade still have Ophis' Snakes to poweboost.

After this when he exited From the game. Diodora came to us and said

Diodora :"Hello beautiful Asia, how are you? "

Hearing his words Asia didn't say anything as Rias and others flared their magic as they knew what he wants. Then Rias said

Rias :"Why are you here Diodora? "

Diodora :"I just want to talk to miss Asia. "

Issei :"You don't need to talk to her. "

Diodora :"I don't think you have any right in this Red Dragon Emperor. "

Issei :"I have due to being Asia's Boyfriend and if you don't go back right now don't expect to participate in any of the upcoming matches. "

Hearing my words he didn't say anything as knowing that he can't fight me right now. so he just went back. After he went back Lady Sitri and Venelana who are sitting near us have a smile on their faces seeing how possessive I am to my girls. But they don't know the real thing about him.

After this we all went back to Human world as the next round will be after two weeks.Although this time Lady Sitri along with Venelana also came with us for the same reason as Venelana. Serafall also wanted to come but Sirzechs stopped her by saying that they have to arrange things for next match.

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