
The Plan

'Before making any kind of plan for my future I need to make sure of the information that I remember and then the information of the time period I am in. That Chinese guy Sun Tzu said in his book that KNOW YOURSELF, KNOW THY ENEMY AND YOU WIN A THOUSAND BATTLES.' Rubin thought.

First of all, I saw many muggle toys in the room when I came in so I can't be a pureblood and I know my surname Florean is a pureblood name and Neville was a pureblood so that makes Alice a pureblood (All you grandparents must be wizards and witches to be pureblood) which implies that Helen is a pureblood obviously as they are sisters. This means that my grandmother on my Father's side could be a muggle and that would make me a half-blood most probably or maybe my parents have muggle-born friends.

My mum said that Frank and Alice have just gotten married so that means Neville has not been born yet so that means harry is also yet to be born so Voldemort is still alive. So I have a year or two before the wizarding war is over and Voldemort is dead because Voldemort dies when Harry is 15 months old and Neville and Harry are of the same age.

Lily and James died in 1981 if I remember correctly, so that makes the time period I am at somewhere between 1977-1979 because Harry and Neville were born in 1980.

Now I have exactly 11 years before I go to Hogwarts so I have to decide all the things I can do without anyone getting suspicious that maybe that baby is too smart or anything like that.

From what I have gathered out of all the web novels I have read about being reborn or being reincarnated is that the first step is always meditation. Maybe who knows, I could even start feeling magic or mana or stuff like that and if that doesn't happen then at the very least I'll be setting a very good foundation for occlumency( the art of shielding your mind from intrusion) when I learn it.

After that, if I can feel the magic then it's good and I can start doing basic wandless magic stuff starting with spells like Lumos. And if I can't do that, then until I am a year old after which I can safely start speaking and learning reading, I can only practice meditation.

Now what I can do when I am a little older like 7 or 8 and to take full advantage of my future knowledge. I can invest in companies like nimbus which I know will be a hit in their startup period.

I know before nimbus came there were other companies like the cleensweep that were the norm.

So I'll have to keep an eye on that, and I can also check and see if I can make investments in muggle companies like Apple and Microsoft.

When I am like 3 or 4 then I can start reading books about different kind of magic like transfiguration and charms but maybe I should only do stuff that are not going to be taught at Hogwarts otherwise I won't have any fun at Hogwarts. Now that I have the good fortune to be born in harry potter universe I am going to make full use of it and have a lot of fun.

If I want to be able to survive when all things start to go to shit after Voldemort is reborn again, because I will try as hard as I can to not change the main timeline too much, then I'll have to start physical training from a very young age so that I can have the proper agility and flexibility to dodge the spells be a very good dueler.

The main things that I can learn before I can get my wand are :

1 Wandless magic ( if I can)

2 Ancient runes

3 Arithmancy

4 Occlumency

5 Memorize potion recipes and ingredients

I didn't include Legilimency because I would need a willing subject to practice on to be any good in it but I don't have anyone like that.

I have to do all this stuff in such a way so that my parents think that their child is a genius but to not do too much or they may suspect that I am being possessed or something. So I'll have to walk on a very fine line between a one in a hundred-year genius or a weird child.

The best way to do that would be to get tweaky the house elf on my side and learn all this stuff when my parents are not home and leave me alone with the house-elf. After an appropriate amount of time when I can safely speak I should get tweaky to do stuff for me and not tell my parents, because from what I could infer from the books was that house-elves are a species of very loyal but somewhat less intelligent beings if you take dobby and winky as the norms.

Alright, that is the blueprint of what I am going to do and If I remember some things along the way then I'll improvise as I go along. Now I am starting to feel sleepy again so maybe I'll start the meditation from tomorrow onward.....zz...z..z...

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