
Over confidence sinks the ship.

"Can't believe it'd be so easy to fool you." He snatched Suyin's backpack and turned it upside down, "Let's see what you carry in there. I was always curious about it--Ahh," His eyes shone at the sight of her card, "--this! Now my entire army can get more weapons."

"Traitor. You work for them," Suyin said. Her eyes scanning the number of people surrounding her. Twenty. One of them raised a recorder over head and winked at her. So the voices from earlier were coming from it.

"Work?" Reis laughed, and the other joined him as if Suyin had cracked a joke. "You--you think I work for them? Hahaha.... Alex, she thinks I'm one of your underlings and you are the leader. WHICH I AM NOT," Suyin staggered back when Reis leaned to her face suddenly. His eyes protruding out. "I AM BLASKA. THEIR LEADER. THIS IS MY ARMY."

Reis waved his hand. A man came and tied Suyin's hand behind her. "The attack on Revon's family and at me in the hotel--"

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