
Dreams {old}

After all, that bs went down the three Satans and the one doofus- I mean the four Satans arrived

Drake: well here comes the pervert

A man with silver hairs and an eyepatch arrived along with a man with black hair, brock like eyes arrived ( yep that's how he looks in the anime at first I know the guy has violet eyes but this is much funny) along with a silver-haired woman who was wearing a battle outfit

Ajuka: hello Odin sama and welcome to the underworld

Odin: ah Beelzebub, it's nice here

Micheal: I can't believe I arrived so late

Ajuka: no problem we can sign the treaty

Drake: mind if I join your conversation

Ajuka: oh hello drake

Drake: yo

Odin: and who might you be

Drake: someone who will gouge your other eye out if you try to peek under my girls's skirts

Ajuka: calm down Drake san

Drake: just setting the tone ajuka Well I don't mind if he stays in his limits

Odin: oh kid you think very highly of your self

Drake: oh is that so I think you don't see the level of power where I stand at

As Odin tried to look at Drake using his eye of wisdom ( yep made that shit up) he startled and fell back

Rosswisse: Odin sama, *looks at Drake * what have you done to him

Drake: ask him after all nobody told him to look that further

Odin: how, what are you

Drake: just a neutral entity that will strike when you do something wrong, well I will leave now I need to be with Sona and rias

Drake leaves

Rosswisse: what did you see Odin sama

Odin: abyss, endless abyss, but that's not what scared me the thing is that the abyss stared back, it stared right into my soul, Ross do not piss him off he stronger than me

Rose : ( I will refer to her as Rose) yes Odin sama

{ at the main hall}

A devil council member asked the youths what their dreams were

Siraorg: I want to become a maou

Councilmember 1: a good dream, hope you complete it

Councilmember 2: ah, the strongest youth sure has one of the better goals

Drake: I hope you become at least an ultimate rank because from the looks of it one of the positions might become vacant soon

All of them looked at Drake who walked in the room

Drake: Oh don't mind me

Council members 3: let's move on

Rias: I want to become one of the greatest family heads for the gremory

Councilmember 2: a fine example of someone who strives to be better

Sona: I want to open a rating game school

Councilmember 3: isn't their one already

Sona: but it's only for high-class devil's and I want to open it for commoner devils

Council member1 : *laughs* what an impossible dream

Drake : *stars releasing faint aura* oh and why is it impossible

Most of the council members that saw him fight started sweating on to what the other might answer

Councilmember 1: that's because only the high class should be allowed to participate

Drake: and why is that

Councilmember 1: for the betterment of the devils

Drake: oh *sarcastic claps* do you think that if only high-Class devils can make the devil race better such an irony

Sona: what do you mean Drake

Drake: easy, if the commoners became promoted to play rating games they will lose all power as there would be more reincarnated devils

Zekram: well that's right Drake San

All of them looked to the person speaking to see the first bael

Drake: oh good to see you again zekram san

Zekram: good to see you too Drake San, and sona sitri I think your dream is possible and is a very good one

Sona: thank you

Drake: but Sona I think you can make some adjustments to that dream of yours

Sona: what do you mean Drake

Drake: how about an inter-pantheon rating game school

Zekram : *interested * please elaborate Drake San

Drake: well since we are signing treaties with the other pantheons we can have rating games as a competition and entertainment for the pantheons

Zekram : *laughs* that's an amazing idea

Ajuka arrives at the scene

Ajuka: what is an amazing idea

Drake: well Sona here has the dream to make an inter pantheon rating school

Ajuka: that's a great idea Sona

Sona: thank you ajuka sama

Drake: ajuka can you make evil pieces that don't reincarnate other as devil's but only give them the position of the piece

Ajuka: that can be done Drake San

Zekram: I am willing to open the school in our territory after the pieces are done

Drake: well then sona your dream isn't impossible now

Sona: thanks Drake it means a lot to me

Drake: no problem

Rias then comes near Drake

Rias: Drake koneko has gone missing

Drake: let's go find her

Drake: girls, you stay here and look if something happens

Girls: yes Drake

Drake: Asia stay with the girls

Asia: OK Drake San

Both leave

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