
Welcome to the rumble {old}

( So this chapter is only for the introduction of characters and not action-heavy ( there is a little action in the end so don't judge me), now you can proceed to read it)

Drake: I don't think that this arena would be able to keep up to our power limits

Sirzechs: what do you mean

Drake opens a large portal and teleports all of them onto a large barren land

Sirzechs: where have you taken us

Drake: oh yes welcome to a live sized model of the moon

As all of them looked they saw what could not be possible described, the earth and moon away from their position

Drake: don't worry there is atmosphere and gravity here equal to that of the earth the planet is concealed by me

Azazel: when did you find this

Drake: I made it

Azazel: I should not have asked that question

Drake: yep

??? : where are we sirzechs.

A man with orange spiky hair and a large build

Along with a skinny man in his late twenties with sharp eyes and long and slightly wavy hair which is a mixture of black and blond.

Who wore a crimson robe with a distinguished design and has a limitless amount of creepy aura coming out of his body

Another man who was in his mid-twenties and wore a traditional Shinsengumi uniform, which consists of a haori and hakama over a kimono, with a white cord called a Tasuki crossed over the chest and tied in the back

A strange-looking creature that looked like a hybrid between a horse and a deer with red scales instead of fur and having the face of an Eastern dragon

A large glowing blackfish and a man in his mid-twenties with brown hair wearing a business suit.

Zekram *on announcing *: we are currently being witness to the fight that will determine the fate or rias Gregory's marriage

Souji Okita: what's going on sirzechs

Sirzechs: we have to face against rias's boyfriend if he wins we lose a lot

Surtr Second: so you're saying we need to face against a kid, quit joking big bro

Zekram: the contestants are

Sirzechs Lucifer - one of the four Satans of hell along with his preeage

And facing them is the one currently known as rias Gregory's boyfriend - Drake Akatsuki

Souji Okita: wait is he facing us alone

Sirzechs: please calm down guys

Grayfia: we need to face him or he might be very devastating to the underworld

Beowulf: wait how strong is he

Zekram: if the Satan and his preeage wins, Drake will become a servant to lady Phenix but if Drake wins he will receive ravel Phenix and grayfia lucifuge as his prize and the marriage contract will be severed

Surtr: wait why is grayfia née on the line

Sirzechs then explains the situation

Surtr : *fuming with anger * we can't let him take grayfia née and rias Sama

Sirzechs: it's beginning

As they looked forward they saw a boy wearing a white armour with golden stripes that radiated pure holy energy, on his back were a pair of chained blades one being jet black with dark orange engravings which radiated dark and violent aura, and the other being golden with purple engraving that seemed to have a cooling and calm yet deadly aura (basically a modified version of blades of chaos), along with that he wore two gauntlets, the one on his left hand was a dark metallic silver which had six gemstones on it and a jet black chain that extended from his wrist to his forearm while the other was a golden gauntlet that had another six gemstones on it and another chain that was goldenly extending from his wrist to his forearm, the boy was having an aura that looked as if he was born to dominate the battlefield, anyone who saw him could only look at him in sheer awe

Zekram: let the battle commence

Drake: let me take out the weaker ones first

As he said that he raised his arm

A giant meteorite was heading towards him

The purple gem on his right arm started shining

The meteor then started to emit a purple colour and in a minute the meteor then shattered into pieces and impaled both Beowulf and enku while the others were able to dodge the attack

Zekram: both pawns of sirzechs have been eliminated

Drake: let the massacre begin


Author here

So I know might be a little rushed but please bear with me, also next chapter will take a little longer to write ( research on abilities of sirzechs' preeage) so please forgive me

Siguiente capítulo