
Wicked Maid

"Well, I can use some exercise!" Arden giggled a bit before the guards starting to surround him. Unfortunately for the guards, his Naginata can hit whoever trying to pass him on the side.

The guards can't surround him fully and at the end, made a half-circle in front of him. Both of the sides stared at each other warily before deciding their move.

At the corner of his eye, the dress he dropped in front of his bedroom is being picked up by Cassandra, the subordinate of Rose, the head maid.

Cassandra quickly ran away and Rose blocked Arden's point of view so he can't see where the directions Cassandra went to.

'Well, it doesn't matter anyway, that dress is a little important to me though' His thought was ruined once he saw the edge of the blade coming to him.

He barely blocked the attack with his Naginata, a second late and his head would fly from his body. The guard that attacked him is a bald man, at his late 20.

He continued attacking Arden again and again, almost all lot of his attack being dodged or missed it made him angry, not accepting reality he is being embarrassed in front of his colleague.

Arden dropped his guard purposely and started mocking and baiting the guard, "Is this all you got? The guards here are a little bit weak" The guard that have been attacking him for almost 1 minute continued, now less careful and more aggressive.

The guard tried to do overhead attack and ended up losing his balance and fell to the floor, 'An opening!' Arden thought and with the blunt end of his Naginata, he hit the guard head, instantly making him unconscious.

'One done, more to go!' Arden thought to himself, getting a little bit excited with the fight.

Then he realizes something, 'This place is not a good place to fight, if there are guards coming from the other side, I would be doomed,' He freezes at the place he was standing.

With his face still facing to the guards, all of them thought he was still looking at them and didn't dare to advance, "I'll attack him!" One of the guards said.

The other stopped him with a reason that made sense to him, "Don't do it! He is still looking at us, we will be beaten if we charge one by one!" With others yelling at him, he didn't have the audacity to attack Arden.

The guards dragged the bald guard from the fight and started treating him, Rose didn't even spare her own time to get a medic or at least first aid

Arden still thinking to himself and searching for the best thing for him to do at this moment, 'I think I'll retreat to the yard!' He started taking a step back, one by one and slowly, making sure the guards didn't notice where he is going to.

He retreated to the stairwell and the guard that almost charged him snapped at him, "You are surrounded now fool! There is more guard downstair!" Arden stared at him for a second.

He rushed downstairs while yelling "Sayonara!" One of the words he learned from the Tadashima language.

With no armour being equipped at his body, going down the stair is easy for him, the other guards are having some hard times going down the stair with the armour.

Arden stopped at the middle of the staircase and turned around and started attacking the guards that are focused on going down, "You didn't expect this!" The guards obviously shocked, some of them lost their balance and fell down, bringing others with them as they slide down.

Arden continued on his way as fast as possible, one of the guards almost grabbed his leg while falling down, so Arden gave him a warning or perhaps can be called a threat, "If you don't release my leg, you will lose your hand!" Arden just chuckled.

"I won't release it!" Arden stared at him at disbelieve and lightly swing his Naginata, slashing a little bit of his hand.

The guard that grabbed his leg looked at him in fear, "Y-You aren't joking!!" Arden looked at him and smirked before the guard released his leg.

He rushed downstairs and to the yard while barely any people being there doing their business, only guards and some other people like a merchant and the cook, bringing cooking supplies from the city.

There he saw the head cook beside the cart of supplies talking to another cook about what they were going to cook for the residents inside the castle.

"Hey, what we're going to cook for his highness?" The head cook said and curiously waiting for suggestions from the other cook.

"Hey! Behind you!" Arden grabbed him, using him as a hostage for fun and putting his Naginata's blade on the head cook's throat.

"Hey! What's your name!" Arden asked while turning around cautiously, seeing any guard coming to them.

"M-My na-name i-is Hans! P-please do-don't ki-kill m-me" With the heavy stutter getting too scared and nervous, he even peed himself while doing it.

"Okay Hans, you need to relax, it's me and also it's disgusting for you to pee yourself!" Arden responded with the sentence and Hans's face can be seen getting redder and redder.

"Sir, why are you doing this, I'm having a heart attack just now!" Hans getting calmer and calmer now.

"Well, I was doing some undercover things, and I found my targets, now play along!" Right after he said this, the guards start pouring out of nowhere, some of the soldiers in the army started coming too.

Some of the soldiers in the army recognize Arden and whispered to another soldier, "That is our lord, don't tell any of the guards, he is doing some undercover things!" All of them understood and play along.

"Well, it seems our only choice is to negotiate!" His words made no sense to the guards, they bluntly attacked himself despite Hans at his hand as a hostage.

Arden is forced to defend himself and also Hans while yelling at the guards, "Wait what, there is a hostage at my hand!" The guards didn't care at all and continued attacking.

Most of the attack are directed at him, some are directed at Hans himself, "What the? You guys dared to attack the head cook of your lord!" The guards still didn't care.

One of them yelled from the distance "That cook is not worth the thing you stole from our lord!" The word that came out from his mind enraged the soldiers there.

"Why do you said that! What are we going to eat if the head cook is no more!" The soldiers began unsheathing their weapons and started charging at Arden, while purposely hitting the guards.

Some of the soldier's weapons hit Arden but like softly, "Sorry!" Some of them even apologize when they hit Arden.

The guards did not take it lightly, half of them began attacking the soldiers bluntly, the castle yard's turned into a battlefield.

That's when Arden realized something, "Well, it seems my soldiers did a good job, the guards are not attacking me anymore…" Arden freed Hans from his hand and Hans stayed behind his back.

"Wait a minute! I only allow the veterans that are not fit to go to battle to be guards right? Why are they not recognizing me then!" Arden did say this to Valen before he goes to war.

"My lord, most guards were hired by Rose herself! She didn't hear the thing your wife said," At this point, Arden became enraged.

At the gate of the castle, Arden saw Rose with the city guards behind her with full armour and fully armed, some of them stared at the fight between the castle guards and the soldiers.

Some of them let out "What the f" and "What will we do?" The commander of the city guards then realized something odd.

He asked to his subordinate, "Wait! Isn't that the criminal Rose took from the prison to be the construction worker?!" Rose visibly getting nervous here as all of the city guards stare at her.

She tried to run to the hallway of the castle and ask for her lord's help but got tackled by the commander himself, "My subordinates! Go help the soldiers!" The commander knocked Rose out and helped his subordinates at the fight.

Some of the castle guards came down the stair from the castle and stared at the yard before realizing their comrade is being attacked.

"Sir, let's help them! The soldiers are attacking our colleague!" One of them said to another and started charging.

He got stopped soon, "Wait! Let's not do it! Our Lord told us to call him if there's an emergency! Let's go to his room!" They made their way to his room.

At this point, Arden just sat down at a chair while attacking the one that came close to him and Hans is gone to change his clothes.

The yard became a battlefield and the people that is not a soldier or guard can't be seen standing at the castle yard…

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