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The hitman kills the person but who cleans the dead body from the crime scene so that no one can find the clues.This is the story about Steve Alexander, a newly employed Murder Cleaner who was caught for the murder he didn't committed.The story spins around him and tells that how he got out of it.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1-Assassination of the Minister

The person in the black suit was ready in the top floor of the opposite building to shoot the Minister of Finance.Even though the minister was guarded by a horde of security and some special agency ,our agents found a small hole in the security system to assassinate him.

We found out that he always wanks in the toilet,we got this information from our secret information department and he always uses his own towel to wipe the cum in the tip of his penis as he had some allergies to the tissues kept in the hotels.So he came to his room to take the towel and he stood near the window as a phone call came.Yes, that's our moment, the sniper on the top of the opposite building was ready with his M40A5 and he took the target and as per the instructions he pulled the trigger in the gun and the bullet came out in a speed of a lightening and it passed through the open window and passed through his head as the blood splattered in the floor and he fell down with a thud and the rug was filled with blood and other small flesh fell from his head.The sniper took his weapons and started packing them in a black bag.

The killer ran off from the terrace.He went for the stairs in the right corner of the building and he started to run fast as a cheetah.He was ready to jump from the building but it will odd to see anyone jumping from the building at the day time so ,he took the stairs.

The staircase was deserted and it was easy for him to run and he came to the elevator in the thirteenth floor and he enterd in the elevator and pressed the button which was marked as G to go to the ground floor.He came to the ground floor were he saw a lady coming at the entrance of the glassy white building and he got a relief as there was a black Rolls-Royce waiting for him.He ran up to the entrance and came near to the car and he opened the door ,threw his black bag into the car and he sat on the seat with his tight ass and pulled the door to him as the door swung shut with a BAM! The car started and it moved along the road's direction and went into a highway and in the middle it took a left into a small road.It was not a road that made of tar or cement.Its a pathway which was made by the cars that often goes inside that way.

The car tyres made the storm of dust from that road and after twenty seven minutes they reached a building that no one knows that its there for years.He entered into the building and he swifted into the reporting office.

"Agent Dan Roberts" he said to the lady sitting infront of him with small eyes and large glasses that showed her eyes as a bigger one.

She looked at him " Your ID number,please".

"AS22A2001", he replied with his firm voice with no distractions in his eyes.

She sank into the computer infront of her and stared typing with her incredibly lightening hands.He thought that the keyboard keys may come out the keyboard because of the quickness in her typing.She suddenly gazed at the screen and her look changed.She made a terrified look at him and took the telephone receiver in her hand and she started talking to the person in the other side of the telephone.

"Sir, there's an emergency situation in Report office number fifteen" ,she told to the person on the side with a shaky voice."Sir, our cleaning agent for the assassination of the Financial Minister was not sent to the location of the assassination"."Sir?, Yes sir the assassination has been done and the sniper has given the report to me"."The agent appointed for this work is Jeff McAllen, sir but he has not checked-in today to the office ,sir"."Now what should I do,sir?"

Dan was carefully watching all these stuff going on in the telephone and he started sweating."Okay,sir.Okay,sir, I'll make sure that it won't happen again and I'll keep you informed about the situation until the substitute cleaner does his job,thank you sir",she replied in the telephone.Now she turned her head with a sigh to Dan who was standing at the same place without any movement except his blue eyes that looked like hypnosis machine.

"Dan Roberts, right?"she asked.

"Yes.mam",he replied.

"Your crime cleaner Agent Jeff McAllen was not here for some of his personal issues so we will send a substitute to clean the stuff,so you don't have to worty about the consequences",she replied.

Dan's face became red and he finally moved from that place as he leaned forward to the teak wood table and asked "Will this substitute of your agency do the job in a proper manner?" he demanded."Yes, sir ,yes",she replied with a gulp of her saliva that is struggling to go down through her throat.

"If he doesn't,you know what would happen to your agency and your services and all your clients will be caught and they all are assassination agencies, think about that,they won't leave it in a simple way, they will try to link your agency to the crimes and killings that had been covered by your agency", he went back to the same position were he was at the last time and he turned back and went out of the office.

She was terrified by the words uttered by Dan as he was so keen about it.The telephone rang again and there comes a bad news again.

"Our substitute is dead",said a man on the other end of the telephone.

"What the fuck? he's dead!!???how in the motherfucking world it had happened?" she started to scream as everyone in the nearby report rooms turned their heads at the same time and looked at her for a second and they returned to their work immediately.

"Okay ,do we have any other agents who are free now?" she asked with a rage in her voice.

"Yes,mam" he said.This gave her a relief.

"But ,mam...." he dragged his voice.

"What? what now" she chomped.

"He's a trainee".

"For godsake we don't have any choice.Okay,with whom he is associated with?" she asked with a tiredness in his voice.

"Our senior agent Matthew Callings,mam".

"Okay,I'll inform it to him, now take him to The Royal Blue Eyes hotel, immediately".

"Yes,mam" he replied and replaced the receiver in the telephone.

"Agent Steve Alexander" he called on another telephone.

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LivingVoid · Acción
259 Chs