
{~2~} You're breathing to loud

Ryu could all but reach the scales of a beautiful wyvern when its head turned towards her and out came a taunting laughter at what those burning serpent orbs of hers wanted. "You are a foolish girl...reaching for something you can't have? what a ridiculous one you have proven to be." The voice that rumbled out sounded exactly like that of the ones from her nightmares, a sharp coldness to the otherwise melancholy woman's voice.

The hiss that peels from her lips seemed to stir amusement as the dream shifted to that of the same spacial area, a meadow with fireflies that held red flashing lights. The dark green grasses beneath her feet held a razor sharp edge that cut into her soft satin skin "What makes a vile woman like you think she has the power to control what I can and cannot do?" Her response to the woman's arrogant words seemed to hold steady in the air before the silence is broken by that of a less than amused response.

"You will hold your tongue in my presence you brat! you are nothing but an impure beast who thinks she can surpass the things that break through to the puny and pathetic place she calls home." Ah,she struck a nerve..good..

A light grin appears on her soft cherry blossom colored lips at the anger the woman held, it was the first time she was able to get the voices arrogant tone to shift. "You call me foolish and yet here you are gaining naught but anger from a child who is much younger than you pretend to be..how amusing is that ?"

The air around her shifts as she began to get pulled from her deep sleep by the outside world, "you won this round child but do not think you have won the war! You will soon learn your place!" With the angry shouts following her she is brought back to the warm yellow rays of sunlight that caressing paled human skin.

Ryu breaths out softly and turned in the seat much to the annoyance of the dozens of danger noodles covering her torso, it was no wonder she never got any good sleep. After the banter between her and the mysterious voice, she felt exhausted. "Blasted woman.." hissing the words out she let her first eyelids raise while the second stay in place now that she was no longer going to be able to sleep with both sides of her brain.

Slowly, a dainty hand raised and picked some of the sleeping danger noodles up and set them in the buckets at the corners of her desk and beneath it. That was enough sleep for one day. Just as she was about to get comfortable the smell of fear,sweat,and light traces of oil insult her nostrils causing them to flare and her twenty six inch tongue to slide out and flicker in interest at the fear she caught wind of. Looks like they had a job for her, and she very much hopes it was one that involves her fighting a divine creature or a rogue Sithe(1). Those portals that opened up everywhere never seemed to quiet on any other day.

Right as she was allowing her mind the chance to wander, the doors are flung open and over ran the messenger boy of the Coraline Scythe Association. "Miss Fehn..Miss Fehn!!" an out of breath young man slides to a stop near her desk , his wheezes making her right eye twitch slightly in annoyance.

"Catch your breath would you mister Fehnagin, You're breathing is bothering the snakes.." while her words where a bit cold, the young man couldn't help but to smile a bit. She was in a good mood by the sounds of how she spoke, it was a good thing too..he really didn't want to be sent to a hospital with several snake bite puncture wounds.

With several deep breaths and one final wheeze he brought himself up from the crouched position and straightened his posture, his head bows and out comes what she never thought she would hear. "Mr. Fehn has gone off our radar, when he came back online he reported the assistance call and specifically asked for you. We have our coordinates he sent us and asked you hurry before he uses "it" on a pair of unidentified targets..there was also a report of a upper class level Sithe."

Finally some action! Ryu found a smile broke its way out in a twisted light as her eyes fully open to stare at the raven haired boy before him. When his eyes landed on hers he felt as if he would pass out, they are a piercing golden color with silver flakes inside the sunburst that shone with a slight jade like color. "Thank you for your report, have them sent to my communicator and her my bike ready for the ride..it's been a while since I got to go out and play.." with a light flicker of her tongue she stood and allowed the snakes to fall into her chair and feet.

oh how much fun she would have! Finally..something worth her time.

1-A Sithe is a creature that stands at ten feet tall with a jaw as strong as an alligators with six rows of razor sharp teeth. Its eyes where pure white except for the slight discoloring in the middle of them. It held a centaur like bottom half but it was that of an eight legged scaled monster, the upper torso holding four large arms that held fingers as sharp as blades. It was built for both speed and dexterity...able to withstand fire and ice, its body a dark gray that was very hard to pierce

Nanako_Thorncreators' thoughts
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