
One more Time

Before Gu Jun could react, the bat-like shadows swallowed him and Yu Chi. They were not corporeal but they were not pure mental projection either, they were something in between. They feasted on the men's mind and body. Yu Chi screamed in pain. He swung the shovel about him but it proved useless. The same thing was happening to Gu Jun. He was too tired to put up much of a resistance. He could barely put up his arm to sign the Ancient Seal…

"Goodbye, I've won." The witch chuckled before she dissolved again into nothingness. Gu Jun struggled as best as he could but light disappeared from sight. Like a fire being extinguished... Was this how death felt like…

Tik, tik. He believed he heard the sound of an old radio crackling. It sounded strange in this context. Suddenly there was a dull thud of something falling and then halting respiration. Finally, there was an excited male voice who asked, "Are we still on Earth? Or this is some kind of abnormal space…"

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