
Happy Holiday

On the afternoon of new year's eve, Cai Zixuan also returned to his hometown of Nan Ling's Guang Ting City. Once he landed, Chinese New Year song assaulted his senses. His face lit up with a smile. This was part of the Chinese New Year tradition. Similar to other departments, the Spell Department took holiday in shifts. While a batch of members returned home for celebration, the others had to stay to guard the base. Cai Zixuan's holiday was from New Year's Eve to the second day of New Year, he was lucky to be given such a wonderful shift. 

Of course, some of the other members volunteered to celebrate the New Year at the base. They included people like the monitor, Uncle Dan and Deng Ximei. Even though the recent months were peaceful, they should not let their guard down. In any case, should nothing happen, they would celebrate the new year at the base. 

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