
What Happened?

"Mom!" Jesica yells as she chases after her mom.

But by the time she turned the corner, she could see her mother on the ground with a confused expression on her face.

And then, looking over, she saw Aiden. He also had seamed to have fallen down too, then passed out. Gosh, she hoped he was okay, but dang he looked cute!

Jessica couldn't help it as a blush appeared on her face, adding to the already red colors from her argument a few moments ago. Not gonna lie, she felt as though she was as light as air, despite the situation at hand.

But how was she gonna fix this? How would she explain to her mother about how she bumped into something that wasn't even visible to her? Maybe she could just brush it off and act like her mother imagined it in her old age or something.

Looking back and forth between the two, she didn't know what to do. Her mother was in shock and Aiden seemed to be passed out from the impact. One was almost peaceful and the other was baffled, dumbfounded even.


Her mother kept starring at Aiden, even though to her it was just the stairs.

"I'm sure I bumped into something..." she thought.

Slowly, she reached her hand out to feel around her. To her sides, there was nothing, of course. When she reached out more to feel in front of herself, she felt a hand among her wrist holding her steady.

Looking over, she saw her daughter, Jessica. Coming out of her daze, she snatched her hand away, somewhat frustrated at her daughter.

"What is up with you? First you're suspiciously anxious to head up to your room, now this! Are you on your period or something? 'Cause you sure are acting funny."

Her mother screamed out at her like it was an odd occurrence, but Jessica did do some weird stuff while on her girl time every month. Let's just blame it on genetics and P.M.S.

Even more embarrassing was the fact that she said that in front of Aiden. Yes, he was asleep still (hopefully) and her mother only knows of him as an imaginary friend she had as a kid, but still. It wasn't something you'd like your mom saying to your future boyfriend.

"Mom..!! Jesica groaned. Now she was angered, in love, and embarrassed. So emotional! Maybe she was P.M.S.ing?

But now was not the time to think of that. Her mom almost touched Aiden! How was she gonna explain her invisible (to her mom), tangible boyfriend to her mother if that had happened? She was freaked.

I mean, as little kids she and Aiden managed to get away with a few things, but she was a teenager now. How was she gonna hope to do something cute to distract her mom at her age?

"That that's it! A distraction." Jesica screamed internally. Boy was she a genius or what? But what to do, what to do?

"Hrmm..." she thought.

Then it hit her. She knew just the thing!


^^^^^^^^^^^ End of Chapter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What do you think the distraction is?

_Kaitlin_creators' thoughts
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