
EPISODE 155: Knights of the Blaring Stone!

A new Laurenburg, under a new champion. Melody is not merely an Elite anymore, she is the new champion of the Laurenburg region. People mourned for the loss of Beatrice, as her funeral took place yesterday in the afternoon. Three days have been set, for the people to see Beatrice's ashes once more. They brought flowers and roses for their dear Beatrice, the former champion of Laurenburg.

The champion's Pokemons are now under Zhery's supervision, while her mother's trophies and awards were kept in her closet. Zhery sat at her bed while looking at the portrait of her mother. She started to whimper and mourn for her mother's loss.

The gym belonging to Aulmurus city has been moved to a grand coliseum. A coliseum with thick strong walls, a large circular patch filled the battleground, two wide screens on each side, and an array of crimson red chairs filled the curves of the coliseum.

"Alright! Today is the day I claim my sixth badge." I beamed with excitement and determination while standing in front of the doors.

"Scizor, Glaceon, and Mawile seems like a bad match-up for steel type Pokemons." Glade thought deeply and observed my Pokemon teams.

"Even if Kalem's team has a type disadvantage, the important thing in battling is bond and tactics!" Camellia beamed with joy as she cheered for me and my Pokemons.

I carefully walked up the stairs and knocked on the sturdy metallic doors tinted with artistry and craftsmanship. Me and Riolu were so excited as the doors opened majestically. Two men in shining armor opened the door as a man wearing a golden knight armor appeared before us.

"State your business here!" The golden knight demanded and pointed his sword on my kneck.

"Woah, Woah, Woah! We came here to challenge the gym and not to conquer the city or something!" Camellia uttered sarcastically and pointed the sword away from me.

"The gym's close. Princess Thalia and her family is in Macropolis city." The golden knight explained as he placed down his sword.

"It must be because of the funeral. That's why the gym is closed today." Glade guessed.

"You are right indeed young lad! My name is sir Efron of the knights of Aulmurus! Our duty is to protect the city from any intruders, sorry for my alarming attitude." Efron beamed with an imperial voice and apologized for the convenience.

"Ten-year-old kids cannot be intruders or conquerers, but anyways, it's fine," Camellia smirked and grinned.

"Oh my, my! Is that a Tsunagu young lad!?" Sir Efron questioned as he took a closer look at the fiery emblem placed beside the center of the Arceus pendant.

"A Tsunagu? Um... yeah, my friend gave it to me. It has the power-"

"To give a Pokemon a temporary move, or a sync move in other terms." Efron interrupted and finished my statements.

"Um yeah, it's someth-"

"And is this an Arceus Pendant!?" Efron interrupted with his deep voice and pulled the pendant. He took a closer look as the lustrous look of the pendant reflected on Efron's armor.

"Um yeah..." I smiled and giggled.

"Profounding! A boy with a Tsunagu and a pendant, please follow me!" Sir Efron instructed.

I entered the coliseum, and as my friends stepped in, two guards blocked the entrance with their lances.

"Hey, what gives!?" Camellia questioned with frustration.

"Only men with either the pendant or the Tsunagu are allowed to receive bountiful knowledge and wisdom." Sir Efron Explained and patted my Camellia's head.

"Sorry Sir Efron, but they are my friends. If they won't come in, I won't too." I warned while swiftly tapping my foot on the ground.

"Oh fine, you may come in!" Sir Efron sighed and facepalmed.

The two men with shining armor lifted their lances and allowed my friends to pass through. The large metallic door was shut and locked with thick wooden logs just like those used in a castle gate.

Sir Efron led us to a room with a large circular table in the center. The room was made of bricks and stones, and twelve banners each bearing an illustration of a knight hung around the room. On the ceiling lies a large medieval chandelier, filled with a black metallic luster. On the center of the large wooden circular table were twelve swords each piercing deeply into the center of the table.

"Sir Efron, where are we!?" Camellia beamed with awe as she pictured the room with the use of her Rotom-phone.

"You see, before the colosseum of Aulmurus was constructed 80 years ago, this place was once a large templar burned downed by Aulmurus foes. This underground room is what's left of the once fortified templar." Sir Efron explained.

"This is my first time to see a templar. I never knew that it would be this grand." Glade beamed with awe as his eyes rolled around the room.

"It's time for you three to learn the history of Laurenburg, starting from the king and queen of the first century." Sir Efron chanted as he placed down a red velvet book on the large circular table.

"A long time ago, in the far past, lies a kingdom ruled by King Fredhart the first. The Kingdom was bountiful with crops and vegetation, everybody cooperated and worked together alongside with the Pokemons. For years, the kingdom prospered, and the bond between people and Pokemon strengthened.

As a reward, Arceus descended from above. He gave the king an orange stone which according to ancient Japanese dialects, it was called Tsunagu. Arceus also gave the king a pendant from which he could ask three wishes on the peak of the tallest mountain. These wishes must be a need and not merely a want.

Other rising kingdoms and empires heard about the news, they wanted the pendant for their selfish deeds, so they attacked the kingdom of Aulmurus. Due to these attacks and wars caused by foes, the king established a templar and appointed twelve knights.

These twelve knights hold the responsibility to protect the kingdom and the Tsunagu, therefore they were called knights of the blaring stone. For years and decades these knights protected the stone from being stolen or pilfered by thieves and foes, Aulmurus rose and became a powerful empire.

The king then decided to use the stone for a good purpose. Together with his Pokemon they tried to figure out how the stone works. King Fredhart was known as the first user of the stone, with his Aegislash, the stone granted them a temporary move called 'The Slash of Beguiling Nightmare.' The king felt arrogant after knowing about the temporary move, with the use of his Pokemon's bond he destroyed all of his enemies and foes, rivals, and opponents.

Arceus saw the king's arrogance and took the stone back which was then transferred to a Japanese mayor from Enju town. The king felt sorry for his insolence and decided to climb the mountain. The twelve knights joined the king on his journey to the peak of Mount Alympus. The king plans to use his stone for forgiveness, he wishes to undo the past(time) to repent for insolence(need) and for the planet to be filled with order and justice once more. (Space)

While the king and his twelve knights sought for the mountain, two kingdoms joined forces to take down Fredhart's kingdom. While the king traveled to the mountain, his enemies used it as an opportunity to attack.

When everyone was asleep, and the guards of the walls were on duty, a fireball blasted the left side of the wall. All units were alert and transferred to the left side. There, they saw an army charging towards them. All the soldiers fought the army of the left but they didn't know that another surprise was waiting.

From the right, another kingdom struck down Aulmurus with a catapult of blaring fireballs. Since all units were on the left, the right was vulnerable. The second kingdom entered Aulmurus and burned down everything in their path, including the templar. The soldiers didn't know what to do, they were surrounded by enemies and rivals from both sides.

On the peak of the mountain, as Fredhart was about to make his wish, one of the knights betrayed him and struck him down with his sword. The king was killed and the knight's selfishness took the pendant. The pendant started to decay as the sky turned peach black, it has fallen to the hands of evil, therefore Giratina shall grant the wish.

Due to the king's death, his loyal knights attacked and slashed down the traitor. The other knights agreed to what one of the knights did, while some did not. This is what sparked a war between the twelve knights. As the Giratina slowly ascends to Earth from the Distortion World, the twelve knights fought and destroyed each other.

Blood after blood, sweat after sweat, it was a brutal fight indeed. The wind started to strengthen on the peak, as Giratina's silhouette arrived. Giratina extended its wings and flew towards the knights. It saw the knights fought against each other, they killed and murdered each other.

Palkia, Dialga and Arceus started to descend as well due to the rise of Giratina. The Gods fought in the sky while the knights killed each other. That day was known as Judgement Day, the day when Chaos filled the skies and Earth.

Two knights remained and battled against each other while Dialga and the two other Gods tried to push Giratina back to the portal. The knight killed the other knight and took the pendant right away. The pendant turned golden and lustrous once more as the knight made his wish.

"For the wish of time, I beg for the past to undo, let there be no war and fight. For the wish of space I beg for order to be restored on this planet, and for the wish of Arceus, I beg for forgiveness, I wish for the world to receive a second chance." The last knight uttered softly as he dropped dead due to his wounds.

The three Gods granted his wish, Palkia stopped the war and crimson flare on Aulmurus, Giratina returned back to the portal and order was restored, and finally, Arceus gave humanity a second chance.

"From this day on, the world shall live harmoniously, but when Chaos strikes my prophecy shall fulfill. I will end all those who sought power and superiority, and I will be thy one to restore everything back to its natural glory." Arceus shouted loudly as Palkia gave the roar of space, Dialga gave the roar of time, and Arceus gave the roar of being.

From that day on, Arceus made a remote island sink down to the bottom of the cerulean sea. This island was soon to be called the cavern of the deep.

That is how, the prophecy was born, and there is no way to stop the prophecy. It will take place when it needs to, as the people yearn for superiority." Sir Efron explained as he flipped the final page.

"Ah hahaha! That story was exciting." Camellia's eyes glowed with sparkles as she pictured every page of the book.

Me and Glade were speechless after hearing about the legend of the Judgement prophecy. Not because Arceus will judge the people, but because Arceus is judgment.

"Now, I want you to battle your friend over here, Tsunagu boy!" Sir Efron uttered with a deep voice as he pushed me and Camellia closer.

"Wait, you want me to battle her!?" I beamed with shock.

"Yes, I want to see if that stone will truly work. I want to see your bond a th little blue dog!" Sir Efron teased and rubbed Riolu's head.

"Come on Kalem, battle me! I want to try my mega stone!" Camellia beamed with excitement.

"Sure, me and Riolu won't hold back!" I beamed with determination as my eyes and body started to heat up.

"Great, now let us ascend, and you shall battle in the colosseum!" Sir Efron beamed with excitement.

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