
EPISODE 148: An Aurora Encounter!

Midnight has arrived, the streets are quiet, and everyone is taking their sleepy slumber. The moon shines with its tiddly children, while the grass whistles together with the rhythm of the wind. The night was filled with twilight darkness, as the Noctowls and the other nocturnal Pokemons howl to their heart's content.

Camellia lies on the upper bed, trying to fall asleep. Her excitement took over her body due to the past events. Everybody was sleeping except her, a sudden urge was keeping her awake.

Camellia hugged her pillow tightly to fall asleep. She tried to switch sleeping positions, a much more comfortable one, but excitement still woke her up. Camellia finally gave in to her excitement and woke up. She grabbed her bag, which she always keep beside her before she sleeps every night. She took a small flashlight, her notebook and pencil, she tried to be still as possible to keep her movements silent so that no one could wake up.

Camellia bit and turned on the flashlight. She flipped her notebook to the current page, a page about the volcano Pokemon, called Entei. She held her pencil and started to jot down notes about her observations and examinations towards Entei.

"Entei's flames can bring happiness to one's heart," Camellia uttered softly while writing down the facts. She continued to draw her unfinished illustration of Entei. The looks and the embodiment of Entei could be reflected from her memory, so drawing it would be easy.

"Entei may look majestic but... is friendly after all," Camellia uttered softly while writing down the facts she gathered from her observation.

"Entei, the volcano Pokemon. A fire type. Although looking majestic, Entei has a heart towards children, Entei's flames have the power to bring happiness to one's heart." Camellia thought of her own Pokedex entry. She concluded her observations and closed her notebook.

While fixing her bag, a bright light twinkled from the window. It was getting closer to her. The bright light caught Camellia's attention and notoriety, the light was blinding her eyes, squinting was necessary for her.

The bright light suddenly stopped glowing, and Camellia saw another blue majestic Pokemon. Twirls of white ribbons flowed through the Pokemon, as it leaps from rooftop to rooftop.

"N... No way, it... it's Suicune." Camellia beamed loudly. She realized her mistake and covered her mouth, she looked down from her bed to see if we were distracted from our sleepy slumber.

"Phew..." Camellia uttered with relief as she looked back to the window. Her eyes saw Suicune, leaping from house to house. It is a rare event for one trainer to see Suicune, especially if the day of the festival hasn't arrived yet. Camellia marveled at Suicune, she wanted to touch and have a glimpse on the Aurora Pokemon.

Determination filled her spirit, as she slowly climbed down the bunk bed. She tried her best not to make any squeaking noises or footsteps.

<Rio! Rio!>Riolu shouted loudly. Camellia got startled by Riolu's screams.

"Phew... he was just dreaming," Camellia uttered with relief as her feet touched the floor. She quickly took her bag and her notebook, and slowly went out of the room. Tiny squeaks creaked, as Camellia slowly closed the door.

She ran through the corridors of the inn, and rushed outside. Her eyes started looking for Suicune's shining light, as the breeze blew her victorian hat. Camellia began to chase her victorian hat as she gasped for air. Her hat landed near a small mud puddle. She gave the hat a little pat to remove the dust away.

"Back to business!" Camellia beamed with determination and wore her victorian hat. She turned on her Pokedex and searched for information about Suicune, the aurora Pokemon.

[Suicune! The Aurora Pokemon, a water type. Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has the power to purify dirty water.] Her Pokedex beamed loudly.

"Shhh! Shhh!" Camellia uttered with worry while blocking the Pokedex volume hole. The breeze swayed to the east, and caught Camellia's attention. It led her to the shining light she was seeing.

"Suicune!" Camellia uttered softly and started to chase the light. The light can be seen hopping from ceiling to ceiling.

"Come on Camellia, you can do this!" Camellia cheered herself as she kept track of the hopping light.

Camellia held her hat tightly this time as the wind blew through her hair. The moon was shining brightly above her head. The moon's tiddly children added an extra glow to her path. She was beginning to lose track of Suicune.

Suicune's light was starting to fade away, but Camellia ran as fast as she could. "Please don't go Suicune!" Camellia begged while trying to find Suicune's light. Camellia saw the light again on a small fountain in the intersection.

"There you are!" Camellia accidently beamed loudly. Suicune's attention was caught, for a moment the Pokemon stopped drinking water from the fountain and leaped into one of the ceilings. Suicune began to run from Camellia again.

"Wait, Suicune... Please don't go!" Camellia begged as she continued to chase the running Suicune. Her eyes were on the light bouncing from ceiling to ceiling, she didn't know that she was up for trouble.

"Suicune, please don't leave yet," Camellia begged while looking for the light once more. Camellia began to rush for the light again. It was hopping around rooftops as usual. Camellia was heading to a medium-sized rock, her eyes were focused on the light and not on the ground.

"Ahh!" Camellia screamed with pain as her legs accidently tripped over the medium-sized rock. Her left knee was scratched as it slowly turned red. She had a hard time standing up, but she tried her best to pull herself together.

Camellia was too eager to see Suicune, but the pain coming from her wounded knee dragged her down. The light was rushed away from Camellia, while she tried to pull herself up.

"No wait! Suicune." Camellia shouted while trying to stand up. She saw the light fading slowly by slowly, Suicune was no longer in sight. She felt disappointed that she wasn't able to see Suicune.

"Why!? Why!? Why!?" Camellia uttered with disappointment and frustration while trying to stand up. "All that chase for nothing..." Camellia added and uttered solemnly. Her eagerness to see Suicune was stilled running through her blood.

With disappointment, Camellia slowly walked back to the inn while stumbling at some points. She regretted her decision to even run or chase Suicune. She wished that she stayed inside the inn instead, after all, she was going to see the Pokemon later in the festival right?

While walking with disappointment, Camellia heard a tingling sound behind her. Camellia saw a reflection of the Aurora Pokemon, her excitement returned to her as she looked back with enthusiasm.

<Sui...>Suicune uttered softly as it walked closer to Camellia.

"It really is Suicune!" Camellia beamed with excitement and walked slowly to the Aurora Pokemon.

It was like time has stopped, Suicune and Camellia faced each other with their eyes staring to each other's soul. Camellia couldn't her eyes, she was excited to touch Suicune's fur, when suddenly she felt drowsy and fell asleep. Her body fell to the ground, and her hand was unable to touch Suicune's fur.

"..." Camellia's eyes slowly opened, her sight and vision became clearer. "Wh... Where am I!?" Camellia started to panic as she looked around her surroundings. She was leaning on a tall and sturdy tree, fog covered the upper area and a small lake was seen in front of her.

"Ouch!" Camellia tried to stand up, but her wounded knee prohibited her. Camellia was starting to feel worried and scared, and that's when she saw Suicune's reflection on the water. Suicune's reflection caught Camellia's eyes. She grabbed her bag beside her and took her notebook quickly.

She was about to observe Suicune's reflection until she saw the light walking around the lake. The light was slowly approaching Camellia, and as it moved closer... Suicune's light slowly faded.

"Suicune!" Camellia beamed with joy and relief as Suicune walked to her. Both Camellia and Suicune stared at each once more. It was like time suddenly stopped again. Water droplets began to float around Suicune, while Camellia's eyes were in awe.

"Suicune's power is amazing... It has the power to manipulate water itself!" Camellia observed and jotted down notes while leaning at the tall and sturdy tree. Suddenly, the water droplets began to float closer to Camellia. The droplets slowly descended to Camellia's wounded.

"Ouch..." Camellia uttered with pain as her wounded knee absorbed the water droplets slowly descending from the night sky. Camellia felt a ticklish feeling on her wound as it began to glow white, the droplets started to be absorbed by the knee faster than before.

"Wh... What is happening to my knee?" Camellia questioned softly as she observed the water being absorbed by her knee. All the floating water droplets were sucked inside, and the little glow on Camellia's knee began to fade. Camellia was shocked, her wound was fully healed. Not a single scratch nor blood can be found.

"Suicune has the power to heal wounds through the use of water," Camellia observed and jotted down notes. A path of light began to glow in the lake, from Suicune, the path headed to Camellia. Once again, Camellia's eyes were shocked as she stood up from the ground. She didn't feel any pain, nor any sore. The path of light attracted Camellia. From the ground, Camellia walked to the water, she followed the path of light Suicune sent. She didn't notice that she was walking on water, her eyes were focused on the path and on Suicune itself.

From a close distance, Camellia and Suicune stared once more. That's when Camellia noticed that she was walking on water.

"May I please touch you?" Camellia requested.

<Suicune...>Suicune agreed and nodded its head. Camellia slowly placed her hand on Suicune's forehead. Suicune's fur was softer and smoother than those of Entei. She felt something that she never felt before. A sudden joy occupied Camellia's heart as Suicune licked her face.

Camellia held Suicune's forehead and rubbed it. She and Suicune began to play around the lake for only a limited amount of time. As time passed, Camellia felt drowsy and fell asleep again. Her body floated on the lake, with her hair spread apart. Suicune lifted Camellia, and took her for a nice ride.

The winds started to blow from the east. Camellia was suddenly woken up by the breeze.

"Huh!?" Camellia uttered with shock as she finds herself lying on her bed. She checked her side and saw her bag and notebook. Camellia was filled with confusion. Her head leaned on the window, as her eyes gazed upon the stars and the gargantuan moon. Her heart felt happy to see and play with Suicune.

"Suicune!" Camellia smiled and uttered softly as she saw Suicune looking at her from one of the ceilings. Suicune began to howl under the supervision of the moon, and before Camellia knew it... Suicune disappeared.

While looking out her window, she felt drowsy and sleepy. Her eyes slowly began to close as she lied down at her bed, hugging her Pikachu pillow. This was one of Camellia's best nights, the time when she met Suicune, the Aurora Pokemon.

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