
EPISODE 7: Riolu vs Goliath

"Kalem! Kalem! Wake up! Wake up!" as Riolu shook my body trying to wake me up for breakfast.

"Wh... What... What time is it?" I said slowly as I battled my sleepy body, forcing myself to get up.

"It's 9:30! were going to be late again!" Riolu shouted through my ear.

"9:30!!! Oh no, the headmaster is going to scold us again, you should have waken me up earlier Riolu!"

"What do you think was I doing for the past hour?"

With maximum velocity, we made our bed, and washed our face, but as we were cleaning up, we heard something...

we saw something glowing.

"R... Riolu do you hear that?"

"Kalem, it looks like it's coming from underneath the bed"

Me and Riolu slowly approached the bed, and as Riolu looked underneath...

"Kalem... Its the egg! The egg we saw yesterday."

"Right! I almost forgot I was supposed to ask the headmaster about it."

I reached out for the egg surrounded by a veil of shadow. and quickly placed it inside my bag. Then a knock on the door interrupted me and Riolu.

"Kalem! It's me Glade, hurry up we only got five minutes left until we're late!"

"Glade! Wait up!"

Riolu climbed my arm as we rushed outside our room. Me and Glade ran as fast as we could to reach the dining hall.

"I don't want to be late again!" I uttered.

"You think your the only one?" Glade asked.

We've made it to the dining hall, with thirty seconds to spare.

"Thank goodness! We aren't late" I said as I felt calm.

The headmaster came and walked slowly towards the stage, and everybody turned silent.

"Good morning children, before we begin eating our breakfast, we would like to implement new rules and regulations. Sir Copper, your teacher in "Skills and Battling" will explain the new rules."

"New rules? Teacher?" I questioned Glade.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that this orphanage is-"

"Let me guess, a school as well?" I interrupted.

"Yes, this place is a school as well, but this is not just some ordinary school which teaches Mathematics or Science, this school teaches us how to bond closer with our Pokemon, how to battle Pokemon, and how to protect Pokemon!"

Sir Copper, a man with an age of 54, wearing a coat of black, a hat and a necktie stood up and said:

"These are the rules you must follow and listen, to... and for...the safety of all."

"From now on, no one is allowed to leave school premises, anyone caught doing so... would be given a warning, If he continues to persist then, that the time he or she would be expelled from the orphanage."

"No one is allowed to leave their Pokemon alone, no matter where you go, your Pokemon must be with you, don't let them stroll out in the opening especially nowadays."

"And most importantly... watch out for team Chaos"

and there...Sir Copper ended his statement.

"I hope everybody would be obedient towards the new laws!" the headmaster said as she glared at me and Glade.

"You may now eat!" Beatrice proclaimed.

"I guess, team Chaos is more dangerous than the other criminal groups," Glade said.

"Other criminal groups, are there more aside from team Chaos?" I asked Glade as I was eager to know an answer

"Yes, there's... Rocket from the Kanto and Johto, Magma and Aqua from Hoenn, Galactic in Sinnoh, Plasma from Unova, Flare in the Kalos region, and Skull from the Alola region... The world isn't safe Kalem. No matter where you go."

After breakfast, we were asked to follow sir Copper, for our battling lessons, but me and Riolu went directly to the headmaster's office to ask something about the egg. I knocked on her door.

"Please come in..."

I went inside the room...

"Oh Kalem... please take a seat" the headmaster said.

As I sat she started talking,

"So what brings you here?"

"Ms. Beatrice, I wanted to ask something."


"Me and Riolu found this egg last night, under our bed... it was glowing in a dark and shadowy veil."

I handed the egg to Ms. Beatrice and she examined the egg.

"I see... this egg, must be a dark or ghost type Pokemon."

"Dark Pokemon what does that mean, Ms. Beatrice?"

"The Pokemon inside the egg... It will hatch into a dark type Pokemon."

"So its evil then?" I asked.

"No, of course not, dark type Pokemon does not mean evil or bad, it's just a Pokemon typing."

"It looks to me the egg, isn't owned by anybody" she continued.

"So what now Ms. Beatrice?"

"Kalem, I want you to keep the egg, and raise it as your Pokemon once it hatches."

"R...Raise it? You want me to take care of it? but Ms. Beatrice I can't... I might not be able to care for it, I'm also clumsy I might drop the egg... I'm an irresponsible child..."

"Kalem... When I saw you jumping out off the bush willing to take on team Chaos and rescue my daughter's Pokemon, I figured out that you'd do anything just to protect Pokemon."

"You love Pokemon, don't you Kalem?"

"Yes I do miss."

"Your willingness to battle and your fiery passion just proved how compassionate you are to Pokemon, you didn't care about advantages or disadvantages, you'll do anything to protect Pokemon, those are characteristics of a great Pokemon Master."

"But ms... I don't even know how to battle. If you haven't come I would have lost."

"That's what you see in yourself Kalem... but what I see in you is furthermore than what you expect. I see great potential in you. You are on the stepping stone to become a Pokemon Master! Tell me Kalem, do you love Riolu?"

"Yes miss, me and Riolu are best buds till the end!!"

"What more than Pokemon in that egg, I trust that you will love each other and grow closer and closer until you are one with your Pokemon. I see great potential inside you... Maybe that potential is still storing up, but when the right time comes..."

"Your right Ms. Beatrice!, I'll take care of the Pokemon egg I will raise and love it"

"Now run along now Kalem... you don't want to miss your first class do you?"

I thought of what Ms. Beatrice said, and I returned the egg in my bag, I left the room and quickly rushed to the Battle Stadium, where my first class would be.

"Both offense and defense matters when battling a Pokemon..." Sir Copper teaches.

I panted as I reached the battle stadium wherein I saw Glade listening attentively to what Sir Copper was saying.

"Kalem what took you so long?"

"Sorry Glade, I was talking to Ms.Bea-"

"What's all the commotion back there?" Sir Copper interrupted.

"Kalem, why are you late?"

"Sorry sir, I had to talk with Ms. Beatrice in her office"

"Your excuse is reasonable... Don't be late again understood!"

"Yes sir!"

Afterward... Sir Copper continued to teach.

"What is the most important ingredient when battling? Is it Power, Is it speed, or is it strength? The most important ingredient is Bond. Your bond with your Pokemon is what matters the most, evolution is useless if you and your Pokemon hate each other."

"Today class, I want you to choose a partner, battle with that partner and strengthen your bond with your Pokemon!" Sir Copper continued on.

"Kalem, want to battle against my Shynx?" Glade asked.

"Sure thing," I replied.

When we were about to battle, something caught our attention, a crowd watching two kids battling each other, Me and glade went to the crowd and watched the battle. Sir Copper was the referee of the battle.

"Sceptile finish the fight with Leaf Blade!"

*Sceptile launched the attack*

"Skorupi dodge it!"

*Skorupi was not able to dodge it*

"Skorupi is unable to battle, Sceptile wins!" Sir Copper pronounced.

"He he you're weak kid! You shouldn't have challenged me!" the kid with sceptile said.

"Who... Who's that?" I asked.

"That rude kid over there is Marley!" someone from behind answered.

"Oh... Hi Zhery, so that kid's name is Marley" I answered.

"Yup, Marley is the strongest kid in battling, no one has ever beaten him," Zhery explained.

"He knocked out that Skorupi so fast!" Glade commented.

"Marley is famous around here, he has a lot of fans here in the orphanage, even if he is famous, he treats his Pokemon badly."

"Badly? What do you mean?" I asked Zhery.

"He treats that Sceptile like a slave, if he lost he blames Sceptile and shouts at it, some even say that he hurts his Pokemon when they don't listen to him."

Zhery replied.

"But isn't bond the important key in winning, how does he keep on winning?"

Glade asked.

"That I don't have an answer to. But every time I battled him with Roselia I kept on loosing, it makes me mad just watching how bad he treats his Pokemon!" Zhery said.

"Then I'll teach that Marley a lesson!" I proclaimed.

"You're gonna challenge him?" Glade asked.

"Listen to me Kalem, if I were you, I would not battle him, you'll just embarrass yourself when you lose," Zhery said.

"Yeah, Zhery is right, don't challenge him, he'll taste defeat soon," Glade said.

I did not listen to what Glade and Zhery said, instead, I challenge that Marley!

"I challenge you to a battle!" I shouted towards Marley.

The crowd then looked at me as Marley walked closer to me.

"Oh no... Kalem is doomed, he even does not know how to battle" Glade said.

"Well, we warned him..."

"If it isn't Kalem, son of the famous professor Lyra and professor Cypress, you dare challenge me!"

"I'm here to teach you a lesson! About how you treat your Pokemon!"

"Heh! You think that weak Riolu of yours can defeat my Sceptile!"

*Sceptile glares at Riolu's eyes*

*Riolu gets intimidated*

"Are you going to accept my challenge or what?"

"Alright... Alright, come on Sceptile let's teach this kid right here what battling is all about!"

"I'll be the referee" Sir Copper volunteered.

"Each trainer will you use one Pokemon each, the battle ends when either side of the trainer's Pokemon has been knocked down" Sir Copper commanded.

"This is not going to end well..." said Glade.

"It's going to be a fair fight since no one has an advantage. Riolu is a fighting type and Sceptile is a grass type, what matters now is bond and brute power!" Zhery explained.

"Sceptile show your true Power!" Marley threw his Pokeball and released Sceptile.

"Riolu, Let's teach them good!" I shouted.

"3... 2... 1... battle begin!"

"Riolu use Karate Chop!"

"Sceptile doge it then use leaf storm!"

*Sceptile dodges the attack*

"Riolu is fast alright, but Sceptile is faster..." Glade said while observing the battle.

"Riolu dodge it!"

*Riolu was unable to dodge, Leaf storm attacked Riolu!"

"You can do this Riolu!"

"Still won't give up won't you Kalem?" Said Marley.

"Sceptile used Leaf blade!"

"Riolu dodge the attack!"

*Riolu tried hard to dodge it, but failed too.*

"Riolu, can you still get up! You can do this! Show them your real power!"

"Marley has the upper hand, Riolu can't handle one more Leaf Blade!" Zhery said as she observed the battle.

"RIOLU! Karate chop!"

"Wait... Riolu only knows Karate chop?!" Glade and Zhery were shocked.

"haven't you learned? Sceptile dodge then finish with Pursuit!'

*Sceptile dodges and hits Riolu with Pursuit.*

"Riolu get up! I know you can!"

And just like that... Sir Copper proclaimed.

"Riolu is unable to battle, the winner goes to Sceptile and Marley."

"Riolu, are you alright?"

'Y... Yes I am, I'm sorry Kalem that I wasn't able to beat Sceptile."

"That's alright Riolu, we're gonna become stronger"

"Hehe he... You shouldn't have battled me Kalem" Marley said. And Marley left and challenged other people in the crowd.

Glade and Zhery ran close to me and checked if Riolu was fine.

"Kalem! is Riolu alright?" Glade asked.

"Yeah... Yeah... he's fine, but I thought we could have won" I said in a sad tone.

"You battled great Kalem! The only problem is that Riolu only knows one move " Zhery said.

"Zhery is right, Riolu only knows Karate chop," Glade said.

Then Sir Copper went to me and said:

"I'm surprised! Your Riolu, is determined, even if it lost." Sir Copper said.

"Me and Riolu are still going to train hard!" I said.

"That's the spirit boy!"

"Hey Kalem, I know a place where you can train!" Zhery said.

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, therein Lake Wisdom, it's still part of the premises right sir?"

"That's right, If I were you, I would go to the lake and train!" said Sir Copper

"Then what are we waiting for let's go!" I said.

I couldn't defeat Marley, but me and Riolu, won't give up, we're going to train harder and harder, and I'm going to rematch Marley and teach him a lesson!

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