
The Amasawa Dormitory

"I welcome you to the Amasawa Dormitory!" said Sato as he parked near a big two-story building. He was driving in a minivan, that contained 5 other children.

It took them a few weeks to set up the dormitory. First, there was a need to find a suitable building, then, to receive the approval of the government, to hire workers, and find children. They used the money Shinji had stole from multiple bank accounts to buy the building, and when they received the loan from the government, they used the money to hire workers. They found the children in a site specifically for orphans, and Shinji chose the ones that he wanted. Now, the children have finally arrived at their new home.

"This way" Sato said and led the kids to the building. When he opened the door, Shinji greeted them at the entrance.

"I'm glad to see that everyone arrived! My name is Shinji Amasawa. and I, like you, don't have parents anymore. However, using the money I had left from my parents, I decided to use it to build a place for kids like me, who don't have parents too, and teach them how to be ready for the outside world, just like my father did to me!"

"You're going to teach us? But, you're the same age as us!" said a 9-year-old Chihiro

"Before he died, my father used to work in the government, so he was really smart, and he taught me everything he knew, which makes ME really smart, so I can teach you what he taught me!" Shinji said, and that was the start of the Amasawa Dormitory, where Shinji had his attempt at "creating" artificial geniuses.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

3 years.

That's how much time the Amasawa Dormitory existed.

In its 3 years of existence, Shinji changed the other kids completely. Akira became a master martial artist and a genius hacker. Ichika became good at managing a business, and a great negotiator. Chihiro became a genius actress and was also a good hacker by herself. Every kid had something they mastered.

Sato started to work for Shinji willingly, seeing that he earned a lot more than he earned while he was working for Shinji's father.

Shinji, who has already been taught several skills strictly by his father, learned one more skill during his stay at the dormitory. He became a master sniper, which was taught to him by Sato, but soon, he already surpassed him. While he also was a master in martial arts, taught to him by teachers his father hired for him, right now, he couldn't fight adults, as he was only 12 years old, but with a gun, he could kill someone easily, with one shot, and a sniper can kill from a long distance, something that Shinji could use to assassinate the heads of the organizations his father was associated with, and that's exactly what he did.

However, it all ended at one night, when one of the workers they hired, accidentally eavesdropped on the wrong conversation.

Shinji and Sato was at Sato's office in the dormitory, where they could talk about important subjects. It was during one of those conversations, that Sato accidentally didn't fully close the door, and when one of the workers passed near the room, she heard them talking about taking down an organization that was related to Shinji's father, and by taking down, they meant assassinating the head of the organization.

When the worker heard that, she recorded them, and called the authorities immediately. That woman didn't know, that because of what she did, her elder daughter would get raped and killed, her youngest daughter will get beheaded, and her husband will get tortured to his death.

Shinji, even if he could be sometimes pretty bold, he was very cautious, and he always was eavesdropping on the police's radio, so when he heard that the police was planning a raid on their building, and talking about that one of the workers was the one who told on them, he immediately made a plan.

"Sato, get all of the other kids out of here to the safe house, except Mako, who you'll tell to come and find me" Shinji said.

After three years together, Shinji was already the leader of the children in the dormitory, and they all looked up to him. At first, he only taught them things that every kid learns at school. Only after he was sure they were loyal to him, then he taught them things like martial arts, hacking, acting, and other useful abilities.

"What are you going to do?" asked Sato

"I'm going to get rid of the loose ends" Shinji simply said, and went out of the room. He took an oil barrel they had in the warehouse and started to spill it all over the building.

Then, Mako found him and asked:

"Onii-Chan! What is going on!?"

"The police are coming, and I'm going to make the one who ruined my plan pay" Shinji said as he kept on spilling the oil.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"You're going to be the survivor. I already have some fake bodies which we could use, to make them think that the other children are all dead, but you will be the survivor. You'll tell the police that the workers taught you how to kill and do a bunch of more illegal stuff. This is going to be a huge deal in the news, and we'll use that, for the time when I'll go public. You'll use this, to become a public figure, and when the time will come, you'll give me your support when I'll go public.

However, for that to happen, we have to make it believable. Just remember your job" Shinji said, and before Mako could react, Shinji knocked her out. Then, he placed her by the entrance, ignited the place, and left.

That day will be remembered as the day in which a disaster took place in the Amasawa Dormitory, a dormitory built in memory of Shinji's father, killing 7 children and 11 adults, with the sole survivor as Mako Amasawa, who later became an actress, and a public figure, which was loved by a lot of people all over Japan.


Now you know exactly what happened during the fire that was in the flashback of chapter 16, and why Shinji did what happened in the flashback of chapter 21.I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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