
Ruining Ryuen's Plan

On the next day, all of the class-D's students were sitting in their seats, as Sae explained what's going on

"Students from class C have filed a complaint to the school, claiming that Sudo attacked and injured them for no reason"

"It was self-defense! They were jealous that I became a regular on the basketball team, so they picked up a fight!" exclaimed Ken in anger

"Even if you say that, there is no evidence" said Sae

"Did someone happen to witness Sudo-Kun's fight?" asked Kikyo as she stood up and looked around

"Sudo, I thought that we said you won't deliberately try to get expelled, didn't we?" said Shinji

"I told you bastard, it was self-defense!"

"Even if it was, and even if we somehow managed to prove that it was, the fact remains that you hit them. You might not get expelled, but you'll still receive severe punishment, that may even affect our cp, and all of our hard work in the midterms will get wasted"

"As I care about that!" said Ken and huffed in anger

"You didn't let me finish. Because it may affect our cp, I will personally take care of that, so everyone can remain calm!" Shinji said and stood up, looking around with a reassuring smile. Hearing him, Suzune narrowed her eyes in suspicion, as she glared at him

"Really? And how are you going to do that?"

"Leave it to me!" Shinji said and smirked

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

When the break started, Shinji stood up from his seat and started to walk towards the door.

"Shinji-Kun! Where are you going?" asked Kei as she, Yosuke, Kikyo, Satsuki, Maya, and Chiaki walked towards him, which was his usual group of friends he hangs out with.

"I told you in homeroom, didn't I? I'm going to take care of it"

"Now!? Don't you need to make a plan or anything?"

"Don't worry. You can come and watch if you want" Shinji said and went through the door. Hearing that, not only his group followed him, but most of his classmates did, as they were curious about what's he going to do. Shinji walked in the hallway, until he arrived at class C, and loudly opened the door, gaining the attention of the students inside. Some of the students from class D were standing by the door and looking at what's happening, while the remaining students watched through the class's windows

"Huh? Who the hell are you!?" shouted a dark green haired student

"For someone who was attacked and injured by Sudo, you look quite well to me, Ishizaki-San..." Shinji said and smiled with his eyes closed

"It makes me wonder why someone like you, who was known for being a skilled fighter that was feared in his middle school, got beat down so easily by Sudo, and you had two other friends with you. It makes me wonder if Sudo really beat you down, or perhaps... you let him beat you down" Shinji said and opened his eyes, sending a piercing glare at Ishizaki

"W-What are you talking about?" said Ishizaki with a nervous tone

"Ishizaki, shut up." said a student with long magenta hair

"I'm assuming you're Ryuen-San?" asked Shinji with a friendly smile

"Yes. You're Ayanokoji, from class D, right?" said Kakeru with a frown

"That's right. I'm here on behalf of my class, so we could solve the current issue peacefully"

"Oh? If that's the case, why don't you wait for the discussion with the student council next week?"

"Why would I want to bother them with such a trivial incident? I'm sure that once you hear what I have to say, we'll reach an agreement right away" Shinji said and allowed himself to sit on a nearby open seat, causing Kakeru's brow to twitch in anger

"You have some balls, coming here, blaming one of my classmates, and sitting here like you own the place!" Kakeru said in anger, as he narrowed his eyes and sat in front of Shinji

"Sorry if I offended you. I just wanted to sit, so we could have a proper negotiation"

"Negotiation!?" Kakeru said, and then burst in a loud laughter

"Yes. You see, I heard from a couple of people, that they witnessed you constantly taunting and harassing Sudo. Knowing Sudo, I knew that he'll end up doing something stupid, so I asked a friend of mine, who owed me a favor, to follow around Sudo, and make sure he won't do anything that will hurt the class. Imagine my surprise, when he told me of a certain incident after one of the basketball team's practices. Do you know what happened in that incident, Ryuen-San?"

"Of course I know. Sudo started attacking my classmates for no reason. That's the reason we're in this situation"

"Is that what happened? I was told a different story"

"So your friend lied to you. He probably was too scared of Sudo, that he panicked and started imagining things"

"Is that so? But you see, that friend didn't only tell me about it..." Shinji said and moved his hand into his pocket, took out of it a piece of paper

"He sent me this picture" he said, and slid the picture on the table, towards Kakeru. In the picture, there were three class C's students surrounding Sudo, gripping his shirt and cocking back their fists. Kakeru frowned deeply, and then send a glare at Shinji

"This picture doesn't say anything. You probably edited it"

"Sure, there is a chance that I did. however..." Shinji said, and took a recording device out of his other pocket, and pressed on play:

"Hey, monkey! Don't think that your so good just because you became a regular!" said Ishizaki's voice said in the recording

"What did you call me?" shouted Sudo's voice

"He called you a monkey, you monkey!" shouted another class C's student's voice

"I think he's more of a dog than a monkey since he's barking all the time!" said a third voice. in a mocking tone, of a class C's student

"You little..." Sudo's voice started to say, but then a sound of someone taking a step was heard, and then Ishizaki's voice said:

"You have a problem, little doggy? Maybe we need to teach you a little lesson"

"That's enough I think. I'm sure we all know what we'll hear next in this" said Shinji and pressed on pause

Kakeru had a very angry expression on his face, as he asked:

"So? Why would you let us hear it? If you have so much evidence, you can easily win in the discussion next week"

"That's because, at the end of the day, Sudo also hit your classmates, so he won't be able to avoid punishment. However, I believe that these three classmates of yours, will get expelled. My point is, that both classes will get punished in case we'll get to the discussion"

"You want us to drop the complaint, don't you?"

"No, not really. I believe it's you who wants it, or else you wouldn't suggest it. What I want is, that while you'll drop the complaint for yourselves, our class need compensation, for your attempt to hurt our class"

Kakeru looked even angrier. He saw that all of his classmates, and the students from class D, are watching him get humiliated by Shinji, and he didn't like it. Not one bit. But Kakeru knew that if he'll try something in front of all of them, he wouldn't be able to get away with it. If he had time to think of a solution, he probably could have thought of something, but from the look in Shinji's eyes, he knew he wouldn't get any time.

'This fucker, I'll surely take my revenge against you' Kakeru thought furiously

"What do you want?" asked Kakeru

"Glad you asked. As you know, each class has the same amount of students. What I want, is that each student in your class, will transfer 30,000 points to a student from my class. Not only the three students have to pay, but your whole class has to pay for this little setup. I'm sure it's better than to be the first class to find out exactly what the penalty to the cp, will be for expulsion, and three of it"

Kakeru looked angrily at Shinji but said:

"Okay. Then give us a day, and-"

"No. You'll do it right here right now. All of your classmates are still in the classroom, so it won't be a problem. Once all the points are delivered, I'll personally escort you to drop the complaint. We can't have you planning another scheme, can we?"


"Great! And one more thing..." Shinji said and leaned forward, placing his mouth near Kakeru's ear, and whispered:

"If you'll try to make another stunt like that against my class, I'll crush you like the little fly you are" he whispered in a cold tone, sending shivers down Kakeru's spine

"Now then, let's start the transfer!" Shinji said with a happy smile, as he stood up

It didn't take long for the transfer to be completed, and after Shinji came back from escorting the three class C's students to drop the complaint, all of his class greeted him excitedly

"You were amazing, Shinji-Kun!" said Kei as she jumped at Shinji, and hugged him

"Shinji-Kun, How did you do it?" asked Yosuke

"Since there are negotiations in numerous strategy games, I became good at it" said Shinji and shrugged

"But how did you get the photo and the recording?" asked Chiaki

"Just like I said, I asked for a friend to do it. I asked it of him since the incident I had with Sudo in the pool. I figured that if I easily managed to anger Sudo, there will be other people who'll try to take advantage of it"

"You're amazing, Shinji-Kun! You thought that far ahead?" asked Maya

"Not really. I was just being cautious, that's all"

"That's great! Now we finally have some points!" exclaimed Kanji

"He's right! But now that we all received a good amount of points, we need to use it carefully! We can't waste it all as we did in the first month, so everyone needs to use their points smartly!" said Yosuke

Then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the break.

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