
Chapter 10: No One Man Should Have All That Power 1/2

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Naruto or the MCU. If I owned the MCU, I'd have probably screwed it up by now. Just saying.

Author's Note: Yo! Well, well, well. Well, well, welly well, well. Weeeell, well. You people love me after all! 89 reviews after my last post, and the number keeps on a climbing. You guys rock, seriously. My story is now the third most reviewed in its category, with Marvel the Undying Maelstrom and No Reading beating me out by a thousand or so. Now, as far as the reviews went, most were positive, with any criticism being constructive to say the least. On that note, thanks especially to Mo Eazy, MrHam31, and Joe Lawyer, you all gave me a lot to think about. To Dante's disciple, you don't just get a shout out, that's not how this works. Though, I guess me telling you that is a shout out in itself…damn. But really though thanks for the love, I hope you keep reading and reviewing! Now, some of you didn't seem to appreciate the foul language used in the last chapter, with you all saying that you wanted me to use a lot less of it. Now, here's my response. Nah. This is rated M, for MATURE readers. Readers who shouldn't be jarred by the use of the words fuck and shit. Now, I'm an adult, and I assume most of you are at least legal adults as well, so I'd like to think I can compromise. I'll try and keep my language in mind, and you guys will drop the whole issue and realize that this is simply my style of writing. Martin Scorsese does it, Quentin Tarantino does it. Why can't I? Now, I'm not saying I'm at the level of two of the greatest directors and screen writers of all time, but I think you get my point. Now, last thing I promise, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was AWESOME! As good as the original? Debatable. Somethings were done better, somethings not so much, but it was still one hell of a good movie. I won't spoil it for anyone, but FYI shit gets real emotional like three times, so for those with weak tear ducks prepare yourselves. That's it. I'm done. Time for the story.


Chapter Ten: No One Man Should Have All That Power


Chaos. That was the best way to explain what was going on. Lasers zipping past overhead, explosions ripping apart the pavement and various vehicles scattered along the streets. Glass crunched and cracked under a woman's feet as she sprinted across the sidewalk, ducking her head under her arms as she tried to avoid getting pelted by debris. Looking up, she nearly screamed in horror at the sight of the giant flying monster as it flew just a couple blocks away from her, with what looked to be several aliens ziplining down to either the streets below or the side of the buildings themselves.

"Joy get inside, NOW!"

Joy looked over to see her brother, his usually slicked back hair splayed out in a mess, his face scoffed with several bruise marks and a trail of blood leaking down his forehead. Quickly nodding her head, Joy ran towards the building, a Starbucks to be exact, ducking into the doors as she ran past her brother just before he slammed the doors shut. Looking around, Joy saw that everyone in the room was in a state of either panic or disbelief at the events going on outside.

Walking over to her brother, she harshly whispered, "What the hell is going on Ward?!"

The now named Ward slicked back his hair agitatedly, "Do you really think I'd know what's going on?"

"Well what are we supposed to-" Joy was interrupted by the fact that the side of the building exploded in a blast of fire and glass, the force of it blowing Joy and Ward backwards, the two landing on their sides in a heap.


Slowly, Joy raised up her head, her vision swimming as she looked up to see what looked like couple aliens enter the Starbucks, the rifles raised up as they began to fire upon anyone still alive. Blast after blast, pained scream after scream, the aliens executed the people who tried to take shelter. Finally, the aliens pointed their rifles towards Joy and Ward.

"Joy…Joy," Joy heard, the ringing in her ears finally beginning to wane before she finally clearly heard Ward screaming out, "JOY!"

It was then that the alien closest to her suddenly flew forwards, its body lodging itself into the opposite wall. In the alien's place was a man, his leg stretched out from the kick he used to send the creature flying. Lowering his leg, he threw his fist outwards, a visible force leaving his hand that slammed into the second alien which caused it the fly back as well in a sickening crunch. Relaxing his stance, the man looked around. Joy quickly made eye contact with him, unable to look away from the bright blue eyes the man held. Her own brown eyes roaming the man's form, she saw that he wore a simple brown jacket with an orange t-shirt underneath that read, 'WTF: Where's The Food.' She'd have laughed at the absurdity of it if it weren't for the glass lodged in her side. As the man kneeled next to he began to help her sit up, only for her to loudly wince in pain.

"Where does it hurt?" The blonde asked, his voice sounding younger than she expected it too.

Wincing once again, Joy spoke, "My…my side."

Nodding, the blonde's hand was enveloped in a yellow fire. Joy, seeing that he was reaching for her sigh, grabbed him out of instinct. The blonde man smile at her soothingly as he spoke, "Don't worry, this won't hurt you. I promise."

Joy didn't know why; this man was a stranger…emphasis on strange. But…but she felt she could trust this utterly strange man. So, with slight hesitation, she nodded. Seeing that she was giving the go ahead, the blonde man put his hand just above her side. After a moment, she felt a sudden warmness enter he being, only for that to end when the pain of having glass eject from her body over took that warmness.

"Auughh!" She screamed out, blood leaking heavily through her blouse, the glass that was once in her side clinkling to the floor.

"He-hey!" Ward yelled out, "What the hell are you doing to my sister asshole?!" Slowly getting up, he made his way towards the two of them, "Get the hell away from her, now!"

Raising his hands up defensively, the man said, "Alright, alright. I'm backing off." Getting up, the blonde took some steps back, allowing Ward to take his place. Joy looked down, raising her blouse up to look at the wound, only to be shocked to find that the cuts had closed up completely. Ward looked up at the man to see that he was putting in some kind of ear piece, pressing it as he spoke, "Hey Tony, It's me. Yeah…yeah, I'm on 33rd Street. Alright, I'll try and meet up with everyone else."

Looking up, Joy stuttered out, "Ho-how?"

The man shrugged, "I'm…evolved. Or so I've been told." Walking over he looked out the window, "Do you guys have somewhere you can go, somewhere safe?"

"Now wait just a second!" Ward yelled out, getting up as he glared at the mystery blonde, "What the hell is going on?! What is going on out there?!"

The man sighed, "As far as what's going on out there, I have no clue. All I know is that I'm gonna end it."

"Who are you?" Joy asked, still in shock over recent events.

Turning towards Joy the man gave a wide smile, "Usually I'd lie and say my name is Nathan something or other. But today I'm going to just say fuck it." His body then became covered in a fire that had covered his hand, symbols splayed out along his torso and arms, the yellow fire licking out like a snake's tongue, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, Genin of Konohagakure, The Child of Prophesy and the savior of my world." With that introduction, Naruto raised up off the ground, "And now, I shall be the savior of your world as well." Turning around, Naruto blasted off towards the battle, taking out a passing by alien as he did.

Ward looked at Joy, utter confusion on his face, "Did you catch what any of that meant?"


Naruto was flying at top speed through the streets of Manhattan, his Six Paths Sage Mode at full power as he swerved and maneuvered around the city, blasting any chariot riding alien he came across. One of his Truth-Seeking Balls was now in his hand in the form of a bo staffs. Using his staffs, he obliterated anything that came in his path. Using his other hand, Naruto would channel tiny Rasengans into the palm of his hands before firing them off towards an alien too far away for him to bother killing up close.

Seeing a squad of them terrorizing people on the ground, Naruto dropped to the streets below, the pavement cracking under his feet. As one of the aliens tried to impale him with their spears, Naruto easily deflected it with his Truth-Seeking Staff before backhanding it so hard across the face its neck broke with a sickening snap. Turning his attention on the rest, Naruto channeled his Magnet Release, taking ahold of the creatures' armor and forcing them towards him, just as he created a clone who held up a massive Rasengan up, allowing the aliens to fly into their deaths. Jumping over his busy clone, Naruto then pointed his hand out in the form of a crude handgun. The monsters didn't see the air bullets coming, the projectiles made of chakra and wind shredding through them like wet toilet paper. Finally, Naruto spun around, pushing wind chakra out of his hand towards an oncoming squad of invaders, his clone blowing out a stream of fire at the same time, allowing the two attacks to combine into a blazing inferno that swallowed up everything in its path.

Even after his inferno attack, a good handful of them had managed to survive, twenty or so at the least. Giving an exaggerated sigh, Naruto flicked his wrist out, the hidden kunai ejecting into his hand. Grabbing ahold of his, the blond channeled a good amount of Wind Chakra into. Rearing his hand back, Naruto threw the kunai with all his might, the muli-use weapon blasting through four of the creatures like a hot knife through butter. Not done with that kunai, Naruto grabbed ahold of it with his Magnet Release. Quickly changing the throwing knife's direction, Naruto sent it into the backs of three more aliens, before once again having in change trajectory into the direction of another unlucky alien. In the span of five seconds, all twenty-ish of the aliens were dead on the floor, all of the collapsing in a bloody heap.

On the alert, Naruto saw another group of them land just a handful of yards away, and was about to finish them off when an arrow swooped in and stuck the middle one in the group, with the shaft of the arrow ejecting out several other smaller projectiles that killed off the rest. Looking over, Naruto saw Clint perched behind a car, his bow at the ready as he gave his blonde friend a nod, a nod Naruto ignored as he formed a Rasengan in his hand and threw it at the man, the ball of energy passing him by just an inch as it slammed into an alien that had made its way behind the sharp shooter.

"Keep your eyes peeled Hawkeye."

"Yeah…my bad." Clint shouted out, pulling back the string of his bow before letting an arrow fly, hitting one of the passing by chariot riders dead on, "Where've you been man? Nat's been calling you!"

Naruto didn't answer, too busy swatting off more of the cockroach like aliens. Using his staff, Naruto impaled one of the aliens through before shifting the shape at the end of the staff and at the alien's front, keeping it from flying off the end of the staff as Naruto then used him like a makeshift war hammer. Left and right, Naruto used his new hammer to plow through the aliens, tearing the alien he was using apart in his campaign to kill as many of them as he could.

"Where. The hell. Do they. Keep. COMING FROM!" Naruto yelled out, finally letting the poor creature go as his staff reverted to normal. Hearing a growl, Naruto turned to his right to see another alien, only this one was twice as big as any of the others, his hulking size kind of freaking Naruto out. His only warning that it was going to charge at him was the snot ridden snarl it released. Not losing his cool, Naruto rearing his hand back, steam building at his elbow, building a huge amount of pressure before releasing it just as the alien got in his comfort zone, "Boil Release: Erupting Propulsion Fist!" The pressure released, Naruto's fist zooming towards the creature's torso like a rocket, the force of it sending a quick ripple through its body before it exploded in a shower of alien flesh and blue blood, showering Naruto in the liquid.

"Was that really necessary?"

Turning around, Naruto saw Steve Rodgers behind him, wearing a modified…skimpier version of his uniform, "Is that costume really necessary?"

Looking down at himself, Steve used his free hand to pull at his duds, "It's not that bad…is it?"

"No…" Naruto said reassuringly, walking up to him as he patted him on the shoulder, "It's just a little…tight, is all."

"You're telling me." Turning around, Naruto saw Natasha walking over to them, "Why bother asking SHIELD for a phone if you're not going to answer it?" She demanded.

Naruto was about to tell her to fuck off when Kurama said, "Save city now, chew her ass out later Naruto. Remember what's important." Naruto paused before scoffing, turning around so he wasn't facing the woman, much to her confusion.

"Hey, what's the matter-"

Natasha was interrupted by the fact that a field of lightning struck down just a few yards away, wiping out a group of oncoming aliens, followed by the God of Thunder himself landing down just in front of where his lightning had struck. Getting up with a grimace as he held his side, he made his way over to the group as Steve spoke, "What's the story upstairs?"

"The power guarding the cube is impenetrable." The Asgardian explained.

Tony zoomed by, chariot riders on hot pursuit, "Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys."

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team." The Captain answered.

Naruto smirked at Thor as he slapped him on the shoulder, "This is gonna be awesome."

Thor threw Naruto's hand off his shoulder, "I have unfinished business with Loki."

"Oh yeah?" Clint asked as he prepared an arrow, "Get in line."

Naruto was about to speak when the Captain said harshly, "Save it." Walking over he continued, "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need." He was about to start issuing orders when Naruto interrupted.

"Hey uh…who's the dork on the bike?" He spoke as he lazily pointed at the disheveled looking man that rode in on a motorcycle that seemed to have been found in a junk yard.

Said dork got off the bike, walking towards them as the group made their way over to him, he looked Naruto up and down, "Who's the new guy?"

"A friend." Captain answered for him, Naruto giving Bruce a meaningless glare as the man looked around.

"So…this all seems horrible."

Naruto shrugged, "I've seen worse. When a single guy turns an entire city into a crater, call me."

"Stark, we've got him." Steve said as he pressed his earpiece.

"Banner?" Tony asked.

Rogers nodded, "Just like you said."

"Tell him to suit up…I'm bringing the party to you." It was then that Tony zoomed past a building, only to be followed by the massive flying whale with armor on. Tony dived down closer to the ground, the whale following after him as they came flying towards the group.

Naruto grinned, "Now that is what I'm talking about."

The ragged man then began to slowly walk towards the incoming monster, calm in the face of the massive beast. Steve stepped forward saying, "Doctor Banner…now might be a good time to get angry."

Turning around, Bruce calmly smiled as he spoke, "That's my secret Captain. I'm always angry." Turning around, his form began to grow, his muscles protruding outwards and his pasty skin tone turning into an angry green. Eventually his size became too much for his own clothes, as his shirt and shoes ripped off his being. Rearing his arm back, Banner swung his fist at the flying whale just as it was about to reach the group. The force of the punch was magnificent in Naruto's eyes, the green rage monster hitting the alien whale so hard its very armor peeled off, and its sudden loss of momentum flung the back of its tale forward, causing the creature to become vertical with the ground.

"Got it!" Naruto and Tony yelled out, the blonde flinging his arms out as chakra arms sprouted from his body, grabbing ahold of the creature to keep it in place as Tony released a hail of miniature rockets at it, causing the whale to explode in a blast of fire, flesh, and blood.

"Holy shit!" Naruto yelled out as his chakra arms slunk back into his body, then turning around to look at the green hulking monster in front of him, stars in his eyes as he cried out, "That was awesome! Why didn't anybody tell me this guy was the Hulk?!"

The Hulk didn't get to react to Naruto's fanboyish reaction, too busy with the fact that the army of aliens were now booing at them in a strange chorus of growls and shrieks. Realizing the fight had yet to be won, the seven of them circled up, each one with their game faces on. Naruto summoned the rest of his Truth-Seeking Balls, Hulk gave off a massive roar towards the crying aliens, Clint notched back an arrow, Thor began to twirl his trusty hammer Mjolnir, Natasha quickly reloaded her pistol, the Captain secured his symbolic shield, and Tony finishing the ensemble as he landed down to complete the circle.

A subtle thoom could be heard coming from the portal, causing the team to look up and see even more of the whale like creatures coming down to play along with dozens more of the chariot riders, prompting Tony to say, "Call it Captain."

Steve took that in stride as he began giving out commands, "Alright listen up, until we can close that portal our priority is containment." Pointing up he said, "Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything more than three blocks out you turn it back or turn it to ash."

"Get a lift?" Hawkeye asked.

"Right." Stark nodded, grabbing the dead eye he quipped, "Clench up Legolas." With that, Tony and Clint went flying towards the building Steve directed them to head to.

Turning towards Thor and Naruto, Rogers said, "Thor, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Thor nodded as he spun his hammer around in a windmill motion before flying off, "Naruto, do you think you can take on the big guys?" Captain asked, referencing the massive alien…whatevers, flying across Manhattan tearing apart any building they came across.

Naruto nodded, "I got just the thing." Bending his knees, the Jinchuriki jumped up into the air, the Shinobi locking on to his targets as he headed towards them at top speed. Zooming past building after building, the blonde having to kill the occasional alien that got too close, Naruto placed his hands into a cross like hand sign, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He thought. In a puff, eight identical Naruto appeared, each wearing the Six Paths Cloak minus the Truth-Seeking Balls. Coming to a stop, the nine Naruto's raised their arms up above their heads, each channeling a different Biju's chakra. Before long, each Naruto was holding a Rasenshuriken over their head, all nine varying in shape and appearance, from a sand, blue flames, steam, lava, water, scale powder, ink and finally wind.

"Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken!"


Simultaneous explosion went off one after another, each rocking the flying whale that it hit, blowing its head and torso to pieces, forcing it to crash land down in the streets below. Looking over, Naruto saw that there were three other monsters for him to take down. Hearing a boom spilt across the city, Naruto looked up to see Thor let loose a wave of lightning at the portal, keeping anymore of the freaky alien monsters from flying through. Looking over, Naruto saw Hulk smashing his way through building after building, tearing apart any aliens that crossed his path.

Naruto smirked as he watched the green rage machine plow his way towards a building that was in the path of one of the alien whales, jumping out the window and keeping it from smashing into the building, pulling its head down and to the side, steering it away from the civilians. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Naruto blasted over towards Hulk and the whale, landing on the tail as Hulk made his way up the head. Looking around, Naruto saw that the aliens had noticed he had hitched a ride, the lot of them heading towards him and the angry Banner. Not deterred, Naruto formed two Truth-Seeking Balls into two bo staffs, twirling them around before cracking a couple of the aliens in the skull, obliterating their heads on contact. Keeping his stride, Naruto used his Truth-Seeking Staffs to keep away anything that came in too close, while at the same time using his left-over orbs to fend off anything from a distance, using his ability to control the orb's shape to form them into pointed cone like projectiles.

Looking over, Naruto saw that Thor had landed on the creature as well, assisting the Hulk in fending off the aliens in near perfect unison. The Shinobi watched as the Hulk ripped off a piece of the whale's armor only to then shove the now blade like piece of metal back into the creature. Thor then channeled lightning to his hammer before bringing it down on the piece of scrap metal like a hammer to a nail, slamming the blade deep into the monster along with a large surplus of pure lightning. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Naruto jumped up over the two of them, forming the Truth-Seeking Balls together to form a drill like cone underneath him as he spun at a rapid speed down on the nailed in piece of armor, further driving it in as Naruto blasted through the monster's skull completely. Finding himself ejected from the monster and free falling to the ground, Naruto tucked his body into a cannonball, forming a sphere made of his dark purple orbs, landing directly on top of a squad of aliens as they made their way through the streets.

Pulling himself out of the crater he created, Naruto looked up over at Sta Tower…well now it was A Tower after watching Loki get blasted by what he assumed was one of Hawkeye's trick arrows. Smirking, Naruto was about to blast off towards the tower when a laser blast slammed into his torso, sending him tumbling back before he landed in a crouch. Looking up, Naruto saw that he was surrounded by several of the more hulking alien creatures, the lot of them seeing that he was one of the more heavy hitters of the group. Sighing, Naruto channel into his Truth-Seeking Balls, forcing them out towards the aliens surrounding him, each one expanding outwards, swallowing everything it touched. As the orbs retracted back to their normal size and made their place back at his backside, Naruto could see that his orbs had completely obliterated anything it touched, even those not completely swallowed by the attack were still effected seeing as the areas that were touched had now vanished.

Turning towards the tower once again, Naruto flew up to the observation deck, peaking his head into what looked like some kind of lounging area. In the middle of the room stood the Hulk. Underneath him, Loki. Upon further inspection, Naruto could see that it looked like Loki had just been slammed into the ground multiple times by the green rage machine. Walking over, his hands in his pockets, Naruto kneeled down in a catcher's stance next to the brutally beaten 'god.' Looking him over, he saw that Loki didn't seem to notice his presence, to busy giving out a pained whine.

Poking him with one of his Truth-Seeking Staffs, Naruto said, "I think you broke him…" He finished his sentence by looking up at Hulk, who scoffed as he began to walk away.

"Puny god." He growled out before turning around fully and jumping back out into the battle outside.

Chuckling, Naruto looked around the room, seeing that it had gotten the shit kicked out of it due to the battle going on. It was as Naruto was looking at the shattered glass window that he assumed the Hulk threw Loki through that he felt the massive source of energy sitting just outside on the patio. Getting up, the blonde ninja walked through the hole in the glass, his eyes scanning the area for the power source. As a glow hit the corner of his eye, Naruto looked to his right to see Loki's Scepter laying on the ground just a few feet away from him, the gem that seemed to power the weapon glowing a bright blue.

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