
Chapter 6: You've Been Thunderstruck 1/2

Disclaimer: I don't own this. I don't own this. I don't own this. I think it's obvious now that I don't own this. Or is it? Nah, it's pretty obvious that I don't.

Author's Note: So, I feel I need to address the elephant in the room. The last chapter got some mixed response. I'd say if my chapters had Rotten Tomatoes scores, the first four would have solid 80's and 90's while the 5th chapter would have something in the 60's. Which is okay. Not good, but okay. A lot of the people that liked the chapter were very positive, the ones that weren't hated how Taskmaster and Kang got away and that Kang was too strong. First of all, they got away because this isn't a MCU movie where it's only one off villains. These guys will be prominent in the story, Kang in particular. Other people that were negative didn't actually give any one reason for hating it, just saying they were done with the story and that I suck. In fact, the latest review I got said, and I quote, "went shit you cunt well done you fucked the storie up." I have a pretty thick skin, I used to work as a caricature artist at a theme park where people constantly judged and rejected my work, so if you wanna critique me go ahead, just don't be this dick head with a 3rd grade level writing ability.

Now, onto review questions. Reaper's Blaze asked why I'm using Magik when I said I'm only using less prominent characters tied to X-Men, yet she's been used heavily lately in the X-Men comics and is going to be in the New Mutants movie coming up. I was honestly hoping no one would bring that up, because I didn't know she was a part of Cyclops's renegade X-Men group until I started doing more research on Magik and her powers. As for her being in an upcoming movie, I didn't know that until I was skimming down the X-Men movie franchise Wikipedia page to see if they had anything on the next X-Men movie after Apocalypse and I saw that they're making a New Mutants with her in it. Which both pissed me off and made me laugh from the irony of it all. Sadly, I can't back down on me using her since she's become a valuable part to the story both now and way down the line. So she's staying put. Next, someone asked why I don't write out any of the sex scenes when this is an M-Rating. This story is Rated-M because it allows me the freedom to write about whatever I want. If it was Rated-T I'd be held back by the restrictions the rating has. So, the reason I don't write out the sex scenes is because I don't want to. Simple as that, end of story. If you're looking for that kind of story I'm sorry but you'll have to start digging for a well written Naruto/MCU crossover that also contains a harem and sex scenes that doesn't take away from the validity of the story itself. Good luck.


Chapter Six: You've Been Thunderstruck


Location: Dmitrov, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Date: June 4th, 2011


"Are you sure this is where she's at?" Natasha asked, "You said her ability was teleportation, so she could literally be anywhere at any time." Natasha was wearing a cotton padded long coat, with the fur lined hood raised up over her head to protect her from the cold weather. While it was usually in the upper 50's in this village at the time, the weather today was at a chilly 30 degrees. The town they were in was very small, with probably only 800 people living in it at the moment. While the weather was cold, there was no wind or snow, and the shine had begun to dip into the horizon.

Naruto was wearing a simple blue coat with a black hoodie underneath. Over his head was a brown stocking cap, keeping his blonde hair from view. The only major change in his appearance was that Naruto had begun to grow a beard, the facial hair having filled out completely but wasn't very thick yet. The two were walking down one of the town's streets, making a slow pace past the neighborhood houses. From what they could see, there wasn't really anything important going on in the town, with the only major buildings being the hotel and apartment buildings, and the large cathedral in the center of the town.

Naruto sighed, his hot breath visible in the cold air, "After my clones found out she mainly travels around Russia, I've had hundreds of clones scouring the country to pinpoint where she goes most often. After a couple months, I can officially say that Dmitrov is her go to place to stay." Looking down at Natasha, Naruto smiled at the woman that had her head resting on his shoulder with her arm wrapped around his own, "So, how does it feel to be back in your home country?"

He could feel Natasha shrug her shoulders, "I've had several missions in Russia since my desertion. In fact, I might have a long term mission in Moscow coming up soon."

"How long is long term?" Naruto asked.

"A couple months, six at most." Natasha said, "If it happens, it won't happen till the end of the year."

Naruto smirked, "Well, we'll just have to make the most of our time together till then."

"It's only for a few months, not like we won't see each other ever again." Natasha said with a smirk, "But I don't mind a little bit of 'making the most of our time together,' if you're catching my drift." She hinted.

Naruto's smile stretched as far as it could, "Yeah, I get what you'r-"

"Sex." Natasha interrupted, speaking in Russian as she did, "I was talking about us having sex." She clarified needlessly. Her smile was a strange combination of mocking and seductive.

Naruto looked around them, seeing that the few people walking the sidewalk were looking at them after Natasha's rather loud comment, "God dammit." He laughed out, "You just can't help yourself can you? You have to embarrass me wherever we go don't you?" His face rather flushed as an older looking couple looked at them, judgement in their eyes. The couple shook their heads before continuing their slow walk.

He felt her shrug again, "Whatever, you love it."

"I'm so gonna get you back." Naruto said with a smirk, "I always get you back."

The couple finally left the neighborhood, walking into what looked to be the town's business area. From a small grocery store, to a cheap looking clothing store, to several quant little restaurants littered around the area.

"So, where are we going exactly?" Natasha asked, confused with their random walk in some random direction, "I figured you'd be biting at the bit to find that woman."

It was Naruto's turn to shrug, "The woman is going by Illyana Rasputin, she lives in one of the cheaper apartment complexes in town. She's does a magic act to make enough money to scrape by."

"Let me guess, it's a disappearing act."



Naruto and Natasha were sitting across from each other in a restaurant called Pelmesto. It was a nice place, with dark brown and tan checkered tiles, several small tables littered the dining area, half holding four chairs, half holding two, with a nice mellow lighting. Across the dining area was a simple bar area. It was rather small in size, only able to hold four people at a time. Having just gotten their food, the two began to dig into the Afghani cuisine.

"So, I don't think I've ever asked you about what your home is like." Natasha said as she took a sip of her pinot noir.

Naruto finished a mouthful of qabuli palaw before he said, "Well, I guess I don't really talk about it all that much." He said after some thought, "Well, my home village was about twice the size of this town. Its weather was pretty similar to somewhere in Mid-Western United States, with really nice spring and summer seasons, and pretty cold winters. The forest surrounding the village was green, full, and beautiful, each tree full grown and aged. The village itself was destroyed a month before I came here, so it was still under reconstruction during the war. But when it was still standing, it was really awesome. I guess it kinda looks like a village in Japan, only more colorful…I guess." His face then lit up, "But my favorite part about the village was the Hokage Monument. It's pretty much my world's version of Mount Rushmore, with the face of each of my village's Hokages sculpted into the mountain side looking over the village."

"It sounds beautiful." Natasha said, trying to picture the village he described, "I wish I could see it all someday.

Naruto smiled fondly, "Yeah, when I was a kid I'd look up at it if I was having a bad day, which was pretty often back then. My favorite one to look at though was the face of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Every time I looked at him, I'd always feel a little bit better. I guess it's kinda poetic cause I'd later find out he was my father."

"Wait." Natasha interrupted, "You didn't know who your father was? Your family didn't tell you?"

The blonde's smile fell, "I didn't have a family. My mom and dad died when I was a baby, and their parents died when they were young, so I was alone for most of my life." Naruto smiled again, "But, the Hokage when I was a kid always looked after me. He was a good man. An old pervert, but a good man."

"What happened to him?" Natasha asked, hearing the way he referred to him in past tense.

"He died."

"Oh." She said awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Naruto shrugged, "He was killed when I was 13, so I've had plenty of time to get over it. He was like everyone's grandpa in the village, so everyone kinda helped each other handle his passing. I was lucky I had my team and my teachers to help me."

Natasha couldn't help but notice that he made no mention of having friends, "Well I'm glad you had people there for you growing up. It can be tough growing up alone." Swirling her wine glass slowly, Natasha looked into the spinning liquid as she said, "I was separated from my parents when I was young, and the place I was trained didn't allow you to make any kind of connections with anyone else there. I guess it was to keep us from connecting with people who would probably die in the line of work they were training us for."

Naruto nodded, "I know the feeling."

"Why weren't you told who your father was though?" Natasha asked, "He sounds like an important person if his face was on a mountain."

"I wasn't ever told why, but I assume it was because he killed a lot of people in the war he fought in. Like…a lot of people. Enough that the old man Hokage didn't want anyone to know he had a kid in case people wanted some post-mortem revenge." Naruto guessed.

Hearing Naruto mention that his dad fought in a war, Natasha remembered that he said that his village had been destroyed before a war, "So there was a war going on when you got sent here?"

Naruto nodded slowly, "Yeah, the Fourth Great Shinobi War. It was started by the same group responsible for destroying my village, led by a man named Obito Uchiha."

"Why did they want to start a war?" Natasha asked.

"Okay, well first of all, I've told you about Genjutsu right?" Seeing Natasha nod, he continued, "Well their plan was to revive an ancient primordial being called the Ten-Tails so that they could use its vast chakra to use a powerful Genjutsu that would reflect off the full moon so that the illusion would cover the entire world, putting everyone in a trance that would make it seem like they were in their perfect world. It later turned out that Obito was the protégé of one of the most powerful Shinobi in the entire history of my planet, a man named Madara Uchiha. Madara was then revived, with the two teaming up to complete the revival of said Ten-Tails, with Obito becoming the creatures host." Taking a breath, Naruto remembered how powerful Obito had been before getting back to the story, "Eventually, my former teammate Sasuke and I defeated him, with one of Obito's subordinates, a creature called Zetsu, betraying him and forcing him to give up the power of the Ten-Tails to Madara. Madara proved to be too strong for us to defeat, even after getting a power boost from the spirit of the Sage of Six Paths, our version of Jesus I guess, and managed to activate the Genjutsu, ensnaring everyone on the planet except for me and my team. Madara was then betrayed by Zetsu, who took over Madara's body and converted him into the Mother of All Chakra, along with being the Sage and Zetsu's mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki, by using the chakra of all those trapped in the Genjutsu. Sasuke and I then tried to fight Kaguya, with the woman nearly killing me. I would've died had Sasuke not used a new technique of his to transport me away from the attack, only for it to take me here by accident." Naruto took a deep breath after the long explanation, "And, three years later, here we are."

"Wow." Natasha said in bewilderment, "That sounds…intense."

Naruto laughed, "You think I'm crazy don't you?" Seeing Natasha giving him a mocking grimace he said, "Well, after saying it out loud, I can see how you would think I'm crazy."

"Well still, war is war. I'm sorry you had to deal with that so young. I guess I just had to be there for the last part."

As Naruto was about to respond, a woman walking into the restaurant caught his attention. The woman was about his age, with a long fur coat, and a stereotypical Russian winter cap. Her creamy blonde hair was styled in a hime cut, similar to Hinata's from back home, and reached down to her mid-back with the bangs just above her eyes. Her piercing blue eyes met his for a moment before she turned to sit down at the bar.

"-Naruto?" Natasha asked, seeing his attention was behind her she turned to see a woman sitting at the bar, "Who's that, do you know her?"

"You could say that." Naruto said, "That's her."


"The woman I'm looking for. Magik." Naruto answered, "Cover me." He said before getting up as cool as he could.

Making his way over to the woman's position, Naruto stopped at the bar resting his arms against it standing several feet away her. Making sure not to make eye contact, Naruto waited for the bartender to come get his drink order.

"Can I help you, sir?" The man drawled in Russian.

"What kind of whiskey do you carry?" Naruto asked, using his learned Russian dialect.

The bartender nodded, "Yes sir, we carry Altai Whiskey."

"Sounds good."

The bartender nodded before reaching down to the bottle under the bar while also bringing out an average sized whiskey glass. Dropping a handful of ice cubes in, he then began pouring the drink into the glass, and then handed the drink to Naruto, "Here you are sir."

"Thank you." Naruto said. Gripping the whiskey in his hand, Naruto brought it to his lips and took a good sized sip, swallowing the bitter drink and savoring the burning sensation he felt as the drink make its way down his body. Lowering the drink, Naruto gathered his thoughts as he gave a quick glance towards the woman seated next to him.

The woman took a sip of her vodka tonic before saying, "I doubt your girlfriend would appreciate you eyeing another girl as you drink at a bar during your date."

Naruto shrugged, "She went to the bathroom, I figured I'd get a drink." Turning towards her he said, "And sorry if I was staring, but I swear I recognize you from somewhere." He said with a friendly smile

"Oh really." She said, turning towards Naruto herself, "And what exactly do you recognize me from?"

Taking another sip of his whiskey, Naruto swallowed it, "You're a magician right? I think I saw a poster of you somewhere advertising your act."

The woman nodded, "You're right, have you ever seen my act?"

"No, but I heard about it. A disappearing act right?"

She smiled, "Well, my next show is this weekend, you should go. Might make a good date for you and your girlfriend." She said, nodding towards Natasha who was walking from the women's bathroom.

"Maybe, what's your stage name?" Naruto asked as he finished the last of his drink.

"I don't have one. My name is Illyana Rasputin." Reaching her hand out, she gestured for a handshake, "Nice to meet you."

Grabbing her hand, he gave a quick shake, "Naruto." Letting go of her hand he said, "But, that's not what I heard."

Raising an eyebrow, Illyana asked, "Oh?"

"I heard you went by a stage name. Something like Magic or something." He said, his eyes narrowed, "Wit think."

Illyana narrowed her eyes dangerously, "And where did you hear that?"

"A friend of ours." Natasha said, having made her way stealthily behind Illyana. Her hand was resting on the handle to the gun holstered at her side.

Illyana didn't take her eyes off of Naruto, not really seeming to care that Natasha was standing behind her with a gun in her hand. Her eyes narrowed further, "And what else has this friend told you?"

Naruto got up from his leaning position, before making his way over towards the blonde haired woman, "That you're an Inhuman. With the ability to teleport." He finished as he took the seat next to Illyana, "We're not here to fight, only talk."

Illyana's face relaxed, looking at Naruto with slight scrutiny until she turned back towards the bar as she grabbed her glass. Swinging her head back, she drank the rest of her vodka tonic. After a quick cringe, Illyana took a moment to gather herself. Then without warning she swung her hand towards Naruto's face, empty glass still in hand. Naruto didn't blink, catching her wrist just as the glass was about to make contact with his temple.

Natasha quickly withdrew her gun, a 9mm Glock, and pointed it at the back of Illyana's head, drawing back the hammer with an audible click, "Don't do that." She said, each word coming out aggressively.

No one was allowed to say anything else, as white circular energy disk appeared bellow the three of them, causing all of them to fall into it. The three were forced into a free fall, with Naruto surprised to find that they were several hundred feet above the ground, with a vast field of desert dunes making its way towards them at rapid speed. The three became separated in their fall to their deaths, with Natasha looking at Naruto with shock and fear in her eyes as her arms and legs began to flail wildly. Looking at Illyana, Naruto saw that she didn't seem to mind their freefall, instead simply pointing her hand bellow her to open up another portal.

"No!" Naruto shouted, the wind blowing past his body nearly muting his voice as he watched Illyana fall into the portal. At the last second, the woman looked Naruto in the eye as she gave a mocking salute, just as her head passed through, her presence disappearing completely.

"Naruto!" Natasha shouted, reaching her hands out in desperation towards Naruto. Naruto shifted his body into a straight line, diving towards Natasha before hugging her tightly.

"I've got you Natasha. I've got you." He said into her ear. He felt Natasha grab ahold of him even tighter, hugging him with all her might, "I've got you."

"What the fuck happened brat?!" Kurama shouted in his head, "I fall asleep for a couple days and I wake up to this!"

"Just get out here dammit!" Naruto shouted out loud. A second later, Naruto and Natasha found themselves in the head of the Kurama avatar. The next thing the two knew, they hit the side of a sand dune with enough force to flatten it completely, sending up a massive cloud of sand into the air.

"You're welcome brat." Kurama grumbled. With a flicker, the chakra avatar surrounding Naruto and Natasha disappeared, causing the two to fall to the ground with a thump, "What the fuck happened?"

"I ran into a teleporter. She sent us here." Naruto thought. Looking around, all he could see was what looked like an endless desert, "Where the fuck are we?" He asked out loud. Hearing no response from Natasha he looked down to see that she was still sitting on the desert floor, "Natasha, you okay?" He asked in worry.

Natasha nodded, "Yeah…I'm fine." Getting up slowly she said, "Just give me a second."

Helping her up he said, "Okay, well do you have any idea where we are?"

Looking around, Natasha used her hand to shield her eyes. Eyes squinted she said, "No, I can't see any landmarks or cities or villages."

"Well shi-" He was interrupted however by the sound of a phone ringing. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. Looking down at the screen he saw that it was a blocked number, "How the hell am I getting any service out here?" Pressing the answer button he brought the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

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