
Returning to condensation stage! Prelude of the devil.

Ryuk knew there was more to this spirit guide of his, but there wasnt much he could do to check. Although Ryuk had developed a Sea of conciousness he couldnt do anything with it as it was as if the sea of conciousness wasnt there. when Ryuk used his thoughts like how the books said he couldnt do anything. Ryuk believed the sea of conciousness as a result of premature development his body just dosent know whats going go on and just decided to ignore it. Ryuks guess was right his body just didnt know what it was supposed to do it was as if a bird had gotten ahold of some artificial wings and just didn't know what to do with its wings and just forgot about it. Ryuk kept thinking about the spirit guide, but just developed a headache and decided to stop.

Ryuk after having absorbed all the qi and vitality from the wolves began to purify it. He was anxiously waiting for the moment he could open the 8 major meridians again. Ryuk also discovered that his talent had increased meaning he could absorb more qi from the atmosphere, although when he just woke up after the fight with Daniel he could absorb 80% more he needed the spirit guide to be out and the using the spirit guide for long periods made him feel sick. After Ryuk had absorbed everything he stretched and realized his muscles and bones had increased in potency yet again, but Ryuk knew he was wasting the abilities he had. Ryuk desired techniques, but not techniques made by others he wanted to make his own technique, but he didn't have enough knowledge so he decided he would go to the capital of the bull empire after he had finished condensation stage and entered foundation stage.

Ryuk began to make his qi wildly hum and then he began to move it to the portal Meridian. Ryuk focused he closed his eyes took in a deep breath and then shot his qi through the portal meridian. There was an intense pain filling Ryuk, but also a pleasurable feeling diffusing through every cell. The qi rampaged it's way in 8 directions. Finally each powerful strand of qi met a roadblock, but the powerful qi transformed into small sharp needles and pierced through the blockades. Ryuk felt his body shudder and then he coughed out some blood, but a smooth pleasant feeling filled his body. Ryuk directed some of his qi to his muscles and bones and they let out shrieks the sound they made akin to a pleasurable moan. Ryuk had jumped up to condensation stage 1 again. Ryuk smirked and began to think of what to do from here.

Ryuk looked through his memories or rather Daniels and saw the 4 pole transformation technique again. Ryuk had never heard of this technique and guessed Daniel got it from the cave he fell into. To Ryuk this technique stood out as it was too experimental and hard, but the results were good atleast for beginning stages. This was basically designed to create external acupoints which harness the innate absorption abilities of a beast. Humans have an innate advantage in cultivation with a greater spirituality and affinity for the laws and elements of the universe, but beasts whether through adaptation or by luck developed a way of absorbing qi at a much higher rate than humans and this qi would be very pure as their acupoints would filter it immediately. What the 4 pole technique tried to emulate was a similar absorbtion and conversion into purity, but there were problems with this. First humans could not withstand the development of strong beast acupoints so only weak rank 1 or 2 could be used otherwise the human would explode from the influx of pure qi. Secondly there was a high chance of rejectetion as these beasts no matter how low breed had blood of their mighty ancestors and choose one with a slight connection and your dead. Those were only some of the problems Ryuk could come up with when he first read it, but it worse the more he thought about it, but Ryuk believed that he could handle it with the seemingly limitless body he now possessed. Ryuk flew out the cave and using Snake shift he crossed over the large dense forest. He found the four beast he needed. A rank 2 Zap dragon, a rank 2 Sinking turtle, a rank 2 Ravager tiger and finally a rank 2 Vermilion phoenix off breed. Ryuk took 2 days to collect all the blood and he stored it in a gourd and infused a bit of qi to keep it from decaying too fast. Ryuk had been able to not absorb the blood by focusing, but there was a carnal hunger as a result. Ryuk then went back to his cave and went through the details of the technique one last time and went out.

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