
Aunt Meng

The men in black suits were suddenly nowhere to be found. It's like they didn't care about his neighbourhood. Zhang Zixin cursed their ancestors as he ran.

The zombie bus driver was very fast, much faster than the zombie girl who chased him earlier.

He never slowed down. His house wasn't far. A few more minutes and he would be home sweet home.

The universe probably thought this was too easy and made him trip on a tiny bump that just happened to be there in this perfectly smooth road. Zhang Zixin fell flat on his face and hurt his nose. He was disoriented for a moment.


The zombie bus driver growled and pounced on him!

Zhang Zixin was paralyzed in fear.

Is this the end for me? Am I really going to die like this?

Closing his eyes, he waited for the inevitable.

The sound of screeching tires made him open them again. A red BMW car came out of nowhere and hit the zombie bus driver sending him flying to another side of the road. No movements came from him after being hit.

Zhang Zixin was shocked.

"Zixin, are you okay?" a soft, velvety voice asked with concern.

Only then did Zhang Zixin remember to look at the driver of the BMW. "Aunt Meng?" he was surprised to see his next door neighbour.

A gorgeous, mature woman dressed in a sexy low-cut white blouse and a short black pencil skirt stepped out from the car. She bent down in front of Zhang Zixin allowing him to gaze upon the deep valley between her chest as she asked again, "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm okay, Aunt Zeng." Zhang Zixin stood up. "Don't worry, I'm not bitten or anything."

Meng Roulan sighed in relief. "That's good then! Hurry and get into the car!" she said and taking his hand in hers pulled him. Her skin felt so soft and smooth in his hand.

Both quickly got into the car. Meng Roulan started the engine and drove towards their block. On the way, Zhang Zixin recounted what exactly happened to him.

Meng Roulan chuckled. "Zixin, you are really unlucky! Fortunately I just returned from work and came at the right time to save you!"

"Oh yeah Aunt Meng, why are you so late? From what I heard everyone should be home by now?" Zhang Zixin asked.

"Your Aunt Meng works in a government owned media company. We have to make sure everyone knows about the situation first before we can leave! It's annoying but it's our duty!" she said grumpily but with a little pride in her tone. "Besides, shouldn't you be happy I arrived late? If I came home earlier, you would be zombie food!" she gave him a sly glance.

Zhang Zixin sweated recalling he almost died. He bowed his head. "Aunt Meng is my saviour. Aunt Meng is the best." He showered her with endless praises.

"You better remember that!" Meng Roulan smiled smugly.

Finally they reached their homes. Zhang Zixin almost cried. He had never been so happy to see his house before.

Meng Roulan parked the car outside his house instead of hers. Zhang Zixin thought she was just waiting for him to get off. "Aunt Meng, thanks for the ride. Should I accompany to your house?" he said politely. But Meng Roulin simply got off the car too.

"Zixin, I'm staying with you tonight."

Zhang Zixin was stunned.

"Er..what do you mean Aunt Meng?"

Meng Roulin gave him an angry look. "I said I'm staying with you tonight. Your mom's not home right? I will accompany you so that you don't feel lonely!" she said as a matter-of-factly.


"What? I'm not welcome?" she added unhappily.

Zhang Zixin quickly waved his hands. "Of course not! My home is Aunt Meng's home! It's just….."

"Just what?"

"I mean, shouldn't you discuss with Uncle first?" Zhang Zixin asked. He was referring to Meng Roulan's husband.

"Who?" Meng Roulan had a confused expression.

"Uncle. Uncle Wu." Zhang Zixin reminded her.

"Oh you mean that man who shares my house?" Meng Roulan said lazily.

Zhang Zixin sweated profusely. Was this how women treated their husbands these days?! He knew they had problems but wasn't this a bit too much?

"You don't need to worry about insignificant things." Meng Roulan said indifferently. "Now open the door!" she ordered in a commanding tone.

Zhang Zixin hurriedly scuttled to the door and opened it with his personal key. "After you, Aunt Meng." He said respectfully.

"It's good that you have manners." She smiled satisfied and went inside. Zhang Zixin followed and quickly locked the door.

His phone started ringing. It was his mother. She had been calling him every thirty-minutes to check up on him.

"Mom, I just reached home." He decided not to tell her about the bus driver almost eating him.

"That's good then. I've already prepared dinner this morning. You just have to heat it in the oven…"

"Zixin, what do you want for dinner?" Meng Roulan shouted from the kitchen.



"What is your Aunt Meng doing there?" she asked coldly.

"Mom, it seems like Uncle Wu isn't home so she came over because she was bored…." Zhang Zixin slightly twisted the truth.

"Let me talk to her."

Zhang Zixin gulped. Why did she sound so angry? Weren't they best friends or something? Nevertheless he obeyed her words immediately.

"Aunt Meng, my mom wants to talk to you." He handed the phone to Meng Roulan.

"Oh?" Meng Roulan showed a surprised face then smiled craftily. Putting the phone to her ear she greeted enthusiastically. "Hi, Sister Feng! Don't worry I will take care of Zixin tonight!"

Zhang Zixin thought he heard his mom shouting from the phone but told himself he imagined it. He turned on the TV. All channels were down except the Huaxia National News(HNN) news channel which was sponsored by the government.

"All citizens are requested to stay at home until we get more updates on the situation. Also the origin of the virus is still unknown at this time so please remain alert and cautious!" reported the sexy news anchor.

Zhang Zixin frowned. They still had no idea how the virus got here in the first place or how it started infecting people. So far the cases had been random. Li Xiaojian and the bus driver just turned into the zombies out of nowhere.

Was there a certain time when the virus would activate? Zhang Zixin shuddered at the possibility. He could be infected too and turn into a zombie anytime.

He became severely stressed as he thought more and more about it.

A pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck. "What are you thinking about?" Meng Roulin said in a gentle voice. Zhang Zixin felt her breath on his ear and smelled her fragrant skin. His face felt hot.

"Aunt Meng, are you done talking with mom?" he tried to sound normal. "What did she say?"

"Oh nothing much." Meng Roulan sat down next to him. "She just told me to watch over you and be safe."

She snuggled closer to him. Zhang Zixin shivered when her skin touched his.

"Only the news? How boring." Meng Roulan complained.

"Aunt Meng."


"Aren't you…worried? Scared?"

Meng Roulan pondered with a finger on her chin. "Well….I certainly don't want to get bitten by a zombie." She said pouting. "Are you scared, Zixin?"

"Yes…." Zhang Zixin admitted shamefully. He was a man and yet he was actually feeling afraid. He mocked himself in his heart and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Don't be like that!" Meng Roulan slapped his shoulder. "You're still young, Zixin it's natural that you feel that way!"

"I couldn't even help my best friend! I don't know if he's dead, alive or a zombie!" Zhang Zixin spoke out what was burdening his heart.

"I'm sure he's fine." Meng Roulan comforted him. "Stop thinking so much, Zixin! We are just normal people, what can we do about it all this? Just stay safe and hope for the best!"

"Aunt Meng, aren't you worried I might turn into a zombie?" Zhang Zixin asked worriedly.

Meng Roulan smiled mischievously. "Zixin, even if the whole world turns into zombies, you and me won't."

"Huh? What do you mean Aunt Meng?" Zhang Zixin was confused.

"Nothing." she said and put on an angry face. "Enough about these zombies! It's depressing! Tell me what you want for dinner!"

"I-I'll eat whatever Aunt Meng makes me…" he wanted to ask more about what she meant but couldn't do anything about it if she was unwilling.

Folding her arms, Meng Roulan spoke proudly. "I'll cook the best meal you ever had in your life, Zixin! It will be even better than your mom's, I guarantee!"

Zhang Zixin felt a little doubt. His stepmom's cooking skills were quite excellent at least to him. But he kept his mouth shut. He couldn't displease this beautiful, mature neighbour of his.

"I'm looking forward to it, Aunt Meng!" he told her. "Let me take a shower quickly!"

Meng Roulan nodded and busied herself in the kitchen.

In the shower, Zhang Zixin furiously slapped his meat stick panting hard.

He couldn't help it. Aunt Meng was too sexy! He always had a crush on her and as someone who watched adult videos frequently naturally he had some improper thoughts on her. This was also his way of venting out some of his stress.

By the time he was done, Meng Roulan had already prepared dinner on the table.

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