
Stupid Little Foxy


"Spit it out, little foxy."

My fingers played with the folded piece of paper as I looked at the top of her head. Though our friendship wasn't even a day long, I could still tell that there was something off about her. The way she had her head bowed down with her eyes looking at her own feet, or maybe mine, it fit the image of a guilty child. There was definitely something which she wasn't telling me.

There was no way that she came, more likely jogged, to the field to take the note back. We were supposed to meet in an hour anyways. She could have waited until then if she just wanted to have it back.

"Okay! If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. You can have your note back." I mumbled softly as I extended the note towards her.

She finally bothered to look up at me with a questioning gaze before her eyes jumped to my hand which was holding the note. I heard her breathe out a sigh of relief before her fingers reached for it.

Just when her fingers were within the notes reach, I retracted my hand back. "I have changed my mind. You took too long." The corners of my lips curled up in an innocent smile when she shot me a deadly look. My words were enough for her to glare daggers into my face, and I couldn't blame her.

"Don't you have some practice left? Just give me the note and I'll be on my merry way to the class. Stop wasting both of our time." Her tone was much more demanding than before, but I knew that she was just trying her best to come as fearsome.

"I will give you the note after having a look at its content." I shook my head in a no. There was definitely something wrong with her, or was it the note? But I wasn't going to give into her stupid demands until I could make sure that everything was fine.

"Aden, don't!" She muttered out, throwing another deathly glare in my direction.

"Don't what?" I raised my hands up in the air when I saw her taking a step closer to me. Using my height as an advantage over hers, I stood rooted to the ground. After a couple of jumps in the air, she gave up. I knew it wasn't hard for her to take the note away, but we were out in an open field. There was no way she would try to use one-tenth of her real potential to jump.

"Aden, please!" She exclaimed as she took a step back only to wince slightly as the sunlight assaulted her eyes.

Frowning to myself, I took a step to my left so that it was my back which would be hit by the bright sun rays, and not her pretty little face.

She raised both of her eyebrows as my actions didn't go unnoticed by her. I merely shrugged in response as it wasn't a big deal.

"Let's see what the note says." I smiled at her while looking down at her irked expressions. I raised my other hand up in the air too so that it would be easier for me to unroll the paper.

I heard a defeated sigh as she took a couple of steps back. Her reaction only added to my curiosity. I hurriedly unfolded the crumbled note and let my eyes roam around the letters dancing on it.

'You better stay away from my man.'

My eyes trailed off to the lady who was standing before me with her head bowed down as she massaged the spot in between her eyebrows.

I was right all this while. She had mistakenly given me another note earlier instead of my own. She only risked skipping her class because she wanted to have it back before I could have a look at it.

"Amara, who sent this note to you?" I gritted through my clenched jaws as I retracted my hands back to my sides.

"Some stupid girl from class." She replied to me. Her words were merely a whisper, but I was still able to catch them.

"Some stupid girl from your class?" I took a step towards her as I waved the note before her face. "Some stupid girl from your class can send you magical notes?" I took another step in her direction. My blood was starting to boil as I looked at her.

She still had her head bowed down, but her hands were now folded across her chest. Her response to my words only added to my ire.

"Do you take me as a fool? You think I would not be able to figure out that the note is from Dana. I was her boyfriend for decades, you fool. I could easily recognize her handwriting even in my sleep. And to top it all off, the note reek of magic." I whisper yelled at her. I didn't want my friends to catch a single word of what we were saying, more specifically, what I was saying.

"It's not about that I take you as a fool." She finally spoke up and stared right into my eyes. "I don't want to be the reason behind any misunderstanding between you two. That is the only reason I wanted to have the note back before you could look at it."

"When did she send you this?" I questioned her, waving the note before her.

"When we were in class, just before you sent me your note." She replied to me meekly.

"And why did you not bother to tell me about it?" I threw another question at her, but this time my tone was much softer.

"I have already told you my reason." She mumbled softly.

"But you should have. You do realize that she sent you this because of me." I shook my head at her silliness. "I didn't know that you can be this stupid, little foxy."

"I can be a fool at times. I accept that. But promise me that you won't confront her about this." She looked at me with pleading eyes to which I only shook my head.

I apologize for not updating yesterday, but I had a really bad flu last night. It is much better now, but I got an allergic reaction in response to the medicine I took for flu (Lmao)... But I am really sorry about it...

And to my Muslim readers, I pray that all of you have a blessed Ramadan. Happy Ramadan Kareem! Don't forget to remember you fellow beings (including your author) in your prayers. Stay at home, Stay safe! ❤❤❤

Love you all... ❤

dumdum007creators' thoughts
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