

Shisui nodded. "Pretty much. I know it's not exactly fun to come in second, but she really does think highly of the both of you. Consider her dispatching me to keep you company as her method of getting the jump on the other Captains; she deemed you worthy enough that wanted to get the first crack at you, and I'm here to see that she gets it."

Visaelya smiled. "That's a great honor. It'll probably take my uncle by surprise; when I visited Squad Ten's display earlier, he seemed convinced that he already had me in the bag, so to speak."

"That'd be your uncle's pride working against him," said Shisui, "Just like Captain Shihōin suspected. No offense, but your uncle's easy to read."

Visaelya shook her head. "None taken."

A surge of warmth came to her face when Shisui put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you ready for this? The decision that you're about to make will impact your life in ways that you can't begin to imagine."

Visaelya took a deep breath, but her smile remained. "I am, and in no small part thanks to you. I wouldn't be here today if you hadn't saved my life, after all. I think the very least I can do is return the favor."

"That's a nice sentiment," said Shisui, "but don't feel like you have to join our division out of some obligation to me. If you're really going to do this, do it because it's what you want."

Visaelya nodded. "I understand. How much longer do you think it'll be?"

"Well," Shisui replied, "if my instincts are right, I'd say the Captain should be meeting with her first recruitment target any minute now…"


As he walked with her, Itachi saw Rija give him an approving smile. "Every time I see you, it feels like you've grown. I still remember that joint operation with Squad Ten from two years ago like it was yesterday. You were just a fourth-year student then, but you more than held your own. Look at you now!"

Itachi had been resting when she'd initially approached him. He and Jiraiya had finished touring the rest of the exhibits a little while ago, and the sage had gone off on his own shortly afterwards. When Itachi had asked, Jiraiya had just smirked and told him it was about a job offer that was too good to pass up.

Whatever path he's going down, I suspect I'll get an answer soon enough, he mused, I have my own path to consider now, and it would seem that I'm about to take the next big step down it.

Rija had already confirmed what Itachi had suspected when she'd come to find him; she was the escort Yoruichi had dispatched to bring him to her for her official offer. She hadn't told him herself what the offer was; Squad Two's Captain apparently wanted to save that for the in-person private meeting. Itachi didn't mind, particularly because he preferred to hear it directly from Yoruichi anyway.

"I don't think I've ever seen the Captain quite as excited about a potential recruit as she is about you," Rija continued, giving him a wink, "I can see why, too. Ability, intellect, looks; you've got it all!"

Itachi shook his head. "I still have much to learn."

"You're much further along than you think you are," Rija replied, "At the rate you're going, I don't think it'll be long until you start climbing the ranks. I could end up being your subordinate before we know it!"

"I doubt that," said Itachi, "You proved yourself to be highly skilled during the joint operation two years ago, and your Shikai is very impressive. I still have a long way to go before I could consider competing with you."

Rija smiled. "That's nice of you to say, but I know better. Captain Shihōin hasn't been shy about sharing your test results with those of us she considers her friends. Your growth during your time in the Academy has been nothing short of explosive. My rate of progress has been steady but incremental. I have no doubt that you'll surpass me someday… and I honestly wouldn't mind that. It was the same with Shisui, after all."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Rija nodded. "Oh, yes. I outranked him when he first joined the division, but I could already tell that he had potential. It didn't take him long to prove it and jump above me in the rankings. I made my peace with it; he's a solid leader and a very capable fighter, so I've got no issue with taking orders from him. I think it'll be the same with you."

"Perhaps," Itachi conceded, "but in the meantime, I'm quite willing to follow your orders while you remain my superior."

Rija grinned. "Sounds to me like you've already made up your mind when it comes to which division you want to join! The Captain was right to keep her eyes on you."

She stopped at the door to an unused classroom a moment later. "Speaking of the Captain… well, after you, Itachi."

She moved to the side, allowing Itachi to step forward and enter the classroom. A moment after he entered, he heard her slide in behind him before shutting the door. The widows were open, but it was already late afternoon and evening was approaching, so the light in the room was a bit dim. Itachi spotted Yoruichi immediately, sitting right on top of the teacher's desk with a warm smile on her face. Standing behind her slightly to the right was Soi-Fon, and she was studying Itachi quite closely.

"Six years…" said Yoruichi as her gaze met his, "Has it really only been that long? It felt a lot longer at times. Wouldn't you agree, Itachi?"

"Perhaps," he answered, "Time's flow is tricky. Years can pass in moments, moments in years, yet the flow runs only one direction all the same."

She smiled and hopped off the desk. She didn't Flash Step, yet she was standing before him in what felt like the blink of an eye. Itachi might've been taller than her, but the difference in height did not lessen his respect for her one bit, nor did it take away the fact that he knew just how massive the gap in their power was.

Power that she used to save my life, he thought, To save an afterlife that I believed myself to be unworthy of…

"You have no idea how proud I am to see you here like this today," she said, "I knew you had potential, but you blew past my highest expectations time and again. Not even the soul fracture could keep you down for long. I might've given you a helping hand to get you back on track, but you earned every bit of that and repaid me tenfold with your growth. Your progress has been nothing short of remarkable, Itachi."

"You're too kind," Itachi replied, "The only reason I survived long enough to reach this point is because of you. Had you not found Jiraiya and I that night, we would've fallen to the Hollows. Even after that, my recovery from the Soul Fracture was only possible because you acted swiftly and got me to Captain Unohana. I've been in your debt since the moment we met."

Yoruichi shook her head. "I understand why you might see things that way, but all I did was lend an assist or two along the way. You've walked this path with your own two legs. You earned the right to be here, Itachi."

"To come so far and achieve what you have over these past six years is no small feat," Soi-Fon chimed in, her eyes narrowing, "Are you ready to take the next step? We have very high expectations for you, and intend to challenge you accordingly."

Itachi nodded. "I understand. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to prove myself worthy of the faith you've placed in me."

Yoruichi's golden eyes were positively gleaming with anticipation. "Well then, let me lay it out for you. It's no secret that I've wanted you in Squad Two since the night we met, and I think you're ready to hit the ground running. Join my division, and you'll be made Sixteenth Seat the moment you graduate."

Itachi prided himself on keeping his thoughts and feelings veiled, but even so he couldn't keep his eyes from widening ever so slightly. "The highest rank possible for someone who hasn't unlocked their Shikai?"

Yoruichi nodded. "I've got the opening thanks to a recent transfer, and I can't think of a better starting slot. With the way your abilities have been growing, I doubt you'll stay there for long; you unlocking your Shikai is just around the corner. I can feel it. Once that happens… well, I'm willing to bet that you'll climb your way up the ranks very quickly."

Itachi's mind was racing with what this all meant. "What would my responsibilities be?"

"After orientation and getting you settled in, I'd start by running you through a few security patrols first to help you get the layout of the Seireitei down," the Captain answered, "Since Squad Two and the Stealth Force work closely together, you need to know this area like the back of your hand. Seeing as you're a quick study, though, I don't think that'd take too long. After that's when the real fun begins!"

"Your patrols will shift to the Rukon District, The Wild and the Realms of the Living," said Soi-Fon, "You'll hunt Hollows either by yourself or under the command of a senior officer. Once you've gained sufficient experience, you'll be put in command of your own field teams, with membership determined by available personnel and the nature of your missions. You will also engage in scouting operations, becoming just one of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads' many eyes and ears throughout the Soul Society."

"Don't forget internal security operations," Yoruichi added, "It won't just be Hollows that you'll be called up to fight. Criminals and rogue Soul Reapers will also be on the menu, and you could be charged with hunting them down at any time. You'll have to stay on your toes, Itachi!"

"Of course," Itachi replied, "What about when I'm not in the field?"

"For starters, you'd be responsible for maintaining your own training regimen," said Yoruichi, "Senior squad officers might help out from time to time, but for the most part you'll be dictating the pace of your growth."

Soi-Fon's eyes narrowed. "Lady Yoruichi has placed a great deal of trust in your abilities and your drive to refine them. Do not dishonor her by becoming complacent!"

Itachi bowed. "I can assure you that I will not allow that to happen."

Yoruichi laughed. "Seriously, Soi-Fon, ease up a bit! You've seen his test scores and instructor remarks just like I have; you know he's got the discipline needed to keep himself sharp."

Soi-Fon shook her head. "With all due respect, Lady Yoruichi, I don't think you're taking this seriously enough. As your subordinates, our conduct reflects upon you as our commander."

"And none of you have ever given me cause for concern on that count," Yoruichi countered, "Well, except for Ōmaeda, but since he wasn't my pick he doesn't really count."

She then winked at Itachi. "I know you'll make me proud, but if you need a little additional incentive, then here it is; show me you're determined to improve yourself, and I might make the time to give you some personal instruction!"

As good as he was at keeping himself calm and composed, Itachi couldn't help but feel his heartbeat pick up a bit at that. "I'll keep that in mind. It would be an honor to be taught by the Flash Goddess herself."

Yoruichi giggled and batted her eyelashes at him. "Buttering me up with my unofficial title? You've got quite the silver tongue, Itachi!"

It felt like she was playing with him, but Itachi couldn't stop the slight rush of heat he felt in his face. Why did she have such an effect on him?

I think we both know the answer to that.

Not now.


His personal feelings for Yoruichi aside, the fact remained that this was the perfect starting position for him. Thanks to its connection with the Stealth Force, Squad Two was the division whose duties were most similar to that of Shinobi. He'd be able to hit the ground running and give the experience he'd acquired in his past life practical application. Not only that, but he'd be under the command of the Captain that had demonstrated the greatest commitment to his grown, and there was no doubt in his mind that despite her playful nature she wasn't joking about the prospect of personally training him.

What more could he ask for? This might've been just the first official offer he'd received today, but at this point he already knew that there was no point in waiting for the others. Squad Two had everything he wanted, so why drag things out for longer than necessary?

"It may be an unofficial title," he said after a moment, "but it's one that I have no doubt was well-earned… and I hope that I'll get the chance to see that legendary speed in action out in the field."

Yoruichi grinned. "You saying what I think you are?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes. Captain Shihōin…"

She held up a finger. "Hey, what'd I tell you before? It's just Yoruichi unless the other Captains are around."

Itachi couldn't help but give a small smile in return. "In that case… Yoruichi, if you'll have me, I'd be honored to join Squad Two as your Sixteenth Seat."

Her eyes were ablaze with triumph as she held out her hand. "The honor's mine. Welcome to the division, Itachi."

"Thank you, Yoruichi," he replied as he shook her hand.

A playful light came to her gaze. "I've got the feeling that this'll be the start of something special! What do you think, Itachi?"

Once again, there was a slight rush of heat to his face, but Itachi didn't let that hold back his response. "I think you're right."


To say her uncle looked displeased was a mild understatement. For all his efforts to maintain the urbane demeanor that was expected of both a Captain and a member of one of the Five Great Noble Houses, Rhaegon Drakken's agitation and anger at what Visaelya had just told him were blatantly obvious. She'd expected him to react poorly to her decision, but she had at least thought he would keep his aristocratic composure.

She'd been quite wrong on that account.

His fists were clenched, and his violet eyes were ablaze with indignation. The output of his spiritual pressure hadn't changed, but Visaelya had to wonder how long that would last. Members of the Drakken Clan had a reputation for being as wrathful as their dragons when provoked, and while Visaelya had always thought her uncle above such impulsive fury it was clear that her assessment had been mistaken.

"To think that you'd be the first…" Squad Ten's Captain hissed, his voice absolutely seething with anger and disgust, "You were born into the comfort and wealth of the greatest clan the Soul Society has ever seen, and this is how you repay us? Treachery from the daughter of my elder brother…"

His messenger had taken her to meet him in an empty classroom and had left after ushering her inside, so they had no audience. On the one hand, it was good that there were no outside witnesses to Rhaegon's decidedly un-Captain-like display. However, Visaelya could not help but feel more than a little fearful; how far would her uncle go in his fury? It was the first time that she'd ever been concerned for her physical safety while in the presence of close family.

Despite her fear, she was determined to stand her ground. "I've already given my answer to Captain Shihōin. Upon graduation, I will be the Eighteenth Seat of Squad Two."

"Eighteenth Seat…" her uncle repeated through grinding teeth, "The Eighteenth Seat… of that witch's division? Eighteenth Seat of the Shihōin Clan's squad? Just how determined are you to insult your family?"

Visaelya was appalled at what she was seeing. Yes, some members of the Drakken Clan took their rivalry with the Shihōin Clan more seriously than was healthy, but she'd always thought that her uncle was above the petty competition between their houses, or at least took it in stride. Had something changed… or had he always been like this and had simply kept it hidden?

"I'm not doing this to offer insult to our family," she replied, "Taking a position in Squad Two as the start of my career as a Soul Reaper does not mean that I reject our Great Noble House. I'm simply doing what I feel will allow me to serve the Soul Society to my fullest potential."

"By taking a lesser rank in a lesser squad?" Rhaegon spat, "I kept the slot of our Sixteenth Seat open specifically for you! You are a Drakken! Your path must go through Squad Ten!"

Visaelya's gaze hardened. "The only one who will dictate my path is myself, Captain Drakken. I love my family, but I refuse to be defined my name alone any longer! I will serve the Thirteen Court Guard Squads as a Soul Reaper in my own right. I will be recognized according to my abilities, not according to my bloodline! I'm proud of my lineage, but I am done with having my future dictated by my family."

Her uncle glared at her. "You're doing more than just disgracing our family here. I don't think that you fully comprehend the jeopardy that you're putting your future in."

"I'm taking my future into my own hands," Visaelya shot back, "If you think threats are going to stop me, then you're mistaken."

Rhaegon gave a theatrical sigh. "Even if that threat is to deny you your own dragon egg?"

Visaelya had suspected that would be the price for her defiance long before her uncle had brought it up. It was a heavy blow; all children of the Drakken line eagerly awaited the day that they would be deemed worthy of receiving the egg that would eventually hatch into their personal dragon. The gift of the egg had only been denied to members of the family on very rare occasions. Even if it was a consequence that she'd known was possible before making her decision, it was still one that she didn't take lightly.

She would not let it deter her, though. "If that's the price to pay for the freedom to decide my own destiny, then so be it."

Visaelya at least had the satisfaction of seeing her uncle's eyes widen in shock; clearly, he'd been expecting that threat to do the trick. "Well, then… it would seem that there truly is no swaying you from your folly."

"No, there isn't," she said with more than a hint of pride.

Rhaegon took a deep breath before nodding. "Very well. I shall inform the family of your decision. Don't expect them to take it well."

"I'm not," Visaelya quipped dryly, "Just as long as they don't expect to be able to stop me. Our family's powerful, but you know just as well as I do how this works; once a student has accepted a recruitment offer, only the Head Captain can overturn it if the Captain that made the offer does not rescind it. I may not be as familiar with Captain Shihōin as you are, but she does not strike me as the type of woman to renege on an agreement. As for the Head Captain… well, even I know his reputation. He won't take kindly to our family interfering blatantly in matters such as recruitment."

Her uncle chuckled ruefully. "Yes… it would seem that your tutors were too good at their jobs. Fine. Let Captain Shihōin and Head Captain Yamamoto be the shields for this 'freedom' that you've come to value so highly. You will find it to be but a shade of the glory you could've known had you stayed true to your family."

Visaelya glared at him. "We'll see about that."


"So, I hear you snagged two out of the top three," came a familiar male voice from behind her, "Quite the haul, Captain Shihōin!"

Turning around, Yoruichi saw the leader of Squad Five approaching. A wry smirk was on his face, and given the topic he was leading with, she couldn't blame him.

She smiled as he came up to her. "You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. Itachi was the one I was gunning for from the start, but it was nice to get Visaelya along with him."

Shinji chuckled. "No kidding. I bumped into Captain Drakken a little bit ago. I don't think I've seen him that angry since you and Kisuke slipped laxatives into his dragon's dinner a few years back."

Yoruichi grinned. "Ah, good times!"

"Not for the guys who had to spend all week cleaning the Squad Ten barracks," Shinji deadpanned before looking around, "Speaking of Kisuke, where'd he run off to?"

"He's making a quick run to the Squad Two barracks," she replied as she gestured over her shoulder, "We can't move all this stuff in one go, after all."

The public portion of the recruitment exhibition was over, so all the gathered divisions were in the process of packing up their displays. Shinji had taken care of his relatively quickly, which didn't surprise Yoruichi; the simple setup he'd had meant it was pretty easy to close up shop once the day was done.

Shinji nodded. "I see. Well, when you get the chance, do you mind passing along a message to him? It's actually for both of you."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "All right, I'll bite. What's up?"

Shinji smiled. "I had the pleasure of having both Itachi and Jiraiya stop by Squad Five's display at the same time. They didn't stay too long, but we had an interesting chat. My Lieutenant was there too, of course."

Yoruichi's eyes slightly narrowed; she knew how Shinji tried to keep his Lieutenant at arms-length, and Kisuke had caught onto it as well. "How'd things go?"

Shinji gave her a smirk that was almost devious. "Those two are sharp… way sharper than they let on. Their level of perception's nothing short of incredible."

In other words, they were able to catch onto Shinji's unease regarding Aizen, even though he tries to keep that under wraps, Yoruichi mused, Itachi and Jiraiya… you two just keep on exceeding my expectations. I might've been focused primarily on Itachi, but Kyōraku landed quite a catch with Jiraiya…

"Well, there's a reason why they turned so many heads during their time at the Academy," she said.

Shinji nodded. "No kidding. Anyway, just make sure that little tidbit finds its way to Kisuke, all right?"

"Leave it to me," Yoruichi replied.


On the surface, Squad Ten's Captain remained composed as he walked through the corridors of his unit's barracks. It would only be close associates who might recognize the signs of his agitation; the brisker than usual pace, the slight tension in his jawline, the occasional twitch of an eyebrow, and other subtle visual cues. Fortunately, his Lieutenant and Third Seat were overseeing the cleanup of Squad Ten's display, and the privacy of Rhaegon's office was just at the end of the hall.

Viewed objectively, this year's recruitment exhibition had gone quite well. A solid group of advanced track students had been persuaded to join Squad Ten, and when combined with the recruits he would gain from the regular students once assignments had been allotted to them the future of his division was secure for the time being. However, his failure to land any of the top three advanced track students, especially his niece, rankled him to no end and overshadowed what otherwise should've been considered a successful day.

I never saw this coming, he silently fumed, When were the seeds of her treachery planted?

It was a question that he continued to brood on as he slammed the door to his office shut behind him. In fact, it preoccupied him so much that he initially failed to notice that he wasn't alone.

"So easily flustered," came a deep male voice, "One might find your demeanor more befitting of a jilted lover than that of Squad Ten's Captain and a member of the Great Noble House Drakken."

Rhaegon whirled around, glaring at the figure standing by the window. Their back was to him and he wore a black cloak that concealed most of their features, but even through that a few details were discernible. The slightly bulky shoulders weren't of natural muscle, but rather from the plating of armor that was worn beneath the cloak. His overall figure was an athletic one, of average height but not to be underestimated; Rhaegon could think of more than a few Hollows who had learned that lesson the hard way.

"You came away without the prize you truly sought," the cloaked figure continued, "Is a spurned recruitment offer really all it takes to get such a rise out of you?"

"How did you know about that?" asked Rhaegon.

"Word has spread quite quickly," the man answered, "Your petulance in the matter has only accelerated that. I thought that your tutors instilled in you the value of keeping a cool head and maintaining your aristocratic demeanor. I imagine that they would be quite disappointed if they could see you right now."

"The one who's earned their disappointment is my sorry excuse for a niece," Rhaegon shot back, "Our family will not just let her betrayal slide."

"You're too hung up on a perceived slight," the cloaked figure countered, "and a minor one at that. Your niece's decision is regrettable, but it was always hers to make. You must simply adjust your plans accordingly. Adaptability serves a Captain much better than wounded pride."

"She's not just another recruit," Rhaegon insisted, "Drakkens who have become Soul Reapers have always joined Squad Ten!"

"So she's the first to buck the trend," the man replied with a shrug, "If she wishes to make history in that regard, then let her. Remember to look at things with an eye to the long-term. Just because she has joined Squad Two does not mean that she will always be there. There is always the chance that she'll transfer divisions. Even if she doesn't, the Drakken Clan is large enough that I'm sure there will be fresh chances for you to recruit other family members into the division."

The cloaked figure's demeanor shifted slightly, becoming a bit tenser. "Besides, by obsessing over a member of your bloodline, you allowed the real prizes to slip through your fingers practically without a fight. Squad Two didn't come out on top because they won over your niece; Captain Shihōin had her eyes on a much more powerful student, and her diligence was rewarded. Likewise, Squad Eight's Captain was also able to keep his focus and look beyond the family names of students, and as a result the second diamond in the rough will be in his hands once the graduation ceremony is complete."

Rhaegon scoffed. "You're referring to Itachi and Jiraiya? Their scores might've put them at the top of this year's advanced track, but without the power that flows in through a noble bloodline their careers will eventually plateau."

"If you believe that, then you're a fool," said the cloaked man, "The prodigy of the Uchiha Clan and one of the Legendary Sannin have potential as Soul Reapers that goes far beyond any the Academy has seen in quite some time. Dismiss them at your peril; I will not make the same mistake."

Rhaegon folded his arms. "While we're on the topic of mistakes, I'm starting to wonder if your plan is one of those. The timetable's far too long; we can be ready to make our move far sooner than the century that you call for."

"When did this notion slip into your head?" asked the figure, "Have you so easily forgotten who the opposition will be? Your foe is not someone to be taken lightly."

"The Head Captain is powerful, but he's far from invincible," Rhaegon countered, "With the allies we plan to gather, we'll be able to challenge him."

"Not if you move too soon," the cloaked man argued, "There is a very good reason why I've counseled playing the long game. A premature strike is an invitation to failure and suicide."

"I'm not saying we make our move right away," said Rhaegon, "Rather, I think a couple decades is all that will be needed to gather sufficient strength. A century is overkill to say the least."

"Hardly," the figure replied, "After all, the Head Captain is not the only foe that we must contend with."

Rhaegon rolled his eyes. "Are you still obsessed with that old legend you stumbled across in my family's archives? This 'Sealed King' is nothing more than a fable those who were defeated nearly nine hundred years ago came up with to console themselves at the loss of their leader."

"No," said the cloaked man firmly, "It is far more than that. When your ancestors took part in the old war against the Quincies, they were quite diligent in recording their experiences for posterity. What I have found in the Drakken Clan archives has been most illuminating, and you would dismiss it at your peril. The Sealed King is real, and he is a greater threat to our plans than even the Head Captain. That is why a prolonged timetable is necessary; we need time to locate and dispatch this threat before it regains its full power. Only then should we turn our attention to the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and the Central Forty-Six."

Rhaegon shook his head. "If this is a threat that your so concerned about, then wouldn't it be better to take the Soul Society sooner so that we can consolidate power and pursue it from a position of strength? Waiting a hundred years is folly!"

"You did not display such discontent with the plan I laid out to you before now," said the figure, "The source of it is more than just agitation at the failure to recruit your niece, isn't it? Who have you been speaking to? Your family's patriarch has been in full agreement with me, and I highly doubt that he's had a change of heart in recent days."

Rhaegon's eyes narrowed. "If you think I'm foolish enough to limit myself to a single advisor, then you're mistaken. You've served the Drakken Clan well over the past few years, but you hardly have a monopoly on long-term planning."

"So you've found another advisor, then," said the cloaked man, "One that, it would seem, would have you reach out before you are truly prepared to grapple with the foes before you."

"Hardly," said Rhaegon, "They just happen to think that a century of buildup is excessive, and I happen to agree with them."

"Is your father aware of this new advisor?" asked the figure.

Rhaegon nodded. "Yes. He may not be willing to speed things up yet, but there is plenty of time to change his mind."

"And plenty of time for me to keep him from committing the clan to folly and ruin," the cloaked man countered, "Don't let impatience undermine your ambition. I certainly will do all in my power to keep things on track. If that means I must counsel your father against your rashness, then so be it."

Rhaegon sneered. "Feel free to try. You yourself once told me that your power is currently a fraction of what it once was, and I know that's part of why you want to wait so long. This is about more than just rebuilding your own strength; this is about the Drakken Clan taking what is rightfully ours and ushering in a new golden age for the Soul Society!"

"I never said that this was about me," the figure replied, "However, if you try to challenge the Head Captain without my full power behind you, then I'm afraid that your efforts will be doomed to failure."

"So you say," Rhaegon shot back, "but with the force that we'll have behind us once our alliance with the north is finalized, I think we'll be able to prove you wrong."

"You're a long way from securing that alliance at the moment," said the cloaked man, "I know full-well that Lord Torland Starmont has been playing hard-to-get ever since your father began making overtures to him. It'll be quite some time before he's willing to make even a tentative agreement, much less an alliance. He's a cautious old wolf, but he wouldn't have survived for so long in the north were he anything less."

Rhaegon shook his head. "He'll come around. All that's needed to draw a wolf out is the right kind of meat. If it takes a few years to properly entice him, that's fine. I imagine we'll still be able to pull it off well before the century that your plan calls for has passed."

There was a moment of silence before the figure answered. "Perhaps. Even so, bringing the north onto our side will not guarantee victory, especially if you reach out too soon. Your new advisor is overly ambitious. Does he really serve your ends? It sounds like he has his own agenda."

Rhaegon chuckled. "And you don't? I hardly expect him to ally with us for nothing, and the same went for you when we first met. Everyone has their own interests. That doesn't mean that his can't serve ours."

"That's assuming his interests truly align with ours," said the cloaked man, "Without knowing who he is, I can hardly be assured that is the case."

"I didn't reveal your identity to him," said Rhaegon, "As a courtesy, I'm afraid I can't reveal his to you. Fair is fair, after all."

"Fairness has nothing to do with it," said the figure, "but I can already tell that I'm not going to get a real answer out of you. I'll pursue his identity on my own."

"I'd advise against that," said Rhaegon, "I don't think he'd take kindly to someone investigating him, and he's more formidable than he might first appear."

For the first time since their conversation had begun, the cloaked man looked over his shoulder. The cowl of his hood still veiled most of his face, but his eyes shone out from the darkness like beacons.

Violet beacons…

…with ripples flowing across them.

"So am I," the figure growled, "You would do well to remember that."

Before Rhaegon could reply, the man Flash Stepped out the window and vanished into the setting sun.


"How you holding up?" asked Jiraiya as he passed his friend a cup of tea.

Visaelya smiled as she accepted it and took a sip. "Better than I thought I would, all things considered."

"You stood up for yourself, choosing your own path against the one that your family wanted to force you down," said Itachi as he joined them, "Sometimes that takes more courage than going into battle."

Jiraiya nodded. "Your fate's your own now, Visaelya. As long as it's what feels right to you, we've got your back."

It was late evening, and the three of them were back in the student dorms. It was customary for a party to be held there after the exhibition was over and people knew what divisions they would be joining. A great spread of food had been laid out, drinks were flowing, and if Jiraiya had a complaint it was only that there was no alcohol.

Well, that should change after graduation, he mused, After all, my new Captain seems like the kind of guy who has a proper booze stash hidden away somewhere…

"I'm still a bit surprised that you won't be coming to Squad Two with Itachi and I," said Visaelya, "This is really what you want?"

Jiraiya smiled. "Yup. Don't get me wrong; it was tempting to follow you two, and I'm sure we'd have a ton of fun in Yoruichi's division together. It's nothing against any of you. This is simply the road I thought would be the most interesting to travel down."

"Even if you're not coming with us, congratulations are still in order," said Itachi, "Seventeenth Seat in Squad Eight is nothing to sneeze at. You must've really made an impression with Captain Kyōraku."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Well, not just him. Don't forget the other part of the deal I told you about."

Visaelya smirked. "Personal lessons in the healing arts with Captain Unohana would be a great honor for any Soul Reaper, but for you they might actually be more dangerous than going out into the field if you don't mind your wandering hands!"

Even Itachi seemed mildly amused. "I know you took your chances with Tsunade and got a thrashing for your trouble, but Captain Unohana strikes me as considerably more dangerous to cross. I'd hate to hear of your untimely demise by her blade and lose a sparring partner as entertaining as yourself."

Jiraiya laughed. "Well, I can't make any promises! Sometimes the risk really is worth the reward!"

Visaelya shook her head. "Ever the oaf, even on the cusp of graduation…"

"I'm assuming that Captain Kyōraku will still grant you some time for your writing," said Itachi, "If I recall correctly, he's one of the more prestigious fans of your work."

Jiraiya grinned. "You got that right! I'll still have my division responsibilities and my personal training to attend to, but he definitely gave the impression that he wants me to keep up my little series."

Visaelya rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I look forward to the next installment in the series, then," said Itachi before taking a sip of his tea.

The conversation died down as the three of them focused on their food and drinks. Jiraiya continued to smile as he took it all in. Who would've thought that, six years after his death, he'd be enjoying a party with a man that he'd once considered to be an enemy as they prepared to go their separate ways come graduation? The past six years almost felt like little more than a blur, and they were just the tip of the iceberg that was the afterlife he'd wound up in.

The party went on, and gradually students began to drift away towards their rooms for the night. Soon enough, Visaelya was among their number, yawning as she bid good evening to Jiraiya and Itachi.

"She's had a longer day than most," said the former as the young woman left the dining hall.

The latter nodded. "She'll be dealing with the consequences for longer than most as well."

"Do me a favor and keep on eye on her, all right?" asked Jiraiya, "At least, since the two of you will be in the same division, you'll be able to lend her a hand if her family tries to cause her trouble. She doesn't deserve that kind of grief."

"Shisui will be able to help out on that front as well," Itachi added, "Visaelya does seem to be rather fond of him, after all."

Jiraiya smirked. "I guess that's one way to put it."

The Legendary Sannin looked around the meal hall, making sure that the remaining students weren't paying attention to them before turning back to the former Akatsuki member. "So, now that she's off to dreamland for the night, how about the elephant in the room?"

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "You mean what happened back at Squad Five's exhibit?"

Jiraiya nodded. "You got it. Glad I wasn't imagining things if you picked up on it too."

"Yes…" said Itachi softly, "It was subtle, but there all the same. The Lieutenant… something's not right about him. I think Captain Hirako's aware of it, too."

"I caught that, too," said Jiraiya, "That wasn't a man who's comfortable around his second-in-command."

Itachi leaned forward. "When I first saw him, the feeling I got… well, it reminded me…"

"Of Orochimaru, right?" Jiraiya finished for him.

The Legendary Sannin had the satisfaction of seeing his friend's eyes widen ever so slightly. "So… you as well, then..."

"Oh, yes," Jiraiya replied, "I knew Orochimaru for far longer than you did, after all. Appearance-wise, him and Aizen are night and day. However, that look in his eyes while we were at Squad Five's display… that felt all too familiar."

Itachi nodded. "He was sizing us up. Not as potential recruits, but as something else. Asset or liability, target or test subject, ally or threat… take your pick."

"He likely saw more than one," said Jiraiya, "It definitely wasn't the same kind of evaluation I got from the Lieutenants of other divisions when I visited their exhibits."

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment. "I couldn't get a solid read on his power. At first glance, he seemed to be projecting himself as a typical Lieutenant might, or at least one that's holding back their spiritual pressure in such a social setting. However… I don't think that's an accurate image."

Jiraiya's gaze hardened. "Agreed. There's an undercurrent there, one that runs deep. No wonder his Captain was nervous. It's impossible to judge his true strength, which makes him all the more dangerous."

"What do we do about it, though?" asked Itachi, "As of right now, we'd be punching way out of our league. Even after our power grows, that doesn't change the fact that he's a senior officer in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Even if his Captain's wary around him, he appears to be in good standing as a whole, or at least that's the impression I got based on how other students approached him. More to the point, all we have right now are just vague feelings of unease that we can compare with a threat from our previous lives. That's not exactly compelling, even if we're inclined to trust our instincts."

"Believe me, I know," said Jiraiya grimly, "We'll just have to keep our eyes open. Officially joining the Thirteen Court Guard Squads will at least give us access to greater resources; we can expand our knowledge of him and try to figure what's going on there beyond simply us having a bad feeling."

"What about the Captains of the divisions we're joining?" asked Itachi.

Jiraiya shrugged. "Yoruichi seems like she'd at least hear you out, although you might want to hold off until you've got something more solid than just a hunch. Kyōraku seems decent enough, although I don't know him as well as some of the other Captains that we've encountered over the past six years. I might need to bide my time for a bit. That's just my take on it, though. We'll be in separate divisions, so we'll act based on our own discretion."

Itachi nodded. "You're right."

Jiraiya smiled. "So, after six years, you and I are finally going our separate ways. It's been fun, Itachi."

"Yes," Itachi replied, "although I suspect it would be premature to call this the end."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Good point. You and Shisui are going to be searching the Rukon District for your clan, and I'm willing to lend a hand. We'll have to keep in touch so we can at least compare notes."

"Agreed," said Itachi, "Beyond that, our paths are our own. Where they take us from here… well, there's only one way to find out."


One week later…

At least the speeches haven't been as long as I feared they would be, Itachi mused as he stood at the head of his class.

The spirit of his Zanpakutō seemed to be in full agreement. Ceremony and pageantry grow dull quite quickly. Even this has been hard to stay awake through.

You're falling asleep during my graduation?

Could you really blame me if I did? You're about as bored as I am.

Fair enough.

It was true that pomp and traditional ceremonies didn't hold all that much of an appeal for Itachi, but he could still understand their place in the order of things. Graduating from Shin'ō Academy was a momentous occasion, especially when one considered the fact that death had been a distinct possibility during the field missions they'd gone on over the course of their education. They had passed through their trials by fire and otherwise, though, and now Itachi and the rest of his class stood here as one chapter of their lives came to a close.

It had been by the slimmest of margins, but he'd beaten out Jiraiya for top marks. Itachi wasn't about to let it go to his head, but he still allowed himself a small amount of satisfaction at having proven his abilities to the Academy faculty. Since Jiraiya was in the Number Two slot, he stood at Itachi's right, while Visaelya was to Itachi's left thanks to her placing in the Number Three spot in the rankings.

Apparently, Itachi's Zanpakutō wasn't the only one that was about to doze off; he saw Jiraiya try and fail to stifle a yawn. "Ah, man… could they hurry this along?"

"Quiet!" hissed Visaelya, "The Head Captain's still speaking!"

Indeed, he was, although it appeared the he was on the home stretch of his commencement address. Itachi was only halfway paying attention; his focus was on one of the officers standing behind Yamamoto. Not all of the Captains were attending the ceremony, but a few had apparently decided to put in an appearance, including the one that Itachi knew he wouldn't be here without.


His eyes met hers, and she smiled with pride and satisfaction. The light in her golden eyes radiated excitement, and Itachi could hardly blame her. After all, he was more than itching to take his place in her division and officially start his new career.

At long last, the Head Captain's address drew to a close. As the venerable commander of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads stepped aside, he motioned for the students to come forward. Itachi led the way, and they were greeted with applause from the assembled officers and Academy faculty.

They'd been given instructions prior to the ceremony, so Itachi knew that once they left the stage, they'd be greeted by representatives from the divisions that they were joining. They would then be led to the barracks of their respective squads, now officially Soul Reapers of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

It's been a long road to get to this point, he thought, giving Yoruichi a small smile, and yet, even now I know that my journey has only just begin. I look forward to taking the next steps with you, Yoruichi.

Author's Notes: And with that, the Academy Arc comes to a close! I was tempted to go through the displays for every single one of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads at the recruitment exhibition, but I figured the chapter was long enough as it is. I basically designed the whole thing as a combination of a convention/job fair, and it was quite fun to use it as a means for bringing more of the cast to the stage. Plots are afoot, one of our main villains has made his debut, and Itachi and Jiraiya are now officially Soul Reapers. Fun times are ahead; the story's only just begun!

Hope you liked the chapter. Please review, and see you all next time!

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