
Chapter Eleven: Finals, Recruitment and Graduation 1/2

Author's Notes: Hello there! I think it's been long enough since I last posted a chapter, so here's the next one. Yes, it's long. Are you really surprised? It's my style, after all, and spoiler alert; it's not changing anytime soon.


Chapter Eleven: Finals, Recruitment and Graduation

144 years before Rukia Kuchiki's arrival in Karakura Town

"Again!" barked the spirit of Itachi's Zanpakutō.

She's truly relentless today, thought Itachi as he raised his sword once more, I suppose I shouldn't complain, though; it's not like I can get a match like this at the Academy anymore. Well, apart from sparring with Jiraiya, that is. Visaelya's coming along well, but she still has quite some way to go.

In the lead-up to the Academy finals, the spirit of his Zanpakutō had insisted on putting Itachi through his paces. It was not enough for him to simply ace the Zanjutsu portion of the tests; she wanted him to demonstrate the kind of mastery that not even the instructors at the Academy could match. While Itachi was all for pushing his skills to new heights, he wondered if this was really his Zanpakutō moving to demonstrate who his real teacher in the art of the sword was. An assertion of dominance over the Academy instructors, even if it was only through using Itachi as a proxy, wasn't something that he would put past her.

Save for an increase in the brightness of the crimson light of the moon and stars, his inner world had changed very little over the past year. As he crossed swords with the spirit of his Zanpakutō once again, Itachi supposed that it would not evolve much further at this point until he unlocked his Shikai. He hardy had time to admire the scenery at the moment, though; he knew full well the toll his sparring partner would extract from him should he allow himself to be distracted.

A devilishly quick thrust was her opening move. With instincts honed from countless matches with her, Itachi was able to catch the blow and redirect it before smoothly transitioning into a counterattack. Pivoting on his left foot, he spun to add centrifugal force to the blow as he unleashed a powerful horizontal slash. Of course, his foe was ready for it. A simple alteration in the angle of her blade was all she needed to deflect his attack and bleed off most of the strength behind it before countering with a sequence of swift cuts and slashes that put Itachi on the defensive.

She smiled as Itachi's blade danced through the air and parried her strikes. "You're in top form today. Most impressive."

Itachi nodded in acknowledgment. "Thanks."

It was high praise, coming from her, but Itachi knew better than to let it go to his head. It was more than just a compliment; it was a probe, a way for her to determine if flattery could weaken his defenses enough for her to slip an attack through. Itachi wasn't about to let her score a win so easily.

Deflecting a downward diagonal slash from his foe, Itachi immediately countered and went on the offensive. Striking high and low and from every possible angle, he drove his opponent back across the cobblestone walkway of his inner world. Brilliant crimson moonlight was reflected off his dancing blade while the song of clashing swords rang out in a cacophonous symphony.

The spirit of his Zanpakutō smirked as he pressed his assault. "My, my… such vigor, even after all the matches we've already had today. Despite your cool demeanor, you're quite passionate when the occasion calls for it. I wonder if she sees that in you as well."

"Who are you referring to?" asked Itachi as an image of Yoruichi unconsciously flashed through his mind.

His sparring partner shook her head as she parried his strikes. "Still not as bright as she thinks you are, though. What a shame."

She didn't offer any clarification, which Itachi had come to expect at this point. Instead she picked up the pace of the duel, redirecting a thrust aimed at her abdomen before countering with a horizontal slash. Itachi was able to deflect the blow, but in doing so he ceded the initiative to his opponent. She drove him hard, hammering his defenses with a rain of quick and powerful blows.

Itachi fell back, focusing on preserving his energy through deflections and parries as he waited for an opening to counterattack. It was no easy task; the spirit of his Zanpakutō was clearly pulling out all the stops in the run-up to the Academy finals. Her assault was as furious as it was unrelenting, and each blow was fierce and swift.

She was powerful, but she wasn't invincible; years of sparring with her had given Itachi plenty of insight into her moves. He could beat her now, but that was by no means an easy feat. It required cunning, endurance, and most importantly of all, patience. Fortunately for him, he'd had plenty of time to develop all three.

The trick was making the most of them. She never handed him a win out of charity; she made him fight tooth and nail just for a draw, let alone a victory. Her level of skill was phenomenal, and it had taken Itachi a long time to get to the point where he could truly match her in terms of technique, but years of fending off her withering assaults had honed his abilities to such a sharp edge that he was capable of taking advantage of the very few openings that he could find in her form.

He remained on the defensive, waiting for one of those openings to reveal themselves. She came at him hard and fast, with each strike as brutal as it was graceful. Her crimson eyes were sharper than her blade, ever alert for even the slightest hint of weakness. It was not just a contest of swordsmanship that the two of them were locked in; it was a battle of wills.

It was several minutes before he finally found the opportunity he'd been waiting for. At the end of a series of rapid thrusts, she overextended by barely more than a centimeter. It was the tiniest of windows, but Itachi seized it immediately. Angling his blade towards the ground, he redirected her blow and swiftly transitioned into a counter attack, bringing his sword up in a lighting quick slash. She attempted to block it, but she wasn't able to reposition her blade in time, and the edge of Itachi's sword came to a halt just a hair's width over her neck.

"Match," Itachi declared in cool triumph.

She smiled and nodded before her blade vanished in a pillar of black flame. "Indeed. Well done, Itachi."

He lowered and sheathed his sword. "Is that the last round for today?"

"Our last round until your finals are complete," she answered, "Your swordsmanship stands leagues beyond any of your classmates, with the possible exception of Jiraiya. Show the same dedication and skill in your Zanjutsu examination as you do in our sparring matches, and I have no doubt that you will pass with flying colors. For now, I would advise that you devote the study time remaining to the other aspects of your Soul Reaper training."

Itachi nodded. "Very well, then. Thank you."

"Of course," she replied, "I would be remiss if I did not do all that I could to ensure the progression of your abilities. You're nothing short of remarkable, Itachi; the faith that Squad Two's Captain has placed in you is well-founded."

Itachi couldn't help but give a small smile; it was rare indeed for her to be so effusive in her praise. "I'm glad to hear that."

The spirit of his Zanpakutō smiled. "Show them all the fruits of your education, Itachi. Show them that Shisui isn't the only Uchiha in the Soul Society that belongs in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."


Rolling to the side, Jiraiya was barely able to avoid the powerful blow that the spirit of his Zanpakutō had unleashed. The heavy spiked club slammed into the part of the platform he had occupied just a split-second ago, and the sheer strength behind the strike left a considerable impact crater.

That would've hurt if I'd taken that head-on, he thought, He's really not messing around today!

Of course, it wasn't like the spirit of his Zanpakutō ever really messed around at all. It just wasn't in the armored toad's nature. Not for the first time, Jiraiya found himself wondering just how he'd gotten stuck with such a no-nonsense sword spirit. The closest the toad ever came to loosening up was the occasional quip at Jiraiya's expense.

Having evaded what could've been a match-ending blow, Jiraiya swiftly moved to counter. He managed to land a glancing blow on the armored toad's left shoulder, but it wasn't nearly enough to break through the plating. It certainly wasn't enough to get his sparring partner to concede the match; Jiraiya typically had to land a much more solid hit before the spirit of his Zanpakutō would grant him the win.

Fortunately, Jiraiya had developed his skills to the point that he was now more than capable of landing the victorious blow on his foe. Shifting to a single-handed grip with his right hand, he began gathering energy in his left while dodging strikes from his opponent. What had been so difficult to accomplish with spirit energy a year ago now came to him much more naturally; the signature swirling blue sphere of power that was the Rasengan formed and stabilized in his palm within just a few moments.

Weaving back and forth, rolling and ducking beneath the swings of the armored toad's spiked club, Jiraiya waited for the chance to strike. His foe was pressing harder now, and for good reason; the spirit of his Zanpakutō had been on the receiving end of the Rasengan quite a few times now over the past year. Jiraiya forming the blue ball of spirit energy now was his signal that he intended to bring the match to a close, so his opponent was redoubling their efforts in an attempt to seize the mantle of victory.

His foe was strong, but they weren't as quick as Jiraiya. Sidestepping a powerful overhand blow that wound up taking a serious chunk out of the platform they were fighting on, the Legendary Sannin charged forward and made his decisive strike. The spirit of his Zanpakutō could see what was coming but wasn't fast enough to block or dodge, and Jiraiya thrust out his left hand. The Rasengan slammed into his opponent's chest and sent the armored toad flying off the stone platform and into the water with a resounding splash.

Jiraiya grinned and pumped his fist into the air in triumph. "Yes! Ring out!"

His opponent hopped out of the water a moment later and landed on the platform with a heavy 'thud'. Jiraiya thought for a moment that his foe was about to start a fresh round, but after a moment the spirit of his Zanpakutō sat down in front of him in a meditative posture.

"Well done," the armored toad said, "Your abilities have progressed remarkably. You should be able to suitably awe your instructors in the Academy finals."

Jiraiya chuckled. "You know, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me! Are you going soft on me?"

"I do not give out such praise often because I do not wish for it to go to your head," the spirit of his Zanpakutō replied, "Besides, there are still plenty of areas that you could better yourself in, and you would have much more time to do so if you would cease peddling adolescent trash to the masses."

Jiraiya smirked. "Sounds like you're jealous of my success as a writer! You wishing you had my literary talent?"

The armored toad scoffed. "Hardly. It's a needless distraction. You should cast it aside so that you will be able to devote greater efforts to your training."

Jiraiya folded his arms. "Hey, I balanced the writer and ninja gigs pretty well back when I was alive. There's no reason I can't do the same in the Soul Society. Besides, the student allowances from the Academy aren't nearly enough to have any fun on; I would've died of boredom without the extra income!"

The spirit of his Zanpakutō rolled his eyes. "Pointless frivolities."

Jiraiya sighed. "I swear, you really need to learn how to lighten up."

The armored toad ignored him. "You may put our training sessions on hold until your finals are complete, but do not neglect your studies. Should you underperform in your evaluations, you will find our next sparring match to be a much more punishing experience than the previous ones."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll catch you later, big guy."


One week later…

Acting as the referee for this particular match, Jiraiya stood between Itachi and Visaelya with his right arm raised. "All right, ready? Three… two… one… begin!"

Visaelya lunged forward, trying to take her opponent by surprise with a swift uppercut right off the bat. As usual, Itachi seemed to have seen it coming, because he immediately rolled to the right; her punch hit nothing but air. Itachi swiftly move to counter, making a sweeping kick meant to knock Visaelya's legs right out from under her.

He'd pulled that move on her before, and this time she was ready for it. She back flipped to evade the kick and give herself some space to regroup. As soon as she landed Itachi advanced on her, but her arms were already up in a guard position. She blocked and dodged as he attacked her, throwing a variety of punches and kicks her way. His strikes were as quick as they were precise, but Visaelya had sparred with him long enough now that she had a pretty good handle on his fighting style.

Ducking beneath a right hook, she countered with a high kick. Itachi blocked the blow on his arm, but it still gave Visaelya enough of an opening to take the initiative. She pressed hard, giving her strikes as much variety as possible in order to keep him off balance. Whether or not she was actually succeeding in that was difficult to determine; as always, her friendly rival was damn hard to read.

Despite her best efforts, though, her opponent still found a way to decisively turn the tables on her. She kicked at his abdomen, only for Itachi to catch her leg mid-strike. His grip on it was solid, and he was able to flip her over and put her on the floor a moment later. Visaelya sighed and tapped out; she knew when she was beat.

"Damn it," she hissed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," said Itachi, "You did quite well."

Jiraiya smiled. "No kidding. If you were in the Shinobi World, you'd be towards the top of your class in taijutsu. Your skills have come a long way!"

"He's right," said a third male voice. "You made a good showing for yourself, Visaelya."

This one was also familiar, and Visaelya blushed when she realized who it was. Turning around, she saw none other than Shisui leaning against the nearby wall and smiling at her.

Jiraiya grinned. "How's it going, Shisui?"

He nodded. "Not too bad, thanks for asking."

"When did you get here?" asked Visaelya.

"Just after you and Itachi started your match," he replied, "This is an open area, and it's not like I'm barred from visiting the Academy."

That was true enough. They were in the training yard behind the dorms getting in some last-minute practice before the Academy finals commenced. Visaelya knew that as a seated officer Shisui had full access to the Academy grounds, but it was still odd to her that he would come and visit like this. Not that she was complaining, of course; she was always happy to see him, although she would've preferred that he see her in a more dignified position. Being sprawled out on the ground after suffering yet another defeat at Itachi's hands was not the sort of image she wanted to serve as an impression.

"Right," she said as Itachi helped her to her feet, "Forgive me if this sounds rude, but why did you come here? It's a pleasure to see you again, but as an officer in Squad Two, don't you have important duties to attend to?"

Shisui smiled. "It's true that the Captain keeps me busy, but she also understands the value of allowing her subordinates some free time. I finished up my assigned duties early for the day, and she let me come over to visit. Finals week starts tomorrow, after all, so I wanted to see how you all were doing."

The Shin'ō Academy final exams were the grueling culmination of their six-year curriculum. They were hard enough for the regular students, but for those in the advanced track they were even more difficult due to the additional material they had to study along with the higher standards that they were held to. The first three days of the school week would be devoted to academic testing, while the last two would be the practical tests. Hohō and Kidō testing would take place one day, while Hakuda and Zanjutsu testing were scheduled for the last day. It was a daunting gauntlet, and Visaelya had done all she could to prepare for it.

"At this point, I think we're about as ready as we're going to be," she said.

Itachi nodded. "Agreed."

Jiraiya smiled. "I never was one for formal testing back in my Shinobi days, but I'm actually looking forward to this. From the way our instructors have hyped it up, it sounds like it'll be a fun challenge!"

Shisui laughed. "Well, if that's the case, you won't be disappointed! I was in the advanced track too when finals week came around, and they didn't pull their punches. I hope you've been hitting the books as hard as you've been hitting each other in training."

"Do you have any last-minute advice?" asked Visaelya.

Shisui smiled. "Believe in yourself. The tests are daunting, and the instructors designed them to make even the brightest students doubt themselves. Just remember how far you've come over the past six years. You three have worked hard and have earned your places at the top of the student rankings. You can do this."

Visaelya nodded and smiled; his confidence was encouraging. "Thank you, Tenth Seat… I mean, Shisui."

"Anytime," he replied, "I suggest you all get a good night's rest. Trust me; you're going to need it."


Four days later…

Jiraiya grinned in satisfaction as he looked downrange; his target had been completely destroyed. He wasn't so much as sweating even though they were pretty far along in the practical Kidō examinations now, which was more than could be said for most of his classmates. It was fortunate that they'd been given a substantial break between the Hohō test and the Kidō examination; otherwise he was sure that several of his fellow students would've collapsed by now in fatigue.

These tests are no joke, he thought, I don't remember the Shinobi Academy exams being quite so rigorous…

Truth be told, even if the practical exams that the advanced track students had to take were grueling, Jiraiya was feeling much better about them than he had about the written tests of the past three days. He'd studied his rear off, and Itachi had been a valuable partner in that regard, but there had been a ton of material to cover. The practical exams may have been no less comprehensive than the written ones, but Jiraiya was still much more comfortable with them because they involved the physical application of all that he had learned, something he was much more at ease with than the purely academic portion of the finals.

It was in the practical exams that the fruits of the past six years' worth of training could now be displayed for all to see, and Jiraiya was thoroughly enjoying himself. The earlier Hohō tests alone had been exhilarating, and the Kidō portion was proving to be just as entertaining. He and Itachi had been neck and neck throughout the day, and despite being even in the overall rankings their distinct styles, strengths and weaknesses were now truly coming into focus. Six years of learning and training side by side with the former Akatsuki member had given Jiraiya plenty of insights into his friend's capabilities as a soon-to-be Soul Reaper when compared to his own, and as it was all coming together now in the finals the Legendary Sannin had a pretty good idea as to where the two of them stood.

When it came to academic grades, the two of them were even; Jiraiya had tremendously improved his study habits when compared to what they'd been back when he was a troublemaking student in the Shinobi Academy. At first glance, it might appear to a casual observer that the same could be said for their practical abilities, but Jiraiya knew better. The key differences really came down to power and technique. When it came down to pure power, Jiraiya was reasonably confident now that his reserves of spirit energy were greater than Itachi's. They could both whip out Kidō spells like no one else in their class, but Jiraiya's offensive spells tended to have greater strength behind them, while his barriers and binding spells were more durable. Naturally, Itachi had noticed this, and it hadn't taken Jiraiya long to see how his friend had moved to counter; by focusing on his efficiency and precision. He wasn't as strong head-to-head as Jiraiya, but Itachi had an edge in accuracy. Even without the Sharingan, his gaze was razor-sharp, and each spell he fired off was never so much as a millimeter out of place. His power regulation was just as impressive; he rarely cut loose at full-bore, instead measuring each spell down to the last iota of energy.

This had also extended to their earlier Hohō examinations. When it came to speed and finesse, Itachi had Jiraiya beat. However, Jiraiya had an advantage when it came to endurance. The margins between them were difficult for their classmates to discern, and Jiraiya doubted that even their instructors had a good handle on the finer differences between them. However, he had no doubt that any Captain that happened to observe them would catch on soon enough.

I wonder what old man Sarutobi would say if he could see me now, he mused with a smirk, I bet he never imagined that I'd take tests like these as seriously as I am now.

They were in the home stretch now, or at least they were as far as the Kidō final was concerned. Jiraiya didn't know what the regular students had to go through, but the proctors for the advanced track had told them up-front that they would be expected to show comprehensive knowledge with regards to spell casting. They had run the gamut between simple offensive and defensive spells to those that were much more complicated and demanding. They had not proceeded sequentially; the proctors had called out spells seemingly at random, forcing the students to adapt quickly and control their power output as much as possible in order to avoid running out of steam. The unpredictability of the test was perhaps its most daunting feature for most students, but Jiraiya wasn't intimidated. After all, field missions were by their very nature unpredictable, so it was only right that the practical examinations had a wild card or two in them.

"Next spell!" barked the proctor, a man with greying black-hair, a strong build, and more than a few wrinkles in his face, "Offensive, number 54!"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow as fresh targets popped up; the spell that the instructor had just called out was the highest one so far. It was also a rather demanding one, even for students in the advanced track. Still, the stakes were on the table now, so there was nothing left to do but play his hand.

"Perdition's Flame, come forth!" he chanted, "Strike from the depths of Inferno, from the bowels of the Earth, and from the Sun in the sky! Let Evil know Judgment and find Repentance in Agony! Hadō 54: Haien!"

He thrust out his right arm, and an oblong blast of purple energy flew forth. It raced through the air and struck the wooden target downrange a moment later, engulfing it in flames and completely incinerating it.

That one's a real nasty piece of work, he thought grimly, I don't like it, but I can see how it would come in handy against Hollows. I just hope I don't ever have to use it against anything else…

The other students had unleashed their spells at the same time, and all the targets downrange were blazing as a result. Some, much like Jiraiya's, were consumed completely, while others were only partially destroyed. Jiraiya wasn't surprised that some of the students were having trouble; this late in the game, he imagined that it was all many of them could do to simply stay on their feet after all the spells they'd cast so far in this examination.

He glanced to his right and smirked at his friend. "Ready to throw in the towel?"

Itachi shook his head. "Hardly."

Jiraiya wasn't surprised. If Itachi was winded by the test, he wasn't showing it. He remained cool and aloof, patiently waiting to see what came next. Jiraiya hadn't expected him to be ruffled by their examinations, and so far, he wasn't disappointed.

Looking past Itachi, he was impressed to see that Visaelya was holding up quite well too. There was some sweat on her brow, but she was still standing and appeared more than ready for whatever else the proctor might throw at her. In terms of sheer power reserves, she actually occupied a middle ground between Jiraiya and Itachi, although she seemed unaware of that. As far as her technique went, she actually was little more than a step or two behind the pair of former Shinobi, which was no small feat. Her only real deficit at this point was her lack of prior combat experience when compared to Jiraiya and Itachi, but thanks to the field outings with Squad Two over the past few years she had begun to make progress on that front. She'd come quite a long way from her furious sparring matches with Itachi years ago, and while she clearly still considered him to be a rival it was on much friendlier terms now. The young woman had also mellowed out a bit when it came to her friendship with Jiraiya, although she still refused to so much as touch his novels.

An odd little trio we make, he mused, Not exactly a repeat of Tsunade, Orochimaru, and myself, although it does ring a few bells. Still, this is something different, something new… and I'm all right with that.

The instructor stepped forward, and while Jiraiya was bracing himself for the next round he found himself surprised at the teacher's announcement. "All right, that's enough. The Kidō test is over!"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Visaelya seemed a bit taken aback by that as well. "Oh… I thought we still had more to go."

Itachi simply shrugged. "I suppose he's seen enough."

"When will we know our results?" asked another student.

"Your scores will be posted on the notification board outside the Kidō practice range in one hour," the instructor replied, "For now, I suggest that you get some rest and reflect on your performance."

He's giving nothing away as to what he things of how we did, Jiraiya thought, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The students began to disperse, with Itachi, Jiraiya and Visaelya forming a small group just outside the range. The Legendary Sannin knew that all three of them could certainly use a little bit of downtime, although the prospect of finding out their test scores in an hour hanging over them would make that somewhat difficult.

"So," said Itachi, "now what?"

Jiraiya shrugged. "Beats me. Not really sure how to kill the time."

"How about some tea in the main student meal hall?" Visaelya suggested.

Jiraiya smiled. "I'd like that."

Itachi nodded. "As would I."

It barely took any time at all for them to cross campus to arrive at their destination; Shunpo was a remarkably useful talent both on and off the battlefield. They grabbed a table and had the tea brewed and ready just a few minutes later.

"So far, so good," said Itachi as he took a sip.

"You mean the exams?" asked Jiraiya.

"Of course," he replied.

Visaelya nodded. "Yes. They've been challenging, but not overly so. The extra time I've spent training with the two of you seems to be paying off. I suppose I owe you my thanks."

Jiraiya grinned. "Is that so? I can't remember the last time you thanked me!"

Visaelya rolled her eyes. "Don't let it go to your head."

"You're our friend," said Itachi, "We're always willing to lend aid to your self-improvement."

That was certainly true. Maybe they hadn't gotten off to the best start, but there was no denying now that Visaelya did indeed count as part of Jiraiya and Itachi's circle of friends. She still had the same clique of female students from before that she spent time with, but when it came to serious training she always sought out the two former Shinobi. There was a level of mutual respect there that went beyond what was expected of colleagues; she genuinely seemed to be fond of them, at least from where Jiraiya was sitting.

"After we get out scores today, we'll just have the Hakuda and Zanjutsu tests to worry about tomorrow," said Jiraiya, "All that studying and extra training we did for finals week, yet it's already almost over."

Visaelya nodded. "Yes… and the recruitment exhibition will be upon us before we know it."

The majority of Academy students would be placed into divisions after the finals at the discretion of the institution's senior faculty and the Head Captain based on the pupils' strengths and weaknesses. However, for students in the advanced track, things were a little different. There was a two-week period between the end of the final examinations and the actual graduation ceremony, and at the end of the first week was the recruitment exhibition. This was an event where all thirteen Captains would come to the Academy, give the advanced track students a taste of what to expect from their divisions, and make their official recruiting offers to the candidates they had their eyes on. If a student didn't receive an offer then they would be sorted into a division at the discretion of the Head Captain. However, since the Captains were always eager to refill their ranks in order to make up for attrition and transfers, this was rarely an issue. What Jiraiya was really interested in was which Captains would make offers to him, Itachi and Visaelya.

Itachi and I are at the top of the charts, he thought, and Vissy's just a short step behind us. We're going to be hot commodities at the exhibition.

"We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves," said Itachi, "It's better to focus on the tests that are still ahead of us than the exhibition that lies beyond them."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Come on, Itachi. There's no need to play it cool with us; I know that you're just as excited for the exhibition as the rest of us!"

"The need to retain our concentration on the remaining finals is important," Visaelya admitted, "but the recruitment exhibition will still play a considerable role in determining our immediate future post-graduation. Itachi, even you must be giving it some contemplation."

After a moment Itachi nodded in concession. "I am, yes. The prospect is… intriguing."

Jiraiya gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Looking forward to meeting a certain Flash Goddess there, Itachi?"

Visaelya smiled. "There's no harm in admitting that to be the case if it's true. While I may have originally felt it to be rather unprofessional for Captain Shihōin to show such favor to you, I have no problem conceding now that her faith has been well-placed. I'm sure you're at the top of her list for the students she wants to grab for the Second Division, and from our time together I believe that you would serve her quite effectively."

Itachi seemed slightly taken aback by her praise. "I appreciate the thought. Still, I do not wish to be presumptuous."

Jiraiya sighed as he took a sip of his tea. "Come on, Itachi; you can't deny what the rest of us see. You've wanted to get into her division from the moment she and Unohana saved our butts from the Hollows. There's no shame in fessing up."

Visaelya nodded. "Indeed. It means you know where you want your immediate career to take you upon leaving this institution. There's something to be said for that level of certainty."

She then looked down at her tea, her expression uncharacteristically hesitant. "I myself wish I had a similar… conviction in the course I wish to take."

Something was up; Jiraiya wasn't used to hearing her air doubts like these quite so publicly. "Something you want to get off your chest, Visaelya?"

"We have time," Itachi offered as a gentle nudge, "If you have doubts, it is better to air them now and find a way to move them forward to a clear resolution rather than have them distract you during our remaining tests tomorrow."

Visaelya looked a bit surprised at their offers. "I… I'm grateful for the concern, but I don't wish to trouble you two, especially when we all have more pressing matters to attend to."

Jiraiya gave her a warm smile. "There's nothing wrong with sharing your burdens with your friends. That's what they're for, after all. Isn't that right, Itachi?"

Itachi nodded at Visaelya. "Quite so. What's troubling you?"

Visaelya looked back and forth between them for a moment. "Well… could this please stay between the three of us?"

Jiraiya and Itachi exchanged a glance; what were they about to get into here? Jiraiya had no issue with keeping Visaelya's confidence, and he was sure Itachi felt the same way, but he had to wonder just what was bothering her so much.

"Of course," said Itachi.

Jiraiya nodded. "Sure thing. What's up?"

Visaelya sighed. "Squad Ten is my family's division, something that I know the two of you are well aware of. My uncle fully expects me to join it upon graduation, as I'm sure my parents do as well. For them, the recruitment exhibition is little more than a formality; as far as they're concerned, my immediate path after graduation has already been mapped out."

Jiraiya grinned; he had a feeling he knew where this was going now. "Let me guess; you've got a different destination in mind."

Itachi leaned forward, and to the Legendary Sannin's eyes he seemed genuinely curious. "Which division would you pick over the one dominated by your family?"

Visaelya took a deep breath before answering. "Squad Two."

I thought so, he mused with a smirk as an image of Shisui flashed through his mind, and I think I know why she's leaning that way…

"Well, now," he said in a faux-conspiratorial tone, "That is interesting."

"Why the Second Division?" asked Itachi, "I would certainly welcome you as a fellow comrade were we both to go into Yoruichi's unit, but isn't her family also something of a rival to yours?"

Visaelya nodded. "Yes… and that's part of the reason why I wish to join her division. I… I do not wish for my destiny to be dictated by nothing more than my bloodline. I want to forge my own path, and the best way that I can think of to do so would be to join the squad that's dominated by the Shihōin Clan after graduation."

Jiraiya chuckled; he was sure there was more to it than that, but now wasn't the time to tease her about it. "Well, that's certainly one way to get the message across. A pretty bold statement if you ask me. Are you sure it's one you're really ready to make, though? I may not be an expert on Great Noble Houses, but it strikes me that this might cause some friction."

"Jiraiya's right," said Itachi, "If this truly is your decision, we'll support you, but is it one that you're prepared to go through with? The consequences may go beyond just a few sharp words from your parents and uncle."

Visaelya closed her eyes for a moment. "Yes… that's something I had considered. Family loyalty is not something the Drakken Clan takes lightly. I do not view this as a betrayal, but simply taking the steps I must to forge my own path forward. My family, though, may not take such a view."

Jiraiya's eyes narrowed. "Do you think they'd openly retaliate against you? How bad could it get?"

"That's difficult to say," Visaelya replied, "Even Great Noble Houses are wary of crossing the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and drawing the ire of the Head Captain. Any action taken against me would be measured so as to not bring down such scrutiny upon the perpetrators. Direct attacks can be ruled out, but there are other means for them to make their displeasure known."

"Would they disown you?" asked Itachi.

Visaelya shook her head. "I don't think so. That's usually reserved for the gravest of offenses. That being said, I could become something of a black sheep to them. Cold shoulders at family gatherings, or no invites altogether, would likely be the first line of attack against me. After that… well, I suppose it depends on how much of a slight they view my actions as."

"Do you think it'd be worth the trouble?" asked Jiraiya, "I'm all for you asserting your independence and going down your own path, but you may have to live with the repercussions for a very long time."

Visaelya sighed. "I know. I… I'm not sure what to do."

"What feels right to you?" asked Itachi, "If you were forced to decide here and now, what way is your heart leaning?"

It took a moment for her to answer. "Squad Two."

"I see," said Jiraiya, "Look, how about this; for now, focus on the last two tests we have before us. Once the finals are done, take the week we'll have between them and the recruitment exhibition to do some soul searching, all right? I think your heart's in the right place, but this isn't something that you should force yourself to decide while you're in the middle of finals week. Find your answer after we wrap things up tomorrow, okay?"

Visaelya nodded. "Yes… I think you're right. Itachi?"

"There's nothing wrong with trying to plan ahead," he said, "but Jiraiya's correct. Right now, your immediate concerns are our remaining tests. Triumph over those, and then spend the time after them meditating upon the path you wish to take going forward."

Visaelya smiled at the two of them. "I will. Thank you, both of you. I know we didn't exactly start things off cordially, but… I'm glad that the two of you have become my friends."

Jiraiya smiled. "Same here. You may be wound up a bit too tight, but you're all right, Visaelya."

Itachi nodded. "You've come far, and you have much further to go. As long as the path you walk is one that you believe in your heart to be the right one for you, then I will do all I can to help. Perhaps we began as rivals, but I am proud to call you my friend."

Visaelya raised her cup. "To friends."

Jiraiya grinned. "I'll drink to that."

Itachi gave a small smile. "Likewise."


The next day…

The eyes of the proctor were on him, but Itachi paid them no mind as he took his Zanpakutō through a rapid sequence of slashes. He was completely immersed in the flow of his demonstration; there was him, his sword, and nothing else. This was the last exam, and Itachi was determined to put on his best performance yet.

Speed, grace, and precision; all three merged seamlessly in a manner that put nearly all his fellow students to shame. Only Jiraiya could truly match him, but one-on-one fights were unfortunately not the order of the day. Rather, each student was made to put on a solo exhibition, running through a series of offensive and defensive patterns as a cumulative demonstration of their skills. They were not to stop until the proctor told them to, and they were not told how long they would have to maintain their performance. It was as much a test of endurance as it was of technique, but Itachi refused to be daunted by it.

Perhaps his field experience, both in the past life and in the field trips he'd been on with Squad Two over the years, gave him an unfair advantage over other students, but Itachi wasn't above making the most of it. Every student in the class had been given the past six years to refine their technique and build up their stamina; he had simply gone further than most. He was resolved to gain a flawless score, and nothing less would do.

Itachi had no desire to appear arrogant, but at this point he had to wonder if an Academy instructor was really qualified to evaluate his skills. He had gone from suspecting that he could beat the Academy faculty in a match over the years to being certain of it, although he had still refused to actually call any of them out for a challenge match out of respect for their positions. It was not his proctor today that would be commanding him post-graduation, therefore it was not his proctor that he ultimately wished to put on this performance for. Given how she had helped him in the past, though, Itachi knew it would be improper for Yoruichi to serve as his evaluator for the test. Even if he believed that she could impartially judge his skills, he understood that the appearance it would give in light of her prior aid to him would not be a good one.

Focus, the spirit of his Zanpakutō chided him, You'll get the chance to show off for your favorite Captain soon enough.

I certainly hope so.

His blade wove a tapestry of silver flashes through the air. Thrust, slash, cut, parry, feint; all had their place, and all were made with unrivaled accuracy. The spirit of his Zanpakutō had been a peerless teacher in the art of the sword, and the fruits of her instruction were now on dazzling display for all to see. If Itachi had a complaint, it was only that he still did not know the name of his tutor and weapon. For someone who had progressed so blindingly quickly in life with the Shinobi arts, the slow pace of his development when it came to his Zanpakutō was quite jarring. Itachi was not deterred from moving forward, though; quite the opposite, in fact.

For all the praise that his instructors and classmates could heap upon him, Itachi was well aware that he still had much to learn. It was something that he did not wish to lose sight of, as he felt it kept him rooted in reality and would prevent him from overestimating his abilities. He was grateful for the new challenges that his afterlife had presented him with, and he remained determined to press onward and surpass who he had been in his first life. Not just in talent and deeds, but also in character; he would take all the mistakes that he had made the first time around and do everything in his power to make sure that the tragedies of the past did not repeat themselves.

He'd lost track of the amount of time that had passed when the proctor finally ordered him to stop. Lowering and sheathing his sword, he studied the face of his evaluator. The proctors were supposed to remain detached, but the man's eyes betrayed him; nothing less than awe shone within them.

"Was my performance satisfactory?" asked Itachi, with a feeling that he already knew the answer.

The proctor nodded numbly, clearly still trying to process what he had just seen. "Yes… it was. Your score will be posted with those of your classmates later this afternoon. Please be seated so the next student can begin."

Itachi did as instructed, settling in between Jiraiya and Visaelya. The two of them had already completed their tests; Itachi had been towards the tail-end of the class. Jiraiya had that typical knowing smirk on his face, while Visaelya gave him an approving smile.

"Well done," she said.

Itachi nodded. "Thank you."

"That was quite the show," said Jiraiya, "I imagine it won't be long at all before a certain Captain hears about it."

Itachi allowed himself a small smile. "Perhaps."

All that is left now is to learn my results, he thought as the next student began their tests, and then it is on to the recruitment exhibition. Are you as eager for that day as I am…



One week later…

Bouncing on her heels, Yoruichi practically danced through the training yard of the Squad Two barracks as she went through her morning practice routine. Alternating between Zanpakutō strikes and a flurry of punches and kicks, she moved like lightning, and even an experienced observer would've had a hard time following her. This wasn't just another training session for her, though; it was an effort to burn off some of the excitement that had been building up within her throughout the week.

I probably should've used the training grounds that Kisuke built, she thought, I can actually cut loose there without worrying about the surroundings. Here I have to take care not to damage the barracks.

Her eagerness for this day had been ever-present over the past six years, but now it was kicking into high-gear. Seeing Itachi's test scores had been a considerable factor there; as expected, he'd gotten flawless marks, matched only by Jiraiya. The two of them had come very far since she and Unohana had first met them, and she was quite looking forward to getting them both out of the Academy and into the field. It wasn't just them, either; Visaelya Drakken had put on a very strong showing as well, and while she had come up short compared to Itachi and Jiraiya it was only by a very slim margin. Making matters much more intriguing were the hints Shisui had dropped that the heiress to the Great Noble House of the east was looking for a career path that deviated from those of her forebears.

It'd be a real coup if I could scoop up Rhaegon's niece right out from under his nose, she mused as she went through a sequence of rapid Zanpakutō slashes, I can already picture the look on his face…

She was all for it, but there were other factors that weighed on her mind, most prominently those of her parents. Yoruichi had nothing but disdain for noble family politics, but she was aware that her clan would likely be concerned that Visaelya joining Squad Two would give her a chance to spy on the Shihōin princess. It was a valid argument, yet Yoruichi's sense of the matter was that it wouldn't be a problem. Based on everything that Shisui had told her, Visaelya seemed determine to strike out on her own rather than rely upon her family name. Under those circumstances, it was hard to see the bright young woman's pride allowing her to become a spy for the Drakken Clan, even though Yoruichi knew it would be foolish to rule out the notion altogether. She would have some important decisions to make before the day was done, no doubt there.

The upcoming recruitment exhibition would be divided into two segments. The first was the public event, where the Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, along with subordinates of their choice, would gather in the primary courtyard of the Academy. They would each have their own booths and displays that students could visit at their leisure. In the past exhibitions had been much rowdier, with the public events being so competitive and chaotic that at times the displays of power being unleashed had been enough to threaten not only the students but the Academy itself. New rules had been put into place in order to ensure safety and prevent the needless destruction of public property, and while it made for a much more orderly affair Yoruichi did sometimes miss the ruckus of the old days.

The second segment was commonly known as the bidding war. As the day wore on, the assembled Captains would begin dispatching messengers with private offers to their candidates of choice. Occasionally, Captains would leave their booths to seek out a backroom audience if a student was particularly sought after. Yoruichi suspected that the top three students in the advanced track this year would be faced with several such private meetings before the day was done. She already had her offer for Itachi worked up. It was as good of one that she could work up that would still seem reasonable to the outside observer, and she hoped it would stand up to the close scrutiny of the Head Captain. Division leaders had a considerable amount of leeway when it came to recruitment from the advanced track, but too much favoritism would draw unwanted attention from Yamamoto.

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