
Chapter Ten: Wonders of Old 1/6

Author's Notes: Well, I suppose it's time to put the next one up. Actually, this is the last of the chapters that I had already completed prior to when I started posting content for this story, so from here on out the release rate's going to slow up. Sorry about that.

This chapter's different from the previous one in that it's basically a cross between a history lesson and an archaeological expedition. Many of the major changes I've made to the Soul Society's history will be brought to light here, and it will play an important role in future events for the story. So no real action in this chapter, it's mostly exposition and exploration. Don't worry, the excitement will pick back up in subsequent chapters.


Chapter Ten: Wonders of Old

145 years before Rukia Kuchiki's arrival in Karakura Town

The Academy grounds were an absolute splendor to behold in springtime. Even though she'd seen them plenty of times before, Yoruichi still could not help but smile as she looked upon the cherry trees in full bloom. Classes had just recently gotten out for the day, so the main courtyard was filled with students heading for the dorms or meeting up with friends for some late afternoon leisure time.

She took a deep breath and inhaled the wonderful scent of the cherry blossoms. "Ah… this really takes me back."

To her right, Soi-Fon nodded. "It is nice to return here. This courtyard was a very soothing place to study when I was going through my training."

To her left, her other companion, Squad Twelve Captain Kirio Hikifune, smiled. "Indeed. I wish we had enough space at my division's barracks to recreate this. Our training yard's nice, but it could do with a little more natural beauty."

Yoruichi nodded. "Same with mine. I've had my family's decorators and gardeners come by a few times, but there's really only so much they can do with the space available."

Kirio shrugged. "Oh, well. We have much more important matters at hand than gardening, anyway."

Yoruichi smiled. "That's true. We really should get a move on; it took quite a bit of work for me to convince the Head Captain to get these three a short-term approved leave from class for this little mission of ours. We need to make the most of it!"

Soi-Fon gave her a skeptical look. "Lady Yoruichi, with all due respect, was it really necessary to include them in this? Between Squads Two and Twelve, we already have more than enough people for this assignment. We hardly need to include students in the roster, regardless of how gifted they might be."

Yoruichi shook her head. "It's not a question of manpower, Soi-Fon. They've only got a year left at the Academy before graduation. I'm sure that they've been studying hard since the last little operation we took them on, but there's no better preparation for what they'll face out there once they're through here than to get them out into the field as much as possible."

"She's right, Soi-Fon," said Kirio, "Besides, as you're well aware, there's more to being a Soul Reaper than just purifying Hollows and performing the Konsō on lost souls. The mission that we're going on is an ideal example of an assignment that falls outside those first two tasks. Academy students don't normally get much exposure to missions like ours, so if we can give a few members of the advanced track a taste of the more exotic assignments that they might be given once they join us on active duty they'll be much more prepared for them when the time comes."

"Very well," Soi-Fon conceded, "but why these three in particular? They're the best of the fifth-year advanced track, but if we're only looking for quality then shouldn't we be seeking out students in the sixth-year group?"

Yoruichi smirked. "Normally you'd have a point, Soi-Fon, but even the students in their last year got nothing on these three; their most recent test scores are proof enough of that!"

"Not to mention that one of them in particular is shaping up to be the most sought-after recruit of his class!" chirped Kirio with a grin, "I've been meaning to work on my sales pitch for him, but you've been hogging him all to yourself, Yoruichi! That ends today; you're not getting him without a fight!"

Yoruichi chuckled. "Bring it on, Kirio."

Soi-Fon looked around the courtyard. "So, where do you think Itachi's at? Should we check the dorms?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "From what I've heard, it seems that he likes to go to the library once class is over. Let's start there."

"Hopefully the other two will be there as well," said Kirio, "It would save us some time."

Indeed, she mused, and from what Rija and Shisui told me after that mission last year, it would seem that the three of them have become a little group of their own, at least if the way they fought against the Hollows together is any indication. We might just get lucky…

The three of them made their way to the library, but it turned out that luck wasn't quite on their side. They found Itachi sitting near the back reading, but neither Jiraiya nor Visaelya were with him.

"So much for finding all three at once," Soi-Fon muttered.

Yoruichi shrugged. "We'll track the other two down soon enough."

"Forget about them for now," said Kirio, eagerly eyeing Itachi, "Let's go say hello!"

Yoruichi was amused; she hadn't seen her colleague this excited about a man in quite some time. She wondered how Kirio's Lieutenant would react if she learned that her Captain's attention was at risk of being stolen by someone else; Hiyori Sarugaki was notoriously temperamental.

You'd better hope that Kirio doesn't talk about you in front of her Lieutenant, Itachi, she thought, I'd hate to imagine what Hiyori would do to you…

She saw him look up as the three of them approached. "Yoruichi…"

Soi-Fon's eyes narrowed. "That's Captain Shihōin or Lady Yoruichi to you, Itachi Uchiha!"

Kirio put her hand on Soi-Fon's shoulder. "Calm down, Soi-Fon. We're in a library, after all."

"That still doesn't mean that he should be allowed to address Lady Yoruichi so informally," Soi-Fon huffed.

Yoruichi laughed. "Soi-Fon, you really need to lighten up. I've told him before that it's fine for him to address me like that. Honestly, I prefer it that way. How's it going, Itachi?"

Itachi nodded as he stood up to greet her. "Very well, thank you. It's been some time, Yoruichi."

Kirio gave her a knowing smirk. "You two are on a first name basis? What have I been missing out on?"

Yoruichi chuckled. "I know where your mind's going Kirio, and it's nothing quite like that."

Although I wouldn't exactly say no if it were, she thought as she looked the handsome student over, Itachi, you're a treat for the eyes that never gets old…

She saw him tense up ever so slightly; was he aware of how she was eyeing him? Yoruichi had thought that she was being subtle, but apparently Itachi's senses were even sharper than she had previously realized. She gave him a friendly smile to put him at ease; now wasn't the time for teasing, no matter how much she might enjoy it.

"It's good to see you as well, Miss Soi-Fon," he said with a slight bow.

Soi-Fon nodded. "Likewise. I hope you've been keeping up with your studies; your performance reflects upon Lady Yoruichi since she vouched for you in the past."

"I can assure you that I've been taking them as seriously as ever," Itachi replied.

Yoruichi gave Soi-Fon a pat on the back. "Come on, Soi-Fon, stop giving him a hard time. You've seen his test scores, too; you know that he's doing just fine."

"Fine would be an understatement," said Kirio with a grin as she stepped forward, "Hello, Itachi. Do you remember me?"

"Of course," he replied, "It's been a long time, Captain Hikifune."

Kirio giggled. "Oh, there's no need for formality. Please, call me Kirio!"

And you were getting on my case about being on a first name basis with him, thought Yoruichi with a smirk, Kirio, you're as shameless as ever!

Itachi seemed a bit taken aback by that. "Are you sure?"

"Oh, of course!" she said, "There's no need to be so stiff and proper when the Head Captain's not looking over our shoulders. Or Ginrei Kuchiki, for that matter; the two of them seriously need to learn to relax a little more."

Yoruichi chuckled. "That's putting it mildly."

"I'll take your word for it," said Itachi, "If you don't mind me asking, what brings you all here?"

"Something special's come up," Yoruichi replied, "An opportunity that could serve to benefit both the Soul Society and you, along with Jiraiya and Visaelya."

"We've been looking for a few gifted students to take with us on a field assignment," said Kirio, "You certainly fit the bill, and I'm sure your two fellow classmates do as well!"

"What sort of field assignment did you have in mind?" he asked.

"One that would involve you spending at least a few days away from the Academy," Yoruichi replied, "We've already cleared it with your instructors, and it'll even count as bonus course credit."

"That being said, you should still be prepared to work hard upon your return," Soi-Fon pointed out, "You will have extra work to do, after all."

Itachi nodded. "Of course. It won't be a problem."

Kirio smiled. "You certainly don't lack for confidence! I'm feeling better about our decision to bring you along by the minute!"

"With all due respect, you still haven't completely answered my question," said Itachi, "I would like to know more about what I'm getting myself into."

"Don't worry," said Yoruichi, "We'll fill you in on the juicy details as soon as we round up Jiraiya and Visaelya."

"Do you know where we might find them?" asked Soi-Fon.

"Jiraiya should be back at the dorms," said Itachi, "I believe he wanted to spend some time working on his latest novel. As for Visaelya, I believe she's at the meditation hall; her Zanpakutō recently awakened, so she's redoubled her Jinzen training."

Kirio raised her eyebrow. "Captain Drakken's niece has already awakened her Zanpakutō? Impressive."

"Indeed," said Soi-Fon, "It's the first I've heard of it."

Yoruichi nodded. "Same here. Well, good for her. Sounds like she's coming along quite nicely."

"Yes," said Itachi, "Her Zanjutsu is improving as well, especially considering our latest match."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that she actually beat you? From I've heard, you're untouchable in your sparring class."

Itachi shook her head. "She's achieved no victories over me, but her level of growth has been substantial. In that light, I would say that our sparring matches have been a success."

Soi-Fon's eyes narrowed. "Are you saying that you've taken it upon yourself to train her in lieu of the Academy's instructors?"

"No," said Itachi, "She initiates the challenges of her own free will. However, that does not mean that I cannot use them to help her refine her technique."

Yoruichi smiled. "Well, how about that… you took a potential rival and turned her into a friend. Itachi, you're really something else, you know that?"

Itachi looked a bit taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Yoruichi chuckled and shook her head. "Never mind. Come on, let's go and round up the others. We've got a lot of material to go over before we hit the road."


"Sorry for the short notice," said Yoruichi as she opened the door to an empty lecture hall.

Itachi shook his head. "It's all right. It's not like any of us were busy."

"Easy for you to say," Jiraiya retorted, "I was just about to have a big breakthrough on my next chapter! I was so close, I could feel it! All I needed was just a little something extra…"

Visaelya glared at him. "Let me guess; another trip to the women's bath for 'research'? Pervert."

Jiraiya held up his hands in faux-surrender. "Hey, now! There's no call for that, Little Miss Vissy!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" she snapped.

Kirio giggled as the three of them took their seats in the front row of the hall. "My, my… if your banter's any indication, I have a feeling that we won't lack for entertainment on this assignment!"

Yoruichi smirked. "Well, a comedy act never hurts morale, so I'm all for it!"

Soi-Fon rolled her eyes. "Lady Yoruichi, please don't encourage this sort of behavior."

I'm with her, thought Itachi, I'd like to get through this mission without Visaelya being at Jiraiya's throat…

Yoruichi gave her bodyguard a smile. "Oh, all right, Soi-Fon. At least, I think we can save it for the road."

"How far will we be travelling on this assignment?" asked Itachi, rather intrigued as to what Yoruichi was getting him involved in.

"Quite some ways," Yoruichi admitted, "Even with periodic use of Shunpo, for students like you it'll be quite the trip on foot."

"And we won't be using Shunpo the whole way," Kirio added, "We can't have you three getting worn out on us, after all."

"Hold on there," said Jiraiya, "I know we may not exactly be at your level of proficiency yet but give us some credit! We're in the advanced track for a reason, after all."

Yoruichi nodded. "Believe me, we're well aware of that. The three of you have gotten superb marks in your Hohō class, and none of us our doubted your abilities. However, we'll still be pacing ourselves on this one, for your sakes as well as that of our subordinates."

"Understood," said Itachi, "We'll do our best not to slow you down."

"So where exactly are we going?" asked Visaelya.

"We'll come to that in a moment," said Kirio, "Fist thing's first; how much have your history classes taught you about the era of the Soul Society that predates the Central Forty-Six and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads?"

All three of them raised their eyebrows; they certainly hadn't been expecting that particular line of questioning. Itachi had a hard time seeing how it might be relevant to a field mission, but he figured that Squad Twelve's Captain wouldn't bring it up without a good reason.

"Not much," Jiraiya admitted, "In fact… well, to be honest, our instructors seemed quite intent on avoiding it altogether. Whenever someone asked a question about it in class, they always wound up deflecting and changing the subject."

Itachi nodded. "He's right. I always found that to be odd. If the instructors say anything at all, they only refer to it as a period of corruption and violence before moving on to another topic. There's surprisingly little material available in the student library that so much as references it, either."

Visaelya closed her eyes for a moment, and Itachi realized that she knew the answer. "It's because they don't want us to study it. In fact, with each passing generation, they've been doing everything in their power to bury the memory of that era."

Yoruichi nodded. "You're correct. Let me guess; the Drakken family archives are much more comprehensive than those of the student library, correct?"

Visaelya's eyes widened slightly. "Yes… how did you know that?"

Yoruichi smirked. "I'm from a Great Noble House too, remember. The Central Forty-Six wouldn't dare touch our archives, so they've survived the slow historical cleansing that's been taking place over the past two-thousand years. My private tutor before I enrolled in the Academy made sure that my history lessons included material covering that era. I'm assuming yours did, too."

"That's correct," Visaelya replied, "and I think I have a better understanding of our mission, now; it involves the old kingdom. A remnant of Nur-Andunaya has resurfaced, hasn't it?"

Kirio smiled. "You catch on quickly."

Itachi and Jiraiya shared a confused glance. This was the first time either of them had heard that name before.

"Nur-Andunaya?" said Jiraiya, "Is that supposed to mean something special?"

"What is it?" asked Itachi, "If it's important enough to have relevance to a mission involving two divisions of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, then why are we only learning about it now?"

Kirio turned to Yoruichi. "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"

"I've got a better idea," said Yoruichi, "Visaelya, since you're the only one out of the three of you receive instruction regarding that particular era, why don't you fill them in on the old kingdom?"

Visaelya's eyes widened slightly. "Me, Captain? Are you sure?"

Yoruichi nodded. "I don't see why not. Your education on the subject would likely have been similar to mine, not to mention more recent."

"There's no need for it to be comprehensive," Kirio pointed out, "Just a summary that's informative enough to give them a decent grasp of the nature of the old kingdom. How it came into being, how far it stretched, how and why it fell; nothing too complicated."

Visaelya turned to Itachi and Jiraiya, surprisingly looking a little self-conscious. "Well… what would the two of you prefer?"

Jiraiya smiled. "We trust you, don't we, Itachi?"

Itachi nodded. "You know the Soul Society far better than the two of us, and the prior education you received as a member of one of the Great Noble Houses gives you a considerable base of knowledge to draw upon. We'd be honored if you would share that gift with us."

That appeared to be all the encouragement that she needed, for Itachi noticed that her typical confident demeanor swiftly reasserted itself. "Very well, then. In the interest of saving time, I will try to limit myself to the most important aspects regarding this topic… although even that may be rather difficult; the shadow that the old kingdom casts over the contemporary Soul Society is vast, regardless of how hard the Central Forty-Six tries to bury it."

"Indeed," said Yoruichi.

"Begin whenever you're ready," said Kirio, "Don't feel that you have to rush things on our account; go at your own pace. Take your time; we're prepared to be here for a while."

"Be mindful," Soi-Fon added as she gave Itachi and Jiraiya a firm look, "While speaking of the old kingdom isn't a crime in and of itself, it can draw unwanted attention if the wrong people learn that knowledge of it is spreading. What the two of you learn in this room today, along with whatever we uncover out in the field, should not be brought up in conversation with others outside this group lightly. Is that understood?"

"Yes," Itachi replied.

"We'll be discreet," said Jiraiya.

Visaelya took a deep breath before beginning her impromptu lesson. "As you have both seen in our classes, the Soul Society stretches far beyond the Seireitei, and even the Rukon District. Our field operation with Squads Two and Ten last year offered a taste of the vast expanse known as The Wild, and I believe that the ancestral homelands of the Five Great Noble Houses, the Principalities, were also briefly discussed while we were travelling to our objective."

Itachi nodded. "I remember. The Drakken Clan's Principality is far to the east, correct?"

"Correct," Visaelya replied.

"The Shihōin Clan has one too, right?" asked Jiraiya, "Way down south, wasn't it?"

"Yes," said Visaelya, "Slightly to the southwest, to be precise. There are actually two Great Noble Houses with Principalities in the south; the second is the Shiba Clan, whose ancestral homelands are in the southeast. Meanwhile, the far north is dominated by the Principality of the Starmont Clan. Last but not least, the Kuchiki Clan's Principality makes up much of the far west, including the coast. Although this was never touched upon in our history classes, all five Principalities are actually linked to the old kingdom. In fact, they are perhaps the best places to find preserved traces of Nur-Andunaya these days due in no small part to their distance from the heart of the Soul Society. Of course, there's also the fact that the Five Great Noble Houses owe much of the power and influence they wield over the modern Soul Society to the foundations that were laid by the old kingdom."

"How so?" asked Itachi.

Visaelya shook her head. "It would be best to start with the roots of the kingdom before getting into that. It's further back than most people are aware; roughly six-thousand years, give or take a century or two."

Jiraiya whistled. "That long ago, eh?"

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "Interesting…"

"Oddly enough, the kingdom's roots are actually in the heart of the Soul Society," said Visaelya, "Back then, the Seireitei wasn't as well organized or developed, and there wasn't much of a real central government. There was still the Soul King, of course, but as you both know, the Soul King is not a monarch in the traditional sense."

Itachi nodded. "Right. He's the linchpin of all reality… or at least, that's how our instructors have put it. It's rather hard to wrap one's mind around, really."

Visaelya sighed. "I know what you mean. Even with the lessons of my private tutors, I still had trouble fully grasping the concept. I think I still do, at least when it comes to the finer details."

Jiraiya leaned forward. "The Soul King's been in the Royal Realm about as far back as anyone can remember, right? I'm assuming that was still the case in the time period that you're describing, anyway."

Visaelya nodded. "You're correct. The ancient Seireitei was under the control of several ruling lords, but they squabbled to such an extent that the rest of the Soul Society was in a state of almost perpetual unrest. Rather than the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, the Soul Society had to rely on private militias run by what were essentially warlords. What few historical records of this time period remain suggest that these forces spent almost as much time fighting each other as they did the Hollows. They could barely be bothered to look after the souls that resided in the Soul Society, let alone the Realms of the Living. In short, you could describe it as the Soul Society's Dark Age."

"That sounds familiar," said Itachi somberly, "The Realm of the Living that we were from suffered from considerable chaos and strife in its past. We called it the Warring States Period."

Jiraiya nodded. "Neither of us were alive at the time, but we both had a chance to study the history of it during our formal education. While there were multiple accounts written by various parties and factions, all were in agreement on the fact that it was pretty much Hell on Earth."

Visaelya looked intrigued, and for a moment Itachi thought she was going to inquire into the matter, but apparently felt that it was best to remain on topic. "I see. Well, from what few records of the era that predated the old kingdom have survived, that same description would not be far off with regards to the Seireitei and the broader Soul Society. Instead of ensuring peace and security in the afterlife, the nobles and their warlords turned it into a realm rife with conflict and suffering. A newly arrived soul would've found very little rest, and between the factional fighting and the depredations of Hollows they would've been hard-pressed just to survive. This was a state of affairs that clearly could not be viable in the long-term, but no one had the strength, wisdom or will to put an end to it. The denizens of the Royal Realm washed their hands of the matter; as long as the flow of souls between the Soul Society and the Realms of the Living continued, that was all they felt the need to worry about."

"But without a unified force to ensure balance, the flow of souls would've been threatened regardless," Jiraiya pointed out.

"You're not wrong," Visaelya conceded, "However, for whatever reason, those who resided in the Royal Realm apparently felt that the threat wasn't severe enough to warrant action. Hence the petty conflicts continued, until a group of noble families decided they'd had enough. Rather than remain in the Seireitei and continue to play a role in the never-ending squabbles, they took all their assets, household vassals, and many like-minded and desperate souls into what amounted to a self-imposed exile. The passed into the west, reached the far shores, and then built ships. The Great Western Ocean was largely unexplored in those days, but rumors from a few brave mariners spoke of islands that could be inhabited. No maps to these islands had been made, and in fact such talk was largely dismissed as the idle chatter of daydreaming fishermen. The Wayfarers, as the records of those days refer to them, were desperate to escape the civil strife of the continental Soul Society and seized upon these rumors as a last hope for a chance to start anew. Once sufficiently large and numerous ships had been constructed, they sailed into the setting sun and disappeared. The Seireitei and the rest of the Soul Society wrote them off as lunatics, and the Wayfarers' voyage became joking referred to as 'The Great Journey', with most seeing it as an elaborate form of collective suicide."

Itachi folded his arms. "Let me guess; the Wayfarers ultimately had the last laugh?"

Yoruichi chuckled. "You could say that."

Visaelya nodded. "Indeed. Whether by luck or design, they eventually came upon a large island. It was fertile, surrounded by waters that teemed with life, and was rich in mineral deposits, particularly beneath the mountains that made up the island's center. Scouting parties were eventually able to map the shape of the entire island, and it roughly took on the form of a large nine-pointed star. That shape, combined with the fact that navigation by starlight had been crucial to their survival during The Great Journey, ultimately contributed to the kingdom's name; Nur-Andunaya, 'The Realm of Starlight'."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "I can appreciate the name 'Realm of Starlight', but Nur-Andunaya? What language does that originate from?"

"It's an offshoot of the tongue that dominated the noble circles of the Seireitei back in those days," Visaelya replied, "While the Wayfarers wanted to start anew, they naturally could not completely abandon their preferred means of communication. Instead, they developed a new form to symbolize their fledgling realm; the records that survive refer to it as Andunayan. Two distinct flavors were known; generic Andunayan was the tongue of the common folk, while High Andunayan was spoken by the those who came to rule the island. At the height of the old kingdom's dominance, both dialects were known throughout the Soul Society, but nowadays to find anyone with more than a passing knowledge of them is quite rare."

Kirio smiled. "Quite rare outside of the nobility, that is."

"Quite true," said Yoruichi, "Learning both common and High Andunayan in addition to our modern tongue is basically required by all children of the nobility, especially in powerful clans like mine and Visaelya's."

Itachi was curious. "Why? The Soul Society's rulers have been trying to suppress knowledge of the old kingdom, right? Wouldn't banning the study of its dominant language be part of that effort?"

"It is, at least when it comes to general education," said Soi-Fon, "However, nobles are granted an exception due to so many ancient and valuable manuscripts being written in the old kingdom's tongue. The same goes for certain Soul Reapers and officials in key positions."

Jiraiya smirked as he looked at Kirio. "Like high ranking officers in Squad Twelve, right?"

Kirio nodded. "Correct. While each division maintains its own records, Squad Twelve's archives are by far the most expansive. Due to the fact that much of our work isn't quite the same as your typical Hollow extermination or Konsō missions, we often find ourselves relying on books, scrolls, and other such documents from ancient times. Knowledge of both generic and High Andunayan is essential for my division, and officers are given lessons in how to read and translate it after a probationary period in the unit."

"I see," said Itachi before turning back to Visaelya, "Since the language is so prominent in the Soul Society's past, I'm assuming that when the Wayfarers returned from their self-imposed exile they came in force."

Visaelya smiled. "Correct, although it was not without substantial preparation. While they were quite happy with their new island kingdom, the Andunayans still desired to remain informed as to what was happening in the rest of the Soul Society. They were particularly worried about a potential attack from rival noble houses that might've learned of their realm, so they took certain precautions. The records don't offer precise dates, but it would seem that about two or three-hundred years after the establishment of Nur-Andunaya the kingdom began to dispatch spies to the mainland. These came in a variety of forms, including fishermen, merchants, mercenaries and more. Regardless of their disguise, their purpose remained the same; to pass along any vital information regarding activity in the continental Soul Society back to the island kingdom."

Jiraiya's eyes narrowed. "So, did the nobles who stayed behind in the Seireitei ever learn of the new kingdom?"

Visaelya shook her head. "Not until the Andunayans returned to the western shores roughly seven-hundred years after The Great Journey."

"What brought them back?" asked Itachi, "If no one had learned of their new kingdom, then why would they return to the land that they'd been so desperate to leave behind?"

"For centuries, it had been their policy to remain detached from the rest of the Soul Society," said Visaelya, "However, the infighting that had plagued the Seireitei and beyond had only gotten worse since The Great Journey. Hardly anyone was bothering to oversee the flow of souls, and Hollows were running rampant. It was not a situation that could be allowed to stand for much longer, regardless of the Andunayans' wishes. A Soul Society that does not protect souls and preserve the balance between the afterlife and the Realms of the Living is an invitation to the apocalypse. It wouldn't matter how isolated Nur-Andunaya was; they'd be caught up in the inevitable cataclysm just the same as everyone else."

Jiraiya nodded. "So they were acting out of self-preservation when they returned. Makes sense, although it does take away some of the nobility."

Visaelya shook her head. "While self-preservation did indeed play a role, the records that survived to this day indicate that it wasn't quite that straightforward. In the years leading up to the return, a new king ascended to the throne of Nur-Andunaya. The realm was very different than the small and isolated kingdom it had started out as; although the rest of the Soul Society was unaware of it, Nur-Andunaya had become the afterlife's first true naval power. The Andunayans had grown greatly in numbers, and they were not confined to their single island; they had charted and colonized numerous other islands over the centuries, and their mastery of seafaring was unrivaled. At the same time, ever wary of potential discovery and attack from outsiders, they'd refined their knowledge of forging weapons and armor. Although they had no Zanpakutō, they were well-versed in the arts of making Spirit Weapons."

Itachi raised an eyebrow; this was the first time he'd heard that term. "Spirit Weapons?"

Visaelya smiled. "Our Academy instructors may focus on the Zanpakutō, but in truth they are not the only weapons out there that can be used to take on Hollows. Before Ōetsu Nimaiya conceived and created what we recognize as the modern Zanpakutō, our ancestors needed another way to fight Hollows. Kidō was useful, as was Hohō and Hakuda, but without actual weapons to complement them their effectiveness would've been severely reduced. Long before even The Great Journey, craftsmen had discovered the means by which to forge weapons that were imbued with spirit energy. While not as adaptable or powerful as the Zanpakutō, they could still perform two of its key functions; the Konsō and Hollow Purification. When paired with skilled wielders with considerable amounts of spirit energy, these weapons proved to be quite effective. While they may have eventually been supplanted by the Zanpakutō, you can still find Spirit Weapons scattered across the Soul Society, and in the right hands they are capable of going toe-to-toe with the blades of Soul Reapers."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Let me guess; the Andunayans turned out to be better than most when it came to creating these Spirit Weapons, right?"

"Indeed," said Visaelya, "The apex of the age of Spirit Weapons was reached under the Andunayans. They took the craft to an artform like none before them, and despite the old kingdom's downfall, the weapons forged by its craftsmen are still highly sought after by collectors and warriors alike. Many pieces created by Andunayan smiths are one of a kind, imbued with such potent spirit energy that they're rumored to be equal to that of a Soul Reaper's Shikai."

Jiraiya whistled. "Impressive."

"You've got that right," said Yoruichi, "The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are always on the lookout for such weapons; we don't want them falling into the wrong hands. Squad Twelve actually has a vault beneath its barracks devoted entirely to storing the ones that Soul Reapers have found in their missions."

Kirio sighed. "Unfortunately, our collection is far from complete. So many powerful Spirit Weapons remain unaccounted for."

Yoruichi winced. "Yeah… and noble families like mine are part of the problem."

"What do you mean?" asked Itachi.

"Powerful clans tend to be given a lot of leeway by the Central Forty-Six," said Soi-Fon, "That includes, among other things, the types of weapons such families are allowed to issue to their household guards and vassals."

Yoruichi nodded. "The Shihōin Clan has its own stockpile of Spirit Weapons, including several unique pieces with great power. The other Great Noble Houses have their own arsenals and collections, and they jealously guard them. No one outside of a house's elders and guard captains knows the exact number of pieces that said clan has collected or the nature of them."

"That seems like a rather dangerous setup," said Jiraiya, "With each noble family seeking out ancient weapons and keeping which ones they've acquired a secret, that's practically begging for an arms race between rival clans."

Itachi's brow furrowed in thought. "It does seem unstable. What keeps the clans from using these weapons against each other?"

"The might of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads," said Soi-Fon, "If any of them engage in violence against each other and threaten the security of the Seireitei and the broader Soul Society, they will bring the full wrath of our forces down upon them."

"Soi-Fon's right," said Yoruichi with a dark look in her eyes, "In fact, part of Squad Two's duties, or rather, those of the Stealth Force, is to keep the peace within the Seireitei and look for signs of unrest. We're always on the lookout for indicators that one noble house or another may be attempting to assert its power in a manner that disrupts the order of the Soul Society, and that includes keeping watch for hints of potentially lethal power struggles between the clans. Ever member of the nobility knows this, and in the past the Stealth Force has acted to put down uprisings and civil wars before they begin… and we've done so without hesitation or mercy."

She didn't go into further detail, and she didn't have to; Itachi could quite easily imagine what that might entail. After all, it was practically a word-for-word description of what he had done to his own clan.

We might be more alike than I'd previously imagined, he thought as he carefully studied her, Yoruichi…

"You mentioned armor earlier as well," said Jiraiya, "Was that more popular back then? I don't think I've ever seen any Soul Reapers wearing armor."

"Most conventional armor actually isn't that effective against Hollows," said Kirio, "Their claws and fangs are quite sharp, and that's not even getting into the Menos and what they're capable of doing. Also, armor tends to slow one down in a fight, and if the armor's not going to be very effective against the Hollows they're fighting anyway then there's little point in Soul Reapers wearing it and suffering a critical reduction in speed."

"There is an exception to that, though," Yoruichi pointed out, "Spirit Armor is quite another thing when compared to conventional armor."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "I'm assuming that Spirit Armor is similar in principle to Spirit Weapons. Does that sound about right?"

Visaelya nodded. "In some aspects, yes. As the name implies, it's armor imbued with spirit energy. The most basic effect of this is to boost the armor's toughness, but there are other benefits as well."

"Like what?" asked Jiraiya.

Kirio raised a finger as if she were lecturing a class, which wasn't entirely inaccurate given the circumstances. "It depends on the armor in question. Most sets that we've discovered, along with surviving records, indicate that a great deal of customization was involved in the process of crafting Spirit Armor. In addition to protection, certain sets would either boost particular attributes or grant new abilities. One of the most common enhancements crafted into such armor was to enable an increase in the wearer's natural healing capabilities. Others included amplified physical strength or spiritual pressure."

"Those are just some of the basic ones," Yoruichi added, "More advanced enhancements included imbuing armor sets with elemental resistances, or even granting the wearer a limited amount of control over forces such as fire or ice. Hell, we actually found one set that was modified so that whenever it was struck it would trigger an explosion and burn the attacker!"

"There were even rumors of sets that had more sinister abilities," said Soi-Fon darkly, "Sets that would grant the wearer an incredible boost to their natural and spiritual abilities, but at the cost of draining their life force. Others actually enabled the wearer to leech life energy from their enemies through physical contact. No doubt there are plenty other sets out there with dangerous abilities that we haven't uncovered yet."

"Dangerous abilities aside, this Spirit Armor sounds quite useful," said Itachi, "Why did its use fall out of favor?"

"For starters, there was the cost of creating it," Visaelya answered, "Both in materials and time, the process was not cheap. It takes far greater resources and spirit energy to create Spirit Armor than it does to forge Spirit Weapons. There's also the fact that those who were trained in the art of making such armor were never particularly numerous. It's a highly advanced discipline that requires years of training, not to mention an incredible amount of precise work with the forger's spirit energy. Even amongst populations rich in spirit energy like the denizens of the Seireitei there are few capable of that sort of fine manipulation with their power."

"Also, due to the Andunayans' skill in crafting Spirit Armor, it inevitably became associated with them," said Yoruichi somberly, "Since the Soul Society has been engaging in active suppression efforts regarding the old kingdom for the past two-thousand years, that naturally extends to burying practices that were well connected to it. Spirit Armor may be useful, but by elevating their gifts for crafting it to an artform, the Andunayans ironically wound up dooming it to a long and drawn-out death. Apart from a few artisans and masters employed by the Great Noble Houses, the craft's all but extinct."

Kirio sighed. "It's such a shame, really. Renewed study in the craft could be a boon to the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. If the process could be refined, the armor lightened, and production costs reduced… there's just so much potential."

Yoruichi smiled. "You're starting to sound like Kisuke."

Soi-Fon rolled her eyes. "That's not a good thing, you know."

Kirio giggled. "Oh, I'm not so sure… sometimes I think he's got the right idea when it comes to his little inventions and side-projects. If nothing else, you've got a tremendously creative and gifted Third Seat, Yoruichi."

Squad Two's Captain nodded, and Itachi could detect a hint of pride in her voice. "You've got that right."

Visaelya cleared her throat in an effort to get the conversation back on track. "Anyways, with such high-quality Spirit Weapons and Armor, the Andunayans would've been a formidable force in battle. Like I said before, their numbers had grown considerably since they'd founded their kingdom, and that went for the royal family as well; the reigning king at the time of their return to the continent had five daughters and four sons. Given the significance of the number nine in Andunayan culture, it's safe to say that this also had an effect on how the people regarded their ruling family; they felt that it was a sign, although as to what it might portend was the subject of some debate. Having such an expansive family wound up being a considerable asset when the king decided it was time to end Nur-Andunaya's isolation, though."

Jiraiya leaned forward. "Really? How so?"

"As powerful as the Andunayans were, there was no way that they could bring order to the Soul Society on their own," Visaelya replied, "They needed allies. Fortunately, given the way the noble clans on the continent were fractured, finding new friends wasn't exactly difficult. Thanks in large part to the network of spies they had sown throughout the Soul Society, the Andunayan king already had an idea as to who he would approach. Five families in particular were key."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "Let me guess; the same ones that currently make up the Five Great Noble Houses."

Visaelya nodded. "Precisely. Although they did not hold great power within the Seireitei at the time, their ancestral lands gave them a considerable amount of resources and manpower. Each family also brought its own unique gifts to the table, and the Andunayans were eager to bring them over to their side. In order to seal the new alliance, the king pledged each of his daughters to one of the clans. Once the marriage ceremonies were complete and the pacts finalized, the combined forces of the Andunayans and the Five Great Noble Houses all but encircled the heart of the Soul Society. The nobles that occupied the Seireitei at the time were still too busy squabbling with each other to realize their peril. By the time they finally understood what had happened, it was already too late."

"So, what happened next?" asked Jiraiya, "Did the nobles in the Seireitei end up uniting to face this new threat to their power?"

Visaelya shook her head. "One would think that having an external foe appear would've given them cause to do just that, and indeed many of them tried to do so, but petty rivalries and base ambition prevented any concrete alliances from taking shape. The coalition of the Andunayans and the Five Great Noble Houses were able to essentially pick them off one at a time. Some they coaxed into the alliance through offers of trade and promises of both personal and political security. Others were quite intransigent, though, and thus more forceful means were required in order to deal with them."

"How bad did it get?" asked Itachi.

Visaelya sighed. "From what I understand… it was an ugly affair. Assassinations and the burning of supply stocks were typically the opening strikes. Spreading misinformation, stealing weapons, hostage taking… the Andunayans and their allies may have had a noble goal, but the methods they employed to reach it were often another matter entirely. With a hostile house reeling from an extended campaign, being weakened severely from the shadows before they even had a chance to face the Andunayans in open combat, by the time those that had refused to yield were able to marshal their forces they were at a considerable disadvantage. Even on their way to the field, they weren't safe; the Andunayans and their allies would subject them to withering hit-and-run strikes, attacking at night to maximize confusion and panic. It was quite rare that they had to face an intact army on the field; most of the time their enemies could only bring forth a battered and demoralized force by the time the sabotage campaign was complete."

Itachi nodded; campaigns like that sounded very familiar. "Not necessarily heroic, but no doubt it was quite effective."

"Indeed," said Visaelya, "Our instructors in the Academy may not like to talk about, but according to my private tutors it's an excellent example of how conquest should be conducted. By offering friendship, security and wealth with one hand while holding a knife behind their back with the other, they executed a divide-and-conquer strategy that had no historical precedent in the Soul Society. Nothing even close to its scale and sophistication had ever been attempted before, and the petty nobles of the Seireitei had no idea how to respond. Riven by pointless rivalries and driven to new depths of paranoia by the campaign, unity proved beyond them, and that wound up being their undoing."

Jiraiya rubbed his chin in thought. "Maybe, but still… there's something missing in all of this. If the Seireitei was truly overwhelmed, then why didn't the Royal Guard step in? A situation as drastic as the one you're describing had to have fit whatever criteria they might've had for intervention."

Visaelya nodded. "That's true. To be honest, the fact that the Royal Guard refused to intervene in the entire conflict has long been a mystery that's baffled scholars. There are several competing theories, but no conclusive answer has ever been provided."

Yoruichi smiled. "I remember Minerva told me hers during one of lessons. She believed that the Royal Guard recognized that the Andunayans and the houses allied with them would be much more capable of providing safety and security for the broader Soul Society, along with enabling much more active hunting of Hollows in the Realms of the Living to help preserve the balance of souls. Due to that, she surmised that the Royal Guard essentially sat out the conflict until the Andunayans finally secured the Seireitei, and then came to an accommodation with them afterwards."

"That's certainly plausible," said Kirio, "It's also possible that the Andunayans may have found a way to reach out to the Royal Realm beforehand and explain their intentions."

"Whatever the case may be, in the end it's irrelevant," said Soi-Fon, "The Royal Guard's primary mission is to protect the Soul King. As long as they determined the Andunayans and their allies to not be a threat to the Soul King, any other concerns would've meant little to them."

"Not necessarily," Yoruichi argued, "Preserving the balance of souls is important, although it's not something that the Royal Guard would directly involve themselves in unless they felt there was no other alternative."

Soi-Fon nodded. "That's true, Lady Yoruichi. I should've accounted for that."

Yoruichi shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, it was all so long ago that it hardly matters why they sat out the whole show at this point."

"True enough," said Visaelya, "It was more than enough to ensure the end result; the Andunayans and their allies took control of both the Rukon District and the Seireitei. For an outside force to accomplish such a tremendous feat was quite a shock to both nobles and commoners alike, and many feared what the new order might bring. According to the records, it was the period immediately after the conquest that proved to be the tensest; everyone outside the coalition was desperate to know just how the victors would preside over the vast realm and what it would mean for the people going forward."

"What ultimately happened?" asked Itachi.

Visaelya smiled. "In short, it was the beginning of a new golden age for the Soul Society. The Seireitei was finally brought under a single strong, central authority, and unity there meant greater cohesion for the Soul Society as a whole. The army marshalled by the Andunayans and their allies became the kingdom's peacekeeping force, and it was also used against Hollows in the Realms of the Living to great effect. In unprecedented accord reached with the Royal Realm, the ruler of Nur-Andunaya was allowed to take on the title of High King and allowed to govern over the Soul Society in the name of the Soul King. To facilitate such a political union, the High King agreed to send one of his four sons to the Royal Realm to act as an intermediary, a position that would become hereditary. For the first time in ages, there was finally peace in the Seireitei."

"How did the people of the Rukon District react to all of this?" asked Jiraiya.

"The newly forged kingdom was well-received there," Visaelya replied, "Especially after it became clear that the High King's commitment to providing security against both marauders and Hollows was genuine. At the height of the old kingdom's power, the Rukon District knew a level of safety and organization that had never been achieved before… or since, for that matter."

Yoruichi reluctantly nodded. "All too true. It's sad to say that the Central Forty-Six doesn't share the same level of concern for the Rukon District as the old kingdom did. They tend to focus more on the Seireitei, which means that the Thirteen Court Guard Squads oftentimes don't get out into the Rukon District to keep the peace as much as we should. I wish that weren't the case."

Kirio sighed. "Yes, it's quite a sorry state of affairs. Hollow intrusions, like the one you and Itachi found yourselves on the other end of the night you met Yoruichi and Unohana, have become more common lately as a result of the Central Forty-Six's insular thinking. It's still not as bad as the near-anarchy and constant infighting that reigned in the days before the rise of the old kingdom, but it's hardly an ideal situation."

"Squad Two continues to advocate for an increased patrol presence in the Rukon District," Soi-Fon added, "While Lady Yoruichi does send us out on missions there, the simple fact of the matter is that the Rukon District is too vast for us to police on our own. We need the cooperation of the other squads in order to effectively maintain a security presence out there, but with the Central Forty-Six directing much of the necessary funding and resources to the Seireitei it's unfortunately tied our hands."

Itachi leaned forward. "If it's an issue of resources, wouldn't the most obvious solution be to increase the available manpower? In the time I've spent at the Academy I couldn't help but notice that there is actually significantly more space in the classrooms and dormitories than what our current numbers require. Some of the vacancies may be due to attrition, but even discounting that there's still plenty of leftover room."

Jiraiya nodded. "I agree. Given how vast the Soul Society is, there's gotta be far more people out there with latent spirit energy that's potent enough to qualify them for Soul Reaper training than what's currently represented by our class sizes. An increased recruitment drive would go a long way towards alleviating any personnel shortages."

Yoruichi smiled. "You two continue to impress me; you cut to the heart of problems much more quickly than others, whether they be students or fully trained Soul Reapers. Visaelya, I'm assuming your thoughts on the problem are the same?"

Visaelya nodded. "Yes, Captain Shihōin. I know that part of the problem is powerful families like ours constantly recruiting people with strong spirit energy for our own personal guard forces, but even discounting that there are likely still far more potential trainees out in the Soul Society than the noble clans are capable of finding on their own. An increase in recruitment resources for the Thirteen Court Guard Squads would be a sound investment with both short and long-term payoffs. Given the simplicity of the solution, I have a hard time fathoming why the Central Forty-Six has not already implemented such measures."

Kirio somberly shook her head. "The short and long answer to that is politics. I wish that weren't the situation, but it's what we have to deal with. Denying reality will not make it any easier for us to deal with."

Yoruichi grimaced. "Can't argue with that. We're starting to get sidetracked again, though. Recruitment's an issue for another time."

"You're right, Captain Shihōin," said Visaelya, "It wasn't just the Rukon District that became safer under the old kingdom; the Seireitei's reorganization under the Andunayans greatly improved its security. In fact, although its current rulers would be most reluctant to admit this, the modern Seireitei owes much of its contemporary defenses and fortifications to the efforts of the old kingdom. For example, the great wall of Sekkiseki rock that descends to protect the Seireitei from invaders was actually developed thanks to cooperation between the Andunayans and the Royal Realm. This is just the most prominent of their defensive innovations. Another legacy is the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; before they came into being, the primary military force of the Soul Society was the thirteen armies created and maintained by the old kingdom. For those who are aware of this history, the signs of links between the old kingdom and the contemporary Soul Society are not hard to find, no matter how much the Central Forty-Six may try to make it otherwise."

Itachi leaned forward. "There's something that bothers me. You said that the king of Nur-Andunaya became the High King of the Soul Society after the campaign was concluded, right? If he had nine children, how was the line of succession organized?"

Jiraiya nodded. "With that many kids, it's not hard to see them fighting amongst themselves when the time came for a new ruler to rise."

"That is a valid concern," Visaelya conceded, "First of all, since the five daughters had already married into the Five Great Noble Houses, that precluded them from seeking the throne for themselves. That left the four sons, the youngest of which had gone to reside in the Royal Realm per the accord reached between the Andunayans and the Royal Guard. The remaining three were carefully divided and given great responsibilities in the hopes of preventing infighting when the time for succession inevitably came. The eldest was granted the title of Prince Chancellor and charged with overseeing the day-to-day governance of the Seireitei; this was seen as suitable training for the day that they would ascend to the throne. The second son in line became the Marshal General, head of the thirteen armies and all the militias operating under them. The office of Marshal General became hereditary to members of the Royal Family, and while a powerful position it also came with a decree enacted proclaiming that the holder of the title was ineligible for seeking the throne, so it was never passed to a firstborn child of any generation. Finally, the third son was granted the title of High Lord of Andunaya and sailed west to rule the island that the old kingdom had been founded upon. His line would continue to hold dominance there until the Darfulth."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "The Darfulth?"

"My apologies," said Visaelya, "It's High Andunayan. The translation into our common tongue would roughly be 'Downfall'. As you might expect, it refers to the demise of the old kingdom, although the Central Forty-Six would of course prefer that no one uses the High Andunayan term for it nowadays."

"I see," said Jiraiya, "and how did this downfall come about? From what you've been describing, it sounds like this old kingdom was not only powerful but popular with the people. It must've been faced with a truly devastating crisis for it to have collapsed."

Visaelya nodded. "It was, but… it was a crisis of its own making."

Itachi leaned forward. "What do you mean?"

"For most of the thousands of years that it held sway, the old kingdom helped ensure peace and justice throughout the Soul Society," Visaelya replied, "However, as the power and prestige of the Andunayans continued to grow, it began to manifest itself in increasingly open displays of arrogance over the passing millennia. These were small at first; the creation of new festivals and holidays, fresh honors and ranks bestowed upon those whom already held great power, that sort of thing. Initially these were believed to be relatively harmless gestures, little more than the boasting of a kingdom that had achieved unprecedented degrees of strength and unity over the Soul Society. However, these displays gradually grew to be more and more ostentatious, particularly among members of the royal family as they competed with each other. Soon it wasn't just festivals and grand titles but extravagant monuments and grandiose military expeditions, all borne at great expense. The pride of the High Kings swelled with each subsequent generation, until at last one known to history as Arn-Melgothron, He Who Arises In Might, committed the ultimate sacrilege; he declared himself to be sovereign over all of creation, an explicit challenge to the Royal Realm and the Soul King."

Jiraiya shook his head. "That couldn't have ended well."

"Indeed," said Visaelya grimly, "It stirred tremendous outrage throughout the Soul Society. The growing arrogance and greed of the High Kings and their closest supporters had been borne by the people of the Soul Society with a correspondingly increasing amount of distrust and resentment, and this wound up being the straw that broke the camel's back. The majority of the aristocracy, including the heads of all five Great Noble Houses, demanded that Arn-Melgothron abdicate the throne and go into exile as penance while allowing the current Prince Chancellor to claim the kingship. Unfortunately, not only did the High King refuse to do so, he was backed by the Marshal General, his second eldest son. The rulers of the Soul Society soon became split into two rival factions; those loyal to the High King, known as the Sovereigntists, and those loyal to the Prince Chancellor, who became labeled as the Succesionists. While the might of the kingdom's military was on the side of the Sovereigntists, the Succesionists held the support of not only the bulk of the noble families but also the common people. More importantly, though, was the fact that the Royal Realm was on their side. With tensions rapidly reaching a boiling point, it was only a matter of time before the standoff erupted into civil war."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "So what spark lit the powder keg?"

Visaelya closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them they held a dark look. "While the High King and the Prince Chancellor belonged to opposing factions, ultimately they were still father and firstborn son. When the High King invited the Prince Chancellor to private talks over tea, the son accepted. The records indicate that the Prince Chancellor at the time was diplomatic, humble, and wise; he must've believed that he should take all possible avenues to resolve the crisis short of violence. His commitment to peace and stability was commendable. Unfortunately, his father did not share those virtues. He was also treacherous; as soon as the Prince Chancellor entered the room, he found himself trapped in a binding spell cast by his own father. That was when the Marshal General revealed himself from behind a false wall panel… and stabbed his elder brother through the heart."

Jiraiya sighed mournfully. "Fratricide… and for what? Power? It's just so petty."

"You're hardly alone in believing that," said Visaelya, "From where the High King and the Marshal General were sitting, I imagine that the calculus made sense. They likely saw it as eliminating the leader of their opposition, and probably hoped that without the head the body would die. However, that wound up being a grievous miscalculation. The Prince Chancellor was beloved by both the aristocracy and the common folk, and despite the statements from the High King proclaiming his eldest son a traitor to the realm they were enraged at his death. Arn-Melgothron's lust for dominance turned the Prince Chancellor into a martyr and galvanized the opposition. More critically, though, it created a schism with the ranks of the thirteen armies."

Itachi nodded. "Makes sense. After all, if the High King was willing to murder his eldest son in the name of power, he likely would've thought much less of the lives of the kingdom's soldiers. They saw what he was capable of doing to members of his own family… it must've given them pause."

Visaelya nodded. "More than that; it shattered the unity of the thirteen armies. Factions within each division began declaring for the Succesionists. Arn-Melgothron's power had been based almost entirely on the loyalty of the Marshal General and the kingdom's military beneath him. With that power base now divided, the High King's position became much more vulnerable."

Yoruichi smirked. "There's a delicious irony to it all, really. The High King and the Marshal General had intended to cripple the opposition, but by killing the Prince Chancellor they instead inflicted a mortal wound upon their own cause."

"Quite so," said Visaelya, "The Prince Chancellor's murder became the catalyst for the bloodletting that followed. Units of the thirteen armies that had declared for the opposition attempted to arrest the High King and the Marshal General. However, Sovereigntist soldiers were able to secure the two men and spirit them away before the opposition could take them into custody. Infighting swiftly broke out in the barracks, and eventually troops loyal to the Succesionists consolidated around the Seireitei estates of the Five Great Noble Houses. The High King and the Marshal General gathered their forces at the heart of the Seireitei, while the opposition sent frantic messages to both the commoners of the Rukon District and the denizens of the Royal Realm pleading for reinforcements. Their calls were answered, and not a moment too soon; the High King and the Marshal General launched an all-out assault on the opposition at dawn the following day. The entire Seireitei became consumed by the raging fires of a full-blown civil war."

Itachi winced; as experienced as he was, even he couldn't begin to imagine the extent of the carnage. "Who won the opening engagement?"

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