

Yoruichi sighed. "I should've known that's what your teachers would tell you. The truth's substantially more complicated; your instructors prefer the sanitized version. Not that they have much of a choice in the matter."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "We don't really have time to go in-depth on that right now. Once you've all graduated and proven yourselves… well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

As if on cue, Soi-Fon appeared in front of them via Shunpo a moment later. "Lady Yoruichi, I've made contact with our advanced teams. Third Seat Urahara is ready for you, and Squad Ten is on site."

Yoruichi nodded. "I see. Did you make contact with Captain Drakken as well?"

Soi-Fon grimaced at the Squad Ten Captain's name. "I did…"

Yoruichi smirked. "Let me guess; he was his usual self?"

Soi-Fon groaned. "To put it charitably. With all due respect, Lady Yoruichi, must we work with him on this mission?"

Yoruichi gave her subordinate a sympathetic smile. "That's the way it's gotta be this time around. I know it's rough, but we've gotta roll with it. Is Squad Four's support team on site?"

"Yes," she said, "According to Kisuke, they arrived just before I did."

"Good," said Yoruichi, "With them around to provide medical aid, we should be able to mitigate any potential disasters. Since they'll be charged with healing Soul Reapers from both squads, that should give Captain Drakken additional incentive to exercise caution to make sure that they're protected. Hopefully that will serve to rein in his overconfidence."

Soi-Fon nodded. "Understood, Lady Yoruichi."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Is something the matter? I beg your pardon, Captain Shihōin, but I fail to see how working with Captain Drakken could be as bad as your subordinate is making it out to be. He is an esteemed member of my clan, and has earned his position just as much as you have!"

Yoruichi nodded. "I never said that he didn't have the skills to go with his rank. He didn't become a Captain just because of his bloodline; he put in the work required for the position. However… Visaelya, was it? What's your personal experience with the man? He is your uncle, so I wouldn't be going out on a limb by saying you've encountered him at family gatherings and other such occasions from time to time, right?"

"Yes," Visaelya replied, "I've met him several times. He is proud and confident, as well he should be given his skill and power. At the same time, though, he is also a man of refinement and high-standing."

"How did he treat you?" asked Yoruichi, "I'm assuming he did interact with you on a personal level from time to time."

Visaelya's brow furrowed in thought. "Well, he was friendly enough. Perhaps… slightly condescending, but given his position when compared to mine, I think that could be forgiven. I do recall more than one occasion where he said that I showed considerable promise, although… well, I don't know if he was actually taking me seriously at the time."

Yoruichi sighed. "Yeah… that sounds like him on a good day. Since you're his niece, you get the relatively pleasant side of him. Those of us that are outside the Drakken Clan… well, let's just say that he can test one's goodwill."

"Will he be a problem?" asked Itachi.

Yoruichi shook her head. "You students are under Squad Two's supervision, so you shouldn't have to worry about him."

"That's good," said Jiraiya, "It sounds like he can be a bit of a handful."

Visaelya scowled at him. "You are in no position to criticize a member of my clan! His abilities shall prove all naysayers wrong… no disrespect intended, Captain Shihōin."

Yoruichi smiled. "It's all right. Your loyalty to your family speaks highly of you, Visaelya. Still, take a bit of advice from a fellow noble; don't let that loyalty become unconditional. Family is important, but so is being able to judge individuals on their own merits. You can respect them while still being aware of their faults."

Visaelya nodded. "I'll keep that in mind… thank you, Captain Shihōin."

"Anytime," she replied, "All right, let's pick up the pace. We don't want to keep our dear friends in Squad Ten waiting."

It actually only took about a half an hour or so for them to arrive at the exact mission site. Itachi spotted a broad clearing up ahead, and he could sense multiple presences with higher than average amounts of spirit energy. Sure enough, gathered before the foothills at the end of the clearing were scores of Soul Reapers gathered in what appeared to be a hastily made encampment, and it didn't take long for Itachi to find Squad Ten's Captain.

So that's the man they call the Sunfire Dragon, he mused, I don't know what his abilities are, but the amount of spiritual pressure that he's suppressing is substantial.

A tall man with an athletic yet slightly slender build, Rhaegon Drakken certainly had the air of an individual who fully embraced their noble heritage. With light skin unmarred by so much as a single blemish, vibrant violet eyes, and shoulder-length silver-blond hair, he was an exemplary physical specimen of his bloodline. There was more than enough family resemblance for Itachi to easily connect him to Visaelya, to the point that if he didn't know better he might actually assume that he was her father rather than her uncle. His bearing was just like Visaelya had described; proud and confident. He wore his Soul Reaper uniform and Captain's haori as if they were his birthright, and there was a rather possessive manner in which his hand hovered over the dark red handle of his Zanpakutō. The weapon's gleaming silver circular guard seemed like it was just tailor made to match the man's locks; it certainly looked as immaculate as them.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "That's him? He looks more like an actor than a Captain. Did he get lost on the way to the stage?"

"Don't take him lightly," Itachi murmured, "Play the fool if you want, but I know you can sense his spiritual pressure just as well as I can."

Visaelya scowled at Jiraiya. "Insolent oaf…"

Yoruichi actually giggled. "You're not the first person I've met to have that reaction. If I didn't know better, I might act the same way. He certainly takes his sweet time making sure he looks the part of the pretty boy before a mission."

"Pride in one's appearance is all well and good, but he's a Captain," Soi-Fon muttered, "He should focus less on his looks and more on keeping his division in line!"

Observing the assembled Soul Reapers, Itachi suspected that Soi-Fon was onto something. While there was nothing particularly egregious about their behavior, they did seem a little too laid-back considering that they were gathered right at the mouth of a Hollow nest. Confidence and maintain composure was one thing, but to Itachi's well-trained eyes it seemed as though they were barely bothering with even basic perimeter security. There were patrols and sentries posted, but it wasn't hard to find gaps in their coverage.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh, he thought as he took another look around, I'm evaluating their defenses based on how a trained Shinobi like myself might infiltrate their ranks, but they're not here to face human opponents; they're up against Hollows. The beasts are intelligent, but subtlety is hardly their calling card. The way the patrols here are set up should be sufficient to spot incoming Hollows from the most likely approach vectors.

"Hey, there!" called a familiar voice, "Glad you all could make it!"

Itachi saw Kisuke step out of the crowd and approach them a moment later. He and his fellow students hung back as Yoruichi and Soi-Fon came forward to meet him.

"What's the situation?" asked Yoruichi, "Please tell me Drakken hasn't sent anyone in yet."

Kisuke smiled. "We got lucky; he's exercising some restraint today. He didn't bring his pet either, so there's another bit of good news for you."

Soi-Fon sighed with relief. "This might actually go well, then."

Yoruichi nodded. "Glad to hear it. Sorry for making you deal with him for so long. You know that there's only so fast I can go while keeping an eye on the students."

"I know," Kisuke replied, "I'm not worried about it, but you know how Drakken is. Hope you're ready."

Yoruichi shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be."

She then turned to the students. "I want you all to wait here with Kisuke, all right? Soi-Fon and I are going to meet with Captain Drakken for some last-minute planning before we begin the operation. We'll be back before you know it!"

"Do not leave this area!" Soi-Fon ordered, "Remember that just beyond the border of this encampment is a Hollow nest, and we don't know if all of them are still in there or if some are sneaking around nearby. Remain here unless you want to become their next meal, is that clear?"

Jiraiya chuckled. "Now there's some motivational speaking for you."

Soi-Fon scowled at him. "Take this seriously, Jiraiya!"

The sage raised his hands in mock-surrender. "All right, all right! I'll behave myself, little lady!"

"Excuse me?" she growled in reply, "You'd better…"

"Come on, Soi-Fon," Yoruichi interrupted, "I know you're not eager to meet with Drakken, but we really need to get this over with."

Soi-Fon shot one more glare at Jiraiya before turning to follow her Captain. "Of course, Lady Yoruichi. Forgive me."

Itachi shook his head as the two of them departed. "What is it with you and women? Do you try to push their buttons on purpose, or does it just come naturally to you?"

Jiraiya grinned. "What can I say? It's a gift!"

"Hardly the word I would use for it," Visaelya scoffed.

Jiraiya shrugged. "Give it time, Little Miss Vissy. It might just grow on you."

She folded her arms. "After putting up with it for the past four years, I can assure you that it most certainly will not."

As the two of them traded barbs, Itachi turned his attention back to the encampment. Members of Squads Two and Ten intermingled freely as they continued their preparations for the mission, although he could detect a slight edge just beneath the surface. It wasn't hostility, but there did seem to be a mild undercurrent of rivalry between the two groups.

I wonder if that's due to their respective Captains coming from different Great Noble Houses, he mused, All the Squad Two members that I've met so far seem quite loyal to Yoruichi, so perhaps it's the same with regards to Squad Ten and Captain Drakken. Hopefully it won't interfere with the mission.

It was as he passively scanned the assembled Soul Reapers that Itachi nearly gave himself a heart attack. He caught a glimpse of the back of one particular Soul Reaper's head, and it looked very familiar.

Black hair, unkempt but not wild… that profile… it can't be…

He was startled by Jiraiya putting his hand on his shoulders. "Hey, are you all right?"

Itachi silently cursed the momentary distraction; that split-second was all that particular Soul Reaper had needed to slip back into the crowd. Try as he might, Itachi could not find him again.

"Am I imagining things?" he muttered.

Jiraiya gave him a nudge. "Soul Society to Itachi! What's up?"

"Are you okay?" asked Visaelya, "You look like you've seen a ghost... although in our line of work I suppose that's actually to be expected."

Itachi shook his head, his gaze still roving over the crowd. "It's nothing."

I'm hallucinating. That's got to be it.

Why can't it be more? You are dead, after all, and so is he. Would meeting here really be so unlikely?

Given the sheer size of the Soul Society, quite so.

Stranger things have happened. Just look at yourself, for example.

A fair point. Still…

After a few more minutes of scanning the crowd, Itachi gave up and tried to push what he assumed to be no more than an apparition from his mind. He had a mission to focus on, and he could not afford to be distracted by ghosts of the past.


"Ah, Captain Shihōin," said Rhaegon with that oh-so-familiar-and-annoying arrogant drawl, "How kind of you to finally join us. I was beginning to wonder if your title of Flash Goddess was misplaced for all the time it took you to reach us here. I mean, even the Squad Four relief team managed to beat you!"

Do not punch, Yoruichi silently told herself as she and Soi-Fon approached him, do not punch, do not punch, do not punch…

"A pleasure as always, Captain Drakken," she replied with a smile that carried more than a hint of steel behind it, "How kind of you to have actually held position instead as the Head Captain instructed instead of charging blindly into the caves and leaving the healers defenseless."

"While I would never go so far as to blatantly defy Head Captain Yamamoto, I cannot help but question his wisdom in this regard," said Rhaegon, "This is a simple clear-out mission, one no different than those that Squad Ten has handled in the past. I do not believe that a joint operation is required."

"Your pride in the abilities of your division is commendable," said Yoruichi with a smirk, "but surely you're wise enough to know that there is more to this than just a simple clear-out operation. These Hollows have nested quite close to the Rukon District, so it's imperative that we be thorough and root them all out before they're able to further expand their numbers and attack. Two divisions are better than one in that regard. Having a relief team from Squad Four on hand just in case things get dicey is a bonus."

Rhaegon sighed. "Perhaps so, but still… was bringing along the students really necessary? I'm sure they're a talented lot, particularly my niece, but I fear that they may only get in the way here."

"These aren't just any students, and you know that," Yoruichi countered, "These are the best and brightest advanced track students from the fourth, fight, and sixth year classes. They've earned the right to test their skills in the field and prove themselves. They may surprise you."

Rhaegon nodded. "Well, seeing as we'll have them operating in reserve as opposed to being part of the forward strike force, I suppose they may yet make themselves useful. We do need the extra manpower to cover all the cave entrances, after all."

"My scouts should've helped your division map them all out by now," said Yoruichi, "Are you ready to move in?"

Rhaegon smiled. "Yes. Thanks to the advanced team you sent along, the main tunnel has been located. You and I will lead our primary force through there, while our lower tier officers will position teams outside of the secondary passages to intercept any Hollows that attempt to flee."

Yoruichi grinned. "We'll be the spear, and they'll be the net. Simple, yet effective. The best plans always are."

Rhaegon chuckled. "Indeed. I know we've had our differences in the past, thanks in no small part to the Great Noble Houses that we hail from, but I must say that I am looking forward to fighting alongside you again, Captain Shihōin. Your clan may be a bunch of desert cats, but at the very least you are a lioness with fearsome claws and fangs."

Yoruichi smirked as she folded her arms. "And your clan might be a bunch of lounging seaside lizards, but you've at least got the talent that's worthy of the name Sunfire Dragon."

The proud Captain laughed. "Nice to see your wit remains as sharp as your Zanpakutō! Now, let us go put these beasts down."

Yoruichi nodded before turning to her bodyguard. "Soi-Fon, go and round up our officers. Let them know the operation's about to begin and to get to their positions."

"Understood, Lady Yoruichi," she replied before heading off.

"Lieutenant Dorel!" Rhaegon called.

Squad Ten's second in command, Obran Dorel, stepped forward a moment later. The second borne son of the Dorel noble clan, a less powerful but still respected family, he cut a rather dashing figure. The Dorel house's ancestral homelands were in the southeast, and it showed in Obran's olive skin, dark brown eyes, and black hair. He possessed a well-trimmed mustache and a neat, thin beard, all of which added to that roguish air that Yoruichi knew he loved to put on. Like his Captain, his build was slender but athletic, and Yoruichi had seen him perform enough times at the annual Blade Dancer Festival to know that he was no slouch in combat. His Zanpakutō was a standard-length katana with a crimson hilt and a yellow-orange guard.

"Captain Drakken," he said before smiling at Yoruichi, "Captain Shihōin! What a pleasure to see you again. I do hope my Captain provided at least a courteous welcome."

Yoruichi smiled in return; the Dorel house did not share the Drakken clan's rivalry with her family, and even if it had she knew Obran well enough on a professional level that the two of them got along just fine. "As much as can be expected from him."

Obran chuckled before turning back to his Captain. "Of course. What do you need, Captain?"

"Go find Third Seat Shiba," Rhaegon commanded, "Tell him to get everyone ready. We'll be moving out shortly. Report back to me when you're done."

Obran nodded. "Very well. Consider it done."

Rhaegon smirked and shook his head after his Lieutenant had left. "A bit too insolent for a man of his position, but he does know how to get the job done."

Yoruichi chuckled. "The fact that you're married to his little sister doesn't hurt either, right?"

Rhaegon nodded. "No, it does not. Although I may be a bit too lenient with him thanks to her influence…"

Yoruichi shrugged; that was his business, not hers. "Whatever you say. Time to go to work!"


"Check it out," said Jiraiya, nodding towards the center of the encampment, "I think it's almost showtime."

Following the sage's gaze, Itachi could see signs of increased activity. Most of the senior officers of Squad Two and Squad Ten were assembling, as were the rank and file. The Soul Reapers from Squad Four were still setting up the medical field aid station, although some of them had dropped what they were doing to observe the gathering. He spotted Yoruichi step out of the crowd and approach them a moment later, and the serious look on her face was all Itachi needed to know that Jiraiya's guess was right on the money.

"Hey, everyone," she said as she drew near, "Sorry about the wait. I want you all to follow me, okay? Pay close attention to Captain Drakken and I, all right? We're only going to go over this once, so stay sharp!"

She motioned for the students to follow her. Together they went to the middle of the encampment, joining the rest of the assembled Soul Reapers. Yoruichi then motioned for Itachi and the others to halt, and a moment later she joined Captain Drakken at the head of the gathering.

A nod from her was apparently the cue that Squad Ten's Captain had been waiting for. "All right, everyone, it's finally time. Before we begin this mission, I'd just like to thank everyone here for their cooperation. I know that our two divisions haven't always been on the best of terms, but working together today will go a long way towards ensuring that we all get to return to the Seireitei alive."

He gestured at Yoruichi before continuing. "While the safety of the advanced track students today is primarily the responsibility of Squad Two, I wish for any Squad Ten members assigned to the interception teams to keep an eye out for them as well. After all, some of them may end up joining our ranks upon graduation, so let's make sure that they get a favorable first impression!"

Yoruichi then stepped forward. "We'll be dividing into two distinct groups for this mission. The first is the attack group. That will consist of Captain Drakken, myself, and our most capable frontline fighters. Our goal is simple; to enter the main cave and engage the Hollows head-on. Due to the scale of the cavern network, however, it is highly unlikely that we'll be able to kill all of them downward. In fact, it's all but certain that some will find their way to the secondary caverns and make a break for the surface."

"That's where the second group comes into play," she continued, "We've mapped out all of the caverns, and the second group will be charged with intercepting Hollows that come out of the secondary caves. The interceptor group will be divided into multiple smaller teams to accomplish this objective. While members of both Squads Two and Ten will be with the attack and interceptor groups, it will be my division that will supervise the advanced track students as they reinforce the interceptors. Students, that means you will pay attention to my subordinates; if you don't, then you'll have only yourselves to blame when you become dinner for the Hollows."

There was a collective shudder that went through most of the students, though Itachi wasn't particularly bothered. He wasn't the only one, either; Jiraiya actually seemed more amused by the warning than anything else.

The two of us have enough fighting experience to hold our own should trouble come along, he thought, and our continued education has only helped in that regard. I do hope the others heed her words carefully; it would be a shame to lose any of our classmates today, or indeed any of the Soul Reapers here.

He then saw Captain Drakken nod at one of his subordinates. "Third Seat Shiba should have relayed assignments to those of you under my command by now. We'll also be leaving a team behind to defend the Squad Four medical station, just to be on the safe side. You all know the roles that you have to play in this mission, and I expect you to perform as well today as you have in the past. This is nothing that you haven't done before, so believe in yourselves and fight like I know you can!"

Itachi followed the Captain's gaze towards Squad Ten's Third Seat. A tall and muscular man with short and spikey black hair, brown eyes, and rather long sideburns, he wasn't quite what Itachi had been expecting of such a high-ranking officer, although his encounters with the likes of Yoruichi, Kisuke, and others were repeat lessons about keeping his expectations flexible. Isshin Shiba struck Itachi as a rather laid-back man, not all that different from Jiraiya on first glance, in fact. Yoruichi hadn't said much about any of Squad Ten's officers on the trek out to the mission site, but she had mentioned the Third Seat in passing and seemed to have a favorable impression of the man. With Itachi's senses now refined after four years of training in the Soul Reaper arts, he was able to detect a very sizeable amount of spirit energy emanating from Isshin, and he could tell that the officer was holding back much like the other high-ranking warriors in the area. The man might not have been a Captain or Lieutenant, but it was clear that he had plenty of potential.

As had become a habit when he met a new Soul Reaper, Itachi's gaze lingered on Isshin's Zanpakutō. In its sealed state it took on the guise of an ordinary tachi, with a red handle and hexagonal brass tsuba. The way it was carried was rather unusual; Isshin had it on a string that was wrapped around his belt in a manner that reminded Itachi of the iaidō style he'd occasionally seen sported by some of the Samurai that hailed from the Land of Iron in the Shinobi World. Since the design of the sealed weapon was a tachi, it was worn with the edge down instead of up like a katana would've been. Capping off the ensemble was a blue tassel attached to the end of the pommel.

I wonder what he's like in a fight, Itachi mused, I suppose I'll just have to wait and see. Actually, if he's with the attack group, then I probably won't get the chance today; he'll be down in the caves while I'm up here with the rest of the students. That's a shame… oh, well.

Squad Ten's Third Seat stepped forward and began barking out orders. "All right, people, you heard the Captain! Attack teams and interceptor teams, get to your positions! We've got a job to do, so let's move it!"

"The same goes for Squad Two!" called Yoruichi, "Time to go to work, people! Keep your wits as sharp as your blades and we'll all make it home tonight!"

As assembled Soul Reapers began to disperse, Itachi saw several of them from Squad Two's ranks approaching the students. Among them was a woman that Itachi realized was heading straight for him.

"Itachi, Jiraiya, Visaelya?" she said when she reached the trio, her voice a little on the deep side and actually rather melodious, "I'm Rija Usorba, Fifteenth Seat of Squad Two. The three of you will be under my supervision for this mission. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Itachi took a moment to evaluate the officer. She was a rather striking woman, with a tall and very athletic build that was apparent even through her loose Soul Reaper robes. Her skin was definitely on the tan side, and it actually reminded Itachi a bit of Yoruichi. It was accented by a mane of dark red hair that managed to be long and flowing even though it was tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes were a deep and vibrant shade of emerald, and when combined with her dark blue lipstick the affect was rather alluring. She projected an aura of confidence and reassurance, with what Itachi was surprised to realize had an almost motherly feel to it. Her Zanpakutō was secured at her hip, with its bright green hilt-wrapping and golden circular guard quite difficult to miss.

Itachi nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

Jiraiya grinned as he looked her up and down. "Truly, the pleasure is all mine! I feel more confident about this mission already!"

Rija smirked. "Ah, yes; Captain Shihōin warned me about you, Jiraiya. Ply those charms to your heart's content, but I'm afraid you'll find me no easy prey."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Hey, I don't mind a challenge!"

"Please, spare us your vulgar attempts at courtship," Visaelya dryly quipped at the sage before turning to their overseer, "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Usorba."

The officer smiled. "Please, just call me Rija. There's no need for formalities when we'll be fighting alongside each other."

Visaelya nodded. "Very well, then… Rija. I hope you won't find this to be rude, but I'm rather curious as to the nature of your name; I've never heard one quite like it. Would you by any chance happen to be from the Shihōin Clan's Principality?"

"A keen observation," she replied with an approving nod, "and a spot-on guess. Yes, I'm from the ancestral homelands of the Shihōin Clan. They recognized my talents and sent me all the way to the Seireitei, at no small expense I might add. Their support was based on the condition that I join Squad Two in support of their clan's heiress, and I was more than happy to oblige them; the Captain is certainly worthy of it."

Just like Kisuke and Soi-Fon, Itachi mused, Yoruichi seems to have a knack for inspiring loyalty in her subordinates. I wonder if it comes naturally to her or if she had to practice to consistently achieve that… I suppose I'll find out when I join her division.

Indeed. You're already well down the path to being just like them as it is.

I owe her. She saved my life, and she's done a great deal for me since then. Joining Squad Two in order to repay her upon graduation is the right thing to do.


Itachi could tell when his Zanpakutō was holding back her real sentiments. He wasn't going to push her to come clean here, though; it would just invite quips that he'd rather do without at the moment.

"Will we be working with any of the other students in this mission?" asked Itachi.

Rija shook her head. "No. Captain Shihōin is rather keen on putting your abilities to the test today, so we'll be operating apart from them. We will be in proximity to other Soul Reapers that are assigned to the interceptor teams, though, so we'll be expected to support them should the need arise, and vice versa."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Are we really expecting heavy action? Between the two Captains leading them, it seems like the Soul Reapers in the attack group will have things pretty well covered."

"We still need to remain on our guard," Rija replied, "While the Captains and the Soul Reapers accompanying them will have little trouble dealing with the bulk of the Hollows, the beasts that manage go and make a break for the surface will still be quite dangerous."

"We'll be ready for them," said Visaelya firmly.

Rija smiled. "That's the spirit! All right, then; let's get moving!"


As the attack group began to make their way into the main cavern, Soi-Fon stepped in front of Yoruichi and held out her right hand with the palm facing upwards. "Bakudō 3: Hakkō Gaido!"

A small blue-white orb appeared, no larger than an apple. It then floated upwards until it was over Soi-Fon's head, casting light around her. Other Soul Reapers, particularly those up front, were casting the same spell, and Yoruichi had already done so. Classified as a Binding Spell because it 'bound' a tiny bit of spirit energy from the caster to create light, the technique was quite useful for illuminating dark environments. It wasn't as harsh as its Destruction Spell counterpart, Nikkō Bāsuto, and it could be sustained for far longer; almost indefinitely by a sufficiently skilled caster. The spell was also useful in that it could be maintained with almost no conscious thought, leaving the caster free to fight under the orb's light rather than face their opponent in darkness.

Spell casting isn't Soi-Fon's primary area of expertise, thought Yoruichi with a smile, but she's still done a very good job of maintaining her skills in that realm.

To her right, Kisuke smirked. "Aren't we just a merry band of warriors?"

Yoruichi chuckled; the tension in the group could be cut with a knife, so any attempt at humor was welcome. "Merry might be a bit of an exaggeration."

"We need to stay focused, Kisuke!" snapped Soi-Fon, "Now's not the time for your quips!"

Kisuke shook his head. "Looks like someone's a little high-strung today. What's the matter, Soi-Fon? Pre-mission jitters keep you up past your bedtime last night?"

Soi-Fon glared at him. "Shut up!"

Yoruichi smiled. "Now, now, Soi-Fon; play nice. We're all on the same team here, remember?"

Kisuke gave her a playful punch to the shoulder. "You know you'd miss me if something terrible happened down here!"

Soi-Fon folded her arms. "Unlikely."

She would, Yoruichi mused, Kisuke's her comrade, and Soi-Fon cares in her own way… although she'll never admit it.

Up ahead she saw a pair of scouts racing towards them. Their swords weren't drawn, and Yoruichi couldn't hear or see any signs of pursuit, but the two Soul Reapers looked quite nervous.

"What did you find?" she asked as they came up to her.

"The main nest is just down there," said the first one, a woman with short-cropped black hair, "There are more than we expected!"

"How many more?" asked Kisuke.

"We counted… at least forty," said the second scout, a red-haired young man, as he struggled to catch his breath, "There could… be more hiding down there."

"Forty," murmured Soi-Fon as she gave the attack group a once-over, "We should be able to take them, but…"

"It might get messy," Yoruichi finished for her, "Busting out our most powerful techniques could bring the cave down on our heads, so it'll be mostly blade work. We'll have to be careful."

"You almost sound nervous, Captain Shihōin," said Rhaegon from off to the side with a smirk, "That's not like you."

"Caution never hurt anyone, Drakken," Yoruichi replied firmly, "It's certainly warranted given the circumstances."

"What kind of Hollows did you see?" asked Soi-Fon, "Are there any Menos down there?"

The first scout shook her head. "No… I don't think the caverns are big enough for them."

"A Gillian couldn't fit down here," said the second, "An Adjuchas, though…"

"That might be a problem," Kisuke admitted.

Yoruichi nodded. "If we encounter one, we might actually be better off luring it to the surface. It'll be easier to deal with it out in the open than in a tight environment like this."

"That'll put the students in danger, though," Soi-Fon pointed out.

"Not if I keep it focused on me," Yoruichi countered, "If we do find one, I'm pretty sure I can distract it while you and Kisuke get the students clear. Once they're safe, I'll be able to play for keeps."

"Kisuke can see to the students," said Soi-Fon, "Any of the other officers can. I'm your bodyguard, so I'm not leaving your side, Lady Yoruichi."

Yoruichi smiled. "I appreciate that, but I don't know if you're ready for a fight like that yet. A Gillian I know you can take, but an Adjuchas is a whole different beast."

"I can take one," Soi-Fon argued, "You've trained me, Lady Yoruichi! I know I have what it takes to defeat one!"

Yoruichi nodded. "I appreciate the vote of confidence in the instruction I've given you over the years, but we need to be realistic, Soi-Fon. Hopefully we won't have to test you in such a manner today."

"We'll know more once we're down there," said Kisuke, nodding at the darkness ahead, "The sooner we get down there, the better. I know we can suppress our spiritual pressure, but given our numbers the Hollows are bound to be aware of us."

"You're probably right," said Yoruichi grimly, "We need to strike now."

The attack group pressed onwards, and Yoruichi instinctively moved her hand so that it hovered over the hilt of her Zanpakutō. She would be ready to engage at the drop of a hat, and her quick-draw skills would very much come in handy in an environment like this.

As they drew closer to where the scouts had come from, Yoruichi began to hear noises coming from down the cavern. It sounded like heavy breathing, claws scraping on stone, drool dripping from fangs, and more. The very air grew foul as they drew near their goal, and Yoruichi saw more than one Soul Reaper's nose wrinkle in disgust.

It's a Hollow nest, she thought, What were they expecting? It was never going to smell like a spring picnic…

"We're close," Soi-Fon whispered.

"How do you want to play this?" asked Kisuke.

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed. "Blind and blitz. Sound good to you, Drakken?"

Squad Ten's Captain smiled. "I'm game. Would you like to do the honors?"

"We'll do it together," Yoruichi replied, "The light bursts will be more effective in tandem."

Rhaegon nodded. "Very well, then."

The two Captains stepped forward before holding out their hands and unleashing their spells as one. "Hadō 6: Nikkō Bāsuto!"

There may have been no incantation chanted, but the power of the Captains was such that it wasn't needed for the spell to be effective. Two large and blazing orbs of bright white light shot forward, and after traveling down into darkness a significant way they burst together, illuminating a vast cavern.

One that was filled to bursting with Hollows.

None of the gathered beasts stood out to Yoruichi as a potential Adjuchas, but it was a large crowd; there was always the possibility that one was using the lesser Hollows as camouflage. Even if there were no Menos to contend with today, that didn't mean that they could let their guard down; rank and file Hollows were plenty dangerous in their own right, as Yoruichi knew from more than her share of firsthand experience.

The scouts were wrong, she thought grimly as she assessed the situation, I'm willing to bet there are way more than forty of these beasts down here. That still won't stop me from taking them down.

She drew her Zanpakutō in the blink of an eye. "Attack!"

"Send these foul beasts into the abyss!" Rhaegon commanded.

Taking full advantage of her speed and the remaining light from the twin Kidō bursts, Yoruichi Flash Stepped forward and decapitated the closest Hollow before the beast could so much as raise a claw to defend itself. The other nearby Hollows immediately charged, swinging wildly with their arms and lunging forward trying to snap her up in their jaws, but Yoruichi was already on the move. She leapt onto the back of one beast and plunged her sword into its head before jumping clear of the creature and stabbing another through the chest. Ducking to avoid a swipe from a powerful arm that ended in fearsome claws, Yoruichi swiftly cut the limb off before carving up the Hollow that it had belonged to.

"Lady Yoruichi!" cried Soi-Fon as she stabbed a Hollow in the back, "You mustn't be so reckless!"

Yoruichi smiled at her bodyguard as she thrust her blade straight through the mask of her next target. "No need to worry, Soi-Fon. I know what I'm doing!"

"It's my duty to protect you!" Soi-Fon argued as she sliced another Hollow's arm off before stabbing it in the throat, "I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you! I won't allow it!"

Yoruichi laughed as she cut a beast's head clean off. "That's sweet, Soi-Fon. I'll make sure to take care of myself to spare you any grief."

Soi-Fon shook her head before kicking a Hollow hard enough to send the creature flying into the nearest wall. "Let's just kill these vermin and get out of here!"

Yoruichi grinned. "Bet I can take down more than you!"

Turning her words into action, she backflipped over a charging Hollow. As she came down she slammed her foot into the back of the creature's neck, sending it crashing to the floor. Her coup de grace came as she plunged her Zanpakutō into the beast's skull. She swiftly withdrew her blade and rolled to the side to avoid a swipe from another foe's claws. As she came back up she thrust her blade into her attacker's shoulder before pulling it out and making a second strike, this one catching the Hollow at the base of its jaw and plunging the sword into the monster's brain.

She was about to strike down another beast that was coming at her from the side when her Third Seat beat her to the punch. Drawing his Zanpakutō and attacking in a single fluid motion, Kisuke cut off the Hollow's legs at the knees, and his follow-up attack took the beast's head clean off.

"Looks like we've really stirred things up," he said with a smile, "Quite a lively bunch here, don't you think?"

"That's one way to put it!" Yoruichi replied as she casually whirled around and sliced a Hollow that had been trying to attack her from behind in half.

"Now's not the time for banter, Kisuke!" Soi-Fon growled as she stabbed another beast in the throat, "We have work to do!"

Kisuke nodded before plunging his sword into a Hollow's torso. "That we do. Given the crowd, I guess I'd better kick things up a notch. You don't mind, do you?"

"Just be careful," said Yoruichi as she nailed a Hollow in the head with a spin kick before slicing clean through its neck, "I'd rather avoid us causing a cave-in while we're down here."

Kisuke smiled as he casually ducked beneath a swiping arm that was almost as thick as his torso. "I think I can manage that."

Whirling around and cleaving the attacking limb from the beast that had used it to attack him, Kisuke's grin turned devious as he held out his Zanpakutō. "Awaken, Benihime!"

Yoruichi felt a surge of spiritual pressure as her old friend unleashed his Shikai. The Zanpakutō glowed with crimson energy as it transformed from a katana into something much more unique. Like a katana, it was still a single-edged sword, but now it was a straight blade instead of a curved one, and it was slightly thicker than it had been in its sealed state. Rather than tapering at the end like a traditional katana, Benihime's Shikai form had tip that ended in a slanted razor-like edge. Meanwhile, the weapon's hilt had significantly changed as well. The grip, which had black decorative wrapping, bent forwards towards the end and had a crimson tassel hanging from it. Rather than a traditional tsuba, the base of the blade now had a U-shaped guard that went up the first three inches of the sword and had a flower-petal design engraved upon it. There was a red string wrapped thrice around the hilt, and it was topped off by a three-loop bow on the back side while a folded paper decoration hung from the front.

Kisuke's smile then became downright cruel. "Sing, Benihime."

He made a broad swing with his sword, and from the arc of the strike flew a torrent of blood-red energy. The wide burst of power cut the Hollow that had attacked Kisuke in half, and it wasn't the only beast to fall; three more monsters were torn apart by the crimson wave of energy.

Yoruichi smirked as she cut down another foe. "Not bad. It's been awhile since you've let her enjoy herself!"

Kisuke chuckled as he blocked a strike from a Hollow before plunging his sword into its chest. "True, but this won't be enough to satisfy her. She wants bigger prey than what we're up against here!"

"She'll have to deal with whatever comes our way today," Yoruichi replied as she ducked beneath a vicious swipe from a Hollow's claws, "She shouldn't be greedy."

She brought her foot up and delivered a solid kick in the chin to the Hollow before cutting its arm off and finishing it off with a stab to the neck. Another monster tried to attack her from behind, but Soi-Fon swiftly intercepted it. Yoruichi saw her bodyguard grab the Hollow by the arm and toss it as though the creature weighed next to nothing. As the beast hit the ground, Soi-Fon pounced on top of it and jammed her blade straight through its skull.

Despite all the beasts that the three of them had already killed, there were still plenty more to go. Yoruichi couldn't help but chuckle as she caught Soi-Fon giving Kisuke the occasional envious glance as he tore into the Hollows with his Shikai. It was obvious what her bodyguard wanted to do, and Yoruichi was inclined to indulge her, although she did wonder why Soi-Fon felt like she needed permission to unleash her true power in the first place.

"No need to be jealous of him, Soi-Fon," said Yoruichi with a smirk as she decapitated a Hollow, "If you want to compete with Kisuke, then what are you waiting for? Go for it!"

Soi-Fon's eyes widened slightly as she leapt over a Hollow before kicking it into the ground and plunging her blade into its back. "Lady Yoruichi, are you sure? My Shikai's still incomplete!"

"Of course!" Yoruichi replied as she kicked another beast in the face, "It'll be good practice for you, after all! If there's one place where your Zanpakutō is guaranteed to grow, it's the battlefield!"

Soi-Fon smiled. "All right, then!"

Ducking beneath a Hollow's claws before stabbing the beast in the throat, Soi-Fon then leapt back to give herself a bit of breathing room to release her weapon's power. "Sting all enemies to death, Suzumebachi!"

The blade was bathed in red-white energy before the Zanpakutō transformed into its Shikai state. When the light had faded, the weapon had undergone a radical shift. Rather than a wakizashi, Soi-Fon's Zanpakutō now took on the form of a black and gold gauntlet that was worn on her right forearm. A small golden chain linked the gauntlet to a golden-yellow 'stinger' blade that was fitted over Soi-Fon's middle finger. The stinger blade was roughly twice the length of her finger, and when taken together with the gauntlet it looked like a hornet had taken up residence on her forearm and hand. While small as far as Zanpakutō releases were concerned, Yoruichi knew full well just how deceptive that size could be; the weapon was still capable of blocking attacks from both Hollow claws and swords if wielded correctly, and its slender, form-fitting nature actually was an asset in that it allowed Soi-Fon to use it with remarkable speed and flexibility.

Rushing forward, Soi-Fon immediately plunged her stinger blade into the chest of a Hollow. In addition to creating a rather deep puncture wound, a moment later a butterfly-shaped mark appeared directly over the point of impact. Swiftly withdrawing her blade, Soi-Fon then stabbed the exact same spot a second later. The Hollow stumbled, and its entire body began to seize up. It tried to attack Soi-Fon, but its movements were a jerky and uncoordinated mess. After a few seconds of flailing around, the Hollow was engulfed in crimson energy. A moment later there was a flash as the butterfly mark expanded, and then the Hollow completely disintegrated.

Nigeki Kessatsu, thought Yoruichi as she casually slashed through a Hollow's throat, Soi-Fon's definitely getting better with it. The poison Suzumebachi exudes seems to be working a little faster now, too.

When Soi-Fon had protested that her Shikai was still incomplete, Yoruichi had been well aware that it wasn't the weapon's actual combat effectiveness that her bodyguard had been doubting. As had just been demonstrated, Soi-Fon's Zanpakutō was more than capable of handling Hollows even if she was still refining its abilities. It was more an issue of fine details rather than anything else. For example, the butterfly-shaped marks that appeared on a target's flesh, known as Hōmonka, could currently only be maintained by the force of Soi-Fon's will for approximately ten minutes. In a fast-paced fight such as the one they were involved in now, that was hardly a concern, as Soi-Fon had just proven by how swiftly she had taken down her target. However, from what Yoruichi understood, her bodyguard believed that the crests were capable of remaining for much longer than that; Soi-Fon just lacked the strength to make that possible. There was also the issue of the venom; from what Soi-Fon had told Yoruichi, it seemed that Suzumebachi's poison was actually still developing and had the potential to act faster with further development of Soi-Fon's power.

While Nigeki Kessatsu was a technique geared towards single targets, Soi-Fon was more than capable of applying it in a large fight. Thanks to Yoruichi's tutelage, her bodyguard was highly proficient in both Hohō and Hakuda, and the Shikai form of her Zanpakutō was practically tailor-made to take advantage of those skills. Her speed allowed her to land the required two hits before most Hollows were capable of fully comprehending their peril. It was also well suited to hit and run attacks; she could land the initial blow on one Hollow, then mark another beast or two before coming back around to deliver the fatal second strike when her foe least expected it. It wasn't as effective as Kisuke's Benihime for taking on multiple opponents simultaneously, but it was deadly nonetheless.

While Yoruichi and her subordinates had formed the tip of the spear, they were hardly engaging the enemy by themselves. Their initial lightning strike had naturally drawn the attention of most of the other Hollows, and that had provided an ideal opening for the rest of the Soul Reapers in the attack group to engage. The frontline hitters for Squads Two and Ten were now fully engaged with the enemy, and they were making an impressive dent in the Hollows' numbers.

As she cut down another foe she saw Rhaegon carving a bloody swath through the monstrous horde. Despite her personal dislike of the man, Yoruichi would freely admit that his skill in the art of Zanjutsu was impressive. Squad Ten's Captain was an absolute natural with a blade, as the Hollows were finding out rather brutally today. His swordsmanship was as efficient as it was elegant, to the point that it almost looked like he was dancing around his foes as cleaved limbs and heads from them. Like Yoruichi, Rhaegon was keeping his Zanpakutō in its sealed form, which was definitely a good thing; she'd seen his Shikai before, and while it would normally be quite useful in a large-scale fight, it also would've had just as much of a chance of causing a cave-in as Yoruichi's if something went wrong.

It's always strange to find things that he and I have in common, she mused as she cut a Hollow's arms off before finishing it off with a stab to the neck, but in the case of our Shikais, it's true; they're good for a brawl, but the amount of power they throw around is not to be taken lightly.

Rhaegon's Lieutenant, however, was not under the same constraints. As Yoruichi saw Obran pull his sword out of a Hollow's chest, she felt a surge of spiritual pressure as the man released his Zanpakutō.

"Arise and bite, Akai Baipā!" he said with a smirk.

In a flash of red-white light, his sword transformed into an ornate spear. The handle and shaft were composed of a dark wood that looked polished to almost a mirror-sheen, and the very bottom of it was capped with a small steel point. Meanwhile, the actual business-end of the weapon was a blade with waved edges. A red and bronze serpent coiled around the base of the blade, fusing it with the shaft. Two small rubies served as 'eyes' for the snake, and they were glowing with spirit energy.

A Hollow lunged at Obran, who responded by sweeping the spear across the beast's torso. The cut was quite shallow, and at first glance it appeared to have minimal impact on the creature. However, as the monster tried to attack the Lieutenant again, Yoruichi could tell that its moves were slowing down. The creature's breathing soon became ragged, and that was followed by the Hollow gnashing its teeth in what was clearly pain.

Soi-Fon's not the only Soul Reaper that wields a poisoned Zanpakutō, thought Yoruichi as she tripped a Hollow with a sweeping kick before stabbing it in the back of the head, I almost feel sorry for that beast; Akai Baipā's a slow killer… and a very painful one.

A battlefield was hardly the place to take one's sweet time in dispatching the enemy, though, so rather than allow his enemy to suffer the full agony of his weapon's venom, Obran made a quick thrust that sent the spear straight through the Hollow's gut. He then swiftly withdrew his Zanpakutō, and the beast dissolved a few seconds later as it hit the ground.

Obran wasn't even looking at the Hollow as it died; he had already turned his attention to his next foes. Whirling the spear around him, he inflicted a multitude of cuts on the group of beasts that had been trying to swarm him, and as they recoiled in pain he then finished them off in rapid succession with precise thrusts to their throats. As the Hollows fell around him, Obran smirked and spun his Zanpakutō in an artful flourish before engaging a fresh set of foes. Squad Ten's Lieutenant had a reputation as a rather flashy fighter, but there was no denying his effectiveness, and Yoruichi knew that despite his penchant for showmanship Obran could also be quite crafty in a skirmish. He certainly wasn't a foe to be taken lightly, as the Hollows were finding out the hard way.

Obran wasn't the only one of Rhaegon's subordinates that was unleashing their Zanpakutō. A little way past the Lieutenant, Yoruichi caught a glimpse of Squad Ten's Third Seat, and the surge in his spiritual pressure was all she need to know that Isshin Shiba was getting down to business.

"Burn, Engetsu!" he shouted.

Physically, the sword did not change, but the sudden surge in spiritual pressure was all anyone needed to know that Shiba's Shikai had been unleashed. The blade became sheathed in spirit energy that engulfed the tassels trailing from the hilt, creating long streams of power flowing from the weapon.

He may be a Third Seat, thought Yoruichi as she plunged her blade into a Hollow's back, but his spiritual pressure is easily Lieutenant-class at least. In fact, in terms of raw power, he might actually be stronger than Obran…

She was concerned that the sheer strength of the energy flowing from Engetsu might pose a risk to the integrity of the cave they were fighting in, but Isshin seemed to have it under control. As a group of Hollows charged him, Isshin met them head-on. Yoruichi was intrigued when she saw him actually bite one of his own fingers hard enough to draw blood, but the reason for such a strange action was revealed a moment later as he then spat that blood onto his sword. A wave of blue-white energy ripped forth a moment later and reduced the whole group of Hollows to nothing more than ash.

"Captain Shihōin!" cried one of her subordinates, "We have a problem!"

As she cut down another monster, Yoruichi saw a female Soul Reaper with short-cropped black hair running towards her. She wasn't being pursued, but Yoruichi was still determined to make sure that the woman was able to deliver her message safely.

"Soi-Fon, Kisuke, cover me!" she ordered.

"Right!" Soi-Fon replied.

"You got it!" called Kisuke.

She rushed over to her subordinate, cutting down any Hollows that were unfortunate enough to get in her way. As she drew near, Kisuke and Soi-Fon took over, carving out a bit of much needed space for Yoruichi to hear her messenger out.

"What's happened?" she asked.

"Several Hollows have broken off from the main group!" the woman replied, "They made for one of the side passages and are heading for the surface as we speak!"

"Shit!" Yoruichi hissed, "Who's closest to them?"

"Our Tenth Seat's team," she said, "He wants your permission to pursue; he believes that this group is too strong for the interceptors to handle on their own!"

Yoruichi nodded. "Let him know that he can go after them. I'll send someone with you to clear a path."

The woman nodded. "Understood, Captain Shihōin."

Yoruichi then turned to her Third Seat. "Kisuke, go with her! Make sure she gets to where she needs to go no matter what, you got that?"

Kisuke nodded as he shredded a group of Hollows with a burst of crimson energy from Benihime. "Understood!"

"Soi-Fon, with me!" Yoruichi ordered.

With that, she plunged back into the fray.


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