

My eyes opened and saw the others. They had my team held and tied to a single tree. Dianne saw me and tapped Hade who smirked.

"Ah, the broken prince is awake. How was your sleep?" He spoke to me. I again wanted to speak and ask him what was his motive but I couldn't as pain struck from my throat.

"Well, you are just in time. That I am pleased to announce. Before we kick you out of this competition, we decided to give you a show you won't forget. Now if you may, watch how your team will be devoured by my fire but no need to worry they will not die. But they won't wake up after six months. Just like the previous clash they've attended." Hade spoke with evil and darkness laced in his voice.

I was beyond angry at the moment as I wanted to break this enclosure and just stab him straight to the heart when I heard the voice of that woman in my dream.

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