
Chapter 27

After the intense and watery battle, with them all soaked, well him soaked. They looked like they had just walked out from a drier. He was now on bottom of the two's heads, theirs resting on his, almost looking like he was a grouchy Cerberus, with the two vixens looking satisfied like they had just picked on the middle one.

He sighs, the girls had 'won' even though they had an advantage. His mother and Nadia were looking at them a little strangely, the fight had started impulsively, and the fact the two were winners even more so. He looks at the two more mature women, "I don't think anyone has moved towards the cave. They seemed to have settled." It was almost hard to be serious, but then again, when you don't have to open your mouth, it makes it easier.

Syren nods her head a little, "We could try for a few days. I wouldn't want to stay to close. I know that humans usually will press against territories quickly." She says with what seems like a frown from her tone. They liked their new home, even if they had only been there for a couple of days so far. Searching for another so soon would get her a bit grumpy.

Nadia probably would shrug her shoulders if she could. Her head just bobs, "I don't know much about humans. All I know is myself, my children, and you two. I'd rather not have a long journey again." Her position a little less worried about what might happen, not knowing the possible risks.

The wolf shrugs, "Maybe we can trick some of the humans into making them ignore the area. Mom, have you ever done any images more defined then shadows?" He sees a shake of her head towards that, "How about can you?" This time is a little bit of a twitch of her head.

Thinking of the possibility, "It would probably require practice, I would need something, or someone to try it on." She says with a bit of a quirk. She could delve into minds, but she hasn't really used it except through tricking prey. Syren had never made them see anything, just gave them thoughts.

The wolf nods her head, "Well, we can have a try definitely." He says with a bit of a nod. His lips quirk just a little, taking a moment to close his eyes and thinking about it. If they could find someone that wouldn't be missed, then they could definitely try. "We are going to need to find someone. Like earlier stated, probably will have hunters pushing out. Some might be groups, others might just be singular."

Syren's head bobs in agreement, "Well, we should get back." She suggests. Standing herself and pressing her nose against the gate looking area, it seems like the darkness jumps around her, and pulls her right in a moment. Nadia looks a little scared, Azure and Lapis were even more so, thinking that Syren had just been eaten by the unknown.

It took a little convincing for him to get them to try, but they were all soon outside, standing again in the shadow of the tree. He chuckles a little as he notices the vixens are staring at the shadow like it was going to try and eat them up, and they wanted to fight it to show it who was boss.

He shakes his head a little, looking towards his mother, she seemed to be alert, not worried, just sniffing around to figure out where they needed to go. He had a basic idea of the direction towards their home, while she was just making sure they weren't in some area with no idea as to their destination. Syren soon had an idea of where they were going, as usual, she took the lead towards where there destination is.

The trip was slow going, while Azure and Lapis really didn't know the dangers that were possibly abounding, Nadia had a general idea from how the pair were discussing the issues that they might have been facing. They were still however, looking for prey, wanting to try their needles, only having been able to use them the once, they were itching to give a try towards hunting other of their favorite meals.

He grins and decides to play a little prank on the pair, starting to form an ice sculpture of a rabbit in his mind. Thinking of the one that he was able to run his hands over when he was bipedal in his world. It wasn't a good image, but it was enough to provide a shadow of a rabbit. His first attempt, was a failure, if felt like it was going to start forming like a 3-d printed design, falling apart with the first layer, a splash of water where he had been watching. Azure had been the one to look, not really noticing anything, she just yips as if angry at the noise, then goes silent, hoping to find a tasty treat.

The second attempt is a little better, The outside formed, but it was thin, and sprung a leak. If someone was actually looking, it might have appeared to be a rabbit marking it's territory, very aggressively, before crumbling inwardly. Syren was amused by it, knowing what had happened.

The third attempt, the head was heavier then the body, causing it to fall forward, making it look like it was trying to do a handstand for itself. He tries a fourth, this time, it was heavier on the bottom, so it looked right, though, neither Azure nor Lapis noticed it, so once again it was a failure.

Unfortunately, his luck had run dry for the moment, and he was able to make 5 more that worked, none of them were noticed. They didn't have a scent that would draw attention, he just shakes his head at that fact, nothing he could help.

His mother seems to be amused. Syren decides to point one out, needles fly out towards it without any thought. There was actually that flew, Nadia seemed to not have noticed the fact it was a prank. The tree of them ran excited, staring where the statue had been. Looking for their kill, only to find shattered ice.

He was silently enjoying himself, it took them a moment before they turn to stare at him with looks promising retribution. Syren seemed to stay out of it. None of them seemed to have thought about the fact she had pointed it out.

For the rest of the trip, the trio was staring at him, probably would have had him burst into flame if they actually had the ability. If they were human, he might have been worried they were going to shave him in his sleep.

He is quick to clear that thought out of his mind, not wanting them to get any ideas from him as to what sort of things they should. Their arrival to the cave was silent, but they soon found out, while they were away, something had decided to move in. And if they wanted to have their home back, they were going to have to play landlord, and evict them.

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