
Chapter 15

When we got up, we hadn't a problem with the napping. The little wolf had a problem getting up, the rest of the group had pretty much covered him, Syren having encircled her son and the vixens. It was a pretty warm blanket of furs. He huffs a little about the fact, snuggling into her side, pressing himself into her body.

It was only a few moments for the rest of the group to start to stir, Nadia seemed to agree with him, pressing her head into the warm side. Not really having any thoughts about getting up where they had been wanting to try and fall deep into sleep again. None of them were hungry, but Azure and Lapis start to stir and squirm out of the piles, forcing their way out, climbing over each of them like mountains.

The little cub's hopping down and starting to yip a little, letting everyone else know they want to go exploring. Nadia doesn't really wait to long before she starts to get up, thinking that she should make sure her daughters do not get into trouble.

Syren looks at him, deciding to start teaching him a little more on the abilities that she knows. The fact that he had practiced more with the bloodline from his father made it a little more obvious. He.doesn't really shift, moving his head more to face towards his mother, waiting for her to start with the lesson that she wants to start with.

She doesn't move either, but it feels sort of like she had shifted. His eyes move as if tracking something in his mind. It quickly becomes apparent what he was following, a sort of outline starting to appear in his eyes. It is almost exactly the same appearance as his mother. The only real difference is there doesn't feel like there is any substance. The image makes him think of those who talk about astral projection.

He closes his eyes, figuring it would make it simpler. He starts with trying just to feel his way out. He starts t is huff around inside on a way to go out, taking a quick look over his world inside, and finding that the rabbit had found itself a little hollow in a tree. It didn't look happy, more tired and bored then anything.

He starts to move down towards the little bundle of fluff, forgetting what he was supposed to do, he sets feet down on the surface, just a few feet away from the rabbit. His steps are slow and careful, making sure to not be aggressive, keeping his hands showing to it. He reaches out, running a hand through it's fur, "Hey there buddy, don't worry, your not going to be alone soon. I'll find a little friend for you to 'play' with. I expect to see a little bunny clan in here."

He smiles down and picks up the little guy, it was strange that a wild animal was so tame with him. Especially with him being a wolf. His mind stutters to a stop a moment later, looking down, at the rabbit on his lap, still stroking it with his hands to keep it calm. He can sense it relaxing in his grip, and just enjoying his hands.

His body wasn't to old, he was pretty sure his form matched with the maturity of a wolf, he was about 6-7 years old. The fact that he had matured so much within 2 months. His hands were covered with green around his thighs, his hands had a whiteness, and grey covering everything else, that he can see.

He looks down at the little rabbit, over his shortened muzzle, "Hey little buddy, can you take a look at me? I need to check something." It looked up at him, slightly confused, but happy to help. He rests his hand on the rabbit's body and closes his eyes, letting his 'sense' of sense of vision to move to the rabbit's using it as a mirror, he notices that there is the purple around his muzzle, a bit more obviously then when he is the wolf cub outside.

It feels strange, he was a biped again, and he was comfortable with it, but he knew, he could be a quadruped just as easily, in here, and feel just as comfortable. It was a weird thought, even more so when he feel like a hand is touching his shoulder.

His eyes were still connected to the rabbit who was looking up at him, noticing that a form had appeared like mist behind him. It was a comforting familiar presence, soon changing into a feminine form, with the purple on her muzzle making it easier to figure out who.

"Hi mother." He says keeping his eyes closed, but still looking at her. She was just as comfortable in this form, it seems like she had tried this before,

"Now, why are you saying hello? Your still laying on my side." She says. Causing him to blink, both his and the rabbit's eyes. He hadn't thought of his voice, it was a little rough, like rocks being ground into a fine sand. While his mother's was like a flowing river, smooth and soothing. The fact that she could speak, wasn't as surprising, having remembered his father mentioning the possibility.

"True, but you have just arrived here, while I have been here for a little bit. Want to take a seat?" He says nodding to in front of him, it feels like he had become a monk, one with the world, causing a chuckle from both him and his mother.

Syren moves in front of him, sitting down, it was obvious how much larger then him she is. At least 2 heads taller while they were sitting down there. He moves the rabbit to the side, knowing the little one needed to go find some food. "I remember when I went inside your father's, his had so much more life, it all seemed just as peaceful as you and that rabbit when we were there."

It was strange talking to her, he could still feel images and emotions for her, he was able to see the beauty of the world his father had created, it was massive, with birds flying through the sky and little squirrels looking down at him and her, safe up on their perches, moving to approach with happiness, offering little pieces of nuts and fruits. "I can't wait to see how beautiful this will be." She says with a smile, showing off her teeth, they were still the predatory sharpness.

"Why don't you show me around, it will be good to see." She says. He had notices some little bugs that were eating some of the fallen fruits. He didn't really distract himself with the thoughts. It was a soft loam, no rocks or stones were underfoot when they stood up. He takes her over to the water and starts to show her the grove of the trees that they had found earlier.

He does notice one little quirk, his mother was moving through some of the fallen branches and even a small tree. Showing off all the little bushes and tree's it sort of felt like an park in an almost sterile environment, having nothing large enough to really make a landmark other then the water, or the bunny that they would catch sight of with almost every five steps.

It only was an hour before the sit down again, "Well, first, good job, you have formed your projection, now you actually need to project. This makes it easier to communicate with others, and connect your mind to theirs. This is the best way to start, if you wanted to, you could even try to connect without, but that just makes it hard for young cubs."

"Let me show you where to leave." She says offering her hand to him, guiding him like a mother leading her child through the mall. It felt like they were floating up, and flying through the void, taking him to the deepest darkness, moving away from his world and the sun. Almost as soon as it feels like he had closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them suddenly having the light, standing above himself, and her.

His mother and him were standing there, "This is a good third step. Your going to have to find your way in and out now before we move on. Don't worry, it won't be to hard." She says, resting her hand on his shoulder, and suddenly pressing him down in a quick motion, forcing him back into his body, causing him to jerk up in surprise.

He looks at the laughing face of his mother, looking down at him. "Now now, I can't just hold your hand through the whole process, leading once is fine." She says to him.

He nods a little and sighs, taking the time to collect himself. Feeling his body again, body shaking a little, it felt like his body had started to fall asleep. Taking a few steps, and looking around curiously, wondering where Nadia and her daughters had gotten to. His mother soon moving up next to him, back in her own body. Still radiating amusement, "Well, let's go find them." She says shaking her head a little, sensing just a tinge of worry inside of him for the trio.

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