
Book 2: Chapter 32

I stared at Eric and tried to read what's in his mind. Is he making all these efforts to come after me because of the business?

"Don't misunderstand me, dear. I don't care about your business, especially that it comes from the hands of a rival. For me, whatever he holds brings bad luck to me. I admit, I wanted to collaborate with him in the past but not anymore this time."

I smirked. How could he accuse Sean of bringing bad luck? TAG wouldn't be this big without him.

"Don't say that. I have deeper reasons why I broke off with Sean. My family owes Sean the success of the business. If it were not for him, TAG Corporation wouldn't go this far. And what right do you have to say that he's bringing bad luck?"

"It's my belief and opinion. And everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, aren't we? Nothing would ever change this impression I have on him."

I shrugged my shoulders and dismissed the topic. There's no way I would win over him, anyway. I knew him too well for five years and have resigned to the fact that whatever he says must be the law I should follow.

Eric reached out for my hand on the table. He held it gently and looked into my eyes lovingly. If the sense of humiliation hadn't seeped into the core of my being, I would have been easily swayed by him. Eric had captivating looks and built that easily attracted people. How much more for any women looking for life partners?

"I truly regret it that you have not seen the other side of me. I can't blame you for bearing that resentful and fearful gaze every time you look at me. But please know that I am yearning for you every day. My life had never been this empty ever since you left me."

I tossed my head backward as I laughed. "Calla is the woman you're looking for, Eric. Not me," I said.

"You're different, Red. I had always thought that I would forever be impressed with sophisticated and brilliant women like Calla, but I'm wrong. Aside from that, she gave me sexual satisfaction, only a wild and carefree woman can do. That's why I thought I would always want her in my life. But when you left, I realize that whatever or whoever she is can never surpass the unappreciated value you deserve because what she can offer is something fleeting and temporary."

"When she came back after you were gone, she had never filled the void I am feeling after losing you. And only now I have realized that if there is someone I want to be with for a lifetime, it's you."

Eric looked serious and remorseful. I could even feel how he held back his emotion. If it were not for his ego that he was trying to protect all his life, he might have cried out by now.

"Didn't you say that everything Sean touches brings bad luck? How about me? " I chided, making him froze for a moment.

"Of course, you're an exemption. Whatever is your relationship with him, there's only one thing I know," he paused first and drew my gaze to him. "I want you back."

It would be pointless to argue with him, so I dared not. I just shrugged my shoulders and zipped my mouth.

"I love you, Red, and I'm sorry for realizing it just now."

I did not reply. My thoughts were already suggesting how I could dismiss him. I didn't even realize that he stood up and walked over to my seat. I only knew it when I felt his body sticking close to my back, his arms reaching out to enclose me in a warm embrace.

I heaved out a sigh, and before I could take another breath, he turned my chin sideward and captured my lips in a hungry kiss. I was not able to pull out for a moment because this kiss was so familiar. I had been used to his moves for five years.

My lack of reaction was a go signal for him. His hands quickly took to its familiar path. While one hand was holding my head, his other hand crept right away to my shoulders, tracing its contour. The feel of his hand jolted me back to my senses, so I pushed him away.

"I'm sorry. I just miss you so much," he said, licking his wet lips. "I want you so much that I could die just thinking about it."

"Eric, I'm sorry. I don't want any more connections with you. I'm glad and honored that you're treasuring me now, but I can't return the favor anymore. You're Eric Martela, and you deserve someone better than Calla and me," I said kindly, dying to end this awkwardness already. Once my trust would be broken, it would be very hard to mend it again.

Eric's shoulder dropped, and he looked at me with traces of gloom and frustration in his expression.

"I'm sorry, but I won't stop," he said, brushing away the strand of hair that fell on my face.


"I'll be leaving now. I just arrived, and I am exhausted. See you tomorrow," ht e said, cutting me off. He was wise enough not to persist, or else he would already be challenging my patience.

I did not reply, but I watched him as he went out of the room. If only Eric took care of my heart before!

I waited for a while before I called the receptionist to book me a car to drive me to Grey's residence. I am still not familiar with the roads here, so I couldn't use any of the cars that my grandfather left in the meantime. Although all of them were bought six years ago and beyond, they were from expensive brands and models. I could not let Philip accompany me all the time; I also needed privacy.

The car was already waiting for me by the entrance when I went down with all my things. From now on, I would be staying at my family's home. So sad that they were not there anymore to welcome my presence. Not even Sean, who became a part of the family I never knew before except my father.

Just when I could already see the gates going to the Grey's estate, a car overtook us and blocked our path. My heart reacted rapidly, turning its beatings into loud and chaotic banging.

"Sir, what's happening?" I asked, now starting to panic. My knees trembled, and my breathing became labored.

"I don't know, ma'am. I have been a company driver for so long already, but this is the first time I get into trouble."

Three men in black pants and jackets got out of the car. Upon seeing them, my heartbeats accelerated even faster. And every step those men took, sounded in my mind like bell chimes, announcing my doom.

One of the men pointed a gun at the driver's side, forcing the driver to roll down the window and unlocked the door to my side. The other one opened it, placing the tip of the barrel into my head.

"Cooperate if you don't want to get hurt."

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