
Chapter 30: S2-E6: Silence and Fury

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silence and Fury

Geralt – The Narrow Sea Coast nearby the Fingers – One day after Ciri meets the Qarthians

It was about a week and a half since the Fury had left Dragonstone and sailed northward along the coastline towards White Harbor. Overall the trip was peaceful thanks to Davos' knowledge of the sea along with his orderly command of the sailors. During that time Geralt did his best to busy himself around the ship, learning more about sailing beyond his knowledge on small boats. It amazed him how complex the warship was, relying on the full sails for traveling while the oars were for quick bursts of speed and maneuverability in battle. The whole crew required complete coordination to ensure the ship worked effectively, which Stannis and Davos managed in orderly fashion.

Geralt also made sure to check up with the rest of his companions during the voyage. With Arya he continued her training, though most of it was simply observing her during sword practice to ensure her safety and correct on her technique. With Sansa he chatted with every so often along with Barristan who continued to watch over her. Thoros, Syrio and Beric were good company to have during meal times or during training sessions with the other soldiers.

He was eager to meet Robb after so many months to discuss everything that had happened. From his father's death, new role as Warden and now having to work out an alliance with Stannis was obviously a major task for the young man. The outcome would determine both how well the rest of the North would follow his lead along with Stannis how would view him. Even if an alliance wasn't forged, there was a chance Robb could at least earn the respect of stern king.

"Just wish we where there to get it all over with…" He muttered as he left the crew deck, heading up to the top deck to get an idea on their location. It had been clear weather for the last few days and it seemed such conditions would exist for the remainder of the voyage. The crew was relaxed currently, doing simple tasks across the deck and making sure the sails were properly set. His gaze did focus west towards the distant cliff riddled shoreline. The coastline was a mix of thin peninsulas that created bays that lead into distant rivers that flowed out from the mountainous Vale. The Witcher's attention moved to the wheel of the ship where Davos was, the gruff captain calmly guiding the ship on a steady course. Thoros and Beric were nearby, with the minor lord peering through a spyglass aimed to the top of the cliffs. The two were muttering to each other, only pausing when Thoros noticed Geralt approaching them.

"Doing some sightseeing?' Geralt sarcastically questioned, drawing a smirk from the Red Priest


"In a manner of speaking."

Beric nodded as he'd lower the spyglass. "Scouting would be a more proper term. I'm sure you can guess where we are along the Vale coast."

Geralt nodded as he moved to stand along side the two, examining the coastline a bit more closely. "The Fingers. Yeah…and that smallest peninsula I bet is Littlefinger's holding."

"Aye. The 'Drearfort' as some call it in jest." Thoros explained while Beric handed the spyglass over to the Witcher.

"Check at the lower cliffs. You can just see the…keep...from this angle." Beric directed.

Looking through the spyglass, he'd quickly notice the grey stone tower that could barely qualify as a noble's home. He did notice that there was construction going about, walls and linking structures being made. "Seems Baelish is doing some remodeling as well."

"While a minor lord, his role as Master of Coin and his business dealings give him plenty of funds to spend for himself. I'm certain he plans to strengthen his position since his betrayal of Lord Eddard is known…and makes him one of the North's biggest targets."

"Ugh…Wish we could just sail right over and storm the place! Bastard isn't home , so I'd love to see his the look on his slimy face finding his home as a pile of rubble." Thoros growled, cracking his knuckles in a threatening manner.

"For once I can agree with you Thoros." Davos spoke up from the wheel. "However it will be difficult to reach his holding by shore. The waters closer to the cliffs have many rocks under the surface, making it risky to even lay anchor."

"Also he has close ties to Lady Lysa. Knowing him, he has no doubt requested her to have some Vale Knights on watch. While I doubt she or the Lords of the Vale will remain neutral in the coming conflict, they won't take kindly to us intruding from a warship." Beric also added. "The Vale, if fully mustered, could raise a force close to forty-five thousand along with fielding some of the fiercest cavalry as well."

"If angered they could easily tip the scales of this war." Geralt muttered as he thought over this information. He still had beliefs that Lady Lysa had a hand in killing her husband John Aryn, triggering this long chain of troubling events. For all he knew Littlefinger or Cersei could have fueled her paranoia to commit the assassination for a variety of reasons. "Hopefully we won't provoke the Vale or even get them on our side. As for Littlefinger, his time will come."

Thoros sighed in frustration, though understood the logic involved. "Hope he's trembling at the thought of us kicking down his door. I'll enjoy the day we grab the bastard."

The Witcher nodded in agreement before moving over to Davos, Thoros and Beric heading below deck for their own late lunch. "So how much longer until we get to White Harbor?" Geralt questioned.

"Three or four days I take. Stannis is just as impatient as you." The captain chuckled. "I am trying to stick more to the coast though because of recent news. A lot of bold pirate activity in this stretch of the Narrow Sea."

"What makes that so special?"

"It's because of Braavos. They have a strict policy on who can arrive in their harbor and show no mercy for anyone preying on the trade routes."

"Let me guess, someone has been causing trouble for even their navy."

Davos had a serious look as he nodded. "At least three ships, one even being a merchant lord vessel ferrying his family. All well-armed and manned. What is troubling is the fact there were no survivors."

"Why is that?"

"The whole family is worth a small fortune in ransom alone. The Iron Bank has…well…insurance plans to pay for such matters." Davos explained. "If pirates or privateers capture a valuable hostage, they normally send a notice of ransom. In this case there has been none."

It was odd since even back home he knew even the most bloodthirsty Skelliger raider knew the value of a ransom. "So then who did it then?"

"A demon…someone that I hope by the Seven to never cross paths with." Davos muttered, gripping the wheel tightly. "The fact is the last reported attack was farther out east. Sticking to the coast will give us some distance if this pirate is heading southward and if he does show up the rocky waters will favor us in escaping."

Already he wondered just who this pirate was that had Davos this tense, but he didn't press the matter. "You're the captain, so it is your call. Everyone here trusts your judgement."

The reassuring words had Davos sigh and nodded. "Thank you Geralt." He'd pause in thought for a moment. "There is one matter I'd like your help with though."

"Name it."

"Tonight will be a new moon, so we'll have little natural light. Considering your unique eyesight, perhaps you could man the crows-nest, so we have no surprises."

Nodded in agreement. "Seems sensible. If it will save us time, even better."

"Good. Then I'll see you later tonight." Davos replied with a small smile before focusing back on guiding the ship.

The Witcher would walk back to the main section of the deck just as Sansa, Arya and Barristan walked up from below. The eldest Stark daughter was softly chatting with the old knight with a soft smile on her face. Arya was listening in on their conversation, seeming to have a passing interest towards it. Seeing Geralt though brought a smile to her face as she hurried over to him.

"Did you just talk to Davos? Please tell me we're nearly there!" She pleaded.

Sansa sighed after hearing her sister's questioning. "You've asked that question nearly ever day. Its not going to make this ship move any faster."

"She is simply eager to see her brother just as you are Lady Sansa." Barristan politely stated. "Besides, you've spent as many days reviewing over what can happen during the upcoming gathering."

Sansa blushed faintly. "I…I simply wish to be prepared. After all the planning I've done with Stannis, I should still be involved with whatever is discussed with my brother once we're at White Harbor."

"And I can assure you that you're more than ready Lady Sansa." He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, calming the young woman.

Arya nodded in agreement. "Just talk back at Stannis like you did before and he'll no doubt listen." She chuckled, reminding everyone of that crucial moment back on Dragonstone.

The praise did bring a soft smile to Sansa, showing how well they had bonded since they left King's Landing. Indeed it was a quite different from their constant arguing and bickering when Geralt had first met them. At this point they truly were following their father's last wishes.

"So Geralt, can you share another story later tonight over dinner?" Arya asked, focusing attention back on the Witcher. "With the ship sailing so smoothly, surely you can't be busy."

"Sadly I am. Davos asked me to be on night watch up above, doesn't want to run aground in these rough waters." He answered back, excluding the rumored talk of pirates. "I promise though tomorrow night we'll have time." He'd pause in thought for a moment. "Have one book even I haven't read yet, something Shireen gave me back at Dragonstone."

"Oh! I bet it's good if she chose it!" Arya remarked excitedly.

"We'll see. Just promise me you'll behave until then. No more climbing the rig or mast like yesterday alright?"

"It was impressive seeing you do that Arya, but you nearly had Barristan ready to chase after you. Don't stress the good knight any further." Sansa jested.

"That is a bit harsh Lady Sansa." Barristan replied, though had a small grin of amusement. "You forget I've scaled castle walls barehanded. A ship's rigging would be simple."

"Maybe you should be listening to his tales more." Geralt muttered to Arya before speaking out to all three. "Just take it easy for tonight. I'm sure you both want decent sleep for once." Even with all the time the two Starks had been at sea, they had a hard time getting use to sleeping on a ship.

"A fair point Geralt. We'll be sure to sleep early when we can." Sansa said in agreement.

"Then we best not bother Ser Geralt any further. He no doubt needs rest for tonight." Barristan gave a short nod to the Witcher. "Until next time."

Nodding back, he watched as the three moved on towards Davos at the wheel, Arya giving a parting wave to him. Giving a short wave back, he'd head down the stairs to lower decks. Since the ship didn't have a full set of officers, he had one of the small cabins to himself. Cramped, but private at the least. Shifting though a chest of his belongings, he sorted out a few of his alchemical tools. Davos had him a bit paranoid about trouble showing up, so he packed away plenty of his handcrafted flares, grapeshot bombs and a few dancing star bombs.

"Never hurts to be prepared." He muttered to himself as he hung the pack nearby the rest of his gear before laying down on his bunk, sighing as he'd relax back to nap the next few hours away.

With the sun setting low, Geralt got up from bed to get fully dressed. Changing into Witcher armor, strapping both swords along his back, slipped Dragon Fang on one hip while his alchemy pack on the other. By the time he walked up to the deck, the darkness of the coming night was spreading. Already the crew was getting lanterns set up to luminate the waters surrounding the ship. With what remaining sunlight, he could see a spreading mist across the water.

"Strange weather…" He muttered, before noticing Davos approaching him, having given a navigator the wheel.

"To you perhaps." The sea captain remarked. "While Westeros summers keep even the coastal oceans warm, the waters further north obviously become cooler."

"Right. Warm and cold-water mix, along with the rise and setting of the sun, leading to foggy conditions." Geralt finished after a moment of thought.

"Exactly." The two moved towards the main mast just as the last watchman was climbing down the ladder leading to the crowsnest. "So a quick run down about the signal bell at the top. Two rings if you see rocks ahead. Three rings if any signs of a ship. All trade and transport ships from both continents are expected to have lanterns on during night travel."

"So let's say I notice a ship with no lanterns on?"

"Ring the bell like hell. Even if a pirate ship or two notices us, I doubt they'd be crazy to attack a war ship."

Geralt nodded in agreement. "Just hope you didn't jinx us than." Moving to the mast ladder, he began the climb. "Hopefully we'll talk again over breakfast."

"Heh, gladly. Until later Geralt." Davos moved off to his cabin, no doubt needing some sleep after guiding the ship for half a day.

After a long climb up to the to top of the mast, Geralt watched the last hints of sunlight truly fade across the sea. Standing up, he took a deep breath as the sea air rushed around him, showing just how fast the Fury was going. He focused his gaze eastward to open water, the horizon seeming clear for the moment. Already the nighttime mist was thickening, which combined with the dark water made it difficult to see far even with his naturally enhanced sight.

"Guess I'll be sipping on Cat for the whole night." He muttered, taking out the small potion bottle which he took a sip from. While the vision empowering mixture was one of the least toxic potions he had, it's sickly sweet flavor made him cringe. A pulsing sensation began at his temples before moving through his head until reaching his eyes. Closing them tightly, he grunted in minor discomfort before snapping his eyes open. The cat like pulps had widened out, his eyesight now as sharp as a werecat's in these night time conditions. "Much better." He sighed, rubbing the side of his head as the small aching faded away. Leaning against the edge of the crowsnest, he staref northward and begin his long watch for the night.

A few hours passed without any real issues, except for the a few occasions having to ring the bell for coastal rocks. By now the mist had settled into quite a thick layer across the sea, enough to even limit the improved sight Cat offered him. It seemed though they were in the clear, giving the Witcher some time to think.

"Heh…by now Yen would have come up for a visit if she was here. Never could resist cozying up on nights like this." He chuckled to himself, thinking about the sorceress after so long. If she had somehow traveled with him to this world he was certain she cause quite some trouble with her fierce personality and sly cunning. "For once I'd love to have a portal on hand as well. Save everyone a lot of time…" In fact he was pretty sure just her power alone could end the war easily, though dwelling on such possibilities was pointless.

However, Geralt stopped his silent musings when he heard something…odd. It was a low splashing sound, as if there was something jumping in and out of the water. It was hard to pick out among the blowing wind, flapping sails and the creaking of the ship. Closing his eyes, he entered a light meditation to shut out distracting noises and try to pick out the splashing sound. It became clearer now, a steady constant splashing coming from the north…almost like rowing. "That better not be what I'm thinking…" Snapping his eyes open, those cat-like eyes narrowing to try seeing through the thick mist and black water.

At last he saw them, two small long boats with their sails rolled up, both quickly and silently moving forward with oars. He had been studying on Westeros's types of ships and knew these were the type used by the Iron Islanders, this continent's most fierce sea raiders. The two ships were angled to each side of the ship, meaning when they rammed they'd sandwich the Fury between them. While he doubted either ship could cause a breach in the hull, such a maneuver would limit the ship's turning movement and speed, making it easier to board.

Quickly he grabbed the bell rope, ringing it rapidly while yelling out. "PIRATES! STARBOARD AND PORT BOW! BRACE FOR RAMMING!" Already the crew was yelling out and readying themselves, just as the ship shook from the impact. Despite the shuffle, Geralt didn't hesitate as he grabbed out flares from his pack, aiming and firing them off high into the air. The night sky lit red as the burning flares drifted down, fully revealing the raider ships grinding along the sights of the Fury's reinforced haul. The raider ships decks and haul were painted black, further explaining how they were able to avoid even his enhanced sight.

"Their grappling their ships to the Fury! Cut them loose!" Someone below yelled as the clamor of battle quickly filled the air.

Geralt to make out figures from the raider ships latched hooked rope lines across the side of the war galley before climbing up. His sharp eyes could tell these weren't just normal pirates but Ironborn raiders. It would explain the choice of longboats and focus on boarding, seeking to capture the ship instead of simply plundering it.

However, the Witcher's focus shifted as a bellowing horn rang out behind the Fury. Soon lights lit up in the darkness further south, revealing a larger black long ship, no doubt the flagship of the other two. Along with it's lanterns lit, the larger ship also dropped its black sail with golden squid adorning it with it's tentacles outstretched. Its oars out stretched from it's sides as a low drumming filled the air, the ship quickly building up speed to close the distance.

"Bastards planned this well." Geralt cursed, mind already rapidly trying to think of a plan. He looked back northward to see that to the northwest there was a cluster of coastal rocks revealed by the flare light. While hazardous, it was a perfect route to shake off the Ironborn raiders before they completely overwhelmed the ship.

"Just need to get down quickly." Looking about, he saw one of the rope lines that connected between the sail and deck level. "Time to improvise…" Climbing down the mast ladder slightly, he reached for the one of the ropes to zipline down. Even with his toughened leather gloves his hand got heated by the friction, drawing a grunt from him. From his vantage point he could see his companions busy fighting the pirates along side the crew. He picked out Syrio who was holding off three of the raiders on his own, those agile dueling skills baffling his enemies who never faced against the Water Dance. Seeing one pirate rushing in at the man's flank, Geralt let go of the rope line, drawing his steel sword mid-fall. His metal heeled boots slammed into the man's back, ending with a painful crunch as the raider was crushed to the deck.

"Heh…Geralt. Always with a flare for the dramatic." The Braavosi chuckled as they were back to back, two pirates closing in on the Witcher.

"Not by choice." He grumbled back before one pirate yelled, the group charging at them while the Witcher and fencer were a blur of motion. Geralt at last could really hold nothing back, since this wasn't a completion like the Melee or facing soldiers simply following orders. These were ruthless killers who wouldn't hesitate to kill him or his friends. The first raider to reach him didn't even have time to blink as the Witcher slashed out diagonally. Mutant strength and enchanted steel cleaved the man in half, which to any nearby onlookers was shocking to behold. Geralt didn't pause after that kill, lunging at the other raider to sink his sword right into his lower gut, blade rising slightly with a twist to ensure a lethal wound. The attack was so fast that the pirate only began to cry out in pain as the Witcher drew his blade back.

Syrio could focus didn't let the gruesome kills distract him as he took advantage of his startled foes. One raider was choking on blood as the fine rapier pierced right into his throat, the weapon quickly whipping out before parrying a hurried sword blow from the dying man's companion. Redirecting the man's momentum, he made him stumble into the third raider and get a club blow to the side of the head. The fencer stabbed the dazed raider in the back, rapier even piercing into the other man he cried out in surprised.

With their current enemies dead or dying, Geralt quickly faced the duelist. "Where's Stannis and Davos?" He spoke out over the chaos.

"The main cabin! Stannis called for a meeting-" Syrio started before cursing as another raider interrupting him as he rushed in to attack.

The flow of raiders seemed endless as another wave was climbing up the grapple lines set on both sides of the ship. Among the battling he could make out Thoros who was roaring out fiercely. The man's fury was making even the Iron Islanders running in fear. Considering his reputation during the Ironborn Rebellion it was easy to understand their terror.

"Keep them away from the hatches and the helm!" Stannis's voice rang out, the man standing by the wheel. The Baratheon had quickly gotten his breastplate on along with arming himself sturdy shield and sword, taking lead in commanding the crew. Beric was close by, ensuring the line of men kept the invaders from climbing the steps up to the helm with Davos at the wheel.

Geralt was already on the move to reach them, dodging about both friend and foe. Whenever he crossed a pirate he'd lash out with a quick backhand or shoulder tackle, enough to catch them off guard for a crewmen to cut down. He soon reached the helm, Beric and Stannis quickly approaching him.

"Where is Arya and Sansa?" The Witcher quickly questioned before either man could speak first.

Beric gave a short nod downward. "They were below deck when the attack happened, in their room I believe. Barristan is with them, so they should be safe…even though the old knight be a boon for this battle."

Geralt relaxed slightly knowing the girls were safe, though he did silently agree with Beric.

"Then we'll have to make do with you and the others, Witcher.." Stannis muttered, no doubt seeing him partly at fault in not seeing the raiders sooner.

"Not the best time to argue on that Lord Stannis." Beric quickly remarked in the Witcher's defense. "Right now we have to get our ship loose before-"

Geralt suddenly moved though, shoving past the two lords and quickly made the Aard Sign. He focused on a wide arc as the burst of air knocked incoming arrows from the chasing ship, the missiles clattering harmlessly across the deck. With the danger past, he looking back at everyone gawking at what they had just witnessed. It took a lot of the Witcher's discipline to not try and smirk as even Stannis stoic expression was gone for a short moment

"Well…was hoping for a better time to explain that." Geralt muttered as everyone quickly composed themselves.

"More secrets and surprises." Stannis sighed, but seemed thankful for the protection. "Whatever the case, I can tell you have a plan in mind."

"A reckless one, but it should get rid of this scum for sure." Geralt then looked to Beric. "I need you get those ballista ready on the starboard side. Focus on the ones we have secure around the helm."

"Why? With the ship so close we can't…" Realization then kicked in, the man giving a small grin and nodding. "I understand. Alright men, lets get those weapons loaded!" Gesturing about, he got the trained crewmen hurrying to the mounted weapons.

Next, the Witcher looked to Davos. "This part will sound insane, but we need to head to those coastal rocks towards northwest." The lingering light from the flares still showed pillars of weathered stone, their positioning requiring timed maneuverers to get through unscathed. "I need you to take the ship through there."

Davos paled hearing those words, hands gripping the wheel tightly as he stared into that direction. "It's madness." Pausing in thought though, he'd glance back at the nearing long boat chasing them, knowing full well they couldn't outrun it in open water. "No you're right. It is the best approach."

"You certain you can do it." Stannis calmly questioned.

"Aye. I escaped this devil once, I can do it again!"

Geralt nodded, glad the sea captain had renewed confidence before looking back at Stannis. "Then leave the left ship to me. We'll draw the raiders off from that side so you can deal with the ship on the port side." Taking out more flares, he'd fire them off towards the rocks to ensure Davos had a clear view on his route and lighting up across the decks of the ships. Without another word, he vaulted over the railing at the helm and back onto the deck, giving a jaw cracking punch to one pirate he startled. "THOROS!"

The yell made the Red Priest roar out among the battle, followed by one raider being thrown overboard by the unseen warrior. Seemed he could hear him fine despite the chaos all around them.

"PORT SIDE! JUMP OVERBOARD!" With that order given, he rushed in that direction. Along the way he'd land a quick slash across the back of one raider and knock over another with a clothesline arm blow. Nearing the side of the Fury, four more pirates were climbing up the grapple lines. Before they could even raise their weapons, Geralt thrusted his left hand forward and unleashed an Aard that flung the men violently back onto the deck of their ship. He rushed on without hesitation, leaping over the side and having a rolling landing across the longship deck. Flowing his momentum, he was back on his feet to face off against six more Ironborn.

"Beastly here must be suicidal, coming onto our ship!" One laughed out.

"Wait, it's the freak on the wanted poster! The Witcher!" Another snapped.

"Aye! Twenty thousand crowns! Come on lads let-" Yet the raider didn't get to finish his order as a flaming blade pierced right through his chest, making him give a garbled howl as clothing and flesh was set alight.

Withdrawing the blade, he roughly threw the man into the mast with a resounding slam, spreading the fire across the toughened wood. "Heh and you think I'd let the Witcher steal all the fun!?"

Geralt took advantage of the surprise Thoros gave as he unleashed Igni onto the group. The wide burst of flame lit up their clothes and burned bare skin, the men screaming and flailing to bat out the flames. Their burning attacks were quickly drawing the rest of the crew's attention, the Ironborn yelling out for water to put out the spreading flames. A dozen of the raiders surrounded the two, giving the men on the Fury breathing space and a chance to cut away those grapple lines.

"Intro the fray as always." Thoros challenged as he grabbed a fallen raider shield, giving himself a little more defense against so many foes.

Geralt gave a small chuckle and nod of agreement. "Seems that is what we do best."

"KILL THE FREAKS!" Someone in the mob yelled, the rest charging at the fearsome duo as one. Thoros gave a terrifying yell which made the men reaching for him flinch, letting them lash out with both shield and burning blade. One pirate got his nose caved in as the edge of the shield drove into his face while another close by was slashed across the chest, screaming as he was set aflame. The Red Priest's aggressive style outmatched even the dreaded Ironborn, showing just how he became so infamous back during their Rebellion.

Geralt in turn was busy with his own wave of foes, quickly making the Quen Sign, making a shimmer course along his body. He twisted into a pirouette, dealing a beheading blow against the unfortunate raider who reached him first. The attack did leave him exposed, which was why he had casted Quen beforehand. Three raiders struck at him, only to scream out as the shimmering barrier shocked them with stunning energy. With adrenaline driving him on he then flowed into a partial whirl, forcing most of the raiders back. The three stunned by his magical shield were cut down in that spinning attack, steel blade dicing across two of the men's chest and the third having a whole forearm cleaved off. With the few seconds he had, he dropped down an Yrden Sign across the ground, the wide magical circle slowing the Ironborn to a snail's pace. He lunged in at one slowed raider, giving a rib cracking punch to the gut and a powerful kick at another's leg which buckled in an unnatural manner.

"THEY'RE FUCKING DEMONS!" Someone among the panicking raiders yelled out as the men at this point were trying to get away. Between the two warriors merciless fighting and the Witcher's show of magic, the raiders confidence quickly broke. Many jumped overboard, desperate enough to try swimming in the dark water towards the chasing flagship or risk swimming for the distant shore. Considering the reputation the Ironborn had with swimming, that was a likely possibility.

Both men looked about at the carnage they had unleashed, the sight even surprising for Geralt. "I think we over did it…" He muttered as the ship creaked from the fires spreading across it. "Just need to get the lower decks and then we should be good."

Thoros gave a growling sigh, calming down as he marched over to one of the hatches leading below. "Ugh…locked. The few below must have locked it up." He cursed as both hands gripped the metal handles, the man grunting as he began to yank with all his might.

"Better hurry. We're getting close to those rocks." Geralt warned as he took out a Dancing Star bomb from his tool pack.

The Red Priest growled out, a tense expression on his face as the wooden hatch began to tear back. At last a hinge gave way to snap one side of the hatch open, only for a spear to lunge out from the gap. Despite the surprise, Thoros was just able to turn his body to avoid getting the spear tip shoved into his chest, the weapon driving into his right shoulder instead. Biting back the pain, he gripped the spear shaft and yanked it forward, slamming the raider's head into the half-ripped hatch. "Sneaky bastard!" He followed up with a kick to the man's face, a resounding snap showing he broke it completely. "Throw it in!"

Geralt didn't hesitate as he sparked the bomb before chucking it into the opening the Red Priest had made. A few seconds later there was a blast followed by panicked yells as the fire bomb exploded.

"Witcher! Get back on quick!" Beric yelled from the Fury. Geralt could see the crew quickly cutting away the grapple lines keeping the ship in place.

Both he and Thoros rushed to one of the loose lines and began the short climb up onto the warship. Nearing the deck though he heard Thoros grunt out, looking back to see he had lost his grip with his right hand because of the injury on his shoulder. At the same moment the Fury rocked roughly as the longship was cut loose, making the man lose his grip. The Witcher was quick and flexible enough to reach one hand down to just grab the man's left arm. "Got you!"

The priest panted as he stared down at the black water below him, seeming nervous for once. However it was short lived as he swung his right arm back to grip the rope line, pulling himself all the way up to the deck. The crew above helped tug them both up, letting them watch as the burning raider ship was drifting off towards a nearby rock formation.

"Let them have it!" With that order given by Stannis, the powerful crack and creak of the Fury's ballista filled the air. An aimed barrage striking below the water line, piecing holes in the longship's hull. With whatever drifting movement the ship had, it soon crash into the rocks, spinning and turning it about while the fires and leaks began to slowly sink it.

"What about the other one?" Geralt asked as they crossed to the other side of the Fury, noticing how the other longship was still attached by a few lines.

"Stannis had a cunning idea in mind for this one." Beric said, approaching the group. He looked roughed up but unharmed by the looks of it. "Killed or captured most of the crew. We plan to cut it loose right before we pass the rocks, try to stop or slow down the last ship."

"Smart idea." The Witcher's attention moved back to the helm to see Stannis overlooking the aftermath of the battle and the looming rocks ahead. It seemed he taken part in the fighting considering the minor injuries he had, expected considering his reputation of directly leading.

"At the point of no return you grace." Davos muttered, giving a concerned look as the leading longboat was getting close to them.

Stannis didn't respond beyond a short nod, gaze set on the broad rocky formation on the Fury's right side. "At the ready men…" There was a tense pause as the crewmembers at the grapple lines ready their axes. "Cut it loose!"

The men gave a roar before slamming down their axes, snapping the lines at once. Everyone braced as the Fury shook as the longboat was freed. Stannis' timing was perfect as the mix of the currents and the Fury's speed made the raider ship crash it's right side into the rocks. The forceful impact crushing half of the ship before it shifted about. As the Fury sailed past the wreck, the current made it turn about to partly block the way for the flagship.

The crew cheered seeing ship destroyed, but it was short lived as Stannis yelled out. "We're not safe yet! Get the sail raised up now, we need to slow down and rely on the oars! Maneuverability is what we need!"

The crew was quick to obey Stannis's orders as they rushed about. The hatches were opened up for extra men to head down below along with to take in the injured among them. Geralt, Thoros and Beric rejoined at the helm where they also found Syrio who was catching his breath after fighting for so long.

"Heh! Seems you outdid yourself Braavosi!" Thoros chuckled out. "Guess you're not as soft as I thought."

Despite being exhausted, the duelist couldn't help but smirk in amusement, though didn't have the energy to give a witty remark back.

Geralt moved to stand beside Davos as the ship was now coursing through the hazardous coastline. Looking at the sea captain, he never saw the man have such a serious or focused look as he'd make steady and calculated turns with the ship's wheel. "The rocks here make the current strong." He muttered. "Hope you have a few more of those flares Witcher. I need as much light as possible."

"Only have a few left. Hopefully that will be enough." Taking them out, he'd take aim and fire them out to light up the area.

"It will." Davos paused as he'd look at rock formations that were in their way. "Seven give me strength…" He muttered before yelling out. "Everyone brace! Oarsmen, hard starboard! Put your backs into it!" Below deck the muffled yell of the men could be heard, showing they understood their orders. The oars extended out from the right side, sinking into the dark water to help steer the ship. Davos turned the wheel hard to the right while everyone braced themselves as the Fury turned. It was a tense moment as the ship drifting close to one rock, but the maneuver was a success.

Geralt did glance back to see the longboat wasn't following them, seeming to be slowing to a stop before the reefs. Their risky gambit had at least thrown off the mysterious leader of the pirates.

"Hard port! We're nearly through lads!" Davos yelled out, snapping the Witcher's attention to the front. Their last obstacle was a large split between two rocks, requiring careful direction to avoid drifting into the side of either formation. "Brace!" Again everyone held on as the oars and Davos turning of the wheel shifted the ship sharply. "Balance us out starboard! Even us out!" Both sides of the ship worked together, the chants of heave and hoe as the men below put their full might to work. The looming rocks neared, the ship properly aligned as they sped between them and back into open water. Davos gave a deep sigh, bowing his head in relief as everyone onboard cheer out at their success.

Stannis moved close to the sea captain, a faint smile hinting his face as he clapped Davos on the shoulder. "Great work captain."

"Thank the men below. They put in the real effort." He chuckled back, humble as ever.

"Still it was your direction that got us through. Guess the talk of Lord Davos captaining reputation is well earn." Geralt remarked. "Still I want to know one thing, just who were those pirates? You mentioned them before and it's obvious they had viciousness and cunning to attack a military ship."

Davos seemed hesitant to speak, so Stannis in turn spoke up. "The flagship that pursued us was that of Euron Greyjoy or better known by his pirate title as Crow's Eye." He coldly explained. "He's the closest thing to a living devil in this world. Merciless, deceitful and having not a care for human life." The Baratheon paced to the rear of the helm, gazing back to the rocky reefs they had just escaped through. "He must have known of us carrying the Stark daughters somehow. Their capture would be quite the prize and further whatever schemes he has…or simply use them for his sick amusements."

The Witcher was silent as he stood by Stannis, realizing just how dangerous this pirate was. "Whatever the case, this is a victory for us. He's lost two ships and their crews."

"Aye." Stannis looked back as his men were busy rounded up the pirates who were captured or mercy killing those too injured to survive. "We'll have those judged later tomorrow." Moving back to the front of the helm he spoke out. "Get all our injured care for at once! I want our most able men to be on watch until the late morning." With those commands given everyone dispersed to rest, manage around the ship or tend to their injuries.

"We best rest while we can Witcher." Thoros remarked, having gotten his shoulder bandaged up during the moment of peace. "Especially you. Considering you were showing off your…abilities…you no doubt have a lot of explaining to do for Stannis."

Geralt sighed in agreement, hoping he could avoid any complications with Stannis. Right now he couldn't let this reveal damage the trust he had built up with aspiring king. Despite the fierce battle, Geralt didn't feel tired because of the adrenaline lingering within him and from not even getting injured in the chaos. Walking to the back of the helm, he stared out into the distance, the remarks from both Stannis and Davos making him wonder just how monstrous this Euron truly was.

Euron Greyjoy – The Silence

The first mate watched as the mute crewmembers fished out another Ironborn from the water, a survivor of their failed attack. Right now they were trying to salvage as much as they could from their destroyed ships, be it supplies or survivors the warship had left being. "It should have worked. We had every advantage." The gruff Lysene man muttered as he brushed one hand nervously across his beard, worried about how his captain will react. "Going to be a lot of tongues cut out…that is for sure." He muttered as he pace along the longboat deck, making his way to the helm.

Being hesitant to approach, he watched the Ironborn captain as he tried to get an idea on his mood…though even after his year serving Euron, he learned it that was impossible to do. The Greyjoy was a dashing and handsome sight, pale skinned with flowing hair and full well-trimmed beard that was as dark as night. One of his eyes were covered by a fine dark leather eyepatch, his renown 'crow-eye' which was said to be reserved for those he personally killed. Some said it contains the man's pure malice and to gaze into it would doom one's soul. His normal eye however was a gleaming sky blue, which currently had a relaxed look to it. One stranger quality about him though was his lips which were a faint pale blue color. The first mate heard it was because of an elixir wine the captain often drank, which was said to grant prolonged life and foresight. His choice of attire was that Stepstone pirate fashion, a high collared oily black captain coat covering a grey button up sailor's shirt, covering a compact muscular body.

"Captain Euron…we're collecting the last of our men from the attack." The first mate muttered, at last approaching the man.

Euron didn't speak, just having one hand gently turn the wheel. From the compass set on the helm it showed they were angling for a southern direction, returning to their original course. His sky-blue eye looked to the first mate, that calm look seeming so…bored despite how he has lost two ships along with half of their crews.

The uncertainty had the first mate gulp, tensing up slightly. "The…survivors can confirm though that the ship was indeed the Fury and manned by Stannis."

"Obviously." Euron simply stated, voice smooth but having a hinted threat to it. "It seems old Stannis plans to bargain with the young Robb Stark. Playing ferrymen for honorable Eddard's fair young daughters." His fingers patted along one handle of the wheel, pausing in thought. "He's pushing for a strong army. With the backing of the Northerners and his powerful ships, King's Landing will be plowed by the sea."

The first mate nodded, finding the deduction fitting. Before he could comment, he noticed one of the Silence crewmembers giving out a loud grunt and waving to them. Hurrying back to the deck, he was gestured to one crewmember who was injured with quite a fierce burn across the right side of his face. "I need to speak to…ugh…the captain…" He grunted, gritting his teeth through the pain.

"The fire and sea must have rotted that brain of yours! No one can demand to speak to the captain!" The first mate growled, grasping the man by the collar, shoving him back against the edge of the ship as he seemed ready to throw him back overboard.

"Bring him up." The simple order made the two look to the helm, Euron nodding to them. "I'm curious to hear what this one has to say."

The Lysene sighed before letting the man go, though gave him a firm shove to stagger him forward to the wheel. "Alright say what you have to say raider." He ordered as the approached the Greyjoy.

Being up close to the captain did make the burned pirate nervous, but he'd compose himself after a tense moment. "There was someone special on that ship. The man the Lannisters have a fortune of a bounty on." He muttered. "Skin and hair pale as a ghost…eyes of a beast…and with two gleaming swords at his back."

An excited spark hinted Euron's eye with this news. "So he was there. My eye didn't deceive me." Giving out a whistle, hurried feet followed as a helmsmen approached. It showed just how obedient and loyal the Greyjoy's personal crew was to his demands. "Keep to the original course." With the order given, he'd gesture for the raider and first mate to follow him to the deck. "I did watch the battle partly with my spyglass. But tell me…just how many did this Witcher kill?"

"I…I didn't keep count. Just on my ship it must have been close maybe even more than a dozen." The raider muttered between short winces. "That man was a blur but…he did unnatural things as well."

"Huh magic?" The first mate scoffed, though quickly silenced himself as Euron glanced at him.

"What else would you call shooting flames from your hand…or flinging four armored men across a whole deck with a gesture!"

"Interesting…very interesting." A wide grin hinted the Greyjoy's face as he stared into one of the large braziers they used to light up the deck, seeming to imagine the Witcher's magic in action. "I was worried this stranger would be boring. Just another skilled swordsman…which the world has no shortage of." Both hands clasped behind his back, thinking for a moment. "Helmsmen! When we pass Blackwater bay change the course westward for King's Landing."

"Wait what?!" The first mate snapped in shock. "Captain that is insane! We'd have to sneak by both Stannis and whatever ships the Lannisters will have out!"

"True. Stannis patrols will be a risk, but they are predictable." Euron casually dismissed. "However the Lannisters will be more welcoming to us than you think. I believe the wise Tywin will be happy to see us in fact."

At this point the Lysene growled out. "No…I won't let you sail us to a senseless death!" The mix of anger and shock made the man forget just who he was arguing against. The burned raider was backing away from the man, knowing how this would play out. Quickly the first mate grasped for his cutlass, blindly trying to attack his own captain.

Euron was faster though as his right hand reached to grab the first mate by the wrist, making him gasp out as he squeezed at the joint with shocking strength. "Senseless." A single amused chuckle escaped from him. "Everything I do has a purpose. You…and so many others just don't see the reasons behind my choices." He bent the wrist back, forcing the Lysene into an arm lock as bone started to crack under the pressured force he put. "You…my crew…the whole world is meant to serve my urges, whether it wants to or not."

"Damn you Euron…let me…UGHHH!" At that point Euron the man's hand back, breaking the wrist and making the First Mate howling in pain. The crew of the Silence didn't react, while the survivors of the other ships watch at their captain's show of dominance.

"You see in a manner I am a god. The Silence is my realm…where I am untouchable. Whenever my sail is seen, people flee in terror or prey in submission to me." He kicked the First Mate in the groin, making him double over and fall onto one knee in pain. "Rich, poor, faithful and faithless…they know very well what I can do. For I'm real." His left hand grasped the man's messy brown hair, yanking it back to make the Lysene realize just how close he was to that flaming brazier now.

"Oh gods no…" He pleaded, shaking his head with what freedom he had.

Euron gave a cruel small smile back. "There are no gods. There never was…because if they existed I'd have long been struck down, don't you think?" The hand gripping the First Mate's head pushed forward, the man resisting in return. "So I think we need to achieve some balance in my domain tonight!" With a growl he shoved the left side of the man's face into the flaming embers.

The First Mate howled and screamed, body thrashing as the Greyjoy kept him down to be sheered by the intense heat. Any pleas was garbled even the man's tongue was burned, unable to stop from inhaling the smothering embers. After a long moment, Euron at last pulled him back and tilted his limp head back to gaze at his work. The burns were even worse then the raider who stood aside, staring in shock. The eye lid was fused shut, nose melted to a stub of blackened cartilage and cheek flayed to little more then a thin layer of cooked muscle. The man though still breathed, wheezing air weakly as it seemed the flames had even burned down his screaming throat.

"Fair don't you think?" Euroned questioned the burned raider, casually tossing the First Mate down to the deck. "An equal half to your own suffering."

The raider gawked a bit, lips flapping like a fish for a moment at a loss of words. "A-aye captain. A fair judgement."

"Yes indeed." By now two of the Silence crew moved up, grabbing one arm of the former First Mate to drag downward into the depths of the ship. "It seems though I'll need a new First Mate." Stepping towards the scarred raider, he had one hand clasp firmly at the man's shoulder, making him flitch in fear. "I think with your experience…you'll have better judgement then the last one."

"Of c-course! It…it'd be an honor captain!" He replied quickly back with a nod.

"Good." He nudged his new First Mate back towards the helm, retaking his position at the wheel. "Try to learn from what you've been through tonight…and you'll get quite far in life." With a small grin, he gestured for him to leave. "Now I'd hate to see you die from an infection. Go get that burn tended to before seeing to the rest of the men…make sure they get double meals and grog for the next few days as compensation."

The casual switch from a cruel torturer to showing a friendly concern was off putting. "Yes captain! The men will surely be thankful for your generosity!" Quickly he'd hurry off to get his injuries tended and to avoid somehow provoking the insane Ironborn.

Alone once more Euron shifted his gaze from the open black sea, grinning eagerly as he imagined the glory that soon come. "A throne of iron…a crown of driftwood…and a chalice of Witcher blood. Worthy trophies for a god…"

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